47 ELTGallery and the evidence is in Dipta’s answer line 11. From the categorized themes, I described and interpreted the data which illustrated the students’ lived experience in web-based vocabulary learning. At last, the interpretation was presented.


A research is valuable when the findings are trustworthy. To gain the trustworthiness of this study, I conducted triangulation. Cohen, Manion and Morrison 2000: 112 define triangulation as “the use of two or more methods of data collection in the study o f some aspect of human behavior”. In this study, the triangulation data were obtained from the classroom observation, in-depth interview, and member checks. In member checks, the participants checked my interpretation. The participants could add any comments or statements during the member check to improve the validity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48


This chapter presents the description and interpretation of the texts obtained from the participants. I divided this chapter into two major parts, namely description and interpretation. In description part, I described the classroom situation during the observation and participants’ life stories in form of narratives. In interpretation part, I try to inte rpret the meaning of the participants’ anecdotes.

A. Data Description

The first data gathering done in this study was through classroom observation. After making an appointment with the lecturer, I went into the classroom. In the classroom, the lecturer introduced me to the students. I greeted the students and explained briefly my purpose of staying there. After that, the class was just going on as usual and I became a silent observer. I started to move around, observe the student’s activities and take notes. In the last minutes before the class was over, I had a conversation with some students about their activities in the class. Then I thanked them all after finishing the observation. Just after the class was over, I had a discussion with the lecturer about how the class was going and my research plan. The lecturer helped me to select the participants by showing the classroom notes he had. I had three criteria of choosing the participants; they are attendance, classroom progress and willingness. I chose the students who were diligent in attending the class because PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI