Hard worker Attentive, loving and warm

b. Mandira Khan

1. Hard worker

Mandira Khan is a wife of Rizvan Khan, and mother of Sameer, victimizing children of 911 accident. Before marrying khan, she gets a divorced. Mandira is a hardworking woman. She is also an immigrant who lives in America. She establishes a salon which is successful enough. She is really expert in serving all customers who come to her salon. When she gets married with Rizvan Khan, she builds a kind of Salon Company, named Mandira Khan Salon and she works together with her husband in it. Look at the picture 9 below. Scene 2 Picture 9 The picture above told when Mandira and Rizvan Khan authenticated their new company. But, since the situation of 911 was happen, that accident impacts Mandira’s profit company. It is getting dead loss, but it doesn’t make Mandira gives up. Finally, she seeks another job to survive in that country. This Mandira’s character also can be proven from the dialogue below. Dialogue 8: In the new office, interviewing a job Interviewer : “Alright, Mandira, youll join us on Monday.” Mandira : “Thank you so much. I just want to clarify one thing. My last name is Khan, my husband is Muslim.” 01:07:53,681--01:08:02,237 Interviewer : “Well see you on Monday.” Mandira : “Thanks.” In the outside office Mandira : “Khan. l got the job, l got the job.” Khan : “Okay” Mandira : “Now, everything will be all right, We’ll do it” 01:08:16,961 -- 01:08:17,996 Khan : “I know, we shall overcome” Mandira : “Yes, we shall overcome” In the dialogue “Thank you so much. I just want to clarify one thing. My last name is Khan, my husband is Muslim.” is representing Mandira as a hard worker and tries to not hide anything from interviewer. Without giving up, she is optimistic that every problem will get some solution.

2. Attentive, loving and warm

Being a good mother need a lot of time to give a loving kindness of the children. Just like Mandira, although she is a hard worker, she does not forget to take care of her son, Sameer, the one and only. She always tries to accompany his son, although sometimes very busy. Scene 2 Picture 10 Picture 11 Both of two pictures above are representing how Mandira loves and cares her son. Picture 10 is a snapshot taken from the scene when Mandira leads Sameer to the school in the morning before she gets a work in her salon, whereas for the picture 11 is the scene when Mandira gives Sameer a time to get a joke and spends all day long with him. Mandira also calls her son by “the apple of eye” for Sameer’s favorite nick name like in the dialogue below: Dialogue 9: On the way to school Mandira : Running “Okay. Almost there. Almost there. Almost there.” Sameer : “Thanks God. We are on time. Ok, bye Mom” Mandira : “Wheres my hug? Wheres my kiss? Bye The apple of my eye. Love me till I die.” 00:38:12,481 -- 00:38:15,757 Sameer : “Bye” As well as other family, they wish they can spend their time together. When there is a family gathering, some of families spend their time for relaxing and gathering in their sweet home. In this movie, Mandira also do the same thing. If she gets a chance for gathering family, she spends it with Sameer and Khan. Her day is full of joke and laugh. Mandira makes her family have a warm feeling in the warm time each other like the picture 12 below. Scene 3 Picture 12

3. Never gives up