Female Stereotypes as inferior

dominantly at that year. In additional, men tend to be conquest driven while it is natural for women to be more concerned with nurturing. In other words, women only can take housework. That problematic creates women as domestic creature.

b. Female Stereotypes as inferior

The most important term of feminism is discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women. Moreover, discrimination based on gender is a set of generalized beliefs, that one sex is superior to the other. Because of this, the others as defined by one group make a reciprocal claim of exclusiveness against others. Examining historical cases of total domination of one group over another, causes superiority of numbers in which the majority oppresses the minority, or superiority of strength in which the strong suppress the weak. 31 Figure 5. Camera and male spectators look upon of Marianne 31 Simone de Beauvior, 1949, Op. Cit. p.163 This frame figure 5 uses bird eyes level camera placement. The camera looks upon a subject. Camera shots Marianne with a high angle. This shot does put the audience in a godlike position, looking down on the action. This picture above illustrate that Marianne takes long, melancholic walk in the rain, thinking about how close Willoughby’s house, while at Cleveland as a natural consequence of her long walks. She does not really think before she acts, and believes firmly that one should be directed by feelings, not logic. She cannot face her disappointed heart of Willoughby. She cannot realize that Willougbhy has leave her and married with Miss Shopia Grey in order to retain his comfortable lifestyle. That are starting point of the implicit inferiority of women. It was because Marriane is uncreative, afraid of conflict, and skeptical of change. The camera acts can be made Marianne to look insignificant, vulnerable, powerless, or small. Women have been seen inferior to men in every way possible. In 18th century, Women have nothing that they can claim as their own. Society was very patriarchal during that time. Men were in control of all monitory assets. The whole laws about legacy, marriage, and divorce align to men and the rules to neutralize those authorities are almost nothing. Women only have what men allow them to have, that they have taken nothing but only received. MR. DASHWOOD Law prohibition me for dividing my state. You have everything MR. DASHWOOD Without your help, Your step mother and the girls almost have nothing. You must do something. You have to promise me [...] ELINOR It is his house now According to the law, in 18th century the first son got entire estate after their father died. This is actually the trajectory of sense and sensibility, “house go from father to son, dearest – not from father to daughter. It is the law.” The three misses Dashwood and their mother were thrown out from their mansion in Norland. And They only have what John Dashwood allow them to have that the three misses Dashwood and their mother were left penniless consists of only £500 a year. Regarding to discussion above female stereotypes in Sense and Sensibility film are showed who are though as powerless. They cannot deny their right as When a man died, his money was actually passed on the closest living male heir. The death of the father ensures the trajectory of social identity loss. Women have always been a man’s dependent that is why she is not seeing as equally. Women were looked insignificant contrast with men. MARGARET But why Elinor It is not fair, isn’t it? ELINOR That is the way thing Meg Because Mr. John Dashwood is father’s first son and son has everything. That is nothing that anyone can do about this. Society was ve monitory assets. Women culture, not a religion. patterns of pre-judgmen writer that women are co

c. Female Stereoty