Analysis Of Cross And Clash Culture In Ngugi Weep Not Child Novel







Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements ofSarjana SastraDegree









I hereby certify that the skripsi entitled ANALYSIS OF CROSS AND CLASH CULTURES IN NGUGI WEEP NOT CHILD NOVEL is honestly my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from various sources, and they are properly acknowledged in the text.

Bandung, July 2010


the following great persons for supporting, helping, and praying for me:

 My beloved Ibu and Bapa, I dedicate my life for you and everything for you. I love you so much.

 My sisters Sri, Evi, and my brother, Juan. My brother and sister in law; Ansori and Irma.

 All lecturers: Ibu Iis, Ibu Rina (alm), Ibu Dini, Ibu Nia, Pak Pri, Pak Juanda, Pak Danny, Pak Pepen, Ibu Nungki, Pak Tatan, Pak Rayhan ( thank you very much for your helps all a long).

 All staffs:MbaSofie,MbaTyas,T’Asti.

 All my friends in Faculty of Letters, Abei, Din2, Iman (Mamen), Dadan, Galieh, Coeya Uya, Bayu Saripto, Nenden Rikma, Wika, Fajar, Sapto, Ucup, Aci, Ani, Lina, Elfri Manroe, Jhon Opan, Agus, Ian, Yosi, Windi (Sastra Jepang) I’ll be missing u all!

 For all My Friends in my house: H. Asep Supiandi, Angga Kurniahadi, Teguh Adigunawan(Uce), Suryaningrat, Senpay Kusnaeni, Teri Sulistio, Ampera Sunilingga, Yanti D, Devi, Franki, David, Iwan R, Heri S, dr. Peter, Lusiana, Diana, Febri and all my friends who can not mention it one by one thank for all encouragements and supports.

Bandung, July 2010






Tuntutlah ilmu, sesungguhnya menuntut ilmu adalah pendekatan diri

kepada Allah Azza wajalla,

dan mengajarkannya kepada orang yang tidak mengetahuinya adalah sodaqoh.

Sesungguhnya ilmu pengetahuan menempatkan, orangnya dalam kedudukan terhormat dan mulia (tinggi). Ilmu pengetahuan adalah keindahan bagi ahlinya di dunia dan di ahkirat. (HR. Ar-rabii’)

If you can not make it,

So you have not to deprave it.

- Taken from Child Community to Our

World-I specially dedicate this skripsi For my incredible people in my life: My Mother and my father…


Not, Child Novel”, discusses cross and clash culture in Indian and African black people’s lives. In here, the people’s cultures have changed because of the influence of white men who have colonized them. In analyzing the story of the novel, the writer uses narratology theory because the story is told through point of view that is conveyed by a storyteller called narrator.

As the method of this research, the writer uses qualitative method. This method is used as basic to analyze the story of this novel. By using the method, the writer can identify and explain the analysis concept of Narratology and the analysis of cross and clash culture in the novel. When doing the research, first, the writer selects the appropriate data, and then the selected data are analyzed by using some theories, which are related to culture.

Finally, as the result of this study, the writer finds that there are cross and clash culture in Indian and African black people’s lives which are affected by the factor of Whiteman’s colonial, such as: religion and life style.



Skripsi ini berjudul“Analysis of Cross and Clash culture in Ngugi Weep Not, Child Novel” ,membahas persimpangan dan pertentangan budaya di dalam kehidupan masyarakat kulit hitam India dan Afrika, yang mana kebudayaan mereka berubah karena pengaruh bangsa kulit putih, yaitu bangsa Inggris yang menjajah mereka. Dalam menganalisis kandungan cerita novel ini, penulis

menggunakan teori Narratology karena ceritanya disampaikan melalui sudut

pandang yang diuraikan oleh seorang pencerita yaitu narator.

Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis cerita novel tersebut. Dengan metode ini penulis bisa mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan analisis konsep narratology dan analisis terhadap budaya persimpangan dan pertentangan dalam cerita novel tersebut. Dalam meneliti masalah ini, penulis mengumpulkan data yang sesuai dengan topic penelitian,selanjutnya data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan kebudayaan.

Pada akhirnya penulis menemukan bahawasanya terdapat persimpangan dan pertentangan budaya didalam kehidupan masyarakat kulit hitam India dan Afrika yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor penjajahan orang kulit putih, seperti: agama, dan gaya hidup




ABSTRAK ... vi


CONTENTS ... viii



1.1 Background to the Study ... 1

1.2 Research Questions ... 3

1.3 Objectives ... 3

1.4 Significance to Knowledge ... 3

1.5 The Framework of the Theories ... 4


2.1 Novel ... 6

2.2 Point of View ... 7

2.3 Narratology ... 8

2.4 Culture, Cross and Crash Cultures ... 10

2.5 Culture and Literary ... 13

2.6 Post Colonial Theory ... 14




3.1 Research Object ... 18

3.2 Reasearch Method ... 18

3.2.1 Collecting Data ... 19

3.2.2 Analysis Data ... 20

3.2.3 Synopsis of Ngugi Weep Not, Child Novel ... 21


4.1 Cross and Clash Culture ... 23

4.1.1 Cross Cultures in black Indian and African life ... 23

4.2 Clash Cultures in black Indian and African life ... 29


5.1 Conclusions ... 39

5.2 Suggestions ... 39





In the chapter the writer describes brief explanation about the research including: background of study, research questions, objective, significance and framework of theories and the method of research.

1.1 Background to Study

When we read a story in a novel certainly, we are going to get the content of story in it. Story in a novel may be various. A novel can tell about various phenomena in life, exclusively story that is related to human’s life along with some components in human’s life, such as: politic, history, war, and colonial. all the stories which are in a novel shown with using elements of a novel. The elements they are: characterization, plot, settings, themes, figurative language, point of view. Those elements are used to describe story along with the problem in a novel.

The story of a novel that we read is designated through one of the elements; it could be through plot, settings, or point of view. In this research, however the writer gets the content of a story in a novel through point of view. Through the element, the writer gets the content of story. As we know that the function of point of view in a novel is to present person, events, times, setting which are told by narrator. Based on the explanation above, the writer will get the



content of a story through point of view. In this case, the content of the story is especially related to cross and clash cultures, which are caused by the effect of colonial. The colonists not only rob the lands, economic, and wealthy of the colonized people but also have changed cultures, habitual of life, and the social life of the people. Some colonized people have imitated the white man’s habitual, such as: culture, social life, religions, and beliefs. Here, some of the people imitate and apply them in their lives unconsciously. The colonized people who are told in this story are African and Indian black people. Some of the black people have imitated white men habitual of life in their lives, but the other do not imitate it. The imitation in black people’s lives has caused cross and clash culture. In here, the cross culture causes conflict in life; meanwhile the clash culture can cause conflict. The conflict does not happen because the differences, which exist in the cultures, have been assumed as something that is contradictive and bad. The thing should be abolished in life because it is the imitation from the colonists. In this case, the colonized people, African and Indian black people oppose the clash cultures. The form of the opposing is by doing various ways to exclude clash cultures in their lives. For that reason, the writer is interested in analyzing cross and clash cultures that are opposed by African and Indian black people; and in what way they try to abolish the cross and the clash cultures. So, the writer entitles

this skripsi with “Analysis of cross and clash cultures in Ngugi Weep not,


1.2 Research questions

1. What is the factor, which causes cross and clash cultures told in this novel?

2. How does narrator assume cross and clash cultures?

1.3 Objective to study

1. To know the factor that causes cross and clash cultures which is told in this novel.

2. To know how narrator assumes cross and clash cultures.

1.4 Significances to knowledge

The writer hopes that this research can give more detail information about cross and clash cultures, so that the reader will be able to know that literary works can contain variety of things that are related to phenomena in human’s life. Also, the reader can know point of view is one of the elements in a novel which can be used in analyzing the content of story in a novel.

1.5 The framework of theory

Culture is the way of living, which any society develops to meet its fundamental needs for survival, perpetuations, of the species, and the ordering of social experience. It is accumulation of material objects, patterns of social



organization, learned modes of behavior, knowledge, beliefs, and all other activities which are developed in human association, culture then, is man’s contribution to his environment (Roucek, 1951:8). From this definition, culture can be concluded that is all the things that are in life that is related to human’s life. Culture along with the time has changed. It can be caused by some factors that affect it, such as: imitation from the other cultures, and colonial. In this research, the change in culture is caused by colonial. Colonial does not only rob economic, wealthy, lands of colonized people, but also it transforms colony’s perspective and beliefs (Sardar and Van loon, 1997:106), so that it becomes factor which changes culture. In here, culture turns into cross and clash cultures. In analyzing the problems, the writer uses the relevant theories about the culture; one of them is postcolonial theory. The theory contains various discourses of criticism to the influences of colonial. Ashcroft, (1995:2) states:

Postcolonial theory involves discussion about experience of various kinds; migration, slavery, suppression, resistance, representations, difference, race, gender, culture, place, and responses to the influential master discourse of imperial of Europe such as: history, philosophy, and linguistic, and the fundamental experiences of speaking and writing by which all these come into being none of these are essentially postcolonial, but together they form the complex fabric of the fields.

However, In analyzing about the story of the novel the writer uses point of view. Point of view exists in a novel and has functions to show and explain various things that are related to the story of a novel; and point of view is meant as an element of a novel which presents persons, time, plot, and settings, in which they all are told by someone who speaks in it. It is called a narrator, (Klarer,


1998:21). From the element, the writer can draw a conclusion of a story in the literary works.

Besides the writer uses point of view to analyze the story in a literary works, the writer uses narratology as the way of understanding the story in the novel. Through it, a story can be observed based on the content. As the statement from Gennette in Hawthon (2001:136), he states: narratology is regarded by many specialists in the fields as a reading method that marks an important milestone in the development of literary theory and discourse analysis, as the fields of study narrtology looks at the internal mechanism of narrative and the form is taken by a narrated story.




In this chapter, the writer explains about several parts that are related to this research. They include some points namely: novel, point of view, narratology, culture, culture and literary works, postcolonial theory, Ngugi’s autobiography as the author of the novel.

2.1. Novel

Novel is one of the literary works. It tells about various things in life. It may include phenomena which are related to life such as: political conflict, history, social life, and colonialism. Siswanto (2008 : 141) states :

Novel is meant as a long prose fiction, contains the sequence of someone’s life with people who are around him with focusing character and attitude of query figure. The discussed problem is not as complex as a romance, novel usually tells an event in a certain time. A used language is more similar to daily language novel the less the uses of intrinsic elements are still complete such as: theme, plot, setting, figurative language, valve, figure and characterization.

Based on the quotation above, in presenting various phenomena in a novel, an author can use some elements, they are: theme, characterization, figurative language, setting, plot, and point of view. Novel sometimes presents the content of a story in it. It only focuses on one of the elements for instance point of view or one of the other elements.


2.2. Point of View

Point of view is one of the elements of a novel. This element functions to tell towards all the readers about all components, which exist in the story of a novel. With point of view we can know about story’s event that include all the things in it such as: time, place, settings, and situation. Robert, (1964:63), states:

Point of view is the position from which details in a literary work are perceived, described and interpreted. It is a method of rendering, a means by which authors create a centralizing intelligence, a narrative personality, an intellectual filter through which you receive the narration of argument other terms describing point of view are view point, unifying voice, perspective, persona, mask, center of attention, and focus.

From the quotation above the writer can conclude that point of view is a way of an author to describe the story in a novel that relates to events in it, with using this way all the reader can know purpose and intention of an author in his story. Besides that, the reader can understand the main purpose of the story in a novel. Through point of view, the author describes and tells story to all the reader by a mediator that is called narrator. Narrator is someone who speaks on the story of a novel through his view and opinion. According to Aminuddin in Siswanto (1984:105) narrator in point of view can be divided into four kinds, it is the way of author shows all the figures in the story which he presents. The point of view includes (1) narrator omniscient, (2) narrator observer, (3) narrator observer omniscient, and (4) narrator the third person omniscient.

Furthermore, Hawthorn (2001:67) states:

Narrators, with the individuals, voices, or whatever who (or which) tell us the story, narrator omniscient is narrator who acts and tells about something in a story as though he knows all about things in it, narrator



observer is narrator knows tells about something in a story where he only observes it and does not act as though he knows everything, narrator observer omniscient when the speaker not only describes the action and dialogue of the work, but also seems to know and observe everything that goes on in the minds of the characters, meanwhile narrator the third person omniscient is meant omniscient (all knowing) when the speaker not only describes the action and dialogue in the minds of the characters. In the third person omniscient point of view authors take great responsibility: by telling into the minds of their characters, they assume a stance that exceeds our ordinary experience with other persons, like God.

Based on the quotation above, it can be considered, that narrator in point of view element has great role in describing a story in a novel. Because narrator tells an event in the story of a novel to all the readers in detail, all the readers can know and draw conclusion of the content of a story. In this novel, the author uses narrator observer, since he only observes about phenomenon, which in this story he does not act as a person who knows everything.

2.3. Narratology

Narratology is one of the fields of science in literary works that is used to elaborate on the content of story in literary works. Narratology as the narration field describes on all the events in a story that are presented in the form of written texts that includes figure’s actions in it. In addition, it is told to us by using mediator that is called narrator along with some components in it such as: narrative mood, distance, the narrative instance. According to Gennete, Narratology can be meant as follows:

Narratology is regarded by many specialists in the field as a reading that marks an important milestone in the development of literary theory and discourse analysis. By using narrative voice as a concept through which all


the other categories are articulated, Genette engages the context of production as a fundamental element

Narratology has fundamental elements in it, in which all these elements are explained as follows:

1. Narrative Mood

Narrative mood is verbal representation. In this way, the narrative employs distancing and other effects to create a particular narrative mood that governs the regulation of narrative information provided to the reader, all narratives is necessarily (telling), In that it can certain to more than an illusion of mimesis (showing) by making the story real and alive, thus every narrative implies a narrator.

2. Distance

Distance helps us to determine the degree of precision in a narrative and the accuracy of the information conveyed. Whether the text is a narrative of events (tells what the character is doing) or a narrative of words (tells what the character is saying of thinking)

3. Narrative Instance

The narrative instance is Said to be the conjunction between (1) Narrative voice (who speaking?) (2) Time of the narration (when does telling occur, relative to the story?) (3) Narrative perspective (through whom are we preparing?) As with narrative mood, by examining the narrative instance



we can gain a better understanding of the relations between the narrator and the theory in a given narrative.

Based on the theory above the writer uses it in analyzing all data in this research so that all data that are analyzed by the writer can be known orderly. Through narratology, the writer knows about how story is presented to all the readers. It is analyzed through narrator’s verbal, what the narrator says, thinks, and feels to all the problems that are in this analysis data. Therefore, the writer can make conclusions for this research because in analyzing the data the writer observes about the contents of the story through the elements.

2.4. Culture, cross and clash cultures

Culture is all things that exist in human’s life and in various components in human’s life. Culture has forms and certain values for everyone, because human as the way to meet all his needs in this life creates culture. Culture is meant as something that is related to human’s life in various things in it, as it is stated by Raucek, (1951:8).

Culture is the way of living which any society develops to meet its fundamental for survival, perpetuation of the species, and the ordering of social experience. It is the accumulation of material objects, patterns of knowledge, beliefs, and all other activities which are developed in human association, culture then is man’s contribution to his environment.

From the quotation, it can be concluded that culture is the whole things that exist in human’s life. All the things can be created or imitated by human in


which they all convert into human’s life as become habitual of life in human’s life.

The oldest culture understanding is presented by E.B Taylor in cultural studies; he states (1997:5) : Culture is all the complex things include knowledge, beliefs, art, moral, law, custom, and ability as well as the other habitual that is gained by human as the community.

Culture along with time has changed. Change in culture can be caused by some factors such as: imitation, and colonialism. A changed culture in life could be two forms; they are cross and clash culture. Cross and clash culture that are in this research are two cultures that get change as the forms of colonialism influence. In this case, cross and clash culture in this research get change because of the white man as the colonists. Colonialism always changes colony’s culture. It is all because most of colonist missions that besides they intend to colonist, they also want to change the colonized people’s culture. Those facts are supported by Sardar and Vanloon, (1997:106); they state: Colonialism does not only rob our economic wealthy but also it transforms our culture and perspective, truthfully, when colonialism has been revealed formally, imperialism still alive in many of forms.

Cross and clash cultures that exist in this research are two cultures that get change as the forms of colonial influences. Cross and clash cultures are two different things that are caused by variety of things and one of them is colonial.

The understanding of cross and clash cultures can be explained by



Cultural change are not only all people in a society accept new changes with the some degrees of approval. Where may bitterly over the introduction of the change, thus social conflict is often associated with cultural the older ways have the support of moral and supernatural sanctions, different groups in society change.

Therefore, cross and clash cultures are said as a cultural change. It is said that because cross and clash cultures are cultures that get change from variant cultures brought by the other society of nation, thus it makes cross and clash cultures. Cross and clash cultures exist in society’s life. In the society, people imitate and apply different cultures from another nation. So, the people in the society who imitate them from another culture change their native culture which of it causes cross and clash cultures. And, they are also said as something that causes differences in life, the cross culture causes conflict in life; meanwhile the clash culture can cause conflict. The conflict does not happen because the differences, which exist in the cultures, have been assumed as something that is contradictive and bad. The thing should be abolished in life because it is the imitation from the colonists. In this case, the colonized people, African and Indian black people oppose the clash cultures. The form of the opposing is by doing various ways to exclude clash cultures in their lives. For that reason, the writer is interested in analyzing cross and clash cultures that are opposed by African and Indian black people; and in what way they try to abolish the cross and the clash cultures.

Said, (1992:15) states:

As the twentieth century moves to a close, there has been a gathering awareness nearly everywhere of the lines between cultures, the divisions


an differences that not only allow us to discriminate one culture from another, but also enable us to see the extent to which cultures are humanly made structures of both authority and participate, and validate, less benevolent in what they exclude and demote.

From the quotation, it can be drawn a conclusion that clash in culture can be caused by the differences in it. In here, the differences enable anyone to discriminate and even demote a culture from another one, while for cross culture, it is assumed as an imitation because all the colonized people always try to imitate something from colonist’s cultures. They assume it is good, however this imitation is not like with something they want to imitate from all the colonist. Further, Bhaba, (1994:58) states

Mimicry represents an ironic compromise. It is desire for a reformed, recognize able other, as a subject of difference that is almost the same, but not quite. Which to say, that the discourse of mimicry is constructed around ambivalence in order to be effective, mimicry must continually produce its slippage, its excess, its difference.

2.5. Culture and Literary

Culture and literary are two pieces that examine human, the social fact, or cultural creature. However literary describes about human and all the things which are in life in words, and culture shows about human in the forms that can be seen , and also it has beauty the relation between literary and culture can be explained according to Ratna, (2005:13).

Sebagai disiplin yang berbeda, sastra dan kebudayaan memiliki objek yang sama, yaitu manusia dalam masyarakat, manusia sebagai fakta sosial, manusia sebagai makhluk cultural, sebagai aktivitas literer dan aktivitas kultural, keduanya juga berfungsi untuk mengantarkan manusia untuk mencapai jenjang kehidupan yang tinggi. Perbedaannya, sesuai



dengan hakikatnya masing-masing karya sastra melakukannya secara tak

langsung, melalui bahasa metamorphosis konotatif, aspek-aspek

kebudayaan pada umumnya melakukannya secara langsung dalam masyarakat yang bersangkutan, di tempat-tempat kejadian.

In this research literary and culture are related each other. In here, human and all his events in life are described in this analysis data, human and all his events life are described in a novel. In it all human’s happenings are told in words and elements of novel which describe to all the readers on how people associate act in their life.

2.6. Post Colonial Theory

In this research the writer uses postcolonial theory to analyze this research related to data that writer gets from a literary works. The writer takes theory post colonialism because this research is related to the description of colonial events in its period. Therefore, the writer uses the theory to analyze and examine on literary works that shows to us of colonialism in it. Postcolonial theory is always relevant to some problems such as conflict, culture, social life, colonialism and the effect. Post colonialism can be explained according to Ashcroft and Tiffin in postcolonial studies reader, (1995:2) as follows:

Post colonial theory involves discussion about experience of various kinds: migration, slavery, suppression, and respond to the influential master discourses of imperial Europe such as history, philosophy, and linguistics, and the fundamental experiences of speaking and writing by which all these comes info into being.


In the post colonial theory includes very large studies, they are politic, ideology, religion education, art, culture, ethnic, identity, language, and literary, one thing that relate and characterize variety of postcolonial discourse theme.

Postcolonial theory also includes all the cultures that have ever gotten imperialism in the time. All the cultures have changed due to imperialism and colonialism factors. As it has been explained in the second chapter that all the colonists do not only rob economic and wealthy of colony but also transform their cultures, ideologies, and religions. As explained by Helen, (1989:24):

In using post colonial term is to include all the cultures, in the time got an imperialism power from the beginning of colonialism history up to now certainly has certain reason, in which the thing is caused of colonial continuity that goes on till nowadays, so that post colonial term is the most exact to say criticisms of cross and culture that emerge recently as well as the formed discourse.

2.7. Ngugi’s Autobiography

Ngugi Wa Thiongo is best known for his novel Weep Not, Child(AWS 7) which in 1964 was one of the first novel to make the literary world realize that writers in Africa were making a fresh and original contribution to world literature. It was followed byThe River Between(AWS 17) andA Grain of Wheat(AWS 36) which confirmed that Ngugi was a writer of great ambitions. Petals of Blood (AWS 188) had an immediate impact round the world. With its powerful political world with its powerful political message. His stories Secret Lives (AWS 150) span all the themes which have emerged in his writing from the anti – colonial struggles of the Mau Mau Guerrillas to those of the peasants and workers in independent Kenya. With Micere Mugo he has written the play the trial of Dedan



(AWS 191) he has also published the playsThis Time Tomorrow(in AWS 78) and

The Black Hermit (AWS 51). Ngugi was detained: A Writer’s Prison Day(AWS

240). His Gikugu play Nigaahika Ndeenda (written with Ngugi Wa Mirie) will shortly be published in English in the African writers series asI Will Marry When

I Want (AWS 246), his latest novel Devil on The Cross (AWS 200) is also forth


Ngugi was Chairman of The Department of Literature at the University of Nairubi and has also taught at Makere and North Western Universities. His essays on Carribean and African and a new collectionWriter’s in Politics(Heinemann)



This chapter focuses on research object, research methods, techniques of collecting data and procedures of analyzing data.

3.1 Research object

Research object that was carried out by the writer is data that is a culture. Culture that is analyzed by the writer is from a source that is a novel. After the writer gained the data, the writer analyzed it, and then it is made as a research object. This case is based on Alwasilah’s reference; he explains that:

Data lazim dipahami sebagai informasi yang digunakan untuk

memutuskan dan membahas suatu object kajian. Data lazim tersebut korpus yaitu sekumpulan data(teks, kajian) yang dianggap mewakili

sebuah bahasa yang masih hidup atau mati”(Alwasilah,2002:67)

3.2 Research Method

Research method used by the writer is qualitative research method. Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong (1975:5) defined that:

Metode qualitative sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan

data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati. Deskriptif disini maksudnya adalah data yang dikumpulkan berupa gambar, kata-kata, dan bukan amgka-angka. Dengan demikian penelitian ini akan berisi kutipan-kutipan data untuk



Besides the definition above, the writer also uses quantitative approach and descriptive method as guidance in this research. According to Kutha Ratna’s explanation, he explains that descriptive method is “metode yang dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul, dan

tidak semata-mata menguraikan melainkan juga memberi penjelasan

secukupnya”(Kutha Ratna,2003:53). In this case, the written words or oral

people and observed behaviors are text or sentences in a literary works. Those oral or written words are in the text observed by the writer. Those written words and oral that are in the literary works describe a story of human behave and associate in an environment, those all the writer analyzes by means of reading and classifying them according to writer’s comprehension towards the text and then the writer relates it to the relevant theories and methods.

3.2.1 Collecting Data

Collecting data is the first step that was carried out by the writer, the technique of research as the technique of collecting data, according to Moleong,(111-168), it consists of :

a. Source and kind of Data

According to Lofland, (1984:47): The main data sources in qualitative research are words and actions, and the other is the additional documents.


b. words and actions

In this case, words and actions in a literary works that is text was done by a figure through a story in a novel Ngugi weep not, child by Ngugi.

c. Written sources

Written sources are the other sources that are used by the writer as a source to support the writer’s analysis. In this case they all are books, scientific magazines or journals, that relevant to this research those all, the writer reads and relates to this research. Although it is said that sources at out of words and actions that are the second source, this thing cannot be ignored. It is seen from written source can be divided into sources books and scientific magazine, or the other source, it maybe personal document and formal document. Books and magazine source also included in this category: Books and theses are usually put at the library.

3.2.2 Analyzing Data

In analyzing data, after completing the data collecting procedures, after words the writer analyzed the data as possible as the writer can. According to Alwasilah in analyzing data we have to discuss it was possible as we can. If we keep data in a very long time we will be difficult to analyze it, Alwasillah explains that as follows:

peneliti yang tidak segera melakukan analisis sedini mungkin tidak

akan memperoleh apa yang oleh Glaser disebut theoretical



dikumpulkannya. Data itu hanyalah tumpukan angka atau kata-kata

bisu, sampai anda membuatnya berteriak teori.”(2002:158)

After the data have completed, then the writer analyzed the data. It was done because the writer wanted to try to get the content of a story in a novel in the forms of paragraphs and sentences that were identified as a culture in which they are classified into cross and clash cultures and then those all are related to the relevant theories with culture and literary.

3.2.3 Synopsis Ngugi weep not, child novel

When European went away, the children regretted the incident, Lucia beat them cool her rage and shame. In future, they were to know the difference between a morning and an afternoon and that between a sir and a madam. The visitor was explaining that since,it was after lunch, after twelve o’clock they should talk afternoon, and since she was a woman they should call her madam. When a teacher comes into class he regretted them in English, teacher good morning children, class (standing up singing the answer) good morning sir, The bible was his favorite book. He liked the stories in the Old Testament; he loved and admired David, often identifying himself with this hero. The book of job attracted him; through it, he often gave rise to a painful stirring in his heart. In the New Testament, he liked the story of the young Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. His belief in a future for his family and the village rested him then not only a hope for sound education but also on a belief in a God of love and mercy which long ago walked on this earth with Gikuyu and Mumbi, or Adam and Eva.


In Africa, some young men spent all their time by doing nothing but loitering in the shops. Some could work the whole day for a pound of meat, they were called the lazy boy, In Africa, black people should not sleep with white men who ruled them and treated them badly, In the Indian bazaar, black people mingled with white people and Indians. You did not know what to call the Indians was also a white man? Did he too come from England? Some people had been to Burma said that Indians were poor in their country and were too ruled by white men, The Indians feared Europeans and if you want to buy in a shop and white men found you, the Indian would stop serving you and trembling all over would begin to serve him. Nevertheless, some said that this was a cunning way to deceive the white men because the Indian rambled and was all yes please. The men said, anything more? The women would be ready to pay any price they were told because they thought an Indian who feared them dared not cheat about price. The Indian were said to be very rich. They too employer some black boys whom they treated as nothing. You could never like the Indians because their customs were strange and funny in a bad way settler; with their wives and children, often came to the rich Indians and bought all they want. Threfore, although the Indians were not liked and they abused women, using dirty words, they had learnt swahali. People found it wiser and more convenient to buy from them some people said that black people should stick together and take trade only to their black and one day an old poor women said let Africans stick together and charge very low price




In this chapter the writer explains about cross and clash culture. Cross and clash culture are analyzed in the forms of corpuses, in which these corpuses are in words and those all are analyzed according to the purposes and meanings of these corpuses and also these corpuses emphasize the content of story.

4.1 Cross Culture in black African and Indian

4.1.1 Cross and clash Cultures of way of life in black Indian and African Corpus 1

In Indian When European went away, the children regretted the incident, Lucia beat them cool her rage and shame. In future they were to know the difference between a morning and an afternoon and that between a sir and a madam (p47).

The writer categorizes the data above as cross cultures. The corpus shows the colonized people want to learn and to understand about English language. According to the history background that British are the colonist, meanwhile the colony who are in the texts want to apply their language into colonized people’s life and way of life, and also the colonized people want to imitate how do British speak and address people. So that, this is imitation that is gotten from the other people especially for the scope post colonial, of which all the colonized people imitate unconscious the effect of colonist’s culture. The imitation that are in the texts are imitation of cultures in the aspect of language, because language as it has


been on the theory of chapter two is component of culture, however here it has been imitated by people, the imitation can be explained according to Bhaba,(1994:58) states:

The effect of mimicry on the authority of colonial discourse is profound and disturbing. For in normalizing the colonial state or subject, the dream of post colonial – enlightenment civility alienates its own language of liberty and produces the other knowledge of its norms.

It is based on the theory and content of the text above. In the corpus, it shows a habitual that is adopted from the other one. We can see the part of the corpus below: ” they were to know the difference between a morning and an afternoon

and that between a sir and a madam, (Ngugi, 1964:47), this a process of learning

and imitation at once that result another knowledge of its norms, as it has been explained on the theory above

Corpus 2

In Africa The visitor was explaining that since It was after lunch, after twelve o’clock they should talk afternoon, and since she was a woman they should call her madam,(p47).

The writer categorizes the data above as cross cultures. The corpus shows the colonized people want to learn and understand about language that is English, according to the history background that British are the colonist, meanwhile the colony who are in the texts want to apply their language into colonized people’s habitual of life, and also the colonized people want to imitate how do British speak and address people. So that, this is imitation that is gotten from the other



people especially for the scope post colonial, of which all the colonized people imitate unconscious the effect of colonist’s culture. The imitation that are in the texts are imitation of cultures in the aspect of language, because language as it has been on the theory of chapter two is component of culture, however here it has been imitated by people, the imitation can be explained according to Bhaba,(1994:58) :

The effect of mimicry on the authority of colonial discourse is profound and disturbing. For in normalizing the colonial state or subject, the dream of post colonial – enlightenment civility alienates its own language of liberty and produces the other knowledge of its norms.

It is based on the theory and content of the text above. In the copus above, it shows a habitual that is adopted from the other one. We can see the part of the corpus below, they were to know the difference between a morning and an

afternoon and that between a sir and a madam, (Ngugi, 1964:47), this is a

process of learning and imitation at once that result another knowledge of its norms, as it has been explained on the theory above.

Corpus 3

When a teacher comes into class he regretted them in English, teacher good morning children, class (standing up singing the answer) good morning sir, (p46)

The text above describes that imitation of cross culture has converted in life, in which children who are taught by the colonist’s nation. They have adjusted their language in life as they use it in everyday situation. One of the effects of


colonialism can give influence towards colonized people’s cultures; one of them is language, as it can be explained by Ashcroft (1995:67) below:

Language is fundamental site of struggle for post colonial discourse because the colonial process itself in language, the control over language by the imperial center whether achieved by displacing native language, by installing itself as a standard against other variants which are constituted as impurities, or by planting the language of empire in a new place.

4.1.3 Cross cultures of religion in black African and Indian

Corpus 4

The bible was his favorite book. He liked the stories in the Old Testament; he loved and admired David, often identifying himself with this hero. The book of job attracted him though it often gave rise to a painful stirring in his heart, in the new testament, he liked the story of the young Jesus and the sermon on the mount,(p49).

According to the text, the writer can know that it describes about someone who gets cross culture in his life. In here, he likes a bible as he likes David because in the bible, it tells about his idol that is David. As we know that bible is Christianity’s holy book, and in this story is told the figure is an African, and African have religion that has been propagated to African as the colony, so that African are colony who believe in Christianity.



Corpus 5

His belief in a future for his family and the village rested him then not only a hope for sound education but also on a belief in a God of love and mercy who long ago walked on this earth with Gikuyu and Mumbi, or Adam and Eva, (p49).

These data shows someone who gets new knowledge from a new religion of white man. Here, narrator tells he believes in it. This new religion is Christian and it was born in the white man’s culture, when the white man colonized his country they also propagate this religion to the colonies. Because he is also the colonized people, he believes it. And, this is one of the effects of colonialism since colonialism besides it robs the economic, wealthy of the colonized people but also it has changed the perspective and beliefs of colonies, (Sardar and Vanloon in cultural studies, 1997:110). It can be explained in further by Said,(1995:90): colonialism includes variety of things for instance of economic and sociological theories of development, revolutionary cultural personality, national or religion character. According to this text’s explanation, the story of these paragraphs show how do people get influence from colonialism both their selves and religion character that is, they believe in new religion that is Christianity.

4.1.4 Cross cultures of social life in black Indian and African Corpus 6

In Africa some young men spent all their time doing nothing but loitering in the shops. Some could work the whole day for a pound of meat, they were called the lazy boy. (p8)


In this corpus, narrator describes cross culture in the aspect of behavior and way of life, those all are different from the behavior and habitual of life in India. It can be seen in ….”In Africa some young men spent all their time doing nothing, but loitering in the shops. Some could work the whole day for a found a

meat, they were called the lazy boy.”(Ngugi, 1964: 8)

Here, narrator wants to compare the two different things that is exactly in Africa and India. if it is observed from these second sentences, the writer thinks Africans and India have different way of life. It should be emphasized that cross culture may occur where some people have different characterization from the other one, and it is defined as the race diversity that includes customs meaning an eternal heritage and a sequence of distinctive feature, and also mutual experience (Sardar,1997: 125). In this corpus, narrator as his point of view does not criticize about this cross culture, so that it does not cause a clash in it. In this case, narrator acts as the narrator third person observer again, because here narrator does not involve in this story, he only brings all the reader just reading and observing the content of this story.

The factor, which causes cross culture both India and Africa are colonialism from white men that is British. If we look at these second habitual, it can be said as the culture which gets influences from the white men, for example they are : “In Africa some young men spent all their time doing nothing, but

loitering in the shops”, (Ngugi, 1964 : 8). This part of corpus describes that



appropriate to African’s habitual, in which African’s habitual is not like that. They generally spend their time for farming or hunting animal to meet their daily necessities, but some of them do not do it; they tend to spend their time doing nothing and loitering in the shop. It is said as white men’s habitual, as we all know that generally all the white men spend their time doing nothing such as, drunk, dance and loitering together in a place and some of the African do a hardly same thing, that are spend their time doing nothing and loitering in shops and this thing imitates to that.

4.2 Clash Cultures in black African and Indian

4.2.1 Clash cultures in black Indian and African‘s social life

Corpus 7

In Africa, black people should not sleep with white men who ruled them and treated them badly. (p6)

This corpus shows that African hate white men because they have ruled African badly. As the form of rebellion, they are demonstrated by African; the African do not want to sleep with white man.

Corpus 8

In the Indian bazaar, black people mingled with white people and Indians. You did not know what to call the Indians was also a white man? Did he too come from England? Some people had been to Burma said that Indians were poor in their country and were too ruled by white men. (p8)


These second paragraphs are clearly clash culture. Clash cultures here are within Black people habitual in Africa and India do not do the same action in treating the white people who have colonized and ruled them badly. On the first paragraph narrator describes and tells about how do African black people should not sleep with men, “In Africa, black people should not sleep with the white men”, In the Indian bazaar, black people mingled with white people and

Indian’s”, (Ngugi, 1964 : 6-8). The two texts describe about the hostility of

African black people to the white men; this case can be seen on the first paragraph. It is based on the history of African which of beforehand Africans was colonized by white men, so it is African hate white men that in African black people should not sleep with the white men as the form of rebellion to them. On the contrary, African black people hate and curse the Indian black people because Indian black people associate with the white men. Therefore, it causes a difference in the aspect of culture in the element of culture as association in life, a difference in clash culture is not only about different life style but also clash culture is all the things that are in human’s life. This can be stated by Said (1992: 15) :

Cultures, the divisions and differences that not only allow us to discriminate one culture from another, but also enable us to see the extent to which culture are humanly made structures of both authority and participation, benevolent in what they include, incorporate and validate, less benevolent in what they exclude and demote.

From this quotation, it is clear that a conflict can be caused by difference in culture. So that it enables anyone to discriminate one culture and the corpus the case has happened as well as it causes anger in one hand that is black African.



Clash culture that is something that exists in human’s life of social, it also can be affected by the other factors, such as: thought’s difference and even life style pattern in associating which in it can triggerr conflict in social life. Finally, a community could not accept it indeed they try to against and abolish clash culture that could not be accepted by the other one.

Corpus 9

The Indians feared Europeans and if you want to buy in a shop and white men found you, the Indian would stop serving you and trembling all over would begin to serve him. But some said that this was a cunning way to deceive the white men because the Indian rambled and was all yes please. The men said, anything more? The women would be ready to pay any price they were told because they thought an Indian who feared them dared not cheat about price. (p7)

In this corpus a clash culture occurs caused by black Indians black dare not to deceive white people, so that it causes the anger for African black people. African black people in this story want Indian black people do not treat white men properly; they want black Indian deceive or excommunicate them. This case is based on the history of these two countries, which in they have over been colonized by the white men that is British. Because of that, African and Indian black people should not sleep or communicate with them.

A clash culture that is from colonialism remain at the beginning the thing is triggered the aim of colonist to change the other one’s habitually as the part of culture. The mission of colonist is they want to propagate colonize, of which this act mostly is opposed by the colonized nation, so that it makes a clash culture (Ashcroft, 1998: 476). From this quotation, it is concluded that African black


people against them in the way of opposing Indians black people to associate with the white men. The difference of habitual and life style maybe as the factors of community’s life because a part of community could not accept the difference. (Said,1992: 15).

Corpus 10

The Indian were said to be very rich. They too employer some black boys whom they treated as nothing. You could never like the Indians because their customs were strange and funny in a bad way settler, with their wives and children, often come to the rich Indians and bought all they wanted. (p7)

A clash culture here is”Some black boys whom they treated as nothing”, (Ngugi, 1964: 7) this indicates that narrator does not like it because this action is contrary to black people in Africa’s opinion. They think that some black boys whom they treated as nothing as the contemptible manner because it is something that should be fought as African want to live properly.

Clash culture is described in this corpus which of Indian black people do it to some black boys, the fact African black people want that Indian black people with them unite to a against the white men, yet the thing is contrary to their aims. The other clash culture here is, ”Their wives and children often come to the rich

Indians and bought all they wanted”,(Ngugi, 1964: 7). This indicates that this is a

clash culture on the aspect of politeness in interaction.

A clash culture besides is caused by the different thought but also, it could either caused by the different way of doing something of which it cannot be accepted by the other hand. It is that causes a conflict may occur in a community



(Said, 1992: 15). In this paragraph is also described how is black people’s willingness that all the black people should not to be employees, there are so many assumptions that all the black people have to be people who always beg to another. Therefore, clash culture in this story is all black people dislike to look at the phenomenon; as it has been said on the quotation above that clash culture may be occur due to the different and unacceptable thing in life. In addition, it is on this paragraph that is there is assumption that all black people have to be employees for the other one and it is opposed by them.

In this corpus there are something those cannot be accepted by the other people they are,”With their wives and children often come to the rich Indians and

bought all they wanted”,(Ngugi, 1964: 7). From this text writer consider that it is

said as a clash culture because those two actions are seen by narrator as something contradictive to his view, as it shows about oppression and impoliteness and it could not be accepted by one hand. So it is said as clash culture since unacceptable habitual for the other, as it has been explained on the explanation above.

Corpus 11

So that although the Indians were not liked and they abused women, using dirty words they had learnt swahali, people found it wiser and more convenient to by from them some people said that black people should stick together and take trade only to their black and one day an old poor women said let Affricans stick together and charge very low price. (p7)


Dirty words that is presented on the first sentence of this paragraph is a clash culture, because it criticized habitual. In here, it is something that is gotten from the other place as it has been said, ”So that although the Indians were not liked and they abused women using dirty words they had learnt in swahali”, (Ngugi, 1964 : 7). This indicates that is a clash culture, it is said like that because clash culture is something variant and it is not liked by a community and they try to exclude it, (Ashcroff, 1998 : 475), and in this corpus this act is not like by people and this case clearly has been attached on the first sentence in this paragraph. If we look at the history the habitual of using dirty words maybe caused from colonist’s habitual, in which they often say something with using dirty words while they faced problem, indirectly the habitual can convert into colonized nation’s life unconsciously, and it is planted on colonizes nation’s mind.

4.2.2 Clash cultures of religion in black Indian and African

Corpus 12

Babu had told them not to go war, so that while black people had been conscripted into army the Indian’s had utterly refused and had been left alone. It was rumored that black people in Kenya did not like them because they had refused to go war agains Hitler. This showed that Indian’s were coward the Africans were incared to agree with this idea of Indian cowardice. (p8)

Clash culture here is a clash in principle. If it is looked at the understanding of culture, the culture also includes principle in human’s life. In this corpus, there is principle which is described through an action, namely:



”Black people in Kenya did not like them because they had refused to go war

against Hitler” (Ngugi,1964: 8). Here, narrator criticizes it and he hopes that

black people should agree to go war against Hitler because Hitler is the white men whom has to be fought. According to the history, all black people either in Africa or India were colonized white men. Therefore, as the loathing of narrator here he has point of view that all black people have to go war against Hitler who is white men and it is the form of rebellion. However, black people in India and Africa refused it, that it caused a conflict that is called clash culture.

One of the factors that cause the emergence of clash culture is different principle between two groups. It causes the contradiction. The contradiction is a group of critics against to the other one. So, it causes a controversy. Finally, it makes a discrimination one culture from another (Said, 1992 : 15). In this corpus something that discriminates one culture from another it could be looked at ”This showed that Indian’s were coward the Africans were incared to agree with this

idea of Indian cowardice”,(Ngugi, 1964 : 8). Here, narrator considers that black

people in India and Africa are coward, so that it is a discrimination one culture from another.

Corpus 13

It was January morning. Young men walked along narrow cattle path, carelessly clutching Bibles and Hymn books. Behind them were a group of men and women also holding Bibles Hymn books. They were discussing the saving power of Christ. Farther behind still were women gully dressed in Sunday best they joyously singing. (p8)


Clash culture in here is clash culture in religion. Here, narrator shows that black people have converted into new religion that is Christianity, if we observe in further that mostly all black people are people who have traditional religion and not Chritianity. However, in this story all black people have believed in Christ as it can be seen at “Young men walked along narrow cattle path, carelessly

clutching Bibles and Hymn books”, (Ngugi, 1964: 8). In this corpus, there are

word of Bibles and Hymnbooks. They are books of Christian, however they have been owned and used by all black people, but in this story narrator as though wants to criticize it, because all black people have traditional religion and it is not appropriate to black people’s traditional religion in which black people have believed in new religion.

Clash culture includes several components in life. One of the clash culture forms is different religion in a group of men which of it is opposed by the other ones; clash culture based on the historical background it is caused by colonialism of white men, another mission of white men’s colonialism is they want to change belief (Ashcroft, 1998: 256)

Corpus 14

To Nyaroge, coming here was nearly the realization of his dream, he would for the first time to be taught by white men, and this was what confused him, taught he had never come into real contract with the white men. (p8)

Clash culture that is in this corpus is in which figure that is told does not do real contact with the white men. This reason is based on the background of



history that white men have colonized them, so that it leaves an imprint in his mind. That is why figure is in this story does not do real contact with white men.

Clash culture is because not only people think to oppose about different culture, but also in clash culture someone does not want interact with the other people who have different culture which of they are considered bad way and it can break the original culture.

Corpus 15

Some Europeans are better than Africans again Njoroge was impressed. That is why you at times hear father says that he would father work for a white man. A white man is a white man, but a black man trying to be a white man is bad and harsh. (p21)

In this corpus, it is described that there is someone who still works for a white men. Actually, he is African black people. Narrator does not like him to work for white men, because white men have ever colonized black people; it is showed on this”father says that he would father work for a white man”.” A white

men is a white man”, (Ngugi, 1964 : 21). Here, narrator opposes that not anyone

should work for white men because they have colonized black people. As the form of rebellion to the white man, black people have to try to be a good man and can defeat white man. In this corpus also narrator dislikes that there is an assumption black people is worse than white man, this can be seen on,” but a

black man trying to be a white man is bad and harsh”,(Ngugi, 1964: 21).

It is something, which causes a clash culture where black people dislike assumption that white man is better than black man. A clash in a culture can be also caused in life, this case related to component of culture that is belief however


here it has contradiction so that is said as a clash culture which in the other people have opinion to against that. The quotation above the writer assumes as the forms of a clash culture due to different assumption between black people to all the white man the other way. The assumption that states that european (white man) are better than African (black people) is dominant colony. A discriminative opinion certainly makes one of the party is beneficial that is white people, meanwhile balck people are still erreand although black people who want to be like them because of their way of thinking are contaminated of white people’s mind set. The process is called mimicry or immitation, as Bhaba, (1995:174) states:

The imitation of culture in colonialsim era is caused by all the colonize people’s live have been assimiliated of influnces from colonists’ habitual of life. So that all the colonies try to immitate their habitual of life, in which all the colonies think that the cultures of colonists are better to immitate. The authority of that made mode of colonial discourse that I have called mimicry is therefore stricken by indeterminacy: mimicry emerges as the representation of a difference that is itself a process of disavowal.

The imitation that related to a colonial is an action to imitate something in the time, but it can be a rebellion. Because mimicry which is in this story is an imitation which has an action to against, a rebellion that is in this story in which all the black people want to be like all the white man however those all are intended to against the white man.




5.1 Conclusion

From all data are in this research, the writer can take conclusion for this thesis. Conclusion for this thesis is that cross and clash cultures which are described on this research are caused by British colonial, from all the white man. Colonial that had happened in black African and Indian’s life it has changed their lives includes: culture, habitual of life, religion, and etc. all black India and African strive to change and abolish clash culture in their life, because it is assumed by them as an influence of colonist which spoil their native cultures, so that they try to against it with doing several efforts such as: they do not associate with white man, and also they try to imitate all the white man’s culture to make all black India and African proper, and try to abolish the assumption, that their inferior status.

5.2 Suggestion

As the writer knows from all these phenomenon of life of today, the writer has conclusion that cross and clash cultures from cross and clash cultures those are in this research are still going on in our lives up to now. Cross and clash cultures of all the colonists that is white man are still being imitated by all the people, especially in Indonesia the writer thinks clash and cross cultures of


colonists are imitated by our nation for instance: law, association, life style, ideology, and etc. They all can be proven in which Indonesian often doing various all the white man’s life style such as: commemoration of valentine day, going to night clubs, and so on. Therefore according to the conclusion, so that the writer wants to give some suggestions as follows;

1. This research is only carried out on cross and clash culture that are in the Ngugi weep not, child novel. In this novel, cross culture is a changed culture in African and Indian black people’s life, but it does not cause a conflict because a part of Indian and African black people can accept and apply it in their lives. Meanwhile clash culture causes a conflict in which both African and Indian black people’s life, since it is considered as something that spoils black African and Indian’s original cultures. This case is described by narrator in this novel with his comments to cross and clash culture, which of narrator suggest that all the people do not imitate all the white man’s culture. Cultures in India and Africa in 1964 as it is told in this novel that a part of African and Indian have imitated some cultures of white man’s culture in their lives, such as: African and Indian black people have converted into Christianity, and they behave as white man.

2. According to this analysis as well, the writer relates it to the situation of culture in Indonesia culture of today. We know that Indonesians are moeslem, thereby the writer hopes that this research, government,



particularly for the moeslem’s organization which are in Indonesia will be increasingly aware of cross and clash cultures that are told in this Ngugi weep not, child novel still going on in our lives in which we always imitate it, actually it breaks the norms and principles of religion. So that, we all have to sort out variety of cultures from all white man, so it will not spoil our lives style and religion’s norms



Alwasilah, Chaedar, A.2002.Pokoknya Kualitatif.Jakarta: P.T.Dunia Pustaka dan Pusat Studi Sunda.

Ashcroft, Griffith, Tiffin. 1995. Post Colonial Studies Readers, London and New York: Routledge.

Barry, Peter. 1995.Beginning Theory.Manchester: Manchester University Press. Bhabha, Homi.k. 1994.Mimicry of Man. London and New York: Routledge. Hawthorn,2001.Studying the Novel.London: Arnold.

Gerrad, David, 1978.Libraries in Society. London: Clive Bingley. J.Lexsy, Moleong, 1991.Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Karya Klarer, Mario,1998.Introduction to literary. London: Routledge.

Reoucek, Joseph.1951.Sociology.United States of America: Littlefield, Adams and co.

Ratna, Nyoman, Kutha.2005.Metode Penelitian Sastra.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Ratna,Nyoman, Kutha.Cultural Studies.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Said, Edward, 1992.Culture and Imperialism.New York: Vintage. Siswanto,Wahyudi,2008.Teori Pengantar Sastra.jakarta: Grasindo.

Sardar, Van loon,1997.Cultural Studies For Beginners. England: Cambridge. Thompson,Jane L.B.A.Sociology Made Simple. London : Heinemann.

Van Roberts, Edgar, 1983.Writing Themes About Literature. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, inc.





Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Identity

1. Name : Raden Chandra Natakusumah

2. Place Date of Birth : Cimahi, 15 Februari 1985

3. Student Number : 63704805

4. Major : English literary

5. Sex : Male

6. Nationality : Indonesia

7. Religion : ISLAM

8. Phone Number : 0817612934

9. Mobile Number :

-10. Address : Komplek Guru MILITER TNI-AD


11. Email Address :chandra

12. Weight : 66 kg

13. Height : 178,5 cm

14. Marital status : Single

15. Parents

1. Father : (Alm) Raden Amir Winata

Occupation : Ex the Indonesian National Police Force Officer

2. Mother : Musni

Occupation : Housewife


B. Informal Education C. N


D. Experiences

1. 2010 : English News Reader Competition in

STIKOM Bandung

Bandung, July 2010

Raden Chandra Natakusumah 3. 2000 - 2003 SMAN 5 Cimahi

4. 2004 - 2010 UNIKOM Bandung

No. Year Description



particularly for the moeslem’s organization which are in Indonesia will be increasingly aware of cross and clash cultures that are told in this Ngugi weep not, child novel still going on in our lives in which we always imitate it, actually it breaks the norms and principles of religion. So that, we all have to sort out variety of cultures from all white man, so it will not spoil our lives style and religion’s norms


42 References

Alwasilah, Chaedar, A.2002.Pokoknya Kualitatif.Jakarta: P.T.Dunia Pustaka dan Pusat Studi Sunda.

Ashcroft, Griffith, Tiffin. 1995. Post Colonial Studies Readers, London and New York: Routledge.

Barry, Peter. 1995.Beginning Theory.Manchester: Manchester University Press. Bhabha, Homi.k. 1994.Mimicry of Man. London and New York: Routledge. Hawthorn,2001.Studying the Novel.London: Arnold.

Gerrad, David, 1978.Libraries in Society. London: Clive Bingley. J.Lexsy, Moleong, 1991.Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Karya Klarer, Mario,1998.Introduction to literary. London: Routledge.

Reoucek, Joseph.1951.Sociology.United States of America: Littlefield, Adams and co.

Ratna, Nyoman, Kutha.2005.Metode Penelitian Sastra.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Ratna,Nyoman, Kutha.Cultural Studies.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Said, Edward, 1992.Culture and Imperialism.New York: Vintage. Siswanto,Wahyudi,2008.Teori Pengantar Sastra.jakarta: Grasindo.

Sardar, Van loon,1997.Cultural Studies For Beginners. England: Cambridge. Thompson,Jane L.B.A.Sociology Made Simple. London : Heinemann.

Van Roberts, Edgar, 1983.Writing Themes About Literature. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, inc.





Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Identity

1. Name : Raden Chandra Natakusumah

2. Place Date of Birth : Cimahi, 15 Februari 1985 3. Student Number : 63704805

4. Major : English literary

5. Sex : Male

6. Nationality : Indonesia

7. Religion : ISLAM

8. Phone Number : 0817612934 9. Mobile Number :


11. Email Address :chandra

12. Weight : 66 kg

13. Height : 178,5 cm

14. Marital status : Single 15. Parents

1. Father : (Alm) Raden Amir Winata

Occupation : Ex the Indonesian National Police Force Officer

2. Mother : Musni

Occupation : Housewife


A. Formal Education

B. Informal Education C. N


D. Experiences

1. 2010 : English News Reader Competition in STIKOM Bandung

Bandung, July 2010

Raden Chandra Natakusumah

NO Year Institution

1. 1993 - 1998 SDN Tresna Budi 2 Cimahi 2. 1998 - 2000 SMPN 2 Garut

3. 2000 - 2003 SMAN 5 Cimahi 4. 2004 - 2010 UNIKOM Bandung

No. Year Description