Katniss Everdeen’s Reason To Be The Mockingjay In The Hunger Games : Mockingjay By Suzanne Collins










I am BUDI HALIM LUBIS, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

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Title of Paper : Katniss Everdeen’s reason to be the Mockingjay in The Hunger Games : Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the direction of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Study USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



The title of this paper is Katniss Everdeen’s Reason to be the Mockingjay in: The Hunger Games Mockingjay by Suzaanne Collins". The novel tells the story of the struggles of a young girl who comes from the District 12 named Katniss Everdeens who joined the rebel forces, namely the 13th district has long been thought to be destroyed by rebel 75 years ago to the Capitol, where they must rebel to the Capitol. The Capitol is the capital of the country of Panem metropolis which is a fictional future country, outside the State Capitol is divided into 12 districts under the hegemony of a totalitarian Government, which is leading by Snow that dictator. The Capitol is also the seat of Government and also the residence of the Snow, their life in the Capitol with luxury and the pleasures of the world very different from the 12th district who live with poverty, oppression and threats, the residents of the 12th District also must let their children to follow the annual event held the Capitol. In this paper this paper the author will discuss about why Katniss Everdeen to become the Mockingjay to rebels, one reason for this, Katniss doesn't want the districts continue to be under the control of the Capitol that lead with a cruel and dictatorial and ultimately Katniss and with the help of the District 13 managed to take over the Capitol and replace President Snow. In the writing of the paper this paper, the authors use library research with interinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1997:139) which is a research approach that takes the data from the text itself.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “Katniss Everdeen’s Reason To Be A Mockingjay in The Hunger Games : Mockingjay by Suzaanne Collins”. Novel ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan seorang gadis muda yang berasal dari distrik 12 bernama Katniss Everdeens yang bergabung dalam pasukan pemberontak yaitu distrik 13 yang telah lama dikira sudah musnah akibat memberontak 75 tahun silam kepada Capitol, dimana mereka harus memberontak kepada Capitol. Capitol adalah ibu kota metropolis dari negara Panem yang merupakan negara fiksi masa depan, di luar Capitol, negara dibagi menjadi 12 distrik di bawah hegemoni suatu pemerintahan totaliter, yang di pimpin oleh Snow yang diktator. Capitol juga merupakan pusat pemerintahan dan juga kediaman dari Snow, di Capitol mereka hidup dengan kemewahan dan segala kesenangan dunia sangat berbeda dengan ke 12 distrik yang hidup dengan kemiskinan, penindasan dan ancaman, penduduk dari ke 12 distrik juga harus merelakan anak-anaknya untuk mengikuti acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan Capitol. Dalam kertas karya ini penulis akan membahas tentang alasan Katniss Everdeen mau menjadi Mockingjay untuk para pemberontak, salah satu alasannya, Katniss tidak ingin distrik-distrik terus berada di bawah kendali Capitol yang memimpin dengan kejam dan diktator dan pada akhirnya Katniss dan dengan bantuan dari distrik 13 berhasil mengambil alih Capitol dan menggantikan Presiden Snow. Dalam Penulisan kertas karya ini, Penulis menggunakan penelitian perpustakaan dan pendekatan interinsik dari Wellek and Warren (1997:139) yang merupakan pendekatan yang mengambil data dari teks itu sendiri.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim.

First of all, I would like to thank to Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength, and ease to finish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of North Sumatera.

Then I would like to express a big gratitude, appreciation, and love to the dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A. and the head of Diploma III English Study Program, Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A who give me their time and knowledge about doing this paper. Then I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum. for her availability, spirit, time,guidance, and advice to correct the process of writting this paper. And my sincere thank to my reader Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum. For his time, knowledge and suggestion. I would also like to say a deep gratitude to all of the lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me many knowledges, skills, and abilities.

I would like to say thank to my beloved family especially to my parents, my fatherBohur Lubis and my dearest mother Rukiah. Thank you for all your prayers, loves, motivation, and spirit. I present this paper for them. Thank to my sister and brother Rizky Halim Lubis and Widya Astuti Halim Lubis, I really thank you for being supportive, being collective, and being silence.



I would like to say big big love to my crazy friends, Gilang Tirta Arya, Rahmat Fuad Siregar, Yogi Julian Pratama, Ferdinand Willhart Siagian, Kaka Hanafiah, Jefry Andreas, Rico Syahputra, Bobby Loy, Onward Fellix, Muhammad Dhuha, Arfie Dibyo, Zulfachri Abdilla, Shella Novianti, Lara Rizqy Yoriza, Alfi Navais, Nina Fitriani, Lisha Haris, and Yuni Asyifah Thank you for your fully support, cares, good times, jokes, availabilityand other things that help me to finish this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship during our study. Indeed, the great friends are hard to find, hard to leave, and difficult to forget,I wish our friendship will be lasting hold.

I would like to thank to Raksana Ground, thank you for your support and care.

I would like to thank to all of SOLIDAS friends, thank you for your good time during my study.

Medan, July 2015 The Writer,

Reg. No. 122202075 Budi Halim Lubis






ABSTRAK ... iii





1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 4

1.3 Scope of the Study ... 5

1.4 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.5 Significant of the Study ... 5


2.1 Literature ... 6

2.2 Novel ... 6

2.3 Intrinsic Approach... ... 9

2.4 Rebellion... ... 10

2.5 Mockingjay ... 11

3. THE ANALYSIS ... 14

3.1 The Reason of Katniss Everdeen joining the Rebellion ... 14

3.2 The setting of the Rebellion ... 17

3.2.1 Making Propaganda movies ... 18

3.2.2 Ready to attack ... 26


4.1 Conclusion ... 31

4.2 Suggestion ... 34


APPENDICES A. Biography of Suzanne Collins ... 36



The title of this paper is Katniss Everdeen’s Reason to be the Mockingjay in: The Hunger Games Mockingjay by Suzaanne Collins". The novel tells the story of the struggles of a young girl who comes from the District 12 named Katniss Everdeens who joined the rebel forces, namely the 13th district has long been thought to be destroyed by rebel 75 years ago to the Capitol, where they must rebel to the Capitol. The Capitol is the capital of the country of Panem metropolis which is a fictional future country, outside the State Capitol is divided into 12 districts under the hegemony of a totalitarian Government, which is leading by Snow that dictator. The Capitol is also the seat of Government and also the residence of the Snow, their life in the Capitol with luxury and the pleasures of the world very different from the 12th district who live with poverty, oppression and threats, the residents of the 12th District also must let their children to follow the annual event held the Capitol. In this paper this paper the author will discuss about why Katniss Everdeen to become the Mockingjay to rebels, one reason for this, Katniss doesn't want the districts continue to be under the control of the Capitol that lead with a cruel and dictatorial and ultimately Katniss and with the help of the District 13 managed to take over the Capitol and replace President Snow. In the writing of the paper this paper, the authors use library research with interinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1997:139) which is a research approach that takes the data from the text itself.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “Katniss Everdeen’s Reason To Be A Mockingjay in The Hunger Games : Mockingjay by Suzaanne Collins”. Novel ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan seorang gadis muda yang berasal dari distrik 12 bernama Katniss Everdeens yang bergabung dalam pasukan pemberontak yaitu distrik 13 yang telah lama dikira sudah musnah akibat memberontak 75 tahun silam kepada Capitol, dimana mereka harus memberontak kepada Capitol. Capitol adalah ibu kota metropolis dari negara Panem yang merupakan negara fiksi masa depan, di luar Capitol, negara dibagi menjadi 12 distrik di bawah hegemoni suatu pemerintahan totaliter, yang di pimpin oleh Snow yang diktator. Capitol juga merupakan pusat pemerintahan dan juga kediaman dari Snow, di Capitol mereka hidup dengan kemewahan dan segala kesenangan dunia sangat berbeda dengan ke 12 distrik yang hidup dengan kemiskinan, penindasan dan ancaman, penduduk dari ke 12 distrik juga harus merelakan anak-anaknya untuk mengikuti acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan Capitol. Dalam kertas karya ini penulis akan membahas tentang alasan Katniss Everdeen mau menjadi Mockingjay untuk para pemberontak, salah satu alasannya, Katniss tidak ingin distrik-distrik terus berada di bawah kendali Capitol yang memimpin dengan kejam dan diktator dan pada akhirnya Katniss dan dengan bantuan dari distrik 13 berhasil mengambil alih Capitol dan menggantikan Presiden Snow. Dalam Penulisan kertas karya ini, Penulis menggunakan penelitian perpustakaan dan pendekatan interinsik dari Wellek and Warren (1997:139) yang merupakan pendekatan yang mengambil data dari teks itu sendiri.




1.1 The Background of the Study

In 1998,the students of Indonesia are united action astounding, they depose Soeharto who was a president in Indonesia, they depose Soeharto, because Soeharto at the time it makes Indonesia experienced a prolonged economic crisis and the regime. These students set up the posts of resistance in various campus to invite all students are united in the ouster of the president, this action also received from the government respond to the kidnapping of several activists, beating students who took to the streets to revolt until at its peak a few students were shot, due to of action that the public had come to move on and come together with students by doing vandalism, robbery and rape and looting in some places in Indonesia as a form of support of the student movement, until finally making the situation in Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia is not controlled, then the students simultaneously occupying symbols legislative government to finally make Soeharto backwards from office. Students resistance of events conducted in 1998 to depose Soeharto period, then get a reasonable actions like shooting and kidnapping for the rebellious also reflected in the novel The Hunger Games Mockingjay which also tells of the struggle of the District 13 which is led by the president of Alma Coin, Katniss Everdeen which invites the whole district to unite and fight it out to rebel liberate the whole district of the Capitol led by the President of the vile, cunning and a regime that is Snow.



The Hunger Games Mockingjay is a novel which tells the story of the struggle of Disrict 13, led by the President Alma Coin through Katniss Everdeen. She is a girl who has survived two times in the deadly Hunger Games to undermine the Capitol which is the capital of the State of Panem ruled by the cruel and authoritarian. Actual rebellion has begun since time immemorial by District 13, a district considered to have been destroyed by the capitol, this continues to go back and continue his preparation in the basement. This revolt is starting to show its action after action that destroys arena Katniss Hunger games to 75 as a form of disagreement with the implementation of unscrupulous games that take a lot of casualties this. After the destruction of the arena, Katniss and Peeta, her boyfriend, unconscious. Katniss rescued by rebels of District 13 while Peeta and several other participants were arrested by Capitol. After Katniss conscious, Coin explain all plan their rebellion and asks Katniss becomes a symbol of rebellion they were called Mockingjay. Katniss initially refused in the end to accept the offer of President Coin with some reservations, then began their movement. In this rebellion, they have two main strategies: uniting the whole district and offensive. In uniting the whole district, Katniss asked to stop in some districts and make video recordings to be broadcast to the entire district as a means to evoke the spirit of rebellion. In the midst of their action, it turns Capitol also prepare a plan to prevent the resistance. They make a show interview broadcast on tv using Peeta who have been brainwashed to suppress their movement. Seeing this, the president Coin asked District 13 to send soldier to liberate Peeta and the other contestants out of the hands of the Capitol. Once rescued



it turns out Peeta has really marred sense and mind, and indoctrinated to kill Katnees. After the first successful strategy, they began to attack to the capitol, led by Boogs. But before enter to the Capitol, Boogs exposed by a trap from Capitol. At the end of his life, Boogs reveal the secrets of President Coin who did not like Katniss. Then katniss replace Boogs led the attack. After struggling desperately against Capiol, they finally managed to win and capture President Snow. In accordance with the agreement with Coin before the attack, Katniss welcome to execute President Snow with her own hands. Then they held a public execution witnessed by everyone; President Coin also present. Katniss take a position and be ready to release her arrow to Snow. But something surprising happened; Katniss changes the direction of the arrow and kills Coin. It is surprising everyone. But once traced, Katniss turns have realized that Coin is not different with Snow. From the beginning of an uprising Coin plan not merely to free the people from the hands of tyranny; the real purpose is to control the entire Panem and into the next regime. And she did not intentionally kill Katniss is beloved sister Prim. After the war ended, Snow died as a result of his illness. Paylor then elected as the new president of Panem through voting. Peeta and Katniss is married with two children. The writer interested in discussing the novel because it has elements of prose that makes the reader to fancy, then the novel also create imagination of a writer and the reader is increasing in each paragraph, while poetry has only limited paragraphs and only set up a few line only. Later if the author chose the poem, the reader must really understand the meaning of each word.



The Hunger Games Mockingjay, the authors are interested in the character because the character Katniss Everdeen is very inspiring story where a beautiful young woman who was supposed to cook in the kitchen had to fight tooth and nail to resist the regime and save the entire district of the capitol grip ruled with an iron fist. In addition, she also had to fight against the man she loved because it has been kidnapped and brainwashed by the capitol, this all feels like endless suffering. Suzanne Collins, the author of the novel, tells the novel so interestingly, so excitingly that readers cannot wait to read the next page and make the readers reluctant to move from the chair before finished reading; she brings the readers into the novel.

Literature Roberts and Jacobs (1995:1) say that Literature is written or oral compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas. With the major genres being prose fiction, poetry, drama, and prose non fiction. Poetry, drama, and prose fiction are imaginative literature.

The writer uses the work of intrinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1997:139) that it manages to take the data from text itself.

1.2The Problem of the Study The problems of study are:

1) What makes Katniss Everdeen join the rebellion? 2) How is the rebellion set?


5 1.3 The Scope of Study

The writer would like to focus on the reasons that Katniss Everdeen joins the rebellion and the strategies of the rebellion.

1.4 The Purpose of the Study The purposes of the study are:

1) To find out why Katniss Everdeen joins the rebellion. 2) To find out how the rebellion is set.

1.5 The Significance of the Study The significances of the study are:

1) Theoretically, the significance of this study is the reader will understand about the rebellion in a novel as literary work in addition to add study of literature of a novel particularly about rebellion.

2) Practically, the study can be used as reference for learning and understanding about rebellion in a novel besides to give contribution to some study of literature to reader through this paper.




2.1 Literature

Taylor (1981:1) says, “Literature, like other arts, is essentially an imaginative act, that is, and act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life-experience”. Taylor (1981:1) also says that literature reflects or comments on actual experience; social, philosophical, psychological and moral concerns are inescapable. Rees and Taylor tell us the same about literature, but they write in difference style. Furthermore Taylor (1981:1) says “In the case of literature, words are the medium of expression and it makes little difference whether those words are recorded in the living memory of a people or by some mechanical means such as writing, sound recording, etc.” It means that language is the medium of literature. Actions, characters, and settings are the basic elements of literature and language merely expresses these larger entities which combine to form a literary composition (Taylor 1981:12). Narrative fiction, drama, and poetry are three major genre divisions of literature. There are many subdivisions of narrative fiction, but they are divided into two; traditional and modern narrative fiction. Folk tale, epic, romance, allegory, and satire belong to traditional, novel and short story belong to modern narrative fiction.

2.2 Novel

In this paper, novel is the source of the data. Novel according to Peck and Coyle in book: Literary Terms and Criticism (1984:102) said that novel is a move



away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves. In fact, novels tend to tell the same few stories time and time again. Novelists frequently focus on tensions between individuals and the society in which they live, presenting characters who are at odds with that society.

Plot according to Roberts and Jacobs in book Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1995:88) said that plot is all the action or incidents, speeches, thoughts, and observations are linked together to make up an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the development and resolution of a conflict in character. The plot is interactions of causes and effect as they develop sequentially or chronologically. Plot of stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequentially or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration. The plot is the controls governing the development of actions. In a well-plotted story, things precede or follow each other not simply because time ticks away, but more importantly because effects follow causes.

From the statement above, concluded that plot is organized how actions should be related to each other, how some events have relationship with the other events. And the plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically.



Character is one of intrinsic elements of novel especially main characters. Barnet (1983: 71) says, “Character has meaning as a figure in a literary work”. (Bonazza 1982:3) says “Character refers to one of the persons in the story-the end result of the author’s effort to create a fictional personality.” From that statement, we can see that character is a person who is responsible for the thoughts and action within a story, poem, or other literature. Characters are extremely important because they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece of literature. Every character has his or her own personality, which a creative author uses to assist in forming the plot of a story or creating a mood. The different attitudes, mannerisms, and even appearances of characters can greatly influence the other major elements in a literary work, such as theme, setting, and tone.

From the above statements, concluded that character is any repsentation of an individual being presented in dramatic or narrative work through extended dramatic or verbal representation. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

Setting according Roberts and Jacobs in book Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1995:158) said that setting is concerned with the places where story take a place. Setting refers to geographical location of the story, time period, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the story. Background elements can be divided into three main elements, namely a place, time, and social. Backgrounds on



the location of the place suggest the occurrence of the events recounted in a work of fiction. The setting is important to give realistic impression to the readers, created a certain situation at a glanced is really happened.

From the statements above, it is concluded that setting is the place or location of the action. Setting refers to georaphical location of the story, time period, daily lifestyle of the characters. The setting provides the historical and cultural context for characters.

2.3 Intrinsic Approach

The intrinsic approach starts from the interpretation and analysis of literary work itself. Wellek and Warren (1977:158) continues that the old methods such as Classical rhetoric, poetika, and the dimensions must be learned and translated in modern terms. New methods based on survey of modern literary forms have been widely introduced. Such research will be widely used in France is the method of explication de texts. While in Germany developed the formal analysis based on the parallels between works of art and art history, which has been pioneered by Walzel. Later, the Russian formalist movement and his followers in Czechoslovakia and Poland greatly stimulate the development of literary studies. In the UK, followers I.A. Richards began to focus on the text and the poetry critic in America began trying to restore a group of primary concern in the study of literature. Many studies of novel who not only see the connection works with the social structure, but studying the artistic method, point of view, and narrative techniques.



Intrinsic approach takes part from the literary work itself. Intrinsic approach emphasizes the analysis intertext by describing the elemens of the prose that explained before. Wellek and Warren (1977:139)

2.4 Rebellion

John Joseph Lalor (1884) said, “Rebellion is a refusal of obedience or order. It may, therefore, be seen as encompassing a range of or taking over the position of an established one hand the forms of (overlapping but not quite identical) phenomena of a Those who participate in rebellions, especially if they are armed rebellions, are known as "rebels".

There are a number of terms that are associated with rebel and rebellion. They range from those with positive connotations to those with pejorative connotations. Examples include:


violence or paramilitary force




3) Armed

against an occupying foreign power

4) Revolt, a term that is sometimes used for a more localized rebellions rather than a general uprising




by spies or other subversives



From some kind of rebellions above, the author saw it when the kind of rebellion that occurs in the novel this is a Revolution type, it is apparent from their movements that want to drop the Supreme Head of Government in a country with a radical action.

2.5 Mockingjay

A mockingjay is a bird that was created through mating of female mockingbirds. Whe to the mistake that caused their existence. This is why Katniss became "The Mockingjay" and led the



A hybrid of mockingbirds and jabberjays, the birds were created by mistake. The jabberjays - all male - were initially created to eavesdrop on the rebels i Once they were discovered, the rebels fed endless lies to the birds, and sent them back loaded with false information. After the lies were discovered, the Capitol closed the laboratories and the jabberjays were released into the wild, in the hope that they would die off. They did, eventually, but not before they passed on their genetic code to female mockingbirds. This was unforeseen, because no one expected them to be able to reproduce with other bird species. The offspring were called mockingjays, and, while they had lost the ability to memorize words, they could mimic any sounds from a child's high-pitched warble to a man's deep tones, and even songs with multiple verses, if you had the patience to sing to them those people, a including mockingjays, fell silent, the sign that they liked the song or notes that were sung. The mockingjay is so important to Katniss because her father had a special bond with them, and so di

Like their jabberjay fathers, mockingjays are excellent mimics, and have the ability to memorize and repeat both bird and human songs. They can perfectly copy down to the last note, any human tune. They pick up tunes quickly, and often spread them to other mockingjays. However, they only sing the songs of those whose voices they enjoy. Katniss, her father, and Rue are singers that caused the mockingjays to sing. Katniss also notes that they can sing both high and very low pitches. I



11, the first worker to see the quitting signal whistles four notes. The mockingjays will then begin to spread the notes, passing the message along to all the workers. The simple melody is ingeniously designed to harmonize with itself as the different voices singing it overlap. Rue practiced this, and may have even begun it. The enjoyed whistling to the mockingjays, as it was the only auditory communication he had achieved in a very long time.

The birds are found in District 11, in the orchards. They are also found in various other districts, such as Rue is said in the book to tell Katniss that they are a way of communicating through the orchards in District 11. Mockingjays are described as being as tough as rocks, being able to thrive in almost any environment. In the 74th Hunger Games, there were mockingjays in the other saying they were alright.




3.1 The Reason of Katniss Everdeen joining the Rebellion.

Katniss Everdeen (17) is a smart, brave, and half-cooked rice girl from District 12. She has long hair, grey eyes, and olive skin. She loves to hunt; a pretty good archer. She was saved by the rebels and elected as the leader of the rebellion called Mockingjay. And the Capitol hate her so much for not obeying them.

Katniss Everdeen is asked to be the mockingjay, the symbol of the rebellion, which is managed by Districk 13 led by Coin. District 13 is a district which has been assumed determinated by people after being bombed by the capitol for their rebellion. It turns out that they survive and rebuild District 13 under ground preparing another rebellion. This rebellion happens because district 13 want to end the capitol leading recklessly, such as holding the hunger games. Hunger games is an annual game that has to be participated by each district. Every district sends a man and a woman aged 12-18 through a drawing. Then the choosen candidates will fight to death in an arena designed by the capitol. Worsely, the game will be broadcasted live so everyone can see it. the capitol also does not hesitate to kill the candidate who does not obey them. The capitol is led by President Snow. District 13 is the head quarter of the rebellion which Katniss will set.

At first, katniss rejects District 13’s offer to make her the mockingjay. But she finally aggrees because she think a case-fire could only result in a return to our previous status. Or worse, and she have six conditions: 1. Her family are allowed to pet a cat. 2. She is allowed to hunt in the wood with Gale. 3. Gale is allowed to be



always in her side. 4. Once the war is over, Peeta and other candidates abducted by the capitol must be given a impunity. 5. She wants to kill Snow herself. 6. The condition she makes must be announced by Coin in public so everyone in district 12 and 13 who is evacuating in district 13 knows. First, she asks a trivial request namely her family can pet their cat named Buttercup. It can be seen from the following quote:

“My family gets to keep our cat.” (Collins 2010:38)

She asks that because of the tight regulations in district 13 that don’t allow anyone to pet cats. Second, she requests that she can go hunting to the woods with her close friend Gale. It can be seen from the following quote:

“I want to hunt. With Gale. Out in the woods,” (Collins 2010:39)

Katniss’ hobby is hunting but she is not allowed to get out of underground so she asks that thing. Third, she asks that Gale must always be with her; she needs him. It can be seen from the following quote:

"Gale. I'll need him with me to do this." (Collins 2010:39)

Katniss wants Gale to be always by her side because he is her best friend in District 12 which is why she request that. Fourth, once the war is over, peeta and other candidates kidnapped by the capitol must get impunity. It can be seen from the following quote:

“When the war is over, if we've won, Peeta will be pardoned. The same goes for the other captured tributes, Johanna and Enobaria.” (Collins 2010:40)

Katniss asks that peeta, her partner in the hunger game, and other candidates kidnapped by the capitopl must get impunity after the war is over for she knows that



Coin wants to execute them. This request is first denied by Coin. But, she finally says yes. It can be seen from the following quote:

“No, says Coin flatly. "Yes," I shoot back. "It's not their fault you abandoned them in the arena.Who knows what the Capitol's doing to them?" "They'll be tried with other war criminals and treated as the tribunal sees fit," she says. "They'll be granted immunity!" I feel myself rising from my chair, my voice full and resonant. "You will personally pledge this in front of the entire population of District Thirteen and the remainder of Twelve. Soon. Today. It will be recorded for future generations. You will hold yourself and your government responsible for their safety, or you'll find yourself another Mockingjay!” (Collins 2010:40-41)

Because katniss threats, “Find another mockingjay!”, she finally agrees..Fifth, katniss wants to kill snow when the war is over. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Just one more thing. I kill Snow.” (Collins 2010:41)

Because of the chaos that he has has caused to her closest people and her district, she wants to kill him. Sixth, katniss wants her conditions to be announced in front of people in District 13. Because she is afraid that Coin breaks her promises, katniss asks coin to announce them in public personally. It can be seen from the following quote:

“But you'd better perform. "I'll perform when you've made the announcement," I say. "Call a national security assembly during Reflection today," she orders. "I'll make the announcement then. (Collins 2010:41)



Katniss accepted the offer of the District 13 who wanted to make it the Mockingjay with some conditions : 1. Her family are allowed to pet a cat. 2. She is allowed to hunt in the wood with Gale. 3. Gale is allowed to be always in her side. 4. Once the war is over, Peeta and other candidates abducted by the capitol must be given a impunity. 5. She wants to kill Snow herself. 6. The condition she makes must be announced by Coin in public so everyone in district 12 and 13 who is evacuating in District 13 knows. After all her conditions are fulfilled, Katniss preparing to become the Mockingjay for the rebels.

3.2 The Setting of the Rebellion.

After getting their mockingjay; Katniss Everdeen. District 13 is prepared to do the rebellion against the capitol for leading cruelly, murdering those who do not obey the law that they make, and holding an annual event called The Hunger Games which causes many mortalities every year and opresses all districts in Panem. This rebellion has been prepared by District 13 since long time ago, when 13 mutinied and then they were terminated by the capitol but they could escaped by taking over the capitol’s nuclear control center in the underground and aimed it to the capitol. Finally, they made a deal with the capitol that the capitol let them live underground so they would not fire; they would pretend to die to avoid panic in Panem. After they agreed, the capitol cut all access to them so they would die on their own. However, the capitol was wrong; they succeed to rebuild district 13 in underground with high



discipline and tight defense until now they are preparing another rebellion against the Capitol after they got their mockingjay.

After all the preparation done by District 13 to rebel at the capitol have been prepared to do, and they have now had her Mockingjay, they have District 2 of the plan outline that is through propaganda videos to unify the entire district and assault to the Capitol after successful invites the entire district united in revolt. But before running their first plan that is making video propaganda to rally the entire districts, they are start of their rebellion with make over Katniss. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Plutarch and I have been talking about how on earth we can pull this off. We think that it might be best to build you, our rebel leader, from the outside...in. That is to say, let's find the most stunning Mockingjay look possible,and then work your personality up to deserving it!" she says brightly. "You already have her uniform," says Gale.” Collins 2010:44)

After dressing Katniss, they are preparing to make the propoganda video to unite all districks. And then they are ready to run their first plan.

3.2.1 Making Propaganda movies

They made the first propaganda video in District 8 when it is recently got attacked by the Capitol. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Suddenly, there I am, replacing the mockingjay, standing before the real flames and smoke of District 8. "I want to tell the rebels that I am alive.That I'm right here in District Eight, where the Capitol has just bombed a hospital full of unarmed men, women, and children.There will be nosurvivors." Cut to the hospital collapsing in on itself, the desperation of the onlookers as I continue in



over. "I want to tell people that if you think for one second the Capitol will treat us fairly if there's a cease-fire, you're deluding yourself. Because you know who they are and what they do." Back to me now, my hands lifting up to indicate the outrage around me. "This is what they do! And we must fight back!" Now comes a truly fantastic montage of the battle. The initialbombs falling,us running, being blown to the ground—a close-up of my wound, which looks good and bloody-- scaling the roof, diving into the nests, and then some amazing shots of the rebels, Gale, and mostly me, me, me knocking those planes out of the sky. Smash-cut back to me moving in on the camera. "President Snow says he's sending us a message? Well, I have one for him. You can torture us and bomb us and burn our districts to the ground, but do you see that?" We're with the camera, tracking to the planes burning on the roof of the warehouse. Tight on the Capitol seal on a wing, which melts back into the image of my face, shouting at the president. "Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!” (Collins 2010:105-106)

Katniss team take video that shows evidence of the cruelty of the Capitol at the time they are there is no attack from the capitol through the aircraft right after they visit to the hospital that is filled with the victims of the unarmed and helpless, the hospital was in the bomb until there is nothing left anymore, Katniss with full emotions showed evidence of the cruelty of the Capitol, and commemorates not to return in their hands! After the success of taking videos on district 8 they return to District 13 to wait for the next, apparently the propo mission video propo in District 12 home to Katniss, Peeta and Gale that has devastated the attack of the Capitol, while on a trip on board the plane headed for District 12 Pltarch happy broke the news she said if the rebels had already successfully controlled the District 3 and District 11 due to propaganda videos they make. Finally they arrived in District 2 and



do a video capture in several places in District 12 starting from House of Katniss and Gale.It can be seen from the following quote:

“Cressida directs the team to start with me at my old house. I ask her what she wants me to do. "Whatever you feel like," she says. Standing back in my kitchen, I don't feel like doing anything. In fact, I find myself focusing up at the sky--the only roof left--because too many memories are drowning me. After a while, Cressida says, "That's fine, Katniss. Let's move on.” (Collins 2010:120)

Katniss does not know what to do in her house so she just takes a short video then goes to Gale’s house and catches up the memories of the past before the attack from the Capitol. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Gale doesn't get off so easily at his old address.Cressida films him in silence for a few minutes, but just as he pulls the one remnant of his previous life from the ashes--a twisted metal poker--she starts to question him about his family, his job, life in the Seam.” (Collins 2010:120)

Gale could not resist the sadness of seeing his old home now have become dust and Cressida utilize this moment to do the questioning without script with Gale. Then they continued running from home Gale towards the meadow and then enters the forest and arrived at the Lake. Upon arrival at their Lake to take a rest and that's



where they accidentally get Katniss sing with mockingjjay birds. It can be seen from the following quote:

“As I glance sideways, I see Castor has been taping me. Everyone is watching me intently. And Pollux has tears running down his cheeks because no doubt my freaky song has dredged up some terrible incident in his life. Great. I sigh and lean backagainst the trunk. That's when the mockingjays begin their rendition of "The Hanging Tree." In their mouths, it's quite beautiful. Conscious of being filmed, I stand quietly until I hear Cressida call, "Cut!".” (Collins 2010:126)

Katniss who unknowingly recorded by Castor, apparently unknowingly managed to make a very nice video, when she sang with the birds and make the Mockingjay Pollux crying. And then when they were on the way home and passing through the town square, suddenly Katniss asks Cressida to record something that turned out to be the home of Peeta. “Take Cressida to the rubble of the bakery and ask her to film something.The only emotion I can muster is exhaustion. It can be seen from the following quote:

"Peeta, this is your home. None of you family has been heard of since the bombing. Twelve is gone. And you're calling for a cease-fire?" I look across the emptiness. "There's no one left to hear you.” (Collins2010:128-129)



Katniss like to indicate on a Peeta has been kidnapped by the Capitol and told to invite the rebels to save him, Katniss would like Peeta to see how Capitol has destroyed his house and the District 12. And if nobody will want to make peace with the Capitol after all this. Then after recording a Katniss in front of Peeta’s house, suddenly Cressida ask something because seeing a pile of metal that were scattered in front of his house who turns out it was the gallows place Gale ever tortured by Capitol. It can be seen from the following quote:

“As we stand before the lump of metal that was the gallows, Cressida asks if either of us has ever been tortured. In answer, Gale pulls off his shirt and turns his back to the camera. I stare at the lash marks, and again hear the whistling of the whip,see his bloody figure hanging unconscious by his wrists.” (Collins 2010:129)

Gale ever tortured at that place by the Capitol, leaving wounds that made an impression on the whole body. Then after much getting videos on District 12, they went back to District 13. After returning to District 13, they got the good news because the propagada videos now can be broadcasted on Capitol. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Beetee thinks he's found a way to break into the feed nationwide," says Finnick. "So that our propos will air in the Capitol, too.” (Collins 2010:131)

Beetee finally managed to make video propo broadcasted also in the Capitol, and at the moment the rebel team was being assembled television screen



suddenly lit up and showing Peeta abducted by Capitol warned would occur if the assault by the Capitol tomorrow morning. And it turns out that the attack has indeed occurred, the Capitol bombard District 13 with the plane, but the District 13 already anticipate and all safe underground. Then they rise to the top District 13 to record new propaganda videos and evidence of the cruelty of the Capitol that had attacked 13 bombs with the explosive large powerless. Following up on the surface of the District 13, they found a large hole former bomb consisting of very large and court offices were destroyed, not much damage that occurs due to attacks from the Capitol because all of his existing in 13 are under the ground and secure. Cressida asks Katniss to do a scene for inclusion as a pro video that shows the Mockingjay is still alive and still fighting for the rebels. It can be seen from the following quote:

"So, what exactly do you need from me again?" I ask. "Just a few quick lines that show you're alive and still fighting," says Cressida. (Collins 2010:161)

Katniss who can't perform good because Peeta is still located in the Capitol, and he was afraid of any propaganda video made will culminate in torture Peeta. District 13 trying to save Peeta and other Hunger Games winner from Capitol, Katniss is not allowed into the team, Katniss and Finnick help from District 13 by making video propo above District 13 in order to divert attention at the Capitol when the assault, starting from the last Katniss Finnick. It can be seen from the following quote:

"How did you meet Peeta?" she asks. And then I do the thing that Haymitch has wanted since my first interview. I open up. "When I met Peeta, I was eleven years old, and I was almost



dead." I talk about that awful day when I tried to sell the babyclothes in the rain, how Peeta's mother chased me from the bakery door, and how he took a beating to bring me the loaves of bread that saved our lives. "We had never even spoken. The first time I ever talked to Peeta was on the train to the Games." (Collins 2010:163)

Cressida gave Katniss question how initially he met up with Peeta and the story was interesting enough to broadcast. Then go to Finnick. It can be seen from the following quote:

"President Snow used to...sell me...my body, that is," Finnick begins in a flat, removed tone. "I wasn't the only one. If a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a

reward or allows people to buy them for an exorbitant amount of money. If you refuse, he kills someone

you love. So you do it." (Collins 2010:170)

Finnick tells if President Snow never sell his body for the people there, it wasn't until Capitol Finnick had another great secret snow. It can be seen from the following quote:

"And now, on to our good President Coriolanus Snow," says Finnick. "Such a young man when he rose to power. Such a clever one to keep it. How, you must ask yourself, did he do it? One word. That's all you really need toknow. Poison." Finnick goes back to Snow's political ascension, which I know nothing of, and works his way up to the present, pointing out case after case of the mysterious deaths of Snow's adversaries or, even worse, his allies who had the potential to become threats. People dropping dead at a feast or slowly, inexplicably declining into shadows over a period of months. Blamed on bad shellfish, elusive viruses, or an overlooked weakness in the aorta. Snow drinking from the poisoned cup himself to deflect suspicion. But antidotes don't always work. They say that's why he wears the roses that reek of perfume. They say it's to cover the scent of blood from the mouth sores that will never heal. They say, they say, they



say...Snow has a list and no one knows who will be next.” (Collins 2010:171)

Finncik makes people shocked with his stories about corruption, Snow, and the story of yesteryear surely will make the rebels increasingly blazing. After taking the video propaganda, Katniss and the team went back to the basement District 13 pending the outcome of the rescue team Peeta camera crew and editing the video above District 13. After waiting a few moments and broadcast the footage above District 13, Finnick into the spotlight with his story, suddenly Haymitch came and preached the rescue team is back and they managed to bring the peeta and Katniss, when come to the Peeta which happens is she suffocating Katniss to Katniss should be getting intensive treatment. When Katniss recover from treatment after a few days, he got word from Plutarch if insurgents have gained throughout the district except as District 2. Katniss and the team moves on to District 2. Upon arrival at District 2 they see condition District 2 which is divided into two, half in the hands of rebels and half in the hands of the Capitol. Places that have yet to join in the rebellion is Nutt, it is the capitol of the new military plans and Gale and Boggs was undermining Nutt but not close the way out for the rebels who are in to get out so they could engage them United in revolt. It can be seen from the following quote:

"You said we had two choices," Boggs tells him. "To trap them or to flush them out. I say we try to avalanche the mountain but leave the train tunnel alone. People can escape into the square, where we'll be waiting for them." (Collins 2010:205)



Gale's plan succeeds, Nutt was successfully knocked out all who were there running around exit towards the town square, the rebel troops have been waiting there to engage them. Katniss welcomed the rebels through a microphone in the square, but Katniss even down to the square because the rebels and those who have not joined in the revolt will fight, he was shot by an unidentified person from the crowd as he was calming the residents of District 2 and persuade an elderly gentleman who is invited to join in the rebellions and not do war. Katniss suddenly was shot and lying there. When he realized how Katniss in the hospital, she got word when District 2 is already successfully mastered. the Capitol is ready to be carried out because all of the districts have been unified. Katniss had a message for Snow. And they send the camera crew to record it and then sends it to the Capitol. It can be seen from the following quote:

“Rumors of my death have been running rampant, so they send in the team to film me in my hospital bed. I show off my stitches and impressive bruising and congratulate the districts on their successful battle for unity.Then I warn the Capitol to expect us soon.” (Collins 2010:223)

The Conclusion of the above statement is Katniss managed to unify all districk joined the rebellion through propaganda and direct video down to districts, Katniss commemorating their arrival will be the Capitol. District 13 also make fake wedding finnick and annie to make the capitol is getting hot. The video showed the mockingjay are happy because all the district has united and happy dancing with in Mockingjay wedding Finnick and Annie.


27 3.2.2 Ready to attack

District 13 is ready to attack after all districk was join in rebellion, Katniss was joined in the team named the forces leading the Boogs, but Boogs died of accidental mine-affected and the Katniss choose Boogs led the troops. They got their attack in the form of gas black melt all that was spent from the capitol, to make them separate from the groups of the rebel team to another, and hiding in the apartments until the black gas is gone then Katniss led a team headed next because the apartments are not well linger there and sure enough their apartment that were previously in the mash by Snow, because think Katniss still there and already killed , he announced that Mockingjay was killed, they get an advantage because it has been thought to be killed by Snow and Gale find ideas for through the underpass which is a suggestion of Gale. But before they move to the underground, Katniss asked all there in the room to come along with her to the Capitol without landing a Coin or a return to the place early in order to join the other rebel forces all agreed, would like to join with Katniss, then they move to the underground passageway leading to the Capitol. It can be seen from the following quote:

"Well, that's a moot point. We're withbyou now," says Jackson. "So, we can't stay put.bWe can't move up. We can't move laterally. I think that just leaves one option." (Collins 2010:296)

They chose the path of the underground to get to the Capitol, because they cannot pass the street to the Capitol, many traps and they also cannot pass the roof because they would be visible, they choose the path underground as the best option



for the moment. And after going through the journey on the underground for 6 hours of their existence was eventually known by Snow and snow ever directly send them to hunt down the killer of Mutt to the underground, but because they already trip hitchhiking for six hours, they can still be ran a search for a way out of the Hall. But Mutts go very fast and attacking them, Katniss made it out of that alley and overcome Mutts by throwing his Holo and make a huge explosion which destroyed the Mutt. It can be seen from the following quote:

“I slide the Holo from my belt and choke out "nightlock, nightlock." Release it. Hunch against the wall with the others as the explosion rocks the platform and bits of mutt and human flesh shoot out of the pipe and shower us.” (Collins 2010:313)

Katniss destroying Mutt who much it with Holonya, Pollux closing meetings of underground road hole and now all that's left now only live Pollux, Gale, Peeta and Katniss, Cressida. Finnick, who has sacrificed and perished along with Mutt, get trapped and then exploded in a hallway. Then they go into women's apartments are magenta-haired, for help as she was, without a doubt Katniss shot him with an arrow, there they found equipment like the fake hair and jacket, they are disguised. And when they come out of the apartments, they were surprised, because they apparently already up in busy areas of the Capitol, not to mention in a war zone. They walked like Capitol and residents seeking shelter, the Cressida is a native of the Capitol have friends who can be believed, he took another and Katniss to where the Tigris tigris in their place, put diruangan its underground Capitol unnoticed so that if one day the troops merajia Capitol home Tigris. After a few days at the home of the



Tigris they got word that the rebels managed to overwhelm the block for the sake of the block. Residents of the Capitol took refuge in the front of the presidential mansion. Katniss and the others make use of this moment, they are born and posing as residents of the Capitol and then infiltrate into the presidential mansion Snow to kill her. Tigris any clothe them. It can be seen from the following quote:

“She spends the next hour the five of us. She redresses us so regular clothes hide our uniforms before we even don our coats and cloaks. Covers our military boots with some sort of furry slippers. Secures our wigs with pins. Cleans off the garish remains of the paint we so hastily applied to ourfacese and makes us up again Drapes our outerwear to conceal our weapons. Then gives us handbags and bundles of knickknacks to carry. In the end, we look exactly like the refugees fleeing the rebels.” (Collins 2010:337)

They are dressed by the Tigris in order to blend in with the crowd unnoticed. In the chaos, Gale was caught by soldiers of the Capitol and only managed to infiltrate Katniss entered the gates of the mansion. Upon arrival in the mansion, Katniss look at children who are locked up and then all of a sudden the bombs fall from the sky and blow up the kids. Including Prim, his younger brother who became a medical team, was also slain in the second explosion. Katniss also unconscious because of trying to save a bomb before it exploded Prim but failed.

When Katniss is aware, she was already in the hospital and got the info if the rebels succeeded in taking over the Capitol; Snow was arrested and was sentenced to death. Before the day of execution arrived, Katniss accidentally met with Snow and Snow explains if that killing his brother is a Coin and that makes the Hunger Games was created was that he, as the rebellion in the past from 13, and Snow also said she



used the Katniss as a pawn, so that afterwards he who reigns in Panem. The day of the execution of any Snow arrived, Katniss is preparing to direct his bow to the head of the Snow, and instantly, the arrow it melucur very quickly towards the heart of the Coin. Katniss does so because she remembers on the agreement that he made together with Snow, if they will not lie to each other, Snow died with his own due to toxins that Yes drank at the time party at the Capitol.

In short, it can be concluded that Katniss led an army named the star armies after Boogs, who previously was the captain of the team died when making fake propo video for broadcast. Katniss’ team lead his move without landing a Coin to the Capitol, he made it to the Capitol despite the loss of some of the people he got through all the obstacles she unconscious in front of the gate of the Capitol because it wanted to save his brother who died burst because the bombs dropped from aircraft, and the rebels managed to take over the Capitol from the hands of Snow.




4.1 Conclusions

After doing the analysis, it is proved that Katniss Everdeen’s reasons to be the Mockingjay in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, are describe in the novel. Katniss Everdeen is asked to be the mockingjay, the symbol of the rebellion, which is managed by Districk 13 led by Coin. District 13 is a district which has been assumed determinated by people after being bombed by the capitol for their rebellion. It turns out that they survive and rebuild District 13 under ground preparing another rebellion. This rebellion happens because District 13 want to end the capitol leading recklessly, such as holding the hunger games. Hunger games is an annual game that has to be participated by each district. Every district have to send one man and woman aged 12-18 through a drawing. Then the choosen candidates will fight to death in an arena designed by the capitol. Worsely, the game will be broadcasted live so everyone can see it. the capitol also does not hesitate to kill the candidate who does not obey them. The capitol is led by President Snow. District 13 is the head quarter of the rebellion which Katniss will set.

She aggrees became a Mockingjay because she think a case-fire with Capitol could only result in a return to our previous status. Or worse, and she have six conditions: 1. Her family are allowed to pet a cat. 2. She is allowed to hunt in the wood with Gale. 3. Gale is allowed to be always in her side. 4. Once the war is over, Peeta and other candidates abducted by the capitol must be given a impunity. 5. She



wants to kill Snow herself. 6. The condition she makes must be announced by Coin in public so everyone in district 12 and 13 who is evacuating in district 13 knows. Setelah Katniss bersedia menjadi Mockingjay, 13 have 2 plans: master all the districts through video propaganda that shows the cruelty and corruption of the Capitol and then assault to Capitol, they easily conquered the districts except District 2 which is central to the defense of the new Capitol. But with the great effort they managed to get the District 2, and Katniss got an injury.

After all the districts have been unified, the rebels are ready to assault the Capitol, Katniss the Mockingjay walked into a team that was given the name star army, Boggs led the troops but Boogs almost died because the affected mines at the time they made the videos propaganda, they got attacked by the Capitol through the black gas that destroys anything in it is path, they took Boggs and others entering the apartments to shelter from the black gas last Apartments in Boggs, handed the Holo who is the symbol of the squad leader to Katniss, Katniss led an army without a referral from the Coin, they pass through the underpass leading to the Capitol, to make it more secure, because the main roads of the many mines in the form of capsules containing mutt and invisible mines that could kill them at any time. After 6 hours of their existence is known to the Snow, Snow sent a Mutt that is similar to monster animals mengerjar those in the tunnel. Katniss, Peeta, Pollux, Cresida and Gale escaped the pursuit that Mutt and detonating them in tunnels, Finnick and another died trying to resist the Mutt to not teach Katniss and the other, after coming out of the underground passageway, it turns out that they had reached in the heart of



the Capitol, they hid and rested at home companions Cressida namely the Tigris, which is a fashion stylist. Tigris clothe them so they could hang around with other Capitol residents who want to get into the presidential mansion Snow, in front of the presidential mansion Snow filled by residents of the Capitol that was running because of the rebel force has managed to take the blocks for the sake of the block in the Capitol. They diverged, lots going on the attack because the State is very chaotic, Katniss lost Gale abducted children fruit Snow, Katniss who don't know which way to walk without realising how in front of the presidential mansion, there he saw a pile of children who are locked up, and then not long airplane above them and drop boxes that make them ecstatically, as they hold that box explosions a medical team from the rebel forces came, saw her younger sister Prim, Katniss when she ran a Prim approach is helping children who still survived, the second explosion occurred. Katniss look at her younger sister's body destroyed to pieces and he is also unconscious. When Katniss was conscious in the presidential mansion, he got word that the rebels managed to take over the Capitol and the Snow was sentenced to death.

In the end, Katniss who was determined to kill Snow instead kill Coin which was her partner. She shoot her right on her heart, because she realized if Coin utilized her, she wanted to the new president of Panem and she made her lovely elder sister, Prim died because the bombs dropped by aircraft in front of the presidential mansion. Snow died by itself due to the toxins that have long settles on his body when it inserted into cells. Paylor became President of Panem's new through the election.



Gale lived in District 2, Katniss and Peeta is married and has two children, they live in District 12.

4.2 Suggestions

The writter hopes that this paper can help the readers who want to know about Katniss Everdeen’s reason to be the Mockingjay in the novel The Hunger Games : Mockingjay. The writter hopes that the readers know the story of this novel.The writter realizes that the paper work is still far from being perfect and finally hopes the paper can become an important point for readers.




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Peck, Jhon. 1993. Further Along the Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth. Seattle: Simon & Schuster.

Roberts, Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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Sembiring, MCA. Buku Panduan Program D3 Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu. Surachmad, Winano. 1982. Pengantar Penelitian Ilmiah. Bandung: Tarsito. Taylor, Richards. 1981. Understanding The Elements of Literature. London: The

Macmillan Press Ltd.

Wellek, Rene. 1951. Theory of Literature. Cleveland: World Publishing.

Wellek, Rene and Warren, Austin. 1949. Theory of Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company.




A. Biography of Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins was born into a military family, the youngest of four on August 11, 1962 in Hartford, Connecticut. The job demands of her father, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force who had seen active duty in Vietnam, caused the family to constantly move around the eastern United States before finally settling down in Alabama where Suzanne attended high school at the Alabama School of Fine Arts. Collins attended Indiana University where she graduated with a double major of drama and telecommunications before earning her M.F.A. (Masters of Fine Arts) in dramatic writing from New York University shortly after.

Focusing mostly on acting between the ages of 12 and 20, it was then when Collin’s realized that she not only wanted to speak the words, but create them as well.



Her passion quickly grew from that moment. In 1991, Suzanne Collins began her professional career writing for children’s television. She worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon shows, including the Emmy-nominated hit Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. For preschool viewers, she penned multiple stories for the Emmy-nominated Little Bear and Oswald. She also co-wrote the Rankin/Bass Christmas special, Santa, Baby! with her friend, Peter Bakalian, which was nominated for a WGA Award in Animation. Most recently she was the Head Writer for Scholastic Entertainment’s Clifford’s Puppy Days,and a freelancer on Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! While working on a Kids WB show called Generation O! she met children’s author and illustrator James Proimos, who talked her into giving children’s books a try.

Thinking one day about Alice in Wonderland, she was struck by how pastoral the setting must seem to kids who, like her own, lived in urban surroundings. In New York City, you’re much more likely to fall down a manhole than a rabbit hole and, if you do, you’re not going to find a tea party. What you might find...? Well, that’s the story of Gregor the Overlander, the first book in her five-part fantasy/war series, The Underland Chronicles,which became a New York Times bestseller. It has been sold into 21 foreign territories.

The idea for her first story series, the critically acclaimed Underland Chronicles, came to Collins as she pondered Alice in Wonderland and thought one was much more likely to fall down a manhole than a rabbit hole. Published by Scholastic Press between 2003 and 2007, the Underland Chronicles is a five-story



series following the adventures of an eleven year old boy named Gregor and his time in the fictional world of Underland.

In 2008, Collins published the first story in her next book series, the Hunger Games, which follows the story of 16 year old Katniss Everdeen as she attempts to survive the Hunger Games, a government enforced battle which pairs twenty-four teenagers in a battle to the death. Collins has said that the inspiration for the Hunger Games was a combination of the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, and time spent channel flicking between reality television and coverage of the Iraq war. The adjacent sequels in the Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire and Mockingjay were released in 2009 and 2010.

Movie rights for the Hunger Games were purchased by North American entertainment corporation Lions Gate, who will release a film adaptation of the book on March 23, 2012 starring Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, and Liam Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne. Suzanne Collins currently lives in Connecticut with her husband, actor Cap Pryor, two children, and two feral cats that previously wandered their backyard. Much to her success with the Hunger Games, Collins was named as one of TIME’s 100 most influential people in the world in 2010. As of March 16, 2012, Suzanne Collins became Amazon Kindle’s best-selling author of all-time.

Lionsgate released a film adaptation of THE HUNGER GAMES on March 23, 2012, directed by Gary Ross who also shared screenplay credit with Suzanne and Billy Ray. It broke multiple box office records and went on to become the 14th



highest-grossing North American release of all time on its way to generating nearly $700 million at the worldwide box office. Lionsgate released the second installment THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE worldwide on November 22, 2013, directed by Francis Lawrence from a screenplay by Simon Beaufoy and Michael DeBruyn and bringing back stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Willow Shields, Paula Malcomson, Donald Sutherland, Stanley Tucci and Lenny Kravitz along with new cast members Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sam Claflin, Jena Malone and Jeffrey Wright. It was the highest-grossing domestic box office release of 2013 and the 10th highest-grossing domestic release of all time. Lionsgate will release THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY – PART 1 on November 21, 2014 and THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY – PART 2 on November 20, 2015, also directed by Lawrence.

In September 2013, Suzanne released a critically acclaimed autobiographical picture book, YEAR OF THE JUNGLE, illustrated by James Proimos. It deals with the year she was six and her father was deployed to Viet Nam. It has been sold into 12 territories in 11 languages. Her first picture book, WHEN CHARLIE MCBUTTON LOST POWER, about a boy obsessed with computer games, was illustrated by Mike Lester and came out in 2005. It has been sold into 4 foreign territories.


40 B. Summary of the novel

The novel opens with Katniss wandering through the ashes of her decimated district, District 12. It’s been a month since Katniss was rescued from the Quarter Quell arena after shooting an arrow at the force field, the same time her district was bombed by the Capitol. During that month, Katniss lived safely underground in the highly regimented District 13, where the heart of the revolution resides, powered by President Coin, whom Katniss doesn’t completely trust. Katniss is trying to make sense of this new world amidst a rebellion and is still quite unstable as she recovers from the physical and emotional trauma she underwent in the arena.

Katniss’ coming to District 12 was her own idea. She wanted to see her home and mourn for those who were killed. She feels great guilt for everyone who died. Gale heroically led as many people as he could, including Katniss’ mother and sister, Prim, to the Meadow and into safety. Now, the District 12 refugees have been welcomed into District 13, whose population is waning because of a pox epidemic that killed many of the district’s citizens and left a great number of them infertile. Gale waits for Katniss overhead in a hoverplane. Katniss is still trying to make sense of her feelings for Gale, and it is especially hard now as she worries constantly about Peeta, who was captured by the Capitol, wondering if he is alive or dead.

Along with Katniss, the others rescued from the Quarter Quell arena were Finnick Odair and Beetee, who had been part of the rebel plan organized by Head Gamemaker Plutarch Heavensbee. Now, Katniss is experiencing great pressure from District 13’s leaders to be the Mockingjay, the figurehead for the revolution that her



defiance of the Capitol has helped inspire. It’s a role that Katniss isn’t sure she can fill. She wonders if she would do more damage than good.

Eventually, Katniss does agree to be the Mockingjay, but it’s only after she sees Peeta on a televised interview calling for a cease-fire, which makes him a traitor even though Katniss is sure Snow made him say it. Katniss creates a list of demands, all of which she requires in order to be the Mockingjay. On that list is Peeta’s immunity. Katniss learns that clothing designer Cinna, before he was killed, had already designed and created all of her Mockingjay uniforms. Katniss discovers her prep team imprisoned in District 13’s cells deep underground; they’ve been horribly abused and mistreated. She saves them and grows increasingly wary of Coin and the way she runs District 13. Katniss continues to see major parallels between District 13 and the Capitol.

Coin calls an assembly per Katniss’ request, not only to announce Katniss’ acceptance of her Mockingjay role, but also the immunity of Peeta and the other captured tributes should the rebels win. Coin adds, however, that should Katniss deviate from her Mockingjay role, immunity will be revoked and all tributes, including Katniss, will be subject to the laws of District 13.

Katniss’ first propo, short for propaganda spot, is an utter failure. It’s staged and stilted, and Katniss doesn’t even recognize herself. Haymitch, now sober since District 13 doesn’t allow alcohol, laughs at the propo and points out that Katniss is most powerful and moving during genuine scenarios. Coin says to send Katniss, a



bodyguard team, and a camera crew to District 8 that day to get some more realistic propos.

Katniss and Haymitch are still angry at each other. They both think the other failed to protect Peeta in the Quarter Quell arena. Upon talking, however, they realize neither one of them could have made any other choice. Now, they will work together to win this war and rescue Peeta.

On her way to District 8, Katniss learns that the rebels have control of every district except for District 2, which has always been favored by the Capitol. The rebel plan was to take over each district, ending with 2, cutting off supplies to the Capitol. If the rebels win, the new government will be a republic.

In District 8, Katniss meets Commander Paylor and visits the wounded in a makeshift hospital. The patients call out to her by name, invigorated by the mere sight of her. They want to touch her and talk to her, and suddenly Katniss realizes that she hasn’t been fighting against the Capitol alone. She also recognizes that she does possess power, the kind of power that Snow is afraid of because it inspires unity and hope. Just as Katniss and her team are leaving District 8, another airstrike arrives, targeting the hospital. Katniss and Gale disobey orders and climb to the rooftop on a nearby building to shoot down the bombers. Once the attack is over, Katniss surveys the destroyed hospital. There are no survivors. She is enraged at this disregard for human life and an attack on the defenseless and weak. She delivers a fiery message to Snow, all of it captured by her fearless camera crew. Back in 13, Katniss and Finnick watch another interview with Peeta, but this time she can see that he has been tortured



and is hurt. Katniss and Finnick pretend they didn’t see the interview, and nobody tells Katniss about Peeta, not even Gale. Katniss eventually gets Gale to confess, but she feels betrayed. Gale and Katniss, growing farther and farther apart, return to District 12 to film more propos. Katniss remembers how she used to be happy there and wonders what her life might have been like had she run.



series following the adventures of an eleven year old boy named Gregor and his time in the fictional world of Underland.

In 2008, Collins published the first story in her next book series, the Hunger Games, which follows the story of 16 year old Katniss Everdeen as she attempts to survive the Hunger Games, a government enforced battle which pairs twenty-four teenagers in a battle to the death. Collins has said that the inspiration for the Hunger Games was a combination of the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, and time spent channel flicking between reality television and coverage of the Iraq war. The adjacent sequels in the Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire and Mockingjay were released in 2009 and 2010.

Movie rights for the Hunger Games were purchased by North American entertainment corporation Lions Gate, who will release a film adaptation of the book on March 23, 2012 starring Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, and Liam Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne. Suzanne Collins currently lives in Connecticut with her husband, actor Cap Pryor, two children, and two feral cats that previously wandered their backyard. Much to her success with the Hunger Games, Collins was named as one of TIME’s 100 most influential people in the world in 2010. As of March 16, 2012, Suzanne Collins became Amazon Kindle’s best-selling author of all-time.

Lionsgate released a film adaptation of THE HUNGER GAMES on March 23, 2012, directed by Gary Ross who also shared screenplay credit with Suzanne and Billy Ray. It broke multiple box office records and went on to become the 14th



highest-grossing North American release of all time on its way to generating nearly $700 million at the worldwide box office. Lionsgate released the second installment THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE worldwide on November 22, 2013, directed by Francis Lawrence from a screenplay by Simon Beaufoy and Michael DeBruyn and bringing back stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Willow Shields, Paula Malcomson, Donald Sutherland, Stanley Tucci and Lenny Kravitz along with new cast members Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sam Claflin, Jena Malone and Jeffrey Wright. It was the highest-grossing domestic box office release of 2013 and the 10th highest-grossing domestic release of all time. Lionsgate will release THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY – PART 1 on November 21, 2014 and THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY – PART 2 on November 20, 2015, also directed by Lawrence.

In September 2013, Suzanne released a critically acclaimed autobiographical picture book, YEAR OF THE JUNGLE, illustrated by James Proimos. It deals with the year she was six and her father was deployed to Viet Nam. It has been sold into 12 territories in 11 languages. Her first picture book, WHEN CHARLIE MCBUTTON LOST POWER, about a boy obsessed with computer games, was illustrated by Mike Lester and came out in 2005. It has been sold into 4 foreign territories.


40 B. Summary of the novel

The novel opens with Katniss wandering through the ashes of her decimated district, District 12. It’s been a month since Katniss was rescued from the Quarter Quell arena after shooting an arrow at the force field, the same time her district was bombed by the Capitol. During that month, Katniss lived safely underground in the highly regimented District 13, where the heart of the revolution resides, powered by President Coin, whom Katniss doesn’t completely trust. Katniss is trying to make sense of this new world amidst a rebellion and is still quite unstable as she recovers from the physical and emotional trauma she underwent in the arena.

Katniss’ coming to District 12 was her own idea. She wanted to see her home and mourn for those who were killed. She feels great guilt for everyone who died. Gale heroically led as many people as he could, including Katniss’ mother and sister, Prim, to the Meadow and into safety. Now, the District 12 refugees have been welcomed into District 13, whose population is waning because of a pox epidemic that killed many of the district’s citizens and left a great number of them infertile. Gale waits for Katniss overhead in a hoverplane. Katniss is still trying to make sense of her feelings for Gale, and it is especially hard now as she worries constantly about Peeta, who was captured by the Capitol, wondering if he is alive or dead.

Along with Katniss, the others rescued from the Quarter Quell arena were Finnick Odair and Beetee, who had been part of the rebel plan organized by Head Gamemaker Plutarch Heavensbee. Now, Katniss is experiencing great pressure from District 13’s leaders to be the Mockingjay, the figurehead for the revolution that her



defiance of the Capitol has helped inspire. It’s a role that Katniss isn’t sure she can fill. She wonders if she would do more damage than good.

Eventually, Katniss does agree to be the Mockingjay, but it’s only after she sees Peeta on a televised interview calling for a cease-fire, which makes him a traitor even though Katniss is sure Snow made him say it. Katniss creates a list of demands, all of which she requires in order to be the Mockingjay. On that list is Peeta’s immunity. Katniss learns that clothing designer Cinna, before he was killed, had already designed and created all of her Mockingjay uniforms. Katniss discovers her prep team imprisoned in District 13’s cells deep underground; they’ve been horribly abused and mistreated. She saves them and grows increasingly wary of Coin and the way she runs District 13. Katniss continues to see major parallels between District 13 and the Capitol.

Coin calls an assembly per Katniss’ request, not only to announce Katniss’ acceptance of her Mockingjay role, but also the immunity of Peeta and the other captured tributes should the rebels win. Coin adds, however, that should Katniss deviate from her Mockingjay role, immunity will be revoked and all tributes, including Katniss, will be subject to the laws of District 13.

Katniss’ first propo, short for propaganda spot, is an utter failure. It’s staged and stilted, and Katniss doesn’t even recognize herself. Haymitch, now sober since District 13 doesn’t allow alcohol, laughs at the propo and points out that Katniss is most powerful and moving during genuine scenarios. Coin says to send Katniss, a



bodyguard team, and a camera crew to District 8 that day to get some more realistic propos.

Katniss and Haymitch are still angry at each other. They both think the other failed to protect Peeta in the Quarter Quell arena. Upon talking, however, they realize neither one of them could have made any other choice. Now, they will work together to win this war and rescue Peeta.

On her way to District 8, Katniss learns that the rebels have control of every district except for District 2, which has always been favored by the Capitol. The rebel plan was to take over each district, ending with 2, cutting off supplies to the Capitol. If the rebels win, the new government will be a republic.

In District 8, Katniss meets Commander Paylor and visits the wounded in a makeshift hospital. The patients call out to her by name, invigorated by the mere sight of her. They want to touch her and talk to her, and suddenly Katniss realizes that she hasn’t been fighting against the Capitol alone. She also recognizes that she does possess power, the kind of power that Snow is afraid of because it inspires unity and hope. Just as Katniss and her team are leaving District 8, another airstrike arrives, targeting the hospital. Katniss and Gale disobey orders and climb to the rooftop on a nearby building to shoot down the bombers. Once the attack is over, Katniss surveys the destroyed hospital. There are no survivors. She is enraged at this disregard for human life and an attack on the defenseless and weak. She delivers a fiery message to Snow, all of it captured by her fearless camera crew. Back in 13, Katniss and Finnick watch another interview with Peeta, but this time she can see that he has been tortured



and is hurt. Katniss and Finnick pretend they didn’t see the interview, and nobody tells Katniss about Peeta, not even Gale. Katniss eventually gets Gale to confess, but she feels betrayed. Gale and Katniss, growing farther and farther apart, return to District 12 to film more propos. Katniss remembers how she used to be happy there and wonders what her life might have been like had she run.