An Analysis Of Code Switching And Code Mixing Used By Front Office Department Staffs Of Grand Elite Hotel Medan












Supervisor, Co. Supervisor,

Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed.TESOL Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D NIP. 19570308 198403 1 004 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

Submitted to the Faculty of Letters University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Literature.



Approved by the English Literature Department of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS.


Accepted by the board of Examination in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Literature Department Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan.

The Examination is held at the University of Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Cultural Studies, English Literature Department on Saturday, July 27th 2013.

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara,

Dr. Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

1. Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed.TESOL

NIP. 19570308 198403 1 004 ... 2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D

NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002 ...


NIP. 19570626 198303 2 001 ... 4. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS.

NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 ... 5. Dr. Dra. Nurlela, M.Hum.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this thesis as one of the requirements to get S-1 certificate from English Literature Department Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. My Prophet, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW for inspiring me to live my life.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

• My beloved parents, Sofyan Idris and Jamila. Thank you for the gen, all your motivations, advices, prays, immortal loves, financials and everything. You are the best parents in my life. I present this paper for you.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS as the Head of English Department.

Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed.TESOL as my supervisor and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D as my co-supervisor. Thanks for giving me advises and knowledges. • All lecturers in English Department Faculty of Cultural Studies. Thanks for

knowledges they have given during I study there.

Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo and Dewa19 band. The best musician for me. You teach me that music is free and universal which can be listened by everyone. Your songs can represent my past, now and my future. Good motivator !


Komunitas Restoe Boemi (KRB) Medan a.k.a BALADEWA MEDAN. My second family. Keep the best relationship brother!

Evelyn N.A Siregar . Thanks for the experience, time, support and everything. • My Schools: TK. R.A Abdul Qadir, SD N 060834, SMP N 19, SMA N 12, D-III

Bahasa Inggris USU, S-1 Sastra Inggris USU. Thanks for all experiences, knowledges, and the time that wasted together. For all my friends, You are my histories! Thanks for the nice friendship during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together.

Front Office Department Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan as the most important object in this thesis. This thesis can’t be accomplished without their help. Thanks for experience, friendship, and be good partners in working there. Thanks for your voices that has been recorded as samples in this study. I will keep you all in my heart. And the last, I will always miss to be one of the night shift staffs. “Lelucon Tengah Malam” hahaha.

Finally, I do realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestion towards this paper.


Agung Fahmi Pribadi Reg. No. 110721014



I, Agung Fahmi Pribadi, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis except the references that I use in this thesis are got from some related texts, internet and books. This thesis is not published yet or extracted in whole or in a part from another thesis.

No other person’s have been used without due acknowledgements in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted yet for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :



Name : Agung Fahmi Pribadi

Title of Thesis : An Analysis Of Code Switching And Code Mixing Used By Front Office

Department Staffs Of Grand Elite Hotel Medan

Qualification : S-1/Sarjana

Department : English Literature

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at discretion of the Librarian of University of Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Cultural Studies, English Department on the understanding that users are made aware for their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing Used by Front Office Department Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan” ini membahas tentang pengalihan kode dan pencampuran kode antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan sehari-hari ketika mereka sedang bekerja. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bab; bab I pendahuluan membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan, tujuan penulisan dan manfaat penulisan. Bab II membahas tentang tinjauan pustaka dan teori-teori tentang sociolinguistics, speech community, bilingualism, language choice, code, code switching and code mixing. Bab III membahas metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis. Bab IV berisikan hasil analisis tentang penggunaan pilihan bahasa pada staf front office Grand Elite Hotel. Bab V berisi tentang kesimpulan dan saran. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumuplan data penulis menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan cara observasi langsung (participant observation) dengan moderate participation atau dimana penulis menjadi bagian dari sample namun tidak secara keseluruhan. Observasi dilakukan dengan teknik merekam dan mencatat hal-hal penting yang terjadi ketika masa penelitian. Sample yang diteliti adalah staf front office Grand Elite Hotel medan yang terdiri dari Front Office Supervisor, Front Desk Agent/Receptionist, Reservartion Agent, and Telephone Operator. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sejak bulan Maret - June 2013. berdasarkan masalah yang dibahas oleh penulis dalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin menemukan tipe alih kode, bentuk campur kode, dan alasan yang digunakan oleh oleh sample dalam melakukan alih kode dan campur kode. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis, tipe alih kode yang muncul ada 3 jenis; Intra-sentential switching, Inter-sentential switching dan tag switching. Dari ketiga jenis, yang paling banyak digunakan adalah intra-sentential switching dan tag switching sebanyak 3 kali (37.5%). Bentuk campur kode yang yang di temukan terdiri dari word insertion, idiom or expression insertion, phrase insertion, hybrid insertion and reduplication insertion. Dari semua bentuk campur kode, yang paling dominan adalah word insertion sebanyak 66 kali (37.9%). Dan untuk alasan penggunaan alih kode dan campur kode yang paling dominan dilakukan oleh samples adalah Situational Factors (setting, topic, class, gender, religion, age) sebanyak 131 kali (48.7%) dengan alasan tempat terjadinya alih kode dan campur kode adalah di hotel dan beberapa tempat kerja staf front office Grand Elite Hotel Medan.



Thesis entitled "An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing Used by Front Office Department Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan" is about code switching and code mixing between Indonesian and English in daily conversation when they were working. This thesis consists of 5 (five) chapters; chapter I discusses about the background, problem, objective, purpose and significance of study. Chapter II discusses about the review of literature and theories of sociolinguistics, speech community, bilingualism, language choice, code, code switching and code mixing. Chapter III discusses about the research methods used by the author. Chapter IV contains about the results of an analysis of the use of language choice used by the front office staffs of Grand Elite Hotel. Chapter V contains the conclusions and suggestions. This thesis uses descriptive qualitative research methods. In collecting the data, the writer uses methods of field research by way of direct observation (participant observation) with moderate participation or where the writer became part of the sample, but not in its entirety. Observations were made with the technique of recording and note the important things that happen when the study period. Sample under study is the front office staff Grand Elite Hotel terrain consists of Front Office Supervisor, Front Desk Agent / Receptionist, reservation Agent, and Telephone Operator. Data collection was conducted from March - June 2013. Based on the issues discussed by the authors in this paper, the authors wanted to find out what types of code switching, forms of code mixing, and the reasons for doing over by the sample code switched and code mixed. From the results of the analysis conducted by the authors, there are 3 types of code switching that appears; Intra-sentential switching, Inter-sentential switching and tag switching. From the three types, the most widely used is the intra-sentential switching and tag switching , it occurs 3 times (75.5%). Form of code mixing that could be found consisting of word insertion, idiom or expression insertion, phrase insertion, reduplication insertion and hybrid insertion. From all the forms of code mixing, the most dominant is the word insertion as much as 66 times (37.9%). And for reasons for the use of code switching and code mixing most dominant by samples is Situational Factors (setting, topic, class, gender, religion, age) as much as 131 times (48.7%) because of the place where the code switching and the code mixing done by some front office staff of Grand Elite Hotel Medan.










1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ……… 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ……… 7

1.3 Objectives of the Study ……… 8

1.4 Scope of the Study ……… 8

1.5 Significance of the Study ……… 9

2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Related Studies ……… 10

2.2 Review of the Underlying Theory ……… 11

2.2.1. Sociolinguistics ……… 11

2.2.2. Speech Community ……… 13

2.2.3. Bilingualism ……… 14

2.2.4. Code ……… 15

2.2.5. Code Switching and Code Mixing ……… 17

3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Population and Sample ……… 25

3.2 Location and Time of Observation ……… 27

3.3 Data Collecting Method ……… 28

3.4 Data Analyzing Method ……… 29 4: FINDING AND ANALYSIS


by Front Office Staffs in Daily Work Activities ……… 31 4.1.1. Inter-sentential Switching ……… 33 4.1.2. Intra-sentential Switching ……… 33

4.1.3. Tag Switching ……… 34

4.1.4. The Frequency of The Occurrence of The Types of Code Switching Found in The Conversation

of Front Office Staffs at Grand Elite Hotel Medan ……… 34 4.2 The Forms of Code Mixing Using

by Front Office Staffs in Daily Work Activities ……… 35 4.2.1 The Frequency of The Occurrence of The Forms

of Code Mixing Found in The Conversation

of Front Office Staffs at Grand Elite Hotel Medan ……… 48 4.3 Reasons Why Front Office Department Staffs

of Grand Elite Hotel Medan Use Code Switching and

Code Mixing in Their Daily Work Activities ……… 49 4.3.1. Participant Roles and Relationship ……… 52 4.3.2. Situational Factors (setting, topic, class,

gender, religion, age) ……… 52

4.3.3. Message-Intrinsic Factors ……… 53 5: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

5.1 Conclusions ……… 59

5.2 Suggestions ……… 60




Table 4.1 Frequency of Occurrence of Types

of Code Switching in the Conversations Done

by Front Office Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan ……… 32 Table 4.2 Frequency of Occurrence of Forms

of Code Mixing in the Conversations Done

by Front Office Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan ……… 36 Table 4.3 The Frequency of the Occurrence of

The Reasons of Code Switching and Code Mixing in The Conversations Done by Front Office Staffs of

Grand Elite Hotel Medan ……… 50

Table 4.4 The Occurrence of The Reasons of

Code Switching and Code Mixing in The Conversations



Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing Used by Front Office Department Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan” ini membahas tentang pengalihan kode dan pencampuran kode antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan sehari-hari ketika mereka sedang bekerja. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bab; bab I pendahuluan membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan, tujuan penulisan dan manfaat penulisan. Bab II membahas tentang tinjauan pustaka dan teori-teori tentang sociolinguistics, speech community, bilingualism, language choice, code, code switching and code mixing. Bab III membahas metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis. Bab IV berisikan hasil analisis tentang penggunaan pilihan bahasa pada staf front office Grand Elite Hotel. Bab V berisi tentang kesimpulan dan saran. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumuplan data penulis menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan cara observasi langsung (participant observation) dengan moderate participation atau dimana penulis menjadi bagian dari sample namun tidak secara keseluruhan. Observasi dilakukan dengan teknik merekam dan mencatat hal-hal penting yang terjadi ketika masa penelitian. Sample yang diteliti adalah staf front office Grand Elite Hotel medan yang terdiri dari Front Office Supervisor, Front Desk Agent/Receptionist, Reservartion Agent, and Telephone Operator. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sejak bulan Maret - June 2013. berdasarkan masalah yang dibahas oleh penulis dalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin menemukan tipe alih kode, bentuk campur kode, dan alasan yang digunakan oleh oleh sample dalam melakukan alih kode dan campur kode. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis, tipe alih kode yang muncul ada 3 jenis; Intra-sentential switching, Inter-sentential switching dan tag switching. Dari ketiga jenis, yang paling banyak digunakan adalah intra-sentential switching dan tag switching sebanyak 3 kali (37.5%). Bentuk campur kode yang yang di temukan terdiri dari word insertion, idiom or expression insertion, phrase insertion, hybrid insertion and reduplication insertion. Dari semua bentuk campur kode, yang paling dominan adalah word insertion sebanyak 66 kali (37.9%). Dan untuk alasan penggunaan alih kode dan campur kode yang paling dominan dilakukan oleh samples adalah Situational Factors (setting, topic, class, gender, religion, age) sebanyak 131 kali (48.7%) dengan alasan tempat terjadinya alih kode dan campur kode adalah di hotel dan beberapa tempat kerja staf front office Grand Elite Hotel Medan.



Thesis entitled "An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing Used by Front Office Department Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan" is about code switching and code mixing between Indonesian and English in daily conversation when they were working. This thesis consists of 5 (five) chapters; chapter I discusses about the background, problem, objective, purpose and significance of study. Chapter II discusses about the review of literature and theories of sociolinguistics, speech community, bilingualism, language choice, code, code switching and code mixing. Chapter III discusses about the research methods used by the author. Chapter IV contains about the results of an analysis of the use of language choice used by the front office staffs of Grand Elite Hotel. Chapter V contains the conclusions and suggestions. This thesis uses descriptive qualitative research methods. In collecting the data, the writer uses methods of field research by way of direct observation (participant observation) with moderate participation or where the writer became part of the sample, but not in its entirety. Observations were made with the technique of recording and note the important things that happen when the study period. Sample under study is the front office staff Grand Elite Hotel terrain consists of Front Office Supervisor, Front Desk Agent / Receptionist, reservation Agent, and Telephone Operator. Data collection was conducted from March - June 2013. Based on the issues discussed by the authors in this paper, the authors wanted to find out what types of code switching, forms of code mixing, and the reasons for doing over by the sample code switched and code mixed. From the results of the analysis conducted by the authors, there are 3 types of code switching that appears; Intra-sentential switching, Inter-sentential switching and tag switching. From the three types, the most widely used is the intra-sentential switching and tag switching , it occurs 3 times (75.5%). Form of code mixing that could be found consisting of word insertion, idiom or expression insertion, phrase insertion, reduplication insertion and hybrid insertion. From all the forms of code mixing, the most dominant is the word insertion as much as 66 times (37.9%). And for reasons for the use of code switching and code mixing most dominant by samples is Situational Factors (setting, topic, class, gender, religion, age) as much as 131 times (48.7%) because of the place where the code switching and the code mixing done by some front office staff of Grand Elite Hotel Medan.




1.1 Background of The Study

Language is a media used to send a message to the others. When a person exists firstly in the world, he will use a language automatically. It is a sign language that is used by a baby, like crying. By the times, the language will be perfect when he grows older.

We know that language and human being can not be separated. In the writer’s opinion that if there is no language, there will no a good communication created to interact as a social man. Nowadays, human is demanded to be able to understand and use the international language. Even, kindergarden students have to start to learn English as international language that we must know. It causes a case that happened because of an effect of the language used by some people. It’s called ‘Language Contacts’. Language contact is a sociolinguistic circumstance where two or more languages, elements of different languages, or varieties within a language, used simultaneously or mixed one over the others. The language used by some people in a community or group will be influenced by language used by people from out of the community. The language contacts produce some cases that is called ‘bilingualism’ and ‘multilingualism’. Bilingualism is a condition when people use two languages in their daily activities by turns. And multilingualism is a condition when people use more than two languages in their daily activities by turns to interact with other people.


Malmaker (1992: 61-61) divides the lingusitic mixing into two types: a. Alih kode (code switching), yaitu beralih dari satu bahasa ke dalam bahasa lain dalam satu ujaran atau percakapan; dan (Code switching, the switching process from a language to another language in an utterance or conversation, and)

b. Campur kode (code mixing/interference), yaitu penggunaan unsur-unsur bahasa, dari satu bahasa melalui ujaran khusus ke dalam bahasa yang lain. (Code mixing, the using of elements of language, from one language by special utterance to another language).

In multilingual society, there are cases which are called mixing’ and ‘code-switching’. Code mixing and code swtching can happen caused by mastering more languages.

Code-switching is a condition where speakers deliberately change a code being used, namely by switching from one to another. Hymes explains about code mixing as multi language used by many people. He says:

“Code switching has become a common term for alternate use of two or more language, or varieties of language, or even speech styles.” (Hymes, 1875).

Sometimes, people consider that code switching and code mixing have the same meaning, but actually both of them are different. People in the bilingualism or multilingualism linguistic environment often change language or variety of languages. This situation depends on situation of the hotel or the need for communication such as when a person uses a standard language when he meets his guest. When he knows that, actually, the guest is his old friend, the person switches his standard language into informal language. This phenomenon is called code switching. Suwito explains about the using of two or more languages in code-switching. He says:


Penggunaan dua bahasa (atau lebih) dalam alih kode menurut Suwito (1996 : 80) ditandai oleh:

a. Masing-masing bahasa masih mendukung fungsi-fungsi secara tersendiri sesuai konteksnya,

b. Fungsi masing-masing bahasa disesuaikan dengan situasi yang relevan dengan perubahan konteksnya.

Suwito (1985) divides code switching into two types, they are:

a. The internal code switching, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into language, the element of dialect into own language. For example: the change of Javanese language by using dialect ngapak switching to Java language by using dialect krama.

b. The eksternal code switching, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own language into foreign language. For example: the change of Indonesian language switching to English.

Code-mixing is the mixing of two or more languages or speech. If the speaker uses a language dominantly, just for support a conversation by inserted the elements from another languages. Suwito explains about code mixing that multi-language that is inserted the element of language in two or more languages. He says:

“Suwito (1996 : 96) berpendapat bahwa campur kode merupakan pemakaian dua bahasa atau lebih dengan saling memasukkan unsur bahasa yang satu ke dalam bahasa yang lain secara konsisten.”


Suwito divides code mixing into two types, they are:

a. The internal code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into language, the element of dialect into own language. For example: saya turu terlalu lama ini.

b. The eksternal code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own language into foreign language. For example: Untuk dinner malam ini begitu romantis.

In the daily conversation, spoken or written language, formal or informal situation, realized or not, people often use code-mixing and code switching. For example, in a hotel, many hotel employees use the two codes. The following dialog can be used as examples in using the code-mixing and code switching.

Agung : “May I count your money?” Mr. Kannan : “Yes. Of course.”

Cut : “Berapa?”

Agung : “Rp.1.700.000,- kak. Wait a moment sir, please” Cut : “Kamar 634, Mr. Kannan, can you please sign


Mr. Kannan : “Yes, hey I like your country, the people is so lovely..”


Mr. Kannan : “And the people is so thankful, it’s different. It’s not like malaysian. Malaysian is not friendly.”

Cut : “Hehehe..”

Agung : “Where do you come from sir?” Mr. Kannan : “India”

Cut : “Eiiy India, I like Sharukh Khan from India.” Mr. Kannan : “Hahaha.. wherever I go, everytime I said India,

everyone always remember Sharukh Khan.” Cut : “Hahaha.. kajol..”

Mr. Kannan : “Thank you yeah”

Cut : “Yes, Sir. Thank you sir.”

Mr. Kannan : “I love Sharukh Khan. I’m a great fan of Sharukh Khan. Almost of my songs in my handphone is Sharukh Khan’s songs.”

Cut : “Ouuww Sharukh Khan? Haha.. ok sir,thank you sir.”

Mr. Kannan : “Yes, You’re welcome”

Cut : ”Pecinta Sharukh Khan rupanya dia”

Agung : “Hahaha”

The Italic sentences are code switching because the sentences are conversation between

Receptionist 1 (Agung) and Receptionist 2 (Cut) as Indonesian and they are influenced by the


conversation happpen when Mr. Kannan come to the counter to give the additional deposits for

his room.

The operator of Grand Elite Hotel : “It’s a great day at Grand Elite Hotel Medan, front desk, How may I assist you?”

The operator of Garuda Plaza Hotel : “Iya, boleh occupancy dari Garuda Plaza Hotel?”

The operator of Grand Elite Hotel : “Garuda Plaza pak ya?Kita roomsold di 102, 53.68% untuk occupancy nya” The operator of Garuda Plaza Hotel : “Berapa pak?”

The operator of Grand Elite Hotel : “53.68% pak.” The operator of Garuda Plaza Hotel : “Iya.”

The operator of Grand Elite Hotel : “Arr nya di 390.883 pak...” The operator of Garuda Plaza Hotel : “Terima kasih pak ya” The operator of Grand Elite Hotel : “Kembali pak, selamat pagi” The operator of Garuda Plaza Hotel : “Pagi”

The English that is used by the operators is code mixing because the guest uses some English words when he speaks in Bahasa Indonesia. Those words are the terms used in a hotel. The guest uses the words because the condition is in a hotel. The speakers usually use code-mixing is not realized.

From the description above, the writer is interested in carrying out a research about English used in a hotel in Medan. Specially at front office department because it is


one of the hotel department that often make contact directly with the guest. How to use English, the use of code-switching and code-mixing, the terminology in hotel. The hotel that will be the sources of the data for the research is Grand Elite Hotel Medan, located at Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 395 Medan.

In front office department, there are some sections that are the sources of collecting the data in this research from front office department, such as: Assistant front office manager, front office supervisor, front desk agent / receptionist, telephone operator and reservation agent. English used in front office department especially by using code switching and code-mixing in their daily work-activities will be analyzed based on the conversation they do every day . Front office department is one of the hotel departments which make contact and communicate with the guests directly. It means that many activities that they do with the guests while they are on duty.

1.2 Problems of The Study

Based on the background above, the writer finds some problems that appear in the conversation. And it arises some questions, such as:

a. What is the most dominant type of code switching used by front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan in daily work activities?

b. What is the most dominant form of code mixing used by front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan in daily work activities?

c. What are the reasons of front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan to code switch and code mix?


1.3 Objectives of The Study

Related to the problems above, the researcher tries to find out and answer what the writer expects from the analysis are:

a. To find the most dominant type of code switching used by front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan.

b. To find the most dominant form of code mixing used by front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan.

c. To find the reasons why the front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan code switch and code mix in their daily work activities.

1.4 Scope of The Study

In this thesis, the limitation is made to obtain a clear and detail description of the matter and some interesting cases that can be analyzed. However, the writer focuses the study on the analysing of code-switching and code-mixing used by some front office department staffs at Grand Elite Hotel Medan, namely assistant front office manager, front office supervisor, front desk agent / receptionist, telephone operator and reservation agent in their daily work activities. Besides, the writer studies the terminology which is one of the factors why the code mixing and code switching can happen in hotel activities and always used by the front office department staffs at Grand Elite Hotel Medan.


1.5 Significance of The Study

There are two significances of the study, they are:

a. Theoretically, it is expected that the research finding will enrich the study of sociolinguistics especially, the using of code-switching and code-mixing.

b. Practically, the writer expects this thesis is expected to be useful for the readers who live and interact in a bilingual or multilingual community to code-switch and code-mix.




This part presents theories that underlie the analysis of this thesis and also related studies that support the analysis.

2.1 Related Studies

There are some scholars who ever did the research about language choice that relates to the topic. They are:

Adisti Aulia Maryam (2010) has done a research about language choice in her thesis entitled A Brief Description of Code Switching and Code Mixing in Informal Conversation Used by 2009 Batch Students of English Department University of Sumatera Utara. In her thesis, she finds that there are two types of code switching used by 2009 batch students of English Department University of Sumatera Utara, namely intersentensial Switching and Intra-sentensial switching. And it’s used most dominant is Intrasentensial Switching (82.8%). The types of code mixing found are word insertion, hybrid insertion, phrase insertion, and reduplication insertion. And the most dominant that used is word insertion (55.7%).

Emmy K. Sinulingga (2009) in Code Mixing and Code Switching in “Smart Business Talk” of Smart Radio 101.8FM in The Theme ‘How To Become a Superstar Sales Person’. In her paper, she analyzed about the using of code switching and code mixing used by the presenter of the radio to broadcast directly. Bilingualism and multilingualism used by them.


Booni Tauhid (2008) in Analisis Campur Kode Pada Mahasiwa Jurusan Manajemen Perhotelan Dan Manajemen Pariwisata Akademi Pariwisata (Akpar) Medan. He analyzed code mixing which occured in a bilingual/multilingual communication network in Medan Tourism Academic and identified the factor that influenced the code mixing. He applied both library and field researches in finishing his paper.

Zulfikar Hanafi (2010) in A Brief Description of Code Switching and Code Mixing in Novel “Divortiare” by Ika Natassa. In his thesis, he found that the writer of the novel used Indonesian language and English, the most dominant code switching in the novel is intersentensial code switching (40.50%) and for code mixing (68.18%).

Dian Marisha Putri (2010) has done a research about language choice in her thesis entitled (Indonesian – English) Code Switching and Code Mixing Found in The Novel “Kamar Cewek” Written by Ninit Yunita & Okke Sepatu Merah. In her thesis, she finds that code mixing (74.76%) is the most dominant used in the novel. And for the code switching, there are two types: Situational code switching (23.64%) and methaporical code switching (1.60%). And it is the result of the presentation found by the writer of the thesis.

2.2 Review of the Underlying Theory 2.2.1. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that takes language as an object of study, in a way that is usually distinguished from how syntax, semantics, morphology and phonology handle it. It is a field that analyzes language as part of social property.


The study explores the functions and the varieties of language, the contact between different languages, attitudes of people towards language use and users, changes of language, as well as plans on language. In the early definition of the study, some linguists used the term sociology of language, while others named it sociolinguistics.

The term sociolinguistics has gained much more popularity both in the studies and in the literatures discussing the subject. The following definitions on the subject used sociolinguistics as the names of the fields

Sociolinguistics is that part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. (Peter Trudgill, 1983)

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure language and how language functions in communication. (Ronald Wardhaugh, 1986)

Sociolinguistics is any study of language in relation to society (Peter Matthew, 1997)

Sociolinguistics is the field that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live. (Bernard Spolsky, 1998)

Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors. (Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner, 1998)

From some quotatios above, we can conclude that sociolinguistics is the interdisciplinary study which studies about the relationship between language and social factors in a speech community.


2.2.2. Speech Community

Every person comes from a community that has its own characteristic include the way they talk, the members of community might speak the same language, same dialect or same varieties. A group of this people is known as speech community.

In other words, the members of a speech community not only have to share a set of grammatical rules, but also there must be regular relationship between language use and social structure.

Furthermore, Labov (in Wardhaugh 1986 : 115) defines speech community as follows:

The speech community is not defined by any marked agreement in the use of language elements, so much as by participation in a set of shared norms; these norms may be observed in overt types of eveluative behaviour, and by the uniformity of abstract patterns of variation which are invariant in respect to particular levels of usage.

The members of the same speech community should share linguistic norms. That is, they share understanding and values of attitudes toward language varieties present in their community. A speech community is not more than some kinds of social group whose speech characteristics are of interest and can be described in a coherent manner (Wardhaugh, 1986:113).

In speech community, for sure there is a speech acts. Chaer and Agustina defines speech acts as terjadinya atau berlangsungnya interaksi linguistik dalam suatu bentuk ujaran atau lebih yang melibatkan dua pihak, yaitu penutur dan lawan tutur, dengan


satu pokok tuturan, di dalam waktu, tempat dan situasi tertentu. “a linguistics interaction in one or more speech form, involving two person, speaker and listener, with a particular topic, in a particular time, place and situation.” (1995 : 46)

2.2.3. Bilingualism

There was an argument that a person should be only called bilingual when he or she can use two or more languages in the same level of performance. But a more moderate view suggested that for a person does not need to command two or more languages in the same level to be called a bilingual.

There are some factors why a person can be a bilingual. Such as mobilization, nationalism, education, culture, or religion. Mobilization can make a bilingualism condition when immigrant have to interact with the native, they will learn the native language. Nationalism movement appears a necessity of a national language to unite a whole nation or a necessity to have a legal language of a country like Indonesia. Education and culture can also make a bilingualism situation if those languages and cultures spread to other places, so persons who want to learn about it have to understand the language first. The religion is usually written in a language, Arabic in Islam or Latin in Christian. It makes us have to understand about the language if we want to understand about it. (Umar and Napitupulu 1994 : 9-10)

Bilingualism can be regarded as the abilty to communicate in two languages, but with greater skills in one language. There used to be communities whose members use one language as a means of communication. We call the individuals of such community monolinguals, while people who are not monolinguals but speaks two


languages everyday are named bilinguals (bilingual people). So, bilingualism is interrelated with the individual and society by two languages how both of languages used and how they studied.

2.2.4. Code

In a bilingual or multilingual society, it is normal for the people to be in a situation where a choice between two or more codes has to be made. In the situation the bilinguals may want to consider. For example, who speaks to them, in which language or variety, and when or where the conversation takes place. To a bilingual or multilingual, although choosing a code is one of the routines, the skill in deciding which code should be chosen still needs developing.

In 1964, Dell Hathaway Hymes one of the most noted world sociolinguists, suggested eight factors that bilingual, multilingual, or monolingual people may consider when choosing a code. The factors were formulated into an acronym, namely S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G, which stands for Setting and Scene, Participants, Ends, Act sequence, Key, Instrumentalities, Norms, and Genre.

S (setting and scene) are the places, occasions, or natural situations that can influence the people in choosing the code. In general, it includes the situation of speech acts.

P (participants) are the people involved in the communication found in the setting. A good public speaker for example, wants to know about his (her) audience (the participants) before performing a speech. In code choice, this component of speech involves two social dimension of human, they are : horizontal dimension (solidarity) it


is about the relationship between speaker and listener, and vertical dimension (power) it is about social factors such as age, class social, and social status.

E (ends) are the goals, purposes and outcomes that a speaker wishes to reach of speech act.

A (act sequences) refers to form and order of the event or to the type and the content of speech act, a narrative, or a conversation.

K (key) is referred to the tone and the manner, spirit, and feeling of the message wished to be captured within the conversation. It is also referred to the spirit captured in the voice or manner of a speaker. The spirit or the feeling may be sincere, modest or low.

I (instrumentalities) are referred to the register, the channels and forms of the speech. Channels can be written or oral language or even symbols. Form of speech can be kind of language such as the language varieties. And the forms that might be under consideration are whether it will be delivered in a more formal way or a casual friendly one.

N (norms) are divided into two : interaction norms and interpretations norms. Those are refer to the norms and rules of interacting and interpreting in a speech act. Social rules governing the event and the participants’ actions and reactions. It is contextual custom in using the code, including for example allowance for an interruption, using gestures freely, addressing an audience, eye contacts, distance, and asking questions about belief.

G (genre) is referred to the type of the utterances and the kind of speech act or event whether it is in the form of a poem, a proverb, a prayer, a lecture. Such as


conversation, telling a story, speech and so on. If the genre is different, the code that we use is different too.

The factors described above have been one of the most important foundations in the general study of code choices. They are popularly known as the components of the ethnography of speaking. In a conversation we might not find the factors to be activated all together. To certain degree these factors in choosing a code might be also helpful to describe factors that influence other forms of language-contact-phenomenon, namely code switching and code mixing.

2.2.5. Code Switching and Code Mixing

In a bilingual or multilingual society, it is normal for people to be in a situation where a choice between two or more codes has made. According to Marjohan (1988:48), “code is a term which refers to a variety”. Thus a code maybe an idiolect, a dialect, a sociolect, a register or a language. A speaker has a linguistic repertoire which consists of various codes. Thus he usually has a set of codes. Each code have certain functions or maybe some of them have similar functions. In a monolingual situation, the use of different codes depends on the variability of the languages and the specification of their uses as agreed upon by the people. When the speakers have two codes with each have specific functions, the speakers have a stable diglossia.


Code Switching

Code switching is a situation where the speakers deliberately change a code being used, by switching from one to another. Code switching can be generally defined as the phenomenon where in a bilingual or multilingual speaker shifts from one language to another in the course of a conversation. Among several definitions of code switching, the following two should give clarity needed to understand the concept.

Code Switching has become a common term for alternate use of two or more language, or varieties of language, or even speech styles. (Dell H Hymes, 1875)

From the definition above, it is learned that code switching is found more with bilingual or multilingual speakers, although monolinguals may actually be said to switch from a variety or style to another. The definitions also suggest that code switching should be found in a single conversation. In other words, if a bilingual child changes from using Indonesian at home to using English at school, the act of changing codes would not normally be classified as code switching.

The grammatical classification results in three types of code switching according to Tom McArthur, namely tag code switching, intersentential code switching and intrasentential code switching.


a. Tag code switching, it happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions (tag) from different language at the end of his/her utterance. Here the example below are taken from the dialogues done by the front office staff:

Agung : “Ohh yaudah, thank you..”

b. Intersentential code switching, it happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. Here the example below are taken from the dialogues done by front office staff:

Cut : “Bilang sama si Chandra room breakfast to travel agent, others personal account ya”

c. Intrasentential code switching, it happens when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language. Here the example below are taken from the dialogues done by front office staff:

Chandra: “Ya,.. Jadi paling seperti biasa 318 follow up additional deposit nya

Code Mixing

The other phenomenon closely related to code switching is code mixing. Code mixing is the mixing of pieces of a word or phrase from a language into the other language in a bilingualism or multilingualism. The concept of code mixing is used to refer to a more general form of language contact that may include cases of code switching and the other form of contacts which emphasizes the lexical items.

Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says that “campur kode adalah digunakannya serpihan-serpihan dari bahasa lain dalam menggunakan suatu bahasa, yang mungkin diperlukan dengan tanpa disadari, sehingga tidak dianggap suatu kesalahan atau


penyimpangan”. (Code mixing is using pieces of another languages maybe needed unconsciously, so that it is not accepted as a mistake).

Code mixing occurs when a conversation use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1986:103). It means that the conversants just change some of the elements in their utterance.

Code mixing also has some types. Suwito (1983) in Umar and Napitupulu (1994:14) divided code mixing into two: innercode mixing and outercode mixing. Innercode mixing is sourced from the native language with all its variations (formal, standard, informal or non-standard). While outercode mixing is sourced from foreign language. In this thesis, because the scope is clear that the writer only focus on Indonesian and English language, automatically the only tpe of code mixing here is the outercode mixing.

Code mixing is usually occurs in the middle of a sentence. According to Suwito, based on the unsure of language that involve in it, there are some forms of code mixing, they are:

a. Word insertion

The insertion of words here means inserting words from another language into a dominant language that used in a conversation.

Example: “Kalo sama Ivon, apa sih yang ga done coba?” b. Phrase insertion


A phrase is a group of words without a verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence. Phrase insertion here a sequence of words, which used to refer to a sequence of words functioning as a single unit.

Example: “Iya,.. room breakfast only yaa.. karna itu dari BNN, jadi Others nya personal account.”

c. Idiom or expression insertion

Idiom is phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. While expression is a word or phrase or term from particular field. It means inserting an idiom or a term from particular field from another language into the conversation.

Example: “All in nih, 5 rooms aja, tapi rooming-list nya belum di kasih”. d. Hybrid insertion

Literally, hybrid is a thing made by combining two different elements. In this case, hybrid is the combination between native and foreign form. Such as, combine prefix from one language with a word from anothe language.

Example: “Room-nya di bayar ke 312, bu” e. Reduplication insertion

Reduplication is a repetition of word.


Reasons for code switching and code mixing

Bilinguals often do code switching and code mixing when communicating with another person who also bilingual. It happens fo a number of reasons. Bhatia and Ritchie (2004) in Kim Eunhee’s article state that there are some factors influence someone do a code switching and code mixing such as with whom, about what, and when and where a speech act occurs, bilinguals make their language choice. they state:

a) Participant Roles and Relationship

Participant roles and relationships play a very critical role in bilinguals’ unconscious agreement and disagreement on language choice. That is whether bilinguals code-mix or not, depends on whom they talk to.

b) Situational Factors

Some language are viewed as more suited to particular participant / social groups, settings or topics to other. They also postulate that social variables such as class, religion, gender, and age can influence the pattern of language mixing and switching both qualitatively and quantitatively.

c) Message-Intrinsic factors

There are some factors which generate code-switching and code-mixing such as : • Quotations : direct quotations usually make a bilingual mix or switch their language. In Indonesia, most of quote come from a well-known figures from some English-speaking countries. So, they usually switch their language when they have to say a quotation.


• Reiteration : when a bilingual wants to clarify her speech to someone, he tries to find another word that has a same meaning through switch or mix his language and make the listener understand it.

• Topic-comment / Relative clauses : sometimes, people can start a conversation with a language then comment on it or end it through another language.

• Hedging : when bilinguals do not want their speech is understood by other, they usually mix or switch their language.

• Interjections : inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors. People can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connectors. It may happen unintentionally or intentionally.

• Idioms and deep-rooted cultural wisdom : it has same function with direct quotations, but it is about idioms, a very common words or wisdom words. d) Language Attitudes, Dominance, and Security

Language Attitudes, Dominance, and Security determine the qualitative and quantitative properties of language mixing. Attitudes means the frequency of mix and switch depends on whether a society considers it positively or not. Dominance means how often people mix or swtich their language depends on how much they mastering those both languages. Security means when people do not feel secure, they tend to mix language more.




There are three kinds of research based on the location of the research as library research, laboratory research and field research (Bungin 2005 : 40-41). In this thesis, the writer tries to apply the descriptive qualitative method. Bodgan and Biklen (1982) propose five characteristics of qualitative research as quoted from Sugiyono (2009 : 21), they are:

a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and researcher is the key instrument.

b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number

c. Qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply with outcomes or products.

d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively. e. “meaning” is essential to the qualitative approach.

In this thesis, the design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the five characteristics of qualitative research as proposed by Bodgan and Bilken, this research will use the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the collecting data and will be collected in words form.


The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follows: a. The location of the research

b. The technique of collecting data (population and sample)

c. Identifying the words or sentences in the conversation which belong to code switching and code mixing.

d. Classifying and analyzing the types of code switching and the forms of code mixing.

e. Calculating each type of code switching and code mixing and determining the most dominant type.

f. Drawing some conclusions based on the result of analysis.

The method of study applied in this thesis is library and field research. The writer uses the methods to find out the data and relevant information that will support the analysis from the written sources, those are from text books, internet, thesis and dictionaries. In collecting the baseline data, it will be collected by sampling, collecting the data by make a recording of the conversation or utterances and finishing the analysis based on the real fact directly.

3.1 Population and Sample

To complete this research, the writer needs population and sample. The population in this thesis is some of the staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan Front Office Department that can be recognized to be able to speak English well. Front Desk Agent /


Receptionist, Telephone Operator, Reservation Agent and Front Office Supervisor are the samples.

Sometimes, taking sample in qualitative research can be more and less, the information which is gotten can be maximal, like the statement of Patton (1975) (in Guba and Lincoln, 1985 : 233):

“The sample is to be selected in ways that will provide the broadest range of information possible. Thus what is meant by a qualitative isomorph in this case is a qualitative informational isomorph, that is, a sample that is expanded until redundancy with respect to information is reached at which point sampling is terminated. Thus sample maybe large or small, but it is sufficient when the amount of new information provided per unit of added resource expenditure has reach the point of diminishing returns (that is it would not be profitable to add even one more sample element)”

Purposive sampling (Lincoln and Guba, 1985 : 2001-202 ; Lexy Moleong, 2000 : 165 - 66) can be characterized as follows:

a. Emergent sampling design, the sample can’t be found or taken at the first.

b. Serial selection of sample units, if the purpose is to maximize information, the sampling is terminated when no new information is forthcoming from newly samples units, thus redundancy is primary criterion.


c. Continuous adjustment, get more information can expand a hypothesis based on the focus of research.

d. Selection to the point of redundancy, selecting the last sample if there is no more information can be found.

The writer chooses some people that are considered will give the data that the writer need. After that, from those samples, the writer will choose more people to be the samples to give more complete data. But, in purposive sampling, samples are taken by information consideration. Further, Bouma Gary D. (1993 : 119) in his book “The Research Process” (revision edition) say “Purposive sampling. Some researchers believe that they can, using judgement or intuition, select the best people or groups to be studied. The typical rural school is selected and studied, and the results generalized to rural school”.

From the quotation above, the writer has to find out the typical and the best Front Office staffs who can give the complete data. William, at. Al (1982 : 107) says “Respondents who are hard to locate and crucial to the study”. They are wished can give the unique experience and the knowledge or the data about code switching and code mixing that is needed by the writer.

3.2 Location and Time of Observation

The Observation is located in lobby area or front desk agent counter, Telephone operator and reservation agent office and back office of Grand Elite Hotel Medan, Jalan Jend. Gatot subroto no. 395 Medan while the staffs are in their work activities.


The observation is taken on March 2013 - June 2013 between 3 pm to 11 pm (afternoon shift) and 11 pm to 7 am (night shift) according to the writer’s shift schedule and take the best conversation that can be good sample by recording.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The data that found by using field research is actually as the result from the interaction between the researcher and the subject of the research, it’s as the individual or even from the social situation. So, the data that is descript by the researcher is the result from the mind reconstruction of the researcher about the things that the writer research. Such the quotation as follows:

“Data are, so to speak, the constructions offered by or in the sources; data analysis leads to a reconstruction of those constructions” (Lincoln and Guba, 1985).

The researcher as the key human instrument has the functions to decide the focus of research, choosing the samples, collecting the data, analyzing the data, and making a conclusion of the research’s result. Huberman and Miles (1992) has a concept to collect the data of a research: Data collection, data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verifying. To make the writer easier in collecting the data, he uses another instrument which is a recorder to record the dialogue of the samples in their daily work activities.

Hamidi (2008:97) in his book “Metode Penelitian Kualitatif” has some steps to analyze the data:


a. Membuat catatan lapangan. Maksud langkah ini adalah peneliti mencatat, merekam, atau memotret apa yang di dengar dan di lihat di lapangan, sebagai hasil wawancara mendalam, pengamatan dan atau membaca dokumen.

b. Membuat catatan penelitian. Dalam langkah ini peneliti menulis kembali semua yang di peroleh dari langkah pertama, sehingga menjadi catatan yang lebih rapi, mudah di pahami, enak di baca tetapi hanya berisi yang terkait dengan yang di perlukan.

c. Mengelompokkan data sejenis. Peneliti sudah bisa memulai untuk memilih atau mengelompokkan data sejenis atau subtema atau tema dari kumpulan data tersebut.

d. melakukan interpretasi dan penguatan. Maksudnya adalah peneliti “meraba-raba” memberi arti terhadap deskripsi para responden (kelompok data) dalam menjawab permasalahan penelitian.

3.4 Data Analyzing Method

After all the data are collected and then transcribed into a good script, the next step is data analysis by using the following steps:

a. Coding the data based on the types, forms and the reasons of code switching and code mixing. The analysis use the types of code switching according to Tom McArthur, and then uses the forms of code mixing according to Suwito. The writer also uses the reasons for code switching and code mixing according to Kim Eunhee.

b. Discussing and summary the findings. The writer divides how many types of code switching and forms of code mixing are found in the dialogues of the samples in Front Office staffs on duty. The writer shows how many reasons of code switching and mixing in it.

Bungin (2001 : 188) states distributive frequency is “perhitungan data dengan distribusi frekuensi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut


kemudian frekuensi ini dipersentaekan”. Calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency of the data then the frequency is percentaged.

From the statement above, the writer can get the dominant types of code switching and forms of code mixing through the following formula from Bungin (2005 : 171-172):

n= Fx x 100% N

n : total frequency of code switching or code mixing in percent Fx : total types frequency of the sub-category




After doing the research in May up to June 2013, the writer records some conversations that can show the code switching and code mixing. The populations are the Front Office staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan who allows their conversation be recorded and able to speak English fluently.

After transcribing the data, the writer only focuses on the conversations that show the code switching and code mixing. Then the writer analyzes it using the theory as shown in chapter II, and now the writer presents the findings of the research and the analysis of the findings in this part by some samples that he gets.

Based on the objectives of the analysis, the discussion in this part includes : 1) the types of code switching using by front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan, 2) the forms of code mixing using by front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan, 3) and the reason why front office department staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan using code switching and code mixing.

In every subtitle, the expression that contain code switching and code mixing that are suitable with the suitable are printed in boldface.

4.1 The Types of Code Switching Using by Front Office Staffs in Daily Work Activities

As presented in part II, there are three types of code switching proposed by Tom McArthur. Each of the data has been analyzed to find out which of the three types can be


found in the conversations between the samples. Before going to the explanation, the writer presents the table which contains the frequency of the occurrence of the types of code switching.

Table 4.1 Frequency of Occurrence of Types of Code Switching in the Conversations Done the Front Office Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan

No. Types of Code Switching Frequency Percentages

(1) Intersentential Switching 2 25%%

(2) IntraSentential Switching 3 37.5%%

(3) Tag Switching 3 37.5%

TOTAL 8 100%

The table shows that intersentential switching occurs 2 times (25%). Then, in the intrasentential switching which occurs 3 times (37.5%). And the last type, tag switching occurs 3 times (37.5%) too.


4.1.1 Intersentential Switching

This kind of code switching happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. Here are the sentences that belong to intersentential switching:

Data 3:

• Selvie : “7, itu guarranted room breakfast plus laundry, 1 stel per day mak.”

Data 9:

• Sri : “Bilang sama si Chandra room breakfast to travel agent, other personal accountya.”

Those are the intersentensial switching that found in Front Office staffs’ conversation while they are on duty.

4.1.2. Intrasentential Switching

This kind of code switching happens when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language. Here are the intrasentential code switching that found in the conversations of Front Office Grand Elite Hotel Medan staffs:

Data 2:

• Selvie : “Ester, minta tolong check registrartion card room 305 dek. Payment-nya pakai apa itu dek?”


• Selvie : “Em, Sucofindo , I can’t find guarranted letter.”

Data 12:

• Chandra : “Ya,.. Jadi paling seperti biasa. 318 follow up additional deposit nya.”

4.1.3. Tag Switching

This kind of code switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions (tag) from different language at the end of his/her utterance. Here the samples below are taken from the dialogues done by the front office staff:

Data 11:

• Agung : “Yang ini Catur Mitra ini, company account?”

Data 12:

• Agung : “Terus? Wake up call?” Data 14:

• Agung : “Ohh yaudah, thank you..

4.1.4 The Frequency of The Occurrance of The Types of Code Switching Found in The Conversation of Front Office Staffs at Grand Elite Hotel Medan

According to Table IV.1, the frequency of occurrance of the types of code switching found in conversation done by Front Office staffs is varies. From the three types, the lowfrequency found is intersentential switching. It happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. Most of the speakers or the samples usually switch their language in a


sentence form when they speak or when they comment on another speaker sentences (statement or question). Intrasentential switching and tag switching are the highest frequency in the conversations. Intrasentential switching happens when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language. All of the speaker or the samples switch their language to give a statement or to clarify their statements. Tag switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions (tag) from different language at the end of his/her utterance. The speakers or the samples just want to give a short expression in different language at the end of the sentences.

It may because there are some English words that are familiar to the speaker or the samples so that they can use easily in their dialogues. And some words in English has became the terminology in hotel that is always used by the staffs.

4.2 The Forms of Code Mixing Using by Front Office Staffs in Daily Work Activities

In part II, the writer writes that Suwito has divided the forms of Code Mixing into five types, they are:

a. Word insertion : The insertion of words here means inserting words from another language into a dominant language that used in a conversation.

b. Phrase insertion : A phrase is a group of words without a verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence. Phrase insertion here a sequence of words, which used to refer to a sequence of words functioning as a single unit.

c. Idiom or expression insertion : Idiom is phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. While expression is a word or phrase or term from particular field. It


means inserting an idiom or a term from particular field from another language into the conversation.

d. Hybrid insertion : hybrid is a thing made by combining two different elements. In this case, hybrid is the combination between native and foreign form. Such as, combine prefix from one language with a word from another language.

e. Reduplication insertion : Reduplication is a repetition of word.

Table 4.2 Frequency of Occurrence of Forms of Code Mixing in the Conversations Done by the Front Office Staffs of Grand Elite Hotel Medan

No. Forms of Code Mixing Frequency Percentages

(1) Word Insertion 66 37.9%

(2) Phrase Insertion 49 28.2%

(3) Idiom or Expression Insertion 2 1.1%

(4) Hybrid Insertion 53 30.5%


TOTAL 174 100%

From the table above, word insertion is the most form that speakers or the samples use in their daily conversations. This forms occurs 66 times (37.9%). The second is hybrid insertion, it is 53 times (30.5%). Phrase insertion occurs 49 times (28.2%), reduplication insertion with 4 times (2.3%), and the last is idiom or expression insertion with 2 times (1.1%).

The writer will show the forms of code mixing one by one within the sentence and the insertion.

Data 1:

• Selvie : “Ivon, Udah terima bookingan (a) dari marketing (b) dek?” • Ivon : “Ini guarranted letter (c)

• Ivon : “All in (d) nih, 5 room (e) aja, tapi rooming-listnya (f) belum dikasih”

• Selvie : “Kau follow up (g) itu terus dek ya. Jangan lama kali dek.”

• Selvie : “Yaudahlah pokoknya aku tau itu done (h) ya. Ga mau macam-macam.”

• Ivon : “Kalo sama ivon, apa sih yang ga done (i) coba?”

Word insertion : (b) (e) (h) (i) Phrase insertion : (c) (g)


Hybrid insertion : (a) (f)

Data 2:

• Selvie : “Ester, minta tolong check registrartion card room 305 dek. Payment-nya (a) pakai apa itu dek?”

• Ester : “Hhmm.. Sebentar ya bu, aku check (b) dulu.. Ehh ibu ini bu, kayaknya pakai credit card (c) bu, diopen (d)

• Selvie : “ehh kalau gitu buat diremarksnya (e) ya, supaya semuanya tau ya..”

Word insertion : (b) Phrase insertion : (c)

Hybrid insertion : (a) (d) (e)

Data 3:

• Emma : “Udah kuletak di laci counter (a)front desk(b) di depan ya mak.”

Word insertion : (a) Phrase insertion : (b)

Data 4:

• Tessa : “Ibu ini ada tamu numpang fax (a) sama kita.”


Word insertion : (a) (b) (c)

Data 5:

• Fahmi : “622 check out (a)

• Fahmi : “Copy (b) bang, bang agak cepat ya bang soalnya ibunya mau pigi ini bang ke bandara..

Ini untuk room-nya (c) udah di bayar ke 312 bu ya..” • Fahmi : “Room-nya (d) di bayar ke 312, bu.”

• Fahmi : “dicopy (e), 622 no consume (f), dicopy(g) • Fahmi : “Thank you (h) bang.”

• Fahmi : “Thank you (i) bang.”

Word insertion : (b)

Phrase insertion : (a) (f) (h) (i) Hybrid insertion : (c) (d) (e) (g)

Data 7:

• The operator of Grand Elite Hotel : “Garuda Plaza pak ya? Kita roomsold (a) di 102, 53.68% untuk occupancynya (b)

Phrase insertion : (a) Hybrid insertion : (b)


Data 8:

• Sri : “Bang Chandra, kemarin kamar 512 itu paymentnya (a) katanya

cardver (b) itu bang. Coba dicheck (c) dulu bang.”

• Chandra : “Yaudah ini udah dicardver (d) ini. Room-breakfastnya (d) 2 malam 495, settlenya (f) 990 ini.”

• Sri : “Yang kemaren katanya kartu kreditnya itu tidak bisa lagi karna semenjak dari hotel (g) kita ini check in.(h)

• Chandra : “Emang kartu kreditnya lagi rusak itu. Ga tau, pokoknya udah

settle (i)990.”

• Sri : “Itu tamu owner (j) lho bang.”

• Sri : “Bisa ga abang check (k) lagi seberapa kemarin dicardvernya (l) ?” • Chandra : “Itu mungkin kemarin checknya (m) di RC. RC pertamanya, kan

udah di kasih ke accounting (n) itu semua buktinya. Yang diopen (o)

berapa, yang disettle (p) berapa. Kita mana bisa ngecheck (q) lagi.”

• Sri : “Ya.. yang check- inkan (r) kemarin siapa bang? Yang check-inkan (s) ?”

• Chandra : “Yang check-inkan (t) ??

Ini yang check-outkan (u) kode nya 83. Siapa itu 83? Check-out (v) kapan dia itu?”

• Sri : “Tanggal 29 bang, 29 mei. Coba di log file (w) bang.”

Word insertion : (b) (g) (i) (j) (k) (n) Phrase insertion : (h) (v) (w)


Hybrid insertion : (a) (c) (d) (e) (f) (l) (m) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u)

Data 9:

• Sri : “Win, reservasi 711 itu paymentnya (a) ke travel (b) ya.”

• Winda : “Udah tau dia itu, kan voucher-travelnya (c) sama reservation-formnya (d) udah di counter (e) depan.”

Word insertion : (b) (e) Hybrid insertion : (a) (c) (d)

Data 10:

• Winda : “Bang Chan, tolong dulu postingkan (a) deposit (b) itu bang, untuk event (c) BCA yang tanggal 3 sampe 4 juni ya bang.”

• Winda : “20juta dari sales (d). Mau ku posting (e) tapi ga tau macam mana caranya.”

• Chandra : “Udah di tanya ke sales (f), udah dicreate (g) belum billnya (h)

di nonstay guest bill (i)?”

• Chandra : “Yaudah tarok aja di laci, ntar abang posting.(j)

Word insertion : (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (j) Hybrid insertion : (a) (g) (h) (i)


Data 11:

• Agung : “Kak Emma, untuk hari ini company account (a) ada? Pembayaran

company account (b)??” • Emma : “Payment (c)?”

• Agung : “Kak, ini yang travel travel (d) udah semua vouchernya (e) kak?” • Agung : “Yang ini Catur Mitra ini company account (f)?”

• Emma : “Aku tadi yang check check (g) jadi aku yakin kali bilang iya.. Kalo ga aku yang check (h) tadi pasti aku bilang eeekkhhhhh...”

• Agung : “Aku kalo masuk sore, ini semua ku check (i) , jangan sampe begitu tamu datang, voucher (j) itunya ga ada..Berarti ini semua udah ok (k)

kan? Udah aman kan?”

Word insertion : (c) (h) (i) (j) (k) Phrase insertion : (a) (b) (f) Hybrid insertion : (e)

Reduplication insertion : (d) (g)

Data 12:

• Agung : “Bang Chandra, over-handlelah (a) kita bang, apa dari shift (b), apa afternoon shift (c) ? Ada?”

• Chandra : “paliiingg.. info tadi di terima dari supervisor (d) kita, Pak Rudi. Untuk BCA Group (e) , semuanya itu incognito (f) bahkan untuk kamar


semua, kamarnya sendiri, untuk masing-masing kamarnya juga

incognito(g). Jadi ga bisa.. ehhh..”

• Agung : “Di apa. Di system (h)udah di buat?” • Chandra : “Udah, udah incognito sign (i).” • Agung : “Next (j) ?”

• Chandra : “paliiing.. ehh.. 437 tadi, tamu BCA juga, move (k) ke 426, alasannya karna rumah vingcardnya (l) itu ga berfungsi, bermasalah. Jadi di OO kan sama housekeeping (m).”

• Agung : “Ouww.. Out-Of-Order (n) ?”

• Chandra : “Belum datang. Barangnya masih ada di kamar, udah dicheck (o)

sama pak Edi jam setengah 6.”

• Chandra : “Wake up call (p) paling horas tour (q) inilah. Semuanya. Semua kamar jam 7, sama ini 522 booking taxi (r) jam tengah 7. Trus wake up call (s) juga kamar bu Sri, biasa.. jam... eh, bu Sri... Bu Pur.. jam 5.” • Agung : “Yaudahlah. Thank you (t) ya..”

Word insertion : (b) (d) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (m) (q) Phrase insertion : (c) (e) (i) (p) (r) (s) (t)

Idiom or Expression insertion : (n) Hybrid insertion : (a) (l) (o)


Data 13:

• Sri : “Bang Chandra, setiap tamu yang booking (a) dari AGODA, kalo

check in (b), langsung disale manual (c) AGODA vouchernya (d) ya bang ya..”

• Chandra : “Udah, ini ada barusan.. baru aja abang posting (e).” • Sri : “Terus depositnya (f) tetap kan bang di mintai?”

• Chandra : “Kan depositnya (g) kau yang minta 300 tadi.” • Sri : “Ah, masak?? Tapi abang yang check-inkan (h) tadi?”

• Chandra : “Iya, tapi kan kau yangposting (i) pakeID (j) abang, sri..”

Word insertion : (a) (e) (i) Phrase insertion : (b) (j)

Hybrid insertion : (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)

Data 14:

• Agung : “Kak Emma, ehhh... yang kamar compliment (a) itu, room only (b), room breakfast (c) aja yang compliment (d)?

• Agung : “Iya, today.. today (e) .. Reservation (f) ..!”

• Emma : “Iya, room breakfast only (g) yaa.. karna itu dari BNN, jadi

othersnya (h)personal account (i).”


• Emma : “Ohh dari Sampai itu kayak gini, itu kan vouchernya (k) baru

diforward (l) besok, jadi sekarang minta kan paymentnya (m). Itu hanya

guarranted (n) aja ke tamunya. Tapi jangan kasih tau harga kamarnya ya..” • Agung : “Berarti di atas harga kamar aku minta deposit (o) ?”

Word insertion : (a) (d) (f) (j) (n) (o) Phrase insertion : (b) (c) (g) (i) Hybrid insertion : (h) (k) (l) (m) Reduplication insertion : (e)

Data 15

• Agung : “Mau smoking (a) atao non smoking (b) bu?”

• Agung : “Non smoking (c) ya bu ya, 1 bed (d) ya.. ini harganya 540 bu ya..”

• Agung : “Boleh bu... Harga kamar 540, kita butuh tambahan deposit (e) ya bu ya..

Ibu Ria yaaa..Di bantu phone-numbernya (f) bu.” • Agung : “Untuk paymentnya (g) bu?”

• Agung : “Ini kartu debit (h) ya bu ya.. Kita kalo debit (i) hanya bisa sale (j) harga kamarlah bu.. Jadi harga kamar 540 ribu, saya sale (k) dari debit card (l) ibu 100, eh 540 ribu.. Jadi untuk depositnya (m) saya minta cash (n).”


• Agung : “Iya, tapi kita tetap butuh. 200 ribu juga boleh. Untuk pin-numbernya (p) bu bisa di bantu? Ini 540 ribu bu yaa..”

• Agung : “Ibu, kamar ibu di 318 ya bu ya.. Lantai 3, harganya 540.. Ini non smoking room (q) bu yaa.. Tanda tangannya disni..”

Word insertion : (a) (d) (e) (h) (i) (j) (k) (n) (o) Phrase insertion : (b) (c) (l) (q)

Hybrid insertion : (f) (g) (m) (p)

Data 16:

• Agung : “Kak emma, ini reservation (a) cuman 15?” • Agung : “Ini, reservation (b) hari ini, arrival today(c) ..”

• Emma : “Cuman ga tau nanti ada individual reservation (d) yang datang.” • Agung : “Ini email reservation (e) ini 1 orang, 1 orang atao memang sendiri


• Emma : “Ohh.. ini email reservation (f) kita ada yang baru, namanya

access booking (g). Dia itu dari marketing (h). Cuma aku paymentnya (i)

juga aku ga tau kek mana nantinya ya... Cuma tanya lagi ke marketing (j)

kek mananya. Cuma ini memang 1 orang 1 tapi nanti access booking (k)

yang bayar. Aku pun ga tau nanti acemana..”

• Agung : “Access booking (l)?? Berarti ini bukan dari email website (m)


• Emma : “Bukan, dia itu namanya access booking (n). Cuma karna belum

dicreate (o) namanya access booking (p), jadi kata mak selvie kemarin bikin aja dulu ke email reservation (q), karna harganya pun beda..”

• Agung : “Ini yang pake guarranted letter (r)hari ini ada ga?”

• Emma : “Hhmm.. ga ada pake guarranted letter (s). Individual (t) semua ini..”

• Agung : “Yang agoda ini? Semua voucher (u) agoda nya udah ada belum?

Travelnya (v) ?”

• Emma : “Udah oke, nanti paymentnya (w) seperti biasa, nanti cardver (x)


• Agung : “Cardver (y) atao sale (z)??”

• Emma : “Ehh, sorry sorry (aa).. di sale (bb)aja nanti langsung.” • Agung : “Ini yang MG Holiday (cc) udahlah yaa??”

• Agung : “Baru yang lainnya berarti personal account (dd)??” • Emma : “Personal account (ee) ..”

• Agung : “O yaudahlah yaa.. Udah yaa.. thank you (ff) yaa..”

Word insertion : (a) (b) (h) (j) (t) (u) (x) (y) (z) (bb)

Phrase insertion : (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (k) (l) (m) (n) (p) (q) (r) (s) (cc) (dd) (ee) (ff)

Hybrid insertion : (i) (o) (v) (w) Reduplication insertion : (aa)


Data 17:

• Ester : “Ga.. digesek.. diswipe (a) .” • Hybrid insertion : (a)

4.2.1 The Frequency of Occurrance of The Forms of Code Mixing Found in The Conversation of Front Office Staffs at Grand Elite Hotel Medan

First, the writer wants to explain why he only focuses on the forms not the type like in code switching section. From the scope of the research, the writer focuses on code switching and code mixing between Bahasa Indonesia and English. So, it is clear that the type of code mixing that occurs in the conversations is outer code mixing, because Suwito (1983) in Umar and Napitupulu (1994 : 14) divide code mixing into two : innercode mixing and outer code mixing. Innercode mixing is sourced from the native language with all its variations (formal, standard, informal or non-standard). While outercode mixing is sourced from foreign language. Code mixing happens may because there are a lot of words of foreign language, such as English, that are well-known so they can use it easily. It is the reason why word insertion becomes the highest frequency of forms of code mixing. The second is hybrid insertion. It may because when the speakers or the samples mix their language with English, they are still influenced by the structure of Bahasa Indonesia, that is the using of affixes such as se-, -nya, di-, etc. Phrase insertion becomes the third highest frequency. It may because there are only a few phrases in English that familiar for Indonesian speakers. The fourth is reduplication insertion, it is used may because it is heard displeasing by the listener and the speaker as


Recorded on Sunday, 2 June 2013

Agung : “Kak Emma, ehhh... yang kamar compliment itu, room only, room breakfast aja yang compliment?

Emma : “Ya, bentar yaa.. yang hari ini ya?” Agung : “Iya, today.. today.. Reservation..!”

Emma : “Iya, room breakfast only yaa.. karna itu dari BNN, jadi others nya personal account.”

Agung : “Ok, trus yang dari Sampai Travel itu?”

Emma : “Ohh dari Sampai itu kayak gini, itu kan voucher nya baru di forward besok, jadi sekarang minta kan payment nya. Itu hanya guarranted aja ke tamunya. Tapi

jangan kasih tau harga kamarnya ya..”

Agung : “Berarti di atas harga kamar aku minta deposit?” Emma : “Iya.”

Agung : “Ohh yaudah, thank you..” Emma : “Yoookkk....”

Data 15

Recorded on Monday, 20 May 2013

Agung : “Ibu mau di tipe kamar apa tadi bu?” Guest : “Yang biasa aja.”


Guest : “Yang murah aja, sebentar ajanya.” Agung : “Mau smoking atao non smoking bu?” Guest : “Non”

Agung : “Non smoking ya bu ya, 1 bed ya.. ini harganya 540 bu ya..” Guest : “Mas, naik lift ke atas mesti pake kartu ya?”

Agung : “Iya bu.”

Guest : “Nanti kalo misalnya ada temen saya cowok bantu naikin ya..” Agung : “Boleh bu...

Harga kamar 540, kita butuh tambahan deposit ya bu ya.. Ibu Ria yaaa..

Di bantu phone number nya bu.” Guest : “081377111XXX”

Agung : “Untuk payment nya bu?” Guest : “Kartu”

Agung : “Ini kartu debit ya bu ya..

Kita kalo debit hanya bisa sale harga kamarlah bu..

Jadi harga kamar 540 ribu, saya sale dari debit card ibu 100, eh 540 ribu.. Jadi untuk depositnya saya minta cash.”

Guest : “Deposit nya berapa?”

Agung : “Deposit kita minta 300 ribu bu”

Guest : “Ga usahlah, aku pun Cuma sebentar ajanya” Agung : “Iya, tapi kita tetap butuh. 200 ribu juga boleh.

Untuk pin number nya bu bisa di bantu? Ini 540 ribu bu yaa..”


Agung : “Ibu, kamar ibu di 318 ya bu ya.. Lantai 3, harganya 540..

Ini non smoking room bu yaa.. Tanda tangannya disni..”

Data 16

Recorded on Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Agung : “Kak emma, ini reservation cuman 15?” Emma : “Yang mana?”

Agung : “Ini, reservation hari ini, arrival today..” Emma : “yaa..”

Agung : “Cuma 15?”

Emma : “15 aja yang udah ada” Agung : “Terus?”

Emma : “Cuman ga tau nanti ada individual reservation yang datang.”

Agung : “Ini email reservation ini 1 orang, 1 orang atao memang sendiri sendiri?” Emma : “Ohh.. ini email reservation kita ada yang baru, namanya access booking.

Dia itu dari marketing. Cuma aku payment nya juga aku ga tau kek mana Nantinya ya... Cuma tanya lagi ke marketing kek mananya. Cuma ini memang 1 Orang 1 tapi nanti access booking yang bayar. Aku pun ga tau nanti acemana..” Agung : “Access booking?? Berarti ini bukan dari email website kita??”

Emma : “Bukan, dia itu namanya access booking. Cuma karna belum di create namanya access booking, jadi kata mak selvie kemarin bikin aja dulu ke


email reservation, karna harganya pun beda..” Agung : “Ini yang pake guarranted letter hari ini ada ga?” Emma : “Hhmm.. ga ada pake guarranted letter.

Individual semua ini..”

Agung : “Yang agoda ini? Semua voucher agoda nya udah ada belum? Travel nya?” Emma : “Udah OK, nanti payment nya seperti biasa, nanti cardver aja..”

Agung : “Cardver atao sale??”

Emma : “Ehh, sorry sorry.. di sale aja nanti langsung.” Agung : “Ini yang MG Holiday udahlah yaa??”

Emma : “Udah OK!”

Agung : “Baru yang lainnya berarti personal account??” Emma : “Personal account..”

Agung : “O yaudahlah yaa..

Udah yaa.. thank you yaa..” Emma : “yok.. yok..”

Data 17

Recorded on Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Agung : “For the payment, you will pay by?” Guest : “Card.”

Agung : “Cardver. Hhmmm...I will open your credit card.” Guest : “Ya ya.. Open.. Just open!”


Guest : “Hmm.. maybe I’m not sure, because maybe I’ve to go to another place for around. So, I don’t know when I’ll come back.”

Agung : “Ok, I will open your credit card 2 million.” Guest : “Yes.. Yes.. Ok.”

Ester : “Ga ada tulisan visa nya?” Agung : “Bisa aja master.”

Ester : “Ga.. digesek.. diswipe.” Agung : “Oo..digesek.”

Guest : “In Indonesia, my friend make a party.” Ester : “Pardon”

Guest : “My friend”

Ester : “Ouww.. Wedding chinese in here?” Guest : “Yeahh.. yeahh..”

Ester : “Mr. Sue?” Guest : “Cia ho” Ester : “Is he in here?”

Guest : “He’s alredy in Jakarta” Ester : “Ohh in Jakarta”

Agung : “Fine, I’ve opened your credit card 2 million rupiahs” Guest : “Ok, Ok.”

Agung : “So, is it your first time in this hotel?” Guest : “Ya.. Ya.. First time in here.”

Agung : “Yes sir, this is your room number, 308. On the third floor. Please your sign here. This is non smoking yah..”


Agung & Ester : “Non smoking room.” Guest : “Oh my God.. No..”

Ester : “You want smoke?” Guest : “Yeah,, I’m smoker” Ester : “Ouww.. You smoke..” Agung : “Ok, wait a moment.”

Guest : “Smoking room and non smoking room, same?” Ester : “Same price, but hmmm... On the different floor.”

Guest : “Ouww.. the difference is only the different floor. Ok, ok.. I take smoking room.”

Agung : “Ok, sir. I have changed your room to 437. It’s smoking room. On the fourth floor.”

Guest : “Ouwh. How about the breakfast tomorrow morning.” Agung : “If you want breakfast, in here.. Beside..”

Guest : “Ouww ok ok..” Ester : “Six until ten.” Guest : “Ouwh.. Ok.. Six.”