bound and limit DATA ANALYSIS

Attendance in this sentence is clearly inappropriate since the intention is on the impression that someone is present. The word attendance should be replaced by presence because it does not fulfill the feature of having impression that something or someone is present.

15. bound and limit

The semantic features of the words bound and limit are presented in the table below. Features bound limit Being not free + + Being not allowed + + Indicating the limit or extent of something + + Greatest possible degree of something _ + The two words have the similarity of being not free, not allowed and indicating the limit or extent of something. They are still different. Limit has the greatest possible degree of something. It is used in saying “the most”. The examples of the sentences are as below. 29 He gave his children bound for school. 30 He tried to the limit of his ability. The word bound in the first example indicates that the children are not free and not allowed to go to school by their father. In the second example, limit is used to indicate the greatest ability that someone had. It implies the most possible ability that the person has. The sentence below contains the inappropriate use of the word bound in the student’s writing. Case 15: There are no bounds for each person for creating, developing and telling about their ideas because we have a perspective that every idea is coming from every person has evaluated their ideas and wants to be a big person by their own ideas. This sentence has an intention of describing a person that is free and allowed to do some things. The limitation is until the greatest degree since there is really no line of doing things described in the sentence like creating, developing, and telling ideas. The word bound is inappropriate and should be replaced by the word limit. It is the appropriate one since there is something to do with the greatest possible degree of something. From the discussion in the whole chapter four, it can be concluded that each pair of synonymous words has their own differences and similarities. They are used in the different context. In order to use the appropriate words, there is a need to identify the semantic features. If a word is used, it should fulfill all of the semantic features of the word itself.