Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2103121026


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March 2015

Muhammad Akhyar Rasyidi
Reg. No. 2103121026

Rasyidi, Muhammad Akhyar. 2103121026. The Effect of Using Posters on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text. A Thesis.
English Department. Faculty of Languages and Art, State University of
Medan. 2015.

This study was focused on the investigation of The Effect of Using Posters on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text. This study aims at
findings whether using posters as the media affect the students’ writing
achievement or not. This study used an experimental research design with two
variables, namely using posters as independent variable and students’
achievement in writing hortatory exposition text as dependent variable. The
population of this study was the 2014/2015 second year students (grade XI) of
SMA Budi Agung Medan and 60 students were taken as the sample. The sample
was divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. The
experimental group was taught by using posters while the control group was
taught without using posters. The instrument used in this study was a written test.
The data were taken by administering the pre-test and post-test to both control and
experimental groups. These data were analyzed by using t-test. The result of
computing the t-test obviously showed that t-observed is higher than t-table (3.12
> 1.67) with the degree of freedom 58 (df = N-2) at the level significance 0.05 one
tail test. It showed that the using of posters affects the students’ achievement in
writing hortatory exposition text.

Keywords: posters, writing hortatory exposition text


Praise to Allah SWT, who always gives the writer blessing, power,
strength and love in his entire life and in terms of his study, especially in
completing this thesis entitled “The Effect of Using Posters on Students’
Achievement in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text” as one of the requirements for
the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at English Department, Faculty of
Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. Shalawat and salam for the
Prophet Muhammad who brings us from darkness to the brightness.
The writer realizes that this thesis would not have been accomplished
without generous helps, supports, advices, and prays of others. Many people have
helped and contributed their ideas and time in completing this thesis and it would
be impossible to mention all of them. However, the writer would like to express
his sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department.

Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Study Program.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., his Thesis Consultant.

Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl.Appl., M.Pd., his Academic Consultant and
his Reviewer.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., Indra Hartoyo, S.pd., M.Hum., and
Rita Suswati, M.Hum., his Reviewers.

All Lecturers of English Education and Literature Department.


Mam Eis, the academic staff and administrative staff.

Drs. Sandi Basuki, the Headmaster of SMA Budi Agung.

Sri Astuti, M.Hum., the English teacher of SMA Budi Agung Medan.

Masitah, S.Pd., M.Psi. and Sahlan, S.Pd., the teachers of SMA Budi
Agung Medan.

His late father, Rusli, his beloved mother, Norma, his beloved sisters,
Rizki Amalia, Firda Widya Nur, his brother in law, Dedi Syafrianto, and
his nieces Nadya Syafira and Nesya Arizka.

His beloved friends, Sri Wahyuni Hasibuan, Rabiatul Adawiyah,
Desika Rinanda, Ayu Febriana, Yusrumaida, Widy Ayu Ningtyas
Putri, Nangin Sarinta Bangun, Evi Efrilita Sari, Rabiah Al-Adawiyah
and M. Rizki Ridha.

His best friends, Muhammad Ilham, Muhammad Ilham Jauhari (Ije),
Muhammad Ihsan, and Zulfadly.

His lovely classmates in Education Regular A 2010.

His friends in PPLT SMA, SMK, and SMP YP. Gotong Royong Kuala.

Finally the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, the
writer will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it better. The
writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to everyone.


March 2015

The Writer,

Muhammad Akhyar Rasyidi
Reg. No. 2103121026



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1
A. The Background of Study ............................................................................1
B. The Problem of Study ..................................................................................4
C. The Objective of Study ................................................................................4
D. The Scope of Study ......................................................................................4
E. The Significance of Study ............................................................................5
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .....................................................6
A. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................6
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing ...........................................................6
2. Writing .....................................................................................................7
a. Genres in Writing.................................................................................8
b. Hortatory Exposition Text .................................................................12
3. Assessment in Writing ...........................................................................14

4. Media ......................................................................................................16
a. Visual Media ......................................................................................17
b. Audio Media ......................................................................................18
c. Audio-visual Media ...........................................................................19
5. Posters ....................................................................................................20
a. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Posters ..............................20
b. Elements of Posters ...........................................................................22
c. Examples of Posters ...........................................................................23
B. Conceptual Framework ..............................................................................24
C. Hypothesis ..................................................................................................25
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD ...........................................................26
A. Research Design .........................................................................................26
B. Populations and Sample .............................................................................27
C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ...........................................................28
D. The Scoring of the Test ..............................................................................28
E. The Procedure of Research .........................................................................30
1. Pre – test .................................................................................................30
2. Treatment ...............................................................................................30
3. Post – test ...............................................................................................30


F. Technique for Analyzing of Data ...............................................................41
G. Statistical Hypothesis .................................................................................41
CHAPTER IV: THE DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ...................................43
A. The Data ....................................................................................................43
B. The Data Analysis .....................................................................................43
C. Testing Hypothesis ....................................................................................44
D. Research Findings .....................................................................................45
E. Discussion ..................................................................................................45
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ..................................47
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................47
B. Suggestions ...............................................................................................47
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................48
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................50


Table 3.1. Research Design.................................................................................. 27
Table 3.2. Scoring of The Test ............................................................................ 28
Table 3.3. Teaching Procedure of Experimental Group .................................. 31
Table 3.4. Teaching Procedure of Control Group ............................................ 36


APPENDIX A ....................................................................................................... 50
APPENDIX B ....................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX C ....................................................................................................... 52
APPENDIX D ....................................................................................................... 56
APPENDIX E ....................................................................................................... 74
APPENDIX F........................................................................................................ 92
APPENDIX G ....................................................................................................... 93
APPENDIX H ....................................................................................................... 94
APPENDIX I ...................................................................................................... 102
APPENDIX J ...................................................................................................... 105


A. The Background of the Study
In learning English, there are four language skills that must be mastered by
the learners: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Listening and Reading
are included into receptive skills; for receiving spoken language, listening skill is
needed, and for receiving written language, reading skill is needed. Furthermore,
Speaking and Writing are included into productive skills. Productive skills mean
the skills that are used to convey thought either orally by speaking or in written
form by writing.
As a productive skill, writing is a skill which must be taught and practiced,
because it is an essential feature of learning language which provides a very good
ways of combining the vocabulary, spelling, and sentence pattern. Writing is not
an easy process, to develop writing skill, practice and study are needed. As a
process, writing is not a one-stop action but more like an ongoing creative act.
Writing is also a recursive process that requires the writers to learn for invention
and discovery.
Writing is not always the same in some cases, because audience, purpose,
and occasion will differentiate the types of writing. There are some types of
written text which are known as genre. Based on our curriculum, the syllabus of
senior high school requires the students to be able to write some genres of text
such as description, recount, narration, procedure, explanation, exposition,
discussion, news item, information report, anecdote, spoof, and review.



Exposition, as one of the genres, is included into a genre of arguing which
is important and useful language process that is related to many aspects of school
knowledge and effective social participation. Exposition is important because it
can affect people’s thought by its persuasive power. Because of its persuasive
power, this kind of text is frequently used by people who want to suggest others to
do or not to do something. The better exposition text will give the stronger effects
to the readers.
There are two kinds of exposition namely analytical exposition and
hortatory exposition. Different from analytical exposition which only describes
the reason about what to do or not to do; hortatory exposition is more suggestive
because it usually uses sentences that clearly invite people. Based on our
Curriculum 2013, in the syllabus of the 11th grade of senior high school, one of
the writing standard competencies is about understanding hortatory exposition
text. It means that all students in 11th grade must be able to write a hortatory
exposition text.
Contrary to what is expected by the curriculum, there are still many
students who have not mastered hortatory exposition text. According to the
writer’s observation on May 5th 2014 in SMA Swasta Budi Agung Medan, around
70% students of 11th grade students have score below the KKM (Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal) or minimum score in their mid-test which was related to
hortatory exposition test. There were 55 students who got score below the KKM
out of 79 students. It shows that the students’ ability in writing hortatory
exposition text in that school is still low. The writer found that the students got


some difficulties in transferring their arguments in writing the text because of lack
of information about the topic. In addition, the researcher found that the teacher
always teaches the students with lecturing method without using any media,
whereas the students need to be facilitated with some media.
In fact, there are many media that can be used by the teacher to facilitate
the students. By using media, the teacher not only can facilitate the students with
information they need, but also can give some new vocabularies to them. Some
examples of media are pictures, videos, real object, posters, charts, advertisement,
etc. If the teacher wants to choose one of the media, she/he has to choose one of
media that suitable to the topic. One of the Media that suitable for teaching
hortatory exposition text is poster, because poster has persuasive message in it
that invites people to do or not to do something. This purpose is similar to the
purpose of hortatory exposition text.
To support this theory, the writer found an experimental research that used
posters as the media. In the research, conducted by Yumarchely Rahmadevi from
State University of Padang, posters were used to teach speaking. Both speaking
and writing are productive skills, so it was assumed that posters would be
effective in teaching writing. Another study was about writing hortatory
exposition text by using other media which is quite similar to poster. A student
from Universitas Negeri Indonesia conducted an experimental research about
teaching writing hortatory exposition text by using advertisement as a media. She
stated that advertisement has function to persuade people, exactly similar to the
purpose of hortatory exposition text. It has been proved that the use of


advertisement can significantly affect the students’ achievement in writing
hortatory exposition text.
What makes posters different from advertisements is that an advertisement
is used to promote a product. Poster is assumed to be more appropriate to be used
as media in writing hortatory exposition text, because in education, the main
purpose of writing hortatory exposition is to give a suggestive argument about an
issue, not to promote a product. By using posters, students were expected to
develop their critical thinking. The critical thinking is needed when they are going
to write a hortatory exposition text.
Based on the explanation above, the using of posters is assumed to be one
of effective media in teaching that can significantly affect the students’
achievement in writing hortatory exposition text.

B. The Problem of the Study
The problem of this study can be stated as follows:
“Does the use of posters significantly affect the students’ achievement in
writing hortatory exposition text ?”

C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out if there is any significant effect of
using posters on students’ achievement in writing hortatory exposition text.


D. The Scope of The study
There are many kinds of genres in writing namely narrative,
argumentative, descriptive, exposition, recount, report, procedure etc., and this
study was focused only on the writing of hortatory exposition texts. There are also
many media that can be used in teaching, like pictures, comics, videos, posters,
etc. The teaching hortatory exposition was along with the use of posters, with the
11th grade students of SMA Swasta Budi Agung Medan as the subject.

E. The Significance of the Study
The study is useful for, theoretically, to help teacher to find out the good
way of teaching writing, especially hortatory exposition text and to help the
researcher to get more experience in doing an experimental research. It is also
useful to motivate the students to be better in writing and to help teachers to
facilitate the students in the process of learning. Practically, the use of posters as
media can be applied in teaching and learning process to increase students’ ability
in writing hortatory exposition text. This study is also expected to provide
preliminary information for those who are interested in the same study.

A. Conclusion
Based on the result of this study, the researcher found that the students’
achievement taught by using posters is higher than the students’ achievement
taught without using posters. It is indicated from the result of calculation of t-test
that t-observed value 3.12 is higher than t-table value 1.67 at the level of
significant of 0.05, which implies that using of posters in teaching can increase the
students’ achievement in writing hortatory exposition text.

B. Suggestions
Based on the conclusion given, the writer suggests that:
1) It is suggested for the teacher to use posters in teaching hortatory
exposition text especially, because students can get information they
need in writing hortatory exposition text from the posters, so that they
can be more creative.
2) The students should be more active in finding any learning resources
from outside in order to enrich their knowledge which they can use in
writing, especially hortatory exposition text.



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