
Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree at English

Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Alif Fatqul Hikmah Reg. Number: A73212112









Faculty of Letters andHumanities. States Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Wahju Kusumajanti, M.Hum

The discussion in this thesis is about the main character Katniss Everdeen who has to strive for reaching her goals. This thesis focuses on analyzing the strive process of Katniss in achieving her superiority and success. The writer uses individual psychology theory by Alfred Adler in this thesis. The theory describes human characteristics in reaching a goal. In Adler’s tenet, there are two sub-goals in individual psychology. First, strive for superiority is a form of personal

achievement. While, second, strive for success is a form of achievement for all humankind. Katniss has some problems in her life that form her to have several characteristics. They are such as affectionate, dauntless, caring and also cunning person. The result of this research denotes that Katniss has both two goals by knowing her characteristics and some processes of her striving like has to face many obstacles, traps, and fight her competitor. Those are the strive process of Katniss and also supported by motivations her family. Therefore, she can achieve her success to survive until the end of the games. She has given big contribution for her district that known as the poorest district.


Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Wahju Kusumajanti, M.Hum

Pembahasan dalam skripsi ini adalah tentang Katniss Everdeen sebagai karakter utama yang harus bekerja keras untuk mencapai tujuan – tujuannya. Skripsi ini fokus dalam menganalisis proses kerja keras dari Katniss Everdeen dalam mencapai tujuan superioritas dan kesuksesannya. Penulis menggunakan teori psikologi individual dari Alfred Adler dalam skripsi ini. Teori tersebut

mendeskripsikan karakteristik manusia dalam mencapai suatu tujuan. Pertama, kerja keras untuk superioritas adalah suatu bentuk dari pencapaian pribadi. Sedangkan yang kedua, kerja keras untuk sukses adalah suatu bentuk pencapaian untuk semua orang. Katniss memiliki banyak masalah dalam hidupnya sehingga membentuknya untuk memiliki beragam karakteristik. Karakteristik tersebut adalah penuh kasih sayang, pemberani, perduli dan juga cerdas. Hasil dari skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa Katniss memiliki dua tujuan dengan mengetahui

karakteristiknya dan beberapa proses dari kerja kerasnya seperti harus menghadapi rintangan, jebakan dan bertarung dengan kompetitornya selama kompetisi berlangsung. Hal tersebut adalah proses kerja keras Katniss yang juga didukung dengan motivasi dari keluarganya. Oleh karena itu dia bisa mencapai kesuksesannya untuk tetap bertahan hidup sampai diakhir kompetisi. Dia telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar untuk distriknya yang terkenal sebagai distrik termiskin.


Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page... iii

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page …..……….. iv

Motto ………... v

Dedication ………... vi

Acknowledgement ... vii

Table of Contents ... ix

Abstract ... xii

Abstrak ... xiii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study …... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 9

1.3 Objective of the Study... 9

1.4 Scope and Limitation ... 9

1.5 Significance of the Study... 9

1.6 Method of the Study ... 10

1.6.1 Data Source ………...………. 10

1.6.2 Data Collection ……….. 11

1.6.3 Data Analysis ………...……….. 11

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework ……… 12

2.1.1 New Criticism ……….……….. 12 Character ……… 13


2.2 Review of Related Study ………..………. 20

CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS 3.1 Katniss Everdeen as Round Character ……… 23

3.1.1 Affectionate ………..……… 23 Applying for Tesserae ……….. 25 Hunting and Trading ………. 26

3.1.2 Dauntless ………. 30

3.1.3 Caring ……….. 32

3.1.4 Cunning ………... 37

3.2 The Striving Process of Katniss Everdeen to Reach The Goal …………. 39

3.2.1 Striving for Superiority and Success ……… 40 The Final Goal ……….. 41 Katniss Striving for Personal Superiority ………..……. 42 Striving for Success ……….. 47 Katniss Overcomes Dehydration ………..………. 50 Katniss Faces Fireballs ……… 52 Katniss Faces the Careers ………... 53 Katniss Takes the Weapons ………..……… 55 Katniss Makes an Ally with Rue ………. 56 Katniss Looks for Peeta ……… 58







1.1 Background of Study

Fiction (from the Latin fictio,“a shaping, a counterfeiting”) is a name for stories not entirely factual, but at least partially shaped, made up, imagined (Kennedy and Gioia 66). While, according to Abrams says that fiction itself is “any literary narrative, whether in prose or verse, which is invented instead of being an account of events that in fact happened” (94). He simplified fiction as a synonymously with novel. Abrams also said that the term “novel” is now applied to a great variety of writings that have in common only the attribute of being extended works of fiction written in prose (190). In this research, the writer choses novel as an object because by reading novel or other literary works can improve the reader’s interpretation. One commonly held idea about reading literary a literary work is that its meaning lies buried somewhere within it, waiting to be unearthed. This reasoning suggests that a clever reader has only to discover the author’s intent to find out what a story or poem means (Kirszner and Mandell 7). Therefore, the function of reading literary works can hone the reader’s knowledge what the story talk about.

Furthermore, in the novel, there are some genres which classified into some categories. Genre of literature itself is going to develop and follow up its periods. It means that literature always develop either from the works or the theories. Then, the writer chooses young adult fiction as the object of novel in this research. Young adult


fiction or young adult literature is fiction written, published, or marketed to

adolescents and young adults (wikipedia). Most teens choose novels that publishing companies market as young adult literature, as well as novels that are marketed for the adult audience. In recently years the young adult genre has evolved, become more sophisticated, more inclusive, and has gained more widespread popularity.

Young adult literature offers some of the best in contemporary literature. It’s almost impossible to read a book like John Green’s Looking literature and those who write for the readers. Many are well over the usual 200 to 300 page length. This trend may be the result of the Harry Potter phenomenon, which has hooked readers of all ages. While young adult literature has traditionally been a smaller sales market compared with children’s and adult books, publishers also recognize that more teens today frequent bookstores, and they are making a bigger effort to capture them. Young adult literature offers a window through which teens can examine their lives and the world in which they live. Unlike classical texts, young adult literature addresses modern day issues, peer pressure, family relationships, sexuality, bigotry and racism, and it connects teens with the pop culture world in which they live.

From young adult fiction were born the sub-genre. One of sub-genre in young adult fiction is dystopian. Young adult literature is like the body of dystopian fiction. According to oxford dictionary, the term dystopia is “an imagined place or state in

which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian . . . “. Thus, dystopian

fiction itself is often classified as science fiction which is the novel is usually set in a future time, with technology more advanced than today. It can be characterized by


authoritarian governments or social control of the population

( According to literary scholar, Gregory Claeys states the concept of dystopia arose in the 20th century in response to such world events as the First World War. As a counter to earlier fictional utopias (depictions of idealized societies that promise a glorious future), dystopian fiction instead satirizes utopian ideals or describes societies where negative social forces have supremacy.

Tapping into a long tradition in literature hallmarked by works such as

Orwell’s 1984and Huxley’s BraveNew World, dystopian fiction seems to have

found a home in the growing body of young adult literature. The rising popularity of dystopian fiction for teens has attracted even the attention of the NewYorker and the New York Times (Miller 2010). In the thesis of Julia Gerhard, she said that most dystopian novels depict the government as an absolute power: oppressive and domineering, controlling all spheres of life. The essential condition of this power is to be ubiquitous, to permeate every layer of society and regulate people, their actions and thoughts. Thus, in order to remain omnipresent and have total control over human lives, discipline is employed on all levels of society as the most crucial tool to establish supreme control.

Those situations are represented through the novel in this research. Because of the theme in dystopian novel, the writer takes the immense popularity of Suzanne

Collins’ novels in The Hunger Games trilogy. The novel has led to a resurgence in


published on September 14, 2008. The second novel is Catching Fire (2009) and the third is Mocking jay (2010). A film adaptation from the first novel, directed by Gary Ross and co-written and co-produced by Collins herself, was released in 2012.

Further, The Hunger Games is an annual televised event whoich is controled by the Capitol as the despotic government. The Capitol keeps its citizens in line by separating them into twelve districts and reinforcing severe class separations. But their strongest tool to promote disunion and to discourage rebellion is the Hunger Games as the new laws to guarantee peace. Then, Katniss Everdeen as the main character in this novel lives with her mother and younger sister Prim in District 12, the poorest of the districts. Ever since her father’s death, she has been the family provider that takes over whole thing to feed her family. Moreover, Katniss has various characteristic or traits which make her character grow or develop.

Therefore, the writer is going to take one of the intrinsic elements in this research. It is about character and characterization. According to Kennedy and Gioia, character is an imagined person (or thing) who inhabits a story (47). While,

characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a

character. So the author presents details that give the reader clues about a character’s personality. The purpose of characterization is to make the character believable. In the novel, Katniss denotes her affectionate to Prim and her mother in some things. It is one of her characteristic in the novel and it can be seen through her thought, speech, reaction and others that will be explained more detail.


Besides that, by knowing Katniss’ characteristics automatically know her actions as proof of her characteristics. She mostly shows her struggle along the novel. She has to strive against each other tributes in the games to survive until the end. Not only about that, but she also strive to face many obstacles, traps and unfair thing from the Gamemakers (the controller during the games). Thus, the writer will present some striving processes of Katniss that leads her to achieve her goals. On other hand, Katniss has reflected some characteristics that exist in Islamic teaching. They are such as loving and caring to others, brave to taking the risk of something and striving in attaining a goal.

Islam is a universal religion that accept various differences and loves peacefulness. The name of Islam itself has instituted by Al-Quran. According to Hockey, Islam is a way of life that covers all aspects of living. Its principles govern personal, social, political, and economic thought and action with no aspect neglected (86). It means that Allah as the Creator has already determined everything of human’s need long away before the universe is created. Muhammad (may peace be upon Him) is the Prophet who received his first revelation from Allah through Jibril. The

revelation continued for 23 years, and they are collectively known as Al-Quran. All of the Islamic teaching is covered in that magnificent book which becomes the guideline for human being. Not only as the guideline, but also Al-Quran becomes a progression that reflected in any parts of world (Shaikh 1).

In his journal, Rishi argues that Muslims believe that Al-Quran is the final world of Allah for the humanity since the message in the previous divine books


Gospel and Torah has been altered over time. Every surah in Al-Quran, specifically an aayah full of message and it relates in human’s life. Human exactly has the goals that push them to reach all of it. One of the basic goal of human is to keep survive. Human will endeavor to fulfill anything they need. But, they cannot reach what they want by their selves, sometimes they also need help of other humans. Brady said that, “. . . the human being are possible within individualism but so are the opposites that human beings are social creatures, always on the look out for what they can do to help others (78). Then, people who will holder when they are down just their family than others.

Family is concerned with only a limited and particular aspect of familial relationships-when loyalty is specifically invoked and spoken of, and, accordingly, what can be drawn from the use of loyalty in this institution in explicating the emotion (Connor 58). They are like angels that Allah sent to complete human’s life. The truly family will help each others, so human has to give the best in order they do not feel disappointed. They might be the greatest motivation behind their success and also the biggest spirit when they felt down. But, human has to measure their ability in all parts of reach something, because everybody has different abilities. Ability is like transportation which directs human towards their purpose; better condition.

He has a succession; before him and behind him, protecting him by God’s command. God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. And if God wills any hardship for a people, there is no turning back; and apart from Him they have no protector (Al-Quran, Ar-Ra’du; 11).


The aayah above has thought human about a willingness from their selves to change to be better. A willingnes comes from positive things. The important one is human must have positive thinking to Allah. They have to believe that Allah never examine someone beyond his capacity. Allah will always stay with people that has positive thinking with Him. So, that is why people must have a mindset that nothing is impossible for them if they have a willingness. But, willingness without striving will be nothing. Allah decrees “Say: Allah will see your works and so will His Messenger and the believers; then you shall be returned to the Knower of the unseen

and the visible, and He will inform you of what you were doing” (At-Taubah; 105).

The surah above thought human to strive and find anything that is gifted by Allah on this earth. It also refers to human that they have to do their best with their maximal effort because it will be calculated by Allah. Avoid some negative things such as lazy, do nothing, and just waiting for miracle without any effort. Allah has created the earth and everything of the content is for human. But, they have to try and strive to get many advantages from the earth. Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon Him) also suggests human to strive. He asserts that the best food is from

human’s hard work itself. The Prophet said, “Nobody has ever eaten a better meal

than that which one has earned by working with one's own hands. The Prophet of Allah, David used to eat from the earnings of his manual labor” (HR. Bukhari, verse 2027).

Another aayah states, “O human, you are working hard towards your Lord and you will meet Him” (Al-Quran, Al-Insyiqoq 06). Therefore, human has to strive


in order to fulfill their needs towards get themselves closer to Allah Swt. It is

reflected by Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon Him, who had been working hard as a merchant and also herdsmen. Not only as a worker for household expenses, but also he shows his strive in all parts.

Striving is one of important thing to get the goal in this life. According to oxford dictionary, strive is make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. When human has given the maximum effort, they will get the best result. Although, the result is not always appropriate with they want, sometimes. But, they have to believe that Allah accepted a little bit of strives. “Then whosoever has done good of an weight of an atom shall see it. And whosoever has done evil of a weight of an atom

shall see it”, said Allah in surah Al-Zilzalah: 7 and 8. From the surah, human can

learn that Allah never forget a little bit of kindness and badness. It is like a quote “when there is a will, there is a way”. It means when someone has willingness to attain something, Allah will show a way to get it. But, Allah may be not show the way when she or he does not want to strive. Therefore, all of the illustration above

related in the daily life. It happens in human’s life that forms positive characteristics

in their selves. Not only in the human’s life, but also those characteristics can be seen in the fiction works like The Hunger Games novel.

Moreover, choosing The Hunger Games novel as the object is because some reasons. First, the focus of this research has connection with theme in young adult fiction. Primarily, the focus is centered on a young lead character and the reader experiences like emotions, situations, and the like through this character and is able to


see how these problems or situations are resolved. Second, Katniss’s character in this novel is so contrast than others. She shows up her affectionate to her family that become motivates her to striving in order be alive. She not only think about herself, her happiness but also think the others. Wheres, in the second novel just focus on her resistence to the totalitarian leaders President Snow and President Coin. Then, in the third novel is more open out the symbol of Mocking jay itself.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer is interested to formulate the problems as follows:

1. How is Katniss Everdeen’s character and characterization described in the novel?

2. How is the striving processes of Katniss Everdeen to reach her goals?

1.3 Objective of The Study

Dealing with the statement of the problem above, this research has two objectives that are formulated as follows:

1. To describe character and characterization of Katniss Everdeen in the novel. 2. To find out the striving processes of Katniss Everdeen to reach her goals.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

In order to prevent non-relevant problems, the study will be limited to the first novel The Hunger Games. The research focuses on the main character of Katniss Everdeen. The scope of the research is upon the character and characterization


described in thenovel. Then, the writer uses psychoanalysis theory which is limited

by using Adler’s individual psychology.

1.5 Significance of The Study

This research uses individual psychology by Alfred Adler which is he has great contribution in the knowledge of psychoanalysis. He states that an individual can reach his/her goal by striving. Motivation as a single drive pushes an individual in the process to reach his/her goal. This research finds that Katniss is able to reach her goals by striving. Her affectionate to her family has motivated herself to keep striving for her goals; superiority and success. By knowing the processes of Katniss in reaching her goals, it can be understood that indirectly she has applied Adler’s theory about individual psychology. So, the writer hopes the readers can enrich more about psychoanalysis theory that focus on individual psychology.

On the other hand, the writer hopes the readers can apply the characteristics of Katniss that directs her in reaching her goals. Thus, this research is expected can be useful as reference or information especially for students of English Literature to enrich their knowledge in literary works.

1.6 Method of The Study

The research is library based. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method as an approach in this research. There are three techniques the writer uses, they are:


1.6.1 Data Source

The primary data source of this research used the novel itself The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins which is the first novel from the others trilogy. The secondary source is from Alfred Adler’s individual psychology theory. It uses to answer the second statement problem.

1.6.2 Data Collection

The research follows the following steps of data collection. First, the writer uses close reading to get well understanding of the whole story in the novel itself. Then, selecting and collecting the data in form of narration and conversation from the novel related to the problem. After that, classification the data dealing with the

statement problems. The last, the writer categorizes the data into source of character and characteristics. The writer also categorizes the data into source of individual psychology.

1.6.3 Data Analysis

Analyzing the data source in two ways. First, describes the character and characteristics. Second, find out the striving process in reaching the goals. After that, analyzing the data classification in three steps. First, using new criticism theory then go ahead with characterization theory by M. J Murphy. Second, using individual psychology theory by Alfred Adler. The last, making conclusion based on the result of data analysis.




2.1 Theoretical Framework

The writer will use several theoris to answer the problems formulated in the previous chapter. The first theory is new criticism which is foccused on character and characterization. The writer will depict Katniss’s character and characterization by M. J. Murphy in Understanding Unseen (1972). Then, the writer will classified some characteristics of Katnis Everdeen in the novel by using its theory. The first question is related on the depiction of Katniss Everdeen as the main character of the novel. After got the depiction of Katniss, the writer will analyses the striving process of

Katniss in reaching her goals by using Alfred Adler’s individual psychology theory.

Those theories are explained as follows:

2.1.1 New Criticism

New Criticism guides the way when the readers read and write about literature. Some of its most important concepts concerning the nature and importance of textual evidence, the use of concrete, specific examples from the text itself to validate our interpretations have been incorporated into the way most literary critics today, regardless of their theoretical persuasion, support their readings of literature (Tyson 135). New criticism suggests that the text is a self-contained entity, and that


everything that the reader needs to know to understand it is already in the text. Using new criticism theory in this research is the best way to find out the character and characterization of Katniss Everdeen. Character

Character is an imagined person (or thing) who inhabits a story (Kennedy and Gioia 47). According to Fowler character can be described as being made up of the personages of a novel, interrelated in various ways, and each one built up of various traits of personality also variously interconnected (182). While Kennedy and Gioia said that if the story seems “true to life” we generally find that its characters act in a reasonably consistent manner and that the author has provided them with motivation: sufficient reason to behave as they do (73). Further, Beaty, Booth, Hunter, and Mays argue that someone who appears in a work is called a character, the same word we use to refer to those qualities of mind, spirit, and behavior that make one individual different from every other (1043-1044). It means that the character can be seen through the manner, various traits of personality and also behavior. So that is why character is the important thing along the story.

Characters can be flat and round. A flat, character has only one outstanding trait or feature, or at most a few distinguishing marks: for example, the familiar stock character of the mad scientist, with his lust for absolute power and his crazily

gleaming eyes. Flat characters, however, need not be stock characters: in all of literature there is probably only one Tiny Tim, though his functions in A Christmas Carol are mainly to invoke blessings and to remind others of their Christian duties


(Kennedy and Gioia 74). It means that flat character is simple and easy to understand. If the reader can sum up characters with a phrase or two, they are probably a flat character. Flat characters may be described in detail and be present throughout a story, but the reader tends to learn little about them beyond their function in advancing the plot.

While round characters, however, present us with more facets—that is, their authors portray them in greater depth and in more generous detail. Such a round character may appear to us only as he appears to the other characters in the story. If their views of him differ, we will see him from more than one side. In other stories, we enter a character's mind and come to know him through his own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions (Kennedy and Gioia 74). Therefore, round character has psychological depth and complexity. They are more like real people, often difficult to predict and figure out; therefore, they tend to interest us and command our attention more than flat characters. Kennedy and Gioia said that flat characters tend to stay the same throughout a story, but round characters often change—learn or become

enlightened, grow or deteriorate (74) In general, flat characters tend to be static and round characters tend to be dynamic. A static character is one who remains

essentially the same from beginning to end; a dynamic character undergoes change. Characterization

Characterization is the way author depicts characters to convey to the reader what sort of people they are (Murphy 161). According to Richard, characterization is the way in which a character is created (127). The creation of these imaginary persons


so that they exist for the readers as lifelike is called characterization. The ability to characterize is a primary attribute of a good writer (Holman and Harmon 81). That is way it is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. So the author presents details that give the reader clues about the character’s personality.

M. J. Murphy explained nine methods of describing characters in literary work to make the characters understandable and believable such as (1) physical appearance (2) direct speech from the author (3) description from the other characters (4) conversation that describe the characters by the others (5) the character’s speech (6) past life (7) thought (8) manner or their habits (9) reaction towards various events or situations. Physical appearance means the author can describe a person’s

appearance from her face, skin, eye and so on. The author also tells details about other physical appearance of the character like the clothes in the story.

Direct speech from the author means the author can describe or comment on a

person’s characters directly. Then, description from the other characters means the

author can describe a person’s characters through the eyes and opinions of another. Conversation that describe the characters by the others means the author can give a clue about the character from the conversation that happened between minor

character or other people which talk about him. While, the character’s speech means the author show the character insight of that person says. It can be seen when the person speaks, making some conversation to the other, he puts forward an opinion. It gives the readers clue about his character.


On the other hand, past life means the reader also can learn about the past life of the character. Sometimes, it is clue that makes round personality of the character because of his past life. Further, thought means the author can give the readers direct knowledge of what a person thinking about. In this respect he is able to do what we cannot do. Manner or their habits means the author can describe a person’s

mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies, which may also tell us something about his characters. The last, reaction towards various events or situations means the author gives a clue by letting the readers know how that person reacts to various situations and events.

2.1.2 Individual Psychology

Individual psychology, according to Adler is a science that attempts to understand the experiences and behavior of each person as an organized entity (in Ryckman 114). He believes that all actions are guided by a person’s fundamental attitudes toward life. The optimistic self, many experiences will guide their selves in the success side. Feist said that individual psychology tenet of Adler presents an optimistic view of people while resting heavily on the notion of social interest, that is, a feeling of oneness with all humankind (65). So, in Adler’s tenet, he described it as being an ideal and a vision for the future of humankind, rather than something which already existed.

According to Brett, an Adlerian counselor, said that individual psychology teaches people that they are all goal-directed beings, that is they move purposefully through life towards goals which attract them (XII). It means a goal will guide


someone to reach it by various steps. He also said that the important thing in individual psychology is to understand the context for the individuals involved the goal of their lives which directs all their actions and impulses (in Brett 2). So, all actions of individual can prove the process how they reach their goal. Adler used the analogy of the playwright who builds the characteristics and the subplots of the play according to the final goal of the drama. When the final scene is known, all dialogue and every subplot acquire new meaning. When an individual’s final goal is known, all

actions make sense and each subgoal takes on new significance (Feist 71). That

analogy illustrates that all actions of someone will show her or his goal.

In Adler’s tenet, the one dynamic force behind people’s behaviour is the

striving for success or superiority. Strive is make great efforts to achieve or obtain something (oxford dictionary). Webster’s dictionary defines strive as to try very hard to do or achieve something. So, strive is hard working of someone to achieve his goal, purpose or something. Adler called the single dynamic force striving for superiority. In his final theory, however, he limited striving for superiority to those people who strive for personal superiority over others and introduced the term striving for success to describe actions of people who are motivated by highly developed social interest (in Feist 70).

Furthermore, someone who strives cannot be separated by motivation. Adler reduced all motivation to a single drive, the striving for success or superiority (in Feist 70). It states that motivation becomes premier thing to achieve something. Feist concludes that individual psychology holds that everyone begins life with physical


deficiencies that activate feelings of inferiority feelings that motivate a person to strive for either superiority or success (70). Striving for Superiority

Ryckman said that Adler defined the ultimate goal as superiority (115). It also supported by Schultz that superiority is the ultimate goal toward which we strive (130). In oxford dictionary the word ultimate means final or most extreme. It means that superiority is something higher in rank or importance. To Adler, people are born with weak, inferior bodies-a condition that leads to feelings of inferiority and a consequent dependence on other people (in Feist 69). Inferior is not only about weak body of people, but it also some mental weak that exist in their selves. When people have known their inferior side, they will try to make their selves better. It means they have got the superior side.

While, Schultz said that striving for superiority is not an attempt to be better than everyone else, nor is it an arrogant or domineering tendency or an inflated opinion of our abilities and accomplishments (130). He said that what Adler meant was a drive for perfection. The word perfection is derived from a Latin word meaning to complete or to finish. Thus, Adler suggested that people strive for superiority in an effort to perfect ourselves, to make their selves complete or whole.

The explanation above declares that striving for superiority is more direct to personal achievement. It is normal side of someone to fulfill his or her satisfy need. Feist gives an example of a college teacher who may appear to have a great interest in his students because he establishes a personal relationship with many of them (72).


He gives sympathy, concern, suggestions to his students who have problems. Feist said that this teacher possesses a private intelligence that allows him to believe that he is the most accessible and dedicated teacher in his college. To a casual observer, he may appear to be motivated by social interest, but his actions are largely self-serving and motivated by overcompensation for his exaggerated feelings of personal

superiority (72). Striving for Success

Adler stated that people who strive for success rather than personal superiority maintain a sense of self, of course, but they see daily problems from the view of society’s development rather than from a strictly personal vantage point. Their sense of personal worth is tied closely to their contributions to human society. Social progress is more important to them than personal credit (in Feist 72). It explains that human cannot separated by others because as social creature they need help or to help others. Schultz also agrees that in Adler’s view, individuals and society are

interrelated and interdependent. People must function constructively with others for the good of all (131). In contrast, the constructive path leads people to relate to others with cooperation and good will; healthy people, in Adler’s view, act in accordance with social interest (in Ryckman 115). In Adler’s view, Ryckman thought that such a goal could be attained only by cooperative efforts. When each of us seeks to

contribute to the welfare of others, we all benefit. Through cooperation, each individual is helped to survive and to grow as a human being (115).


While, Brett said that people as human being always need help for other in

society. They have to living for other, so “it is indisputable that we need each other,

for without each other we would not survive. Thus one of the main precepts of individual psychology is social interest” (XII). So, people who care with others indicate that they are not selfish. The have desire for social interest in their individual psychology. Therefore, striving for success relates with social interest.

On the other hand, the word “success” has many definitions. Webster’s dictionary has three definitions of success. First, success is the fact of getting or achieving wealth respect or fame. Second, the correct or desired result of an attempt is success. Third, someone or something that is successful: a person or thing that succeeds. On the other hand, success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose (oxford dictionary). So, all of the explanation above concludes that strive is a kind of great effort towards a purpose or success to all humankind, in Adler’s view.

2.2 Review of Related Studies

In order to broaden the knowledge in this research, the writer takes some previous studies which related with this research in different aspect. It also improves the quality and originality of this thesis. First, the writer takes the thesis from Mar Atussholihah from State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga in 2013 entitled

“Woman’s Role in The Hunger Games Movie”. In her graduating paper, she focuses on the woman’s role that occur in the Effie’s character and the struggle of Katniss.


Games movie. There are two results in her thesis. First, she explains that Effie is just portrayal of a capitalist’s worker. The second, she explains that a women must struggle in order to survive and to be equal both socially and economically. She said that a state must be controlled not otherwise and it must be neutral about gender. Her analysis is clearly different with this research. If Mar Atussholihah analyzes about

woman’s role in The Hunger Games movie, while the writer 21nalyses the hard work

of Katniss in The Hunger Games novel.

Another analysis of The Hunger Games has been done by Sugiart Mutakin from Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah in 2014 towards his graduating paper

entitled “The Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction Genre in The Hunger Games

Novel Written By Suzzane Collins”. Mutakin describes and reveals about the

characteristics of Dystopian Fiction genre in The Hunger Games novel. He states that the setting of time and place in the novel is also supporting the Distopian Fiction genre, because the atmosphare of the setting of place often frames the story with two different unequal conditions which indicate the social class system and the setting of time set in the future. So, the result of his thesis explains that The Hunger Games novel can be categorized as Dystopian Fiction genre based on the intrinsic elements in its novel such as plot, character and setting which build in its genre.

Further, the writer also takes the thesis of Yulia Rachmawati from Sanata Dharma University in 2015 entitled “The Influence of Katniss Everdeen’s

Characteristics Towards Her Struggle for Her Existence As Seen in Suzzane Collins’s The Hunger Games”. Rachmawati states that Katniss Everdeen is a courageous,


spontaneous, persevering, caring, loving, cleaver and responsible person. All of those characteristics of Katniss determine her in the ways she decides to face her problems and to prove her existence. So, how the characteristics of Katniss influence her struggle for existence in her life since the novel represents Katniss’s strong characteristics and also represents her struggle becomes the result in her thesis.

The last, the writer takes the thesis of Muhammad Havist Mahfush from University Brawijaya in 2015 entitled “Strive for Success of Four Main Characters in

Rick Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of Athena Novel. This thesis has

different in the object, but has similarity in the theory by using Alfred Adler’s individual psychology. The aims of his study shows that the theory of strive for success dominates the characteristics of the four characters that the author analyses. In the novel, Annabeth is a character who seeks for peace which belongs to strive for success. This model of character prefers unity rather than a division. While, Leo has the characteristic of creative power, it gives a brilliant idea. Further, Percy has a characteristic of caring with other. Then, Piper has the characteristics of willing to sacrifice. He said that all of those model of character are in Adler’s theory strive for success.

Based on some previous studies above, there is no similarities with the topic among this research with three thesis of Mar Atussholihah, Mutakin and Rachmawati. While, there is same topic in Mahfush’s thesis with this research, but the object or novel is not same in this research.



This chapter discusses all statements problems in two parts. The first part discusses the characters and characterizations of Katniss Everdeen which are

described in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Gamesby using M.J Murphy’s method to

depict her characteristics. The second part analyses the striving processes of Katniss Everdeen in reaching her goal or purpose along the novel. The writer will use Alfred Adler’s theory about individual psychology.

3.1 Katniss Everdeen as Round Character

Katniss Everdeen is the main character in The Hunger Games. According to Kennedy and Gioia, character is an imagined person (or thing) who inhabits a story (73). In this novel, Katniss is depicted as round character who has several

characteristics. Round character is complex and many-sided. It is presented in many facets and portrayed in greater depth and in more generous detail (Kennedy and Gioia 74). It is Katniss Everdeen as a major character that exists in the beginning until the end of the story. Suzanne Collins as the author depicts round character of Katniss in several characteristics. According to Murphy, there are nine methods of

characterization which are depicted characteristic of someone. But, the writer only

found five methods that depict Katniss’ characteristics through her speech, past life,


writer will explain more detail about Katniss’ characteristics and the author’s way depicts her characteristics, they are:

3.1.1 Affectionate

In the earlier of the story, Katniss depicts herself as an affectionate person. She is an orphan who lives with her mother and little sister, Prim in Districts 12. Her father has died when she was still eleven years old. She feels “It was during the worst time. My father had been killed in the mine accident three months earlier in the bitterest January anyone could remember. . . (27). After the accident of it, Katniss

tells “the district had given us a small amount of money as compensation for his

death, enough to cover one month of grieving at which time my mother would be

expected to get a job” (27). But, her mother feels so stressful and begins careless to

Katniss and also Prim. She just sits in the chair, lies down on the bed, confuse and daze. Katniss depicts her mother’s behavior:

Only she didn’t do anything but sit propped up in a chair on more often, huddled under the blankets on her bed, eyes fixed on some point in the distance. Once in a while, she’d stir, get up as if moved by some urgent purpose only to then collapse back into stillness. No amount of pleading from

Prim seemed to affect her” (Collins 27-28).

Katniss and Prim not only have lost of her father, but also her mother because she feels profound sorrow so deep. In that condition, Katniss directly takes over the whole thing by herself. She wants to be a family provider because she loves her family. She begins replace her mother position to buy some food in the market and cook it. If the district knows that her mother does not care to Katniss and Prim, the


district will take them and place in the community. So, she keeps herself and Prim in order to look presentable. It can be seen through her reaction:

At eleven years old, with Prim just seven, I took over as head of the family. There was no choice. I bought our food at the market and cooked it as best I could and tried to keep Prim and myself looking presentable. Because if it had become known that my mother could no longer care for us, the district would have taken us away from her and placed us in the community home (Collins 28).

Katniss does not want Prim to grow up in the community home because she feels “the community home would crush her like a bug. So I kept our predicament a secret” (28). Then, Katniss has got hard condition because the money runs out slowly. There are two ways to Katniss feeds her family, they are: Applying For Tesserae

First, she takes the risk by enrolling of tesserae. She says “there’s no other way to put it. I kept telling myself if I could only hold out until May, just May 8th, I would turn twelve and be able to sign up for the tesserae and get that precious grain and oil to feed us (27-28). Tesserae are an exchange year’s supply of grain and oil. Katniss has to add her name more times in the reaping day to get it. No other choices because she has to feed her family. She says “But here’s the catch. Say you are poor and starving as we were. You can opt to add your name more times in exchange for tesserae. Each tessera is worth a meager year’s supply of grain and oil for one person (14). She explains:

You may do this for each of your family members as well. So, at the age of twelve, I had my name entered four times. Once, because I had to, and three


times for tesserae for grain and oil for myself, Prim, and my mother. In fact, every year I have needed to do this. And the entries are cumulative. So now, at the age of sixteen, my name will be in the reaping twenty times. Gale, who is eighteen and has been either helping or single-handedly feeding a family of five for seven years, will have his name in forty-two times (Collins 14). It proves that Katniss wants to take the risk for her family. She loves her family and always finds ways how to feed them, so they can be alive together. After she signs up for tesserae on May 8th, she says “On the eighth of every month, I was entitled to do the same” (51). Hunting and Trading

The second ways to feeds her family is by hunting in the forest. She is an excellent hunter because her father trained her to hunt. She says “I couldn’t stop hunting and gathering, of course” (51). She said that the woods become her savior to look for food. She catches and hunts anything that as far as she can. She thinks that collects plants are as trick. If she eats one false plant, it will poison her. So she always

checks the plants with her father’s pictures. It has been proven through her speech:

The woods became our savior, and each day I went a bit farther into its arms. It was slow-going at first, but I was determined to feed us. I stole eggs from nescts, caught fish in nets, sometimes managed to shoot a squirrel or rabbit for stew, and gathered the various plants that sprung up beneath my feet. Plants are tricky. Many are edible, but one false mouthful and you’re dead. I checked and double-checked the plants I harvested with my father’s pictures. I kept us alive (Collins 51).

She is not only fulfill her family need for food, but also there are some other’s needs like soap, milk and thread. She says “The grain was not enough to live on, and there were other things to buy, soap and milk and thread” (51). So, Katniss begins trades her hunting at the Hob. For the first she feels frighten to enter that place, but


people had respected to Katniss’ father. She also remembers what her father had told to her. It can be seen in her past life:

What we didn’t absolutely have to eat, I began to trade at the Hob. It was

frightening to enter that place without my father at my side, but people had respected him, and they accepted me. Game was game after all, no matter who’d shot it. I also sold at the back doors of the wealthier clients in town, trying to remember what my father had told me and learning a few new tricks as well. The butcher would buy my rabbits but not squirrels. The baker enjoyed squirrel but would only trade for one if his wife wasn’t around. The Head Peacekeeper loved wild turkey. The mayor had a passion for

strawberries (Collins 52).

Based on the ways of Katniss fulfils her family’s needs from join the tesserae,

hunting and trading. It can be understood that she loves her family indeed. She does it in order to keep her family and also herself stay alive.

Another proof of Katniss affectionate is when she solves her internal pressure

towards her mother after her father’s death. Katniss realizes that her mother really

loves her father, thus it seems too hard for her mother to lose him. But, on the other hand Katniss feels that her mother does not care about the health and physical appearance of her and Prim. She says about her mother “She must have really loved him to leave her home for the Seam. I try to remember that when all I can see is the woman who sat by, blank and unreachable, while her children turned to skin and bones. I try to forgive her for my father’s sake. But to be honest, I’m not the forgiving type (9).

In that case, it is normal that Katnis still needs a figure of her mother. She tries to keep away from her negative thinking about her mother. Although sometimes


she feels disappointed because her mother’s attitude. But honestly Katniss loves her mother, though. It has been proven in Katniss’ thought:

Prim forgave her, but I had taken a step back from my mother, put up a wall to protect myself from needing her, and nothing was ever the same between us again. Now I was going to die without that ever being set right. I thought of how I had yelled at her today in the Justice Building. I had told her I loved her, too, tough. So maybe it would all balance out (Collins 53). Katniss also shows her affection to Prim through her friend, Gale. There is a moment when Gale offers Katniss to flee from the district. He says “Leave the district. Run off Live in the woods. You and I, we could make it” (10). But, Katniss refuse it because she does not want to leave her. She responses Gale “The

conversation feels wrong. Leave? How could I leave Prim, who is the only person in

the world I’m certain I love? (11). It expresses great affection of Katniss towards her

little sister, Prim.

In fact, Katniss’ decision to do not run off with Gale is the right choice. Because in the reaping day; an adoption day for all districts take off two participants to join the games from the Capitol, Prim is selected as the female tribute. Then, Katniss directly replace her position to be a volunteer. She says “For a moment I yearn for something . . . the idea of us leaving the district . . . making our way in the woods . . . but I know I was right about not running off. Because who else would have volunteered for Prim? (26). She feels calm because has made the right decision of Gale’s offer before.

On the day Katniss has to leave the district because of the games, she feels hard to leave her family, both her mother and Prim. Katniss expresses her feeling and


says “I love you. I love you both. And they’re saying it back and then the

Peacekeeper orders them out and the door closes. I burry my head in one of the velvet pillows as if this can block the whole thing out” (37-38). It is the difficult thing when she is in far distance with her family.

As long as the story Katniss depicts herself to remember many things about her mother and Prim. She has some unforgettable moment with them. There is a situation when she is in the Remake Centre to get remove of her hair. She remembers a moment with her mother and wishes her mother beside her:

I look at the cold white walls and floor and resist the impulse to retrieve my robe. But this Cinna, my stylist, will surely make me remove it at once. Instead my hands go to my hairdo, the one arena of my body my prep team had been told to leave alone. My fingers stroke the silky braids my mother so carefully arranged. My mother. I left her blue dress and shoes on the floor of my train car, never thinking about retrieving them, of trying to hold on to a piece of her, of home. Now I wish I had (Collins 63).

Katniss always wonders inside her heart about the condition of her family during the training of the competition. She feels afraid if their family lost hope that she cannot win the competition. Her anxiousness can also be seen from her thought:

My mind wanders to my mother and Prim. They must be up. My mother getting their breakfast of mush. Prim milking her goat before school. Just two mornings ago, I was home. Can that be right? Yes, just two. And now how empty the house feels, even from a distance. What did they say last night about my fiery debut at the Games? Did it give them hope, or simply add to their terror when they saw the reality of twenty-four tributes circled together, knowing only one could live? (Collins 87).

The quotation above shows that Katniss wonders about her family. She wonders how her mother gets breakfast, how Prim milking her goat, and how the


home looks like without her. She also wonders that her family will think about her in the competition.

She becomes more worry on the day when she feels does a bad thing to the Gamemakers; some judges of the games. It happens on the last training day that Katniss has shot straight at the Gamemakers’s table. She did it to show her ability and to get attention from the Gamemakers. But, after that she feels worry about what she did will be a bad thing for her family. It can be seen from her thought:

Oh, what does it matter? It’s not like I was going to win the Games anyway. Who cares what they do to me? What really scares me is what they might to do to my mother and Prim, how my family might suffer now because of my impulsiveness. Will they take their few belongings, or send my mother to prison and Prim to the community home, or kill them? They wouldn’t kill them, would they? Why not? What do they care? (Collins 103-104).

Based on the Katniss’ behaviour above, it can be concluded that Katniss is affectionate person. She has everything to feed her family like applying for tesserae, hunting in the woods, throw away her negative thinking to her mother. She also expresses her affectionate to their family through Gale. Then, she always remembers many things and worry about her family during the training until the end of the games.

3.1.2 Dauntless

Another characteristic of Katniss is dauntless. Her courage can be seen when she replaces Prim’s position as a tribute on the reaping day. Honestly, she expresses

that “The reaping system is unfair, with the poor getting the worst of it. You become


thirteen, twice. And so on and so on until you reach the age of eighteen, the final year of eligibility, when your name goes into the pool seven times” (14). It is valid for all twelve districts in every year. In the 74th of Hunger Games, Katniss is sixteen years old. So her names have been accumulated become twenty times in the reaping day. While, Prim is twelve years old this year, so she just need to enter her name once.

When the reaping day comes, Katniss feels afraid because it is the first time for Prim. Katniss hopes, it is not Prim that to be the tribute. Katniss tells “It’s time for

the drawing, Effie Trinket says as she always does, “Ladies First!” and crosses to the

glass ball with the girls’ names” (21). Then, she crosses back to the podium; open the paper and reads out the name in a clear voice. It is Primrose Everdeen as the female’s

tribute for district 12. Katniss does not believe that and says “There must have been

some mistakes. This can’t be happening. Prim was one slip of paper in thousands! Her chances of being chosen so remote that I’d not even bothered to worry about her” (22). A thing that she does not want happen to Prim. Without long thinking, directly she braves herself for being a volunteer to replace Prim’s position. It can be seen through her reaction:

“I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!”

There’s some confusion on the stage. District 12 hasn’t had volunteer in decades and the protocol has become rusty. The rule is that once a tribute’s name has been pulled from the ball, another eligible boy, if a boy’s name has been read, or girl, if a girl’s name has been read, can step forward to take his or her place. In some districts, in which winning the reaping is such a great honor, people are eager to risk their lives, the volunteer is complicated. But, in district 12, where the word tribute is pretty much synonymous with the word corpse, volunteers are all but extinct (Collins 23).


Based on the quotation above, it can be understood that Katniss has dauntless side in her characteristics. Action of Katniss as a volunteer is also unusual thing, because it seems like you give your soul for death. Someone maybe think many times for taking the risk of it. But, Katniss sacrifices her soul without think it long time. It has been clear out that Katniss is so dauntless even when nobody wants to taking the risk of it. She does not want prim as tribute because she knows the biggest risk is death. But she pawns her soul for Prim.

3.1.3 Caring

Katniss depicts herself as a caring person. It can be seen when she helps Rue, a young girl from District11, gets some food during the games. Firstly, Rue has helped Katniss points out a nest of tracker jacker (a deadly wasp) above Katniss’ head. It so help Katniss because she can use it to attack the Careers (the strongest opponents) that want to kill her. Then, when Katniss has passed that obstacle, Rue follows her tracks slowly. Katniss knows that and offers Rue to be an ally. Rue reminds to Katniss’ little sister, she has regarded as Prim. So there is no word to do not care her. After Katniss hunt, she cooks some food for Rue. She is so happy and gluts the meat quickly. It can be proven through their dialogues each other.

“Oh,” says Rue with a sigh. “I’ve never had a whole leg to myself before.” I’ll bet she hasn’t. I’ll bet meat hardly ever comes her way.

“Take the other,” I say. “Really?” she asks.

“Take whatever you want. . . Rue still looks uncertainly at the leg. “Oh, take it,” I say, putting the drumstick in her hands. “It will only keep a few days anyway, and we’ve got the whole bird plus the rabbit.” Once she’s got hold of it, her appetite wins out and she takes a huge mouthful (201).


From the quotation above, it can be depicted that Katniss is caring person. She does not let Rue starvation and wants to share her hunt with Rue. When she knows that Rue just sleeps in the tree with her jacket and extra pair of socks, Katniss shares her sleeping bag voluntarily. She says “I think of how cold the nights have been. “You can share my sleeping bag if you want. We’ll both easily fit.” Her face lights up. I can tell this is more than she dared hope for” (204).

In the afternoon, they have plan about destroy the Careers’ supplies. Rue sets

fires to distract them while Katniss goes to Cornucopia to destroy their supplies. Before they start the plan, Katniss check stock of Rue’s food and also gives her

sleeping bag. She says “I help Rue collect and place the wood for the first two

campfires, the third she’ll have time for on her own. . . Before I leave, I make sure Rue’s well stocked with food and matches. I even insist she take my sleeping bag, in

case it’s not possible to rendezvous by nightfall (210-211).

After Katniss blasts the Careers’ supplies, then she returns to the meeting spot wait for Rue, but she does not come back. Katniss goes looking for her and she hears

Rue screams. Katniss says “There’s another high-pitched cry, this time my name.

“Katniss! Katniss!” “Rue!” Ishout back, so she knows I’m near. So, they know I’m

near, and hopefully the girl who has attacked them with tracker jackers and gotten an eleven they still can’t explain will be enough to pull their attention away from her. “Rue! I’m coming!” (229).

She finds Rue is on the ground, hopelessly entangled in a net. She finds her just as another tribute stabs Rue with a spear. Katniss tells “She just has time to reach


her hand through the mesh and say my name before the spear enters her body” (229). Katniss kills that boy, but Rue has been in agony. She asks Katniss to be the winner, and she promises for Rue. Rue says. Rue also asks the last request to Katniss sings a song for her.

“Sing,” she says, but I barely catch the word. Sing? I think. Sing what? I do know a few songs.

Sing. My throat is tight with tears, hoarse from smoke and fatigue. But if this is Prim’s, I mean, Rue’s last request, I have to at least try. The song that comes to me is a simple lullaby, one we sing fretful, hungry babies to sleep

with, It’s old, very old I think (Collins 231)

Katniss loves her like she loves Prim, she sings a lullaby song and Rue’s eyes have closed slowly. Katniss feels sad and wait for Rue’s cannon fires. She says “For a moment, I sit there, watching my tears drip down on her face. Rue’s cannon fires. I lean forward and press my lips against her temple. Slowly, as if not to wake her, I lay her head back on the ground and release her hand” (232). It has proven that Katniss cares to Rue until she buries and cover her body in flowers.

A few steps into the woods grows a bank of wildflowers. Perhaps they are really weeds of some sort, but they have blossoms in beautiful shades of violet and yellow and white. I gather up an armful and come back to Rue’s side. Slowly, one stem at a time, I decorate her body in the flowers. Covering the ugly wound. Wreathing her face. Weaving her hair with bright colors (Collins 234).

Katniss has got gift a loaf of bread from District 11. They appreciate Katniss’s care to Rue. It is the first time, there are two tributes that make a friendship during the games and also get a gift from other District. It has been proven through Katniss speech:


I open the parachute and find a small loaf of bread It’s not the fine white

Capitol stuff. It’s made of dark ration grain and shaped in a crescent. . . This

bread came from District 11. I cautiously lift the still warm loaf. . . But instead of pulling the gift when she died, they’d authorized Haymitch to give it to me. As a thank-you? Or because, like me, they don’t like to let debts go unpaid? For whatever reason, this is a first. A district gift to a tribute who’s not your own (Collins235-236)

Based on the depiction above, it can be understood that Katniss is caring person. It can be seen when she gives some food to Rue, shares her sleeping bag, checks Rue’s supplies and also kills the tribute that cause of Rue’s death.

Not only cares to Rue, but also Katniss cares to Peeta, her District’s friend. It begins when Katniss looks for Peeta to face the games together. She finds him in the stream, along the bank. Peeta has got injury in his left leg when he fights with Cato. Katniss explains Peeta’s condition “He’s badly bruised with a long burn across his chest and four tracker jacker stings, if you count the one under his ear. But I feel a bit better. This much I can fix. I decide to take care of his upper body first, to alleviate some pain, before I tackle whatever damage Cato did to his leg” (250). It proves that Katniss is caring person because she wants to treat Peeta. Katniss cleans up peeta’s body from the mud, washes his dirty shirt and jacket, dabs burn cream in his chest, and gives pills to reduce his temperature.

While he dries in the sun, I wash his filthy shirt and jacket and spread them over boulders. Then I apply the burn cream to his chest. This is when I notice how hot his skin is becoming. The layer of mud and the bottles of water have

disguised the fact that he’s burning with fever. I dig through the first-aid kit I

got from the boy from District 1 and find pills that reduce your temperature. My mother actually breaks down and buys these on occasion when her home remedies fail (Collins 251).


She traits Peeta as gentle as she can. She looks Peeta’s leg, his injury is inflamed and full of blood and pus. Katniss says “I can see the tear Cato’s sword made in the fabric over his thigh, but it in no way prepares me for what lies

underneath. The deep inflamed gash oozing both blood and pus. The swelling of the leg. And worst of all, the smell of festering flesh (251-252). She puts burn ointment to reduce the infection.

“What next, Dr. Everdeen?” he asks.

“Maybe I’ll put some of the burn ointment on it. I think it helps with infection

anyway. And wrap it up?” I say. I do and the whole thing seems a lot more

manageable, covered in clean white cotton. Although, against the sterile bandage, the hem of his undershorts looks filthy and teeming with contagion (Collins 254).

But, all of it is not really makes Peeta well soon, yet. Katniss thinks that Peeta needs real medicine and hopes she will get it from her sponsor. Shortly, Claudius Templesmith as the announcer of the games announces that there will be feast. It means that the Gamemakers will send backpacks for each district at the Cornucopia at dawn. Katniss is sure that her backpack will contain medicine for Peeta. But, Peeta does not want Katniss risks her life for him because there will be other tributes there. Then, Haymitch sends sleeping syrup for Katniss, she will use it to put Peeta into a deep sleep while she goes to the Cornucopia. As she races to get her backpack, she is caught by Clove, the girl tribute from District 2. She has knives skill and tries to kill Katniss.

Clove opens her jacket. It’s lined with an impressive array of knives. She

carefully selects an almost dainty-looking number with a cruel, curved blade. “I promised Cato if he let me have you, I’d give the audience a good show (Collins 281).


Katniss is striving in an effort to unseat her, but it is no use. Cloves is too heavy and lock Katniss too tight. Luckily, Thresh, a big boy from District 11 comes when Clove will kill Katniss. He kills Clove because she causes Rue’s death. Then, Thresh lets Katniss go, just this one, because of what she did for Rue. She says “Conflicting emotions cross Thresh’s face. He lowers the rock and points at me, almost accusingly. “Just this one time, I let you go. For the little girl. You and me, we’re even then. No more owed. You understand?” (284). Katniss thanks Thresh and retrieves her backpack, then runs back to the cave. The medicine in the backpack heals Peeta’s infection and he slowly regains his strength. Katniss and Peeta hunt together in the wood.

All of Katniss’ behaviour has been clear out that she is caring person. She cares to Rue and also Peeta. She tries to save their life as long as she can even sacrifice her life to get medicine for Peeta. It can be understood that Katniss is not selfish person because she cares to others.

3.1.4 Cunning

Katniss not only depicts herself as a dauntless, but she also as a cunning person. She has to make some tactics to make fool her competitors. It is also important thing in order to survive until the end. After Katniss makes an ally with

Rue, she has a plan to destroy the Careers’ supplies. She thinks that they cannot feed

their selves, and it gives an advantage for herself and Rue. It has been proven through their conversation:


“The Careers have two pairs. But they’ve got everything down by the lake,” Rue says. “And they’re so strong.”

“We’re strong, too,” I say. “Just in a different way.” “You are. You can shoot,” she says. “What can I do?” “You can feed yourself. Can they?” I ask.

“They don’t need to. They have all those supplies,” Rue says.

“Say they didn’t. Say the supplies were gone. How long wouldthey last?” I

say. “I mean, it’s the Hunger Games, right?” “But, Katniss, they’re not hungry,” says Rue.

“No, they’re not. That’s the problem,” I agree. And for the first time, I have a

plan. A plan that isn’t motivated by the need for flight and evasion. An

offensive plan. “I think we’re going to have to fix that, Rue.” (Collins 205)

From the quotation above, it proves that Katniss has tactic to sapping other tributes. In the afternoon, Katniss explains the plan to Rue. She said that there will be three campfires to shift the attention from the Careers. She says “I help Rue collect and place the wood for the first two campfires, the third she’ll have time for on her own. We decide to meet afterward at the site where we ate our first meal together” (210). After that she goes to the Cornucopia. Rue sets up the first campfire, and Cato shouts out when he knows the smokes in the sky. They leave their place and

command one boy to stay there. Katniss sneaks up at the place and when the boy is inattentive, she immediately shoots the supplies.

While I am mulling over my options, I hear Cato shout out. He’s pointing up to the woods, far beyond me, and without turning I know that Rue must have set the first campfire. We’d made sure to gather enough green wood to make the smoke noticeable. The Careers begin to arm themselves at once (Collins 214).

Based on the quotation above, it proves that strategy is needed in the competition. Another Katniss’ strategy is when she is busy to look for Peeta. The other tributes want to kills Katniss, so they also follow her tracks. When Katniss


realizes it, she tries to confuse them. She says “To confuse my enemies’ minds, I start a fire with plenty of green wood. Even if they think it’s a ruse, I hope they’ll decide I’m hidden somewhere near it. While in reality, I’ll be tracking Peeta” (246). It has been clear out that Katniss is cunning person. She uses her mind in order to make her enemies difficulty caught her.

3.2 The Striving Process of Katniss Everdeen to Reach The Goal

As a round character, Katniss has several characteristics along the story of the novel. It characteristics will guide Katniss to reach her goal. The writer will analyse the striving process of Katniss to reach her goal as seen in her individual psychology by Alfred Adler. Individual psychology, according to Adler is a science that attempts to understand the experiences and behaviour of each person as an organized entity (in Ryckman 114). Adler believes that people can reach their goal by strive. The optimistic self, many experiences will guide their selves in the success side. Feist said that individual psychology tenet of Adler presents an optimistic view of people while resting heavily on the notion of social interest, that is, a feeling of oneness with all humankind (65). So, in Adler’s tenet, he described it as being an ideal and a vision for the future of humankind, rather than something which already existed.

According to Brett, an Adlerian counsellor, said that individual psychology teaches people that they are all goal-directed beings, that is they move purposefully through life towards goals which attract them (XII). It means a goal will guide someone to reach it by various steps. It also connects in the novel of The Hunger


Gamesthrough Katniss’ individual psychology that she has some goals in her life. To Adler, people are born with weak, inferior bodies-a condition that leads to feelings of inferiority and a consequent dependence on other people (in Feist 69). Inferior is not only about weak body of people, but it also some mental weakness that exist in their selves. When people have known their inferior side, they will try to make their selves better. It means they have got the superior side.

The personality structure by Adler is divided in four outlines. They are

striving for superiority or success, subjective perceptions, social interest, style of life and creative power. All of the structure represents the final statement of individual psychology by Alfred Adler. The writer found that it has been used by Suzanne Collins to depict Katniss’ characteristics through the novel. The following explanation about the structures will be explained below:

3.2.1 Striving for Superiority and Success

The first Adler’s tenet is the one dynamic force behind people’s behaviour is the striving for success or superiority. Adler called the single dynamic force striving for superiority. In his final theory, however, he limited striving for superiority to those people who strive for personal superiority over others and introduced the term striving for success to describe actions of people who are motivated by highly developed social interest (in Feist 70). Striving for superiority is an achievement towards intern personal. For the example is like when there is college student in the class who always diligent, follow the lesson very well, active to speak up in the class. Her purpose is to be existent or popular in her environment. It is indicate that the


student wants to achieve her personal superiority. While striving for success is an achievement towards other people. For the example, many people want to be success person in their lives. So they will do everything to achieve it step by step. The steps are like taking education from basic to high level, finding a job, being a career person and so on. It shows that there is hard work or strive to achieve their success.

Strive is make great efforts to achieve or obtain something (oxford

dictionary). Webster’s dictionary defines strive as to try very hard to do or achieve

something. So, strive is hard working of someone to achieve his goal, purpose or something. Suzane Collins, in this novel depicts Katniss Everdeen as striver; one who strives ( She has to strive for her personality and success. Someone who strives cannot be separated by motivation. Adler reduced all

motivation to a single drive, the striving for success or superiority (in Feist 70). It states that motivation becomes premier thing to achieve something. Feist concludes that individual psychology holds that everyone begins life with physical deficiencies that activate feelings of inferiority feelings that motivate a person to strive for either superiority or success (70). The way Katniss got her superiority and success by knowing her inferiority feeling. For the detail will be explained below. The Final Goal

According to Adler, he said that the important thing is to understand the context for the individuals involved the goal of their lives which directs all their actions and impulses (in Brett 2). So, all actions of individual can prove the process how they reach their goal. The writer tries to get the final goal of Katniss’ character


which directs all her actions along the novel. Adler used the analogy of the

playwright who builds the characteristics and the subplots of the play according to the final goal of the drama. When the final scene is known, all dialogue and every subplot

acquire new meaning. When an individual’s final goal is known, all actions make

sense and each subgoal takes on new significance (Feist 71).

As the analogy above illustrates that all actions of someone will show her or his goal. Adler said that individuals strive toward a final goal for superiority or goal for success. In the novel, Katniss has both of two goals between personal superiority and success. The goal of her personal superiority is when she must get attention from the Gamemakers, the judges of the games. She feels her existent in front of the Gamemakers is important to get sponsors during the games. It is Katniss’ goal to get her personal superiority. On other hand, she also has a goal for success.

Like Adler said before that striving for success relates with social interest. People as human being always need help for other in society. They have to living for other, so “it is indisputable that we need each other, for without each other we would not survive. Thus one of the main precepts of individual psychology is social

interest”, said Brett (XII). In this side, Katniss has a goal for her family included for

her society. All of her actions that prove both of her goals will be explained below. Katniss Striving For Personal Superiority

Richard said that Adler defined the ultimate goal as superiority (115). It also supported by Duane that superiority is the ultimate goal toward which we strive (130). In oxford dictionary the word ultimate means final or most extreme. It means


that superiority is something higher in rank or importance. While, Duane said that striving for superiority is not an attempt to be better than everyone else, nor is it an arrogant or domineering tendency or an inflated opinion of our abilities and

accomplishments (130). He said that what Adler meant was a drive for perfection. The word perfection is derived from a Latin word meaning to complete or to finish. Thus, Adler suggested that people strive for superiority in an effort to perfect ourselves, to make their selves complete or whole.

The explanation above declares that striving for superiority is more direct to personal achievement. It is normal side of someone to fulfil his or her satisfy need. Feist gives an example of a college teacher who may appear to have a great interest in his students because he establishes a personal relationship with many of them (72). He gives sympathy, concern, suggestions to his students who have problems. Feist said that this teacher possesses a private intelligence that allows him to believe that he is the most accessible and dedicated teacher in his college. To a casual observer, he may appear to be motivated by social interest, but his actions are largely self-serving and motivated by overcompensation for his exaggerated feelings of personal

superiority (72).

The example above states that sometimes people feels unconscious in some actions which show their achievement of personal superiority. This feeling appear in Katniss when she wants people know her existence. Before the games begin, all tributes or participants of twelve districts get training session. After that there is time for private session. In this session all tributes have to perform their skill to the


Gamemakers. So, they will give scores and accumulate it from the training session until the private session. Then, the score will be ranked one to twelve being the best. The purpose of that to give the people in the Capitol an idea of which tributes have the best chance in the arena, and the best one will get sponsor from the Gamemakers.

When in the private session, Katniss want to show her skill with a bow and arrow. She does the first shoot at the practice dummy but misses. She says, “I walk to the center of the gymnasium and pick my first target. The dummy used for knife practice. Even as I pull back on the bow I know something is wrong. The string’s tighter than the one I use at home” (Collins 101). But, then she feels angry because the first shoot goes wrong as she is not accustoming to the bow she is using. It makes the Gamemakers start ignoring her. She feels to lose the attention of them. But, she strives to use her weapons many times until she feels usual. It can be seen in Katniss’ thought:

The arrow’s more rigid. I miss the dummy by a couple of inches and lose what little attention I had been commanding. For a moment, I’m humiliated, then I head back to the bull’s-eye. I shoot again and again until I get the feel of these new weapons (Collins 101).

Unconsciously, Katniss keeps striving to shot in order the Gamemakers interested in her performance. She tries to back in the centre and shoots the dummy’s heart. Then, she goes to shoots the hanging lights high above the gymnasium floor. She shows her actions in this part:

Back in the center of the gymnasium, I take my initial position and skewer the dummy right through the heart. Then I sever the rope that holds the sandbag for boxing, and the bag splits open as it slams to the ground. Without pausing,


berries have just passed my lips when the trumpets begin to blare (Collins 339).

Suddenly, the frantic voice of Claudius Templesmith shouts above them. He shouts “Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victors of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark! I give you — the tributes of District Twelve!” (339). Claudius shouts for them to stop eat the berries and declares both of them are winner.

Based on some Katniss’ actions in the arena during the games, it can be understood that Katniss has to striving for attain her goal to be alive. It also comes true because of the motivations from people around her. Prim, her mother, Gale, Peeta and also District 12 have been became Katniss’ motivation during the games. She has passed some obstacles like the fireball, the tracker jacker, and also the muttations.

On the other hand, she also helps other tribute like Rue becomes her ally. It has been prove her social interest to other and it gives feeds back to Katniss from the district 11. Not only about that, but also Katniss saves Peeta’s life during the games. When she knows Peeta has got injury, she tries to treat him and do anything until pawn her soul for Peeta. The last, when the Gamemakers revokes that the winner only one. Katniss uses her brain and tries to give back the trick for them. It makes herself and Peeta survive until the end of the games. All of Katniss’ strive directs her to achieve her success.



The writer uses The Hunger Games as the first novel of the trilogy that written by Suzanne Collins. Collins creates Katniss as the main character that portrayed many things along the story. In this research, there are two main topics. First, the writer analyses character and characteristics of Katniss which are described in the novel by using New Criticism theory. Second, the writer analyses the striving process of Katniss to reach her goal by using Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology theory.

First, the writer concludes that Katniss is round character because she has several characteristics. There are four dominant characteristics of Katniss such as affectionate, dauntless, caring and also cunning person. She is an affectionate to her mother and her little sister, Prim. It is proven when she takes over whole thing after

her father’s death. She becomes family provider to feed her family; applying for

tesserae, hunting in the woods, and trading in the Hob. She always worries and misses her mother and Prim during in the hunger games competition. All of them can be understand that Katniss loves her family.

Other Katniss’ characteristic is dauntless. She is brave to sacrifice herself for

Prim. It can be seen when she replaces Prim’s position as a female tribute in the reaping day. It also proves that Katniss is so dauntless to take the risk includes her soul. Then, Katniss depicts herself as a caring person during the games. She wants to help Peeta; a male tribute from her district, and also Rue; a young girl from other


District. It is proven when she gives some food to Rue, shares her sleeping bag,

checks Rue’s supplies and also killsthe tribute that cause of Rue’s death. Besides

that, she also cares to Peeta when he has got injury during the games. She treats Peeta, and takes real medicine in the dangerous place. It can be understood that Katniss is not selfish person because she cares to others. The last, Katniss is cunning person because she can make tactic or strategy to her competitors. She can destroy the tributes’ supplies by making a trap to them. Not only about that, but she also makes a fake track in order to make her enemies difficulty caught her.

Second, the writer concludes that Katniss has motivation in her individual psychology to striving for superiority and success. Katniss can reach her superiority because she is able to solve her inferior feeling. She has to show her performance in the private session, before the games is started. At that time she has a problem that the Gamemakers are not really paying attention to Katniss’ performance. She performs her skill in shooting, but she feels shy when her shooting miss the target. She feels inferior and wants to prove her superiority by shooting the apple in the pig’s mouth on the Gamemakers’ table. Directly, the Gamemakers stop all of their activity and look at Katniss. They think it is a great shooting and they like it. In this case, Katniss has attained her superiority because she gets much attention and the highest score of all the tributes.

Her other goal is to stay alive until the game over. Because it is the hunger games, so she has to strive in the process to be the winner. She has passed many things during the games. When the games begin she just runs away and hides from


the other tributes to protect herself, but she does not has any weapons. The, she has to face the Careers (the strongest opponents) that found her. Katniss traps them with the tracker jacker, and she takes an opportunity to take the bows and arrows from her competitor that die because of it. Further, in the middle games, she has to look for Peeta because the Gamemakers announce the new rule that will be the two winners. After she found him in the bad injury, she tries to treat him as well as she can. She also sacrifices her soul to fight with other tributes just to get the real medicine for Peeta. The climax, Katniss and Peeta strive to face the muttations and Cato in order they can be the winner. Then, they have been successfully bear down those, but other problem come that the new rule has been revoked. The Capitol’s rule just allows one winner, Katniss has a plan to trick the Gamemakers. Finally, in the end Katniss and Peeta, from the same District can be the winner in the 74th The Hunger Games.



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