Method of the Study

F. Organization of the Writing

The writing systematically divided into five chapters, they are: Chapter one deals with the introduction. It consists of the background of study, limitation and formulation of the problem, objective of the study, method of the study, significant of the study, and organization of the writing. Chapter two discusses the theoretical framework. It is divided into two sections. The first section discusses about Test, definition of test, function of test, types of test, types of test item, and character of good test. The second section discusses about item analysis, the definition of item analysis, discriminating power and the importance of item analysis. Chapter three deals with the research methodology. It discusses about the objective of study, place and time of study, technique of data collecting and technique of data analysis. In Chapter four, the writer will focus on the research finding. The data description, data analysis and data interpretation are included in this section. The last chapter, chapter five will talk about the conclusion and suggestion.


A. Test

1. The Definition of Test

Test is one of instruments for collecting data. Test can be used in an instructional program to assess entry behavior, monitoring learning progress, diagnose learning difficulties, and measure performance at the end of instruction. Tests are given for many different reasons. In order to achieve such diverse purposes, they need to be carefully planned. In classroom settings, this planning usually entails instructional objectives. A test is a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual. 1 A test is an instrument, device, or procedure that proposes a sequence of tasks which a student is to respond – the result of which are used as measures of a specific trait. Test may be defined as a task or series of tasks used to obtain systematic observations presumed to be representative of educational or psychological traits or attributes. 2 Cronbach defines a test as a “systematic procedure for observing a person’s behavior and describing it with the aid of a numerical scale or a 1 Lyle F. Bahman, Statistical Analysis for Language Assessment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 9. 2 Gilbert Sax, Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1980, p. 13. 6