Characters can be found in stories, novels and dramas. Characters can make literary works more interesting. University Writing Center explains that character is the driving force behind stories, both major characters and minor ones, and authors use them to broadcast their most important messages 2005:2. It explains that characters make a story explain detail. The authors use them as a message to deliver “something” in a story. The other perception is take from Lethbridge and Mildorf 2004:113 say: “That character divided into major characters and minor characters, depending on how important they are for the plot. A good indicator as to whether a character is major or minor is the amount of time and speech as well as presence on stage he or she is allocated. As a rule of thumb, major characters usually have a lot to say and appear frequently throughout the play, while minor characters have less pre sence or appear only marginally.” For instance it can assume that major character has a large appear in the story. The opposite of major is minor, it explains that minor characters only have a small appear in the story. 12

3.1.2. SETTING

Setting refers to the location of a story or novel in terms of place, time, social and physical environments. Setting of place can be defined as the geographical location of the story, for example a country or a city, a large city or a small village, indoors or outdoors, or both. Time can be explained as the period in the story, it can explain as seasons of the year, the day of the month, or the hour of the day in which events of the story happen. Social environment is the environment of society, for example a particular social status lower, middle, or upper class, customs, traditions, and ways of life. The Learning Centre, 2010:1.


Conflict is essential to plot; without conflict there is no plot in a short story. The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a story. The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict. On the other side, the main character may struggle against another important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or even against something inside himself or herself feelings, emotions, illness. Donaghy, 2014:1 Moreover conflict has four kinds of conflicts. First, physical conflict which is known as Person vs. Person, explains about the leading character struggles with his physical strength against other men, forces of nature, or animals. Second, Person vs. Environment, explains about the leading character struggles against the environment of life facing himher. Next, Person vs. Society Conflict, explains the leading character struggles 13 against ideas, practices, or customs of other people. Last is Person vs. Self Conflict, explains the leading character struggles against himselfherself; with hisher own soul, ideas of right or wrong, physical limitations, choices, etc. McCaughtry. 2006:88