The Background of the Study


1.1 The Background of the Study

Literature is a collection of writings. Literature may be factual, gathered to educate and support further learning by allowing one to expand on previously gained knowledge. Literature may be fictional, providing expression to the creativity of the author and allowing the reader to introduce facets of personal interpretation to the recorded words. Literature may be presented in any number of forms, ranging from novel to poem to short story to dramatic play to opera to script. Roberts 1995:1 emphasizes that literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, analyze and advocate ideas. This definition gives clue that literature offers ideas which are inherent in literature. They can be studied of course in order to find the truth of what is going on in literature. There has been a long debate of what the function literature is. The pessimistic opinion would have looked at it as imaginative realm that cannot be studied at all. Literature can only be enjoyed for it tends to offer subjective element rather than objective one. Yet, the rest are more optimistic to value literature as a kind of knowledge that can be studied objectively. It has its medium language which is materially systematic. Therefore, literature is broadly applicable knowledge which is both subjective and realistic. This paper provides an analysis about love values in Stephenie Meyer’s Novel “TWILIGHT”. The word ‘love’ is generally defined as passion that shares willingness to give and take in all consequences among man. Since the sense of love is addressed to man, in literature man is equal to character or person that takes part in the story of the novel. That is why the focus of analysis in this thesi is the main character’s love values shared by Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan. I could find out in the novel Stephenie Meyer such love problem which the values are debatable. Bella Swan is a girl who falls in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire. Bella is a really special girl, and Edward is unable to use his vampire powers to read her mind, tottaly hot for her blood and madly in love with her. So, Edward wants to form relationship with bella while resisting the urge to suck her dry. This is the background as well as the reason why I chose my paper title: The Value of Edward and Bella Love Pictured in Stephenie Meyer’s Novel “TWILIGHT” 1.2The Problem of the Study The problems of this study can be defined as below: a What makes Edward love Bella? b What makes Bella love Edward? 1.3Scope of the Study The scope is to inform their reason to love each other, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. 1.4Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study in this paper is to describe the value of their love, between Edward Cullen to Bella Swan, Bella Swan to Edward Cullen.

1.5 Reason for Choosing the Topic