is a role of master significantly influences Rumi’s attitude toward his vision of life and by the assistance of a master, Rumi found the Truth which transforms and leads him to undergo mystical experience. This experience furthermore is manifested into Rumi’s mystical poems. The role of a master, in my opinion, is really essential since this is the starting point for Rumi to be the real devotee of God. Being a real devotee of God makes Rumi realize what a true happiness is. The notion to explain his happiness is called ‘ecstasy’. Coleman Barks in his book The Essential Rumi also highlights this noticeable relation: “No one can say what such friendship is. In the commingling I heard a voice saying something close to my own sense of failure, joy, grief, ecstasy. Why is it so difficult to say the content of Rumi’s ghazals? I feel happy inside them, continuous, whole, in the simplicity of just taking in sunlight, no pretext, no excuse, empty in the present moment.” 2004: xvii It cannot be argued, anyway, that there are still some other poems which also seem to have relationship to my study, however, after reading the book several times I found that the two poems are the most suitable among all in terms of their correlation to my study. The reason why I choose those two poems is because I find that they are closely related to my thesis, which focuses on the mystical experience.

3.2. Approach

This thesis employs Structural-Semiotics approach in order to get better understanding of the background and the message of mystical experience as revealed in Jalaluddin Rumi’s poems. This approach is divided into two priorities, namely Structural and Semiotics. Structural explores the text level of the poems intrinsic level of the poem’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI interpretation. Semiotics investigates the context level of the poems extrinsic level of interpretation. This approach is employed to get a whole unity of the essence meaning of mystical experience through Jalaluddin Rumi’s poems “The Tavern” and “How Very Close.”

3.3. Procedure

When I conducted this study, I applied two sources which, hopefully, guided me to explore each path of Rumi’s work. The sources were divided into two parts; primary and secondary source. The primary source was the two poems taken from The Essential Rumi . These two poems, hopefully, were the representation of Rumi’s mystical experience. While, the secondary sources were books which were significant to the work, i.e., the references of Rumi’s biography, religious ground, Sufism and also an approach Structural Semiotics as well as the other sources, namely articles, newspapers, magazines, websites, journals, etc. I mostly consulted my sources from Kolsani’s library and spiritual practitioners named Kuinjabihari. The importance of interviewing Kuinjabihari is to give the significance meaning in making sense the schemes of sources I read. It also helped me and readers to understand of how spiritual life was and it was essential for readers to understand the poems deeper. The significance of this overall information was to help readers to have a better understanding of the poems, in this case mystical experience. This study employed library research in analyzing the poems. I began my work by establishing some steps to have a systematic and logic understanding toward Rumi’s works. The steps were, first, I read the book persistently and I then chose two poems which I think represented Rumi’s mystical experience, and after that I PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI