Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

16 Although evidence from these studies shows that metacognition instruction in different domains of language appeared to promote language learning as well as metacognitive strategy use, none of these studies reported about specific details on the product as well as the process of the language skill development. Based on their findings, table 1 shows that several studies conducted only focus on the language skill improvement in general rather than certain aspects of language. There is no further detail of improvement aspects for each language skill investigated. It is assumed that the training given only focused on language performance. Table 1 Metacognitive Strategy Training to Language Skills STUDY N L2 L1 PROFICIE NCY AGE EXPE RIME NT SKILL Nakatani 2005 62 English Japanese Mix 18-19 Yes Speaking Guh and Taib 2006 10 English SL Not reported Mix 12-13 No Listening Graham and Macaro 2008 68 French SL English Low 16-17 Yes Listening Vandergrift and Tafaghodtari 2010 10 6 French SL English Low Mid Undergrad uate Yes Listening Cross 2011 20 English FL Japanese High 22-25 No Listening Nguyen and Gu 2013 91 English FL Vietnam ese High 20-22 Yes Writing Adopted from Roofi et al 2014 Besides that, table 2 provides findings that most metacognitive strategy training studies have investigated the impact of metacognitive training on metacognitive awareness or strategy use. Although these studies utilizes descriptive quantitative that shows the overall mean effect size before and after 17 metacognitive strategy training employed, it is not feasible to see the details of these interventions. It is assumed that the total mean size of metacognitive strategies employed have become the basis that these studies focused on metacognitive strategy use. There is no further explanation on specific metacognitive strategy being employed by the students in certain language learning skill. The researcher assumes that there will be difference at the mean size of each metacognitive strategy use employed during the process. Students might put priority on metacognitive strategy based on their knowledge and experience. Table 2 Studies investigating the effects of metacognitive instruction on the metacognitive strategy awareness Adopted from Roofi et al 2014 Study n L2 L1 Proficiency Age Control Skill Vandergrift 2003 41 French SL English Low Undergraduates No Listening Vandergrift 2003 420 French SL English Low 12-13 No Listening Guh and Taib 2006 10 English SL Not reported Mix 13-14 No Listening Lam 2009 40 English SL Chinese high 24-25 Yes Speaking Cross 2010 143 English SL Japanese High 21-22 No Listening Vandergrift and Tafaghodtari 2010 106 French SL Vietnamese Low and Mid Undergraduates Yes Writing Thompson 2012 35 Spanish FL English Mid Undergraduates Yes Listening Nguyen and Gu 2013 91 English SL Spanish Not Reported 20-21 Yes Reading 18 Based on these, the writer proposes metacognitive strategy training that promotes strategy use in speaking. The process can be seen from the implementation of metacognitive strategy training and the product can be seen from the aspects of speaking performance being improved after the training.

2.2. Second Language Knowledge

OMalley Chamot 1990: 55 and Ellis 1987: 164 mention two types of L2 knowledge: declarative and procedural. The former means “knowing that” and the latter means “knowing how”. Later on, conditional knowledge: “knowing when” – knowledge about why and when various learning strategies should be used is added. The first component, declarative knowledge belongs to the student’s findings on information about what strategies are employed by good language students. This statement is in line with the first component of foreign language knowledge as declarative knowledge. The second component, procedural and conditional knowledge belongs to regulation. This kind of knowledge allows students to recognize the reason, and how to employ the strategies. Information about which strategies might be useful at a given time, and why help students to regulate their own thinking, for example, when it came to monitoring their progress of a task. Students are expected to be able to regulate their own language learning strategies to develop their language skill into in a certain procedure and conducted based on the certain conditions and experience they have had.