This chapter presents the research method applied in this research. It covers research design, area determination method, respondent determination method, operational definitions of the terms, data collection method, and data analysis method.

3.1 Research Design

Research design is a strategy to arrange the setting of a research to get valid data that match with the variables, and the objectives of the research Arikunto, 2006:51. In this research, the researcher applied a quasi experimental design with non-equivalent post-test only design. The objective of this research was to investigate whether or not there was a significant effect of using picture series on the eleventh grade students’ narrative writing achievement at MAN 2 Jember. In this design, the researcher took two classes, one as the experimental group and the other one as the control group. The researcher took the respondents by using ANOVA and then, the experimental group was given the treatment by using picture series in teaching writing a narrative text, while the control group was taught writing a narrative text without using picture series. After that, the writing post test was given to both groups to know the mean difference of their writing achievement. The design is illustrated as follows. Group Treatment Posttest A X O B O Notes: A : Experimental Group B : Control Group X : Treatment O : Posttest Writing test McMillan, 1992:175 The procedures of the design were as follows. 1. Taking the writing scores of all nine classes of the eleventh grade students from the English teacher. 2. Analyzing the scores by using ANOVA Analysis Variance. since the score was heterogeneous because the result of significance was higher than 0,05, then the researcher chose two groups with the closest mean scores. One was treated as the experimental group, and other one as the control group. 3. Giving treatments to the experimental group, that is, teaching writing a narrative text by using picture series, while the control group was taught writing a narrative text without using picture series. 4. Giving writing post-test to both groups the experimental and the control groups to measure the student s’ writing achievement after the treatment. 5. Applying independent simple t-test of 5 significant level to know the mean difference of both groups. Then, they were compared to know whether or not there was an effect of using picture series on the students’ writing achievement. 6. Drawing a conclusion based on the result of data analysis to answer the research problem.

3.2 Area Determination Method