8 Others Others are the expressions that do not belong to any of the strategies above. There are four subcategories in this section, including here statement here is your book, small talk I think I have seen you before, but I cannot remember. What do you study?, leave-taking have a nice day, see you soon, and joking you are playing with your friend in her home and you read her book without permission to her. She then said “that is why your boyfriend want you to break with him, just joking.

2.5 Socio Culture

Language is always related to culture. Culture has certain effect to EFL learners in the way they learn English language. It is because learning a language includes the social process and origin of human intelligence in society or culture. Vygotsky said that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of learning. He believed that there are two major aspects that affect the process of learning. The first aspect is the interaction of the learners with society, culture, and environment. The second one is the individual mental structure http:portal.unesco.orgeducationenev.phpURL_ID=26925URL_DO=DO_T OPICURL_SECTION=201.html , accessed on 24 April, 2014. Hofstede 1991: 44 said that everyone has their own way in thinking, feeling and acting that is based on how they study their life. Those activities form ‘patterns of thinking’. The whole set of this pattern is included in ‘mental program’ that later famously known as culture. Vygotsy also said that culture and environment are the primary determining factors of knowledge construction, including language. We learn through this cultural lens by interacting with others and following the rules, skills, and abilities shaped by our culture. Learning language always occurs and cannot be separated from social context where human is a social being that cannot live by themselves and has to interact and share information with other person Vygotsky, 1986: 94. Moreover, every culture and language have their own way in structuring words and sentences because language is one of sections in culture. Hymes 1972 in Cheng’s article 2005: 8 said that “for any speech community, there are preferred ways of formulating and expressing certain ideas that involve familiarity with the language conventions shared by the members of the speech community”. The distinction can be discovered through several expressions in English language. One of them is gratitude expression that becomes the focus of this research. It is not possible that the way of EFL learners producing their expression in the target language is affected by their culture and L1. It is in line with Selinker on Saville – Troike, 2006: 41 that Interlanguage is driven by inner forces in interaction with environmental factors. From this statement, it proves that culture and society affects the process of learning a target language including the use of expression that in this research is gratitude expressions, hence the research about the effect of culture and society in learning target language for EFL learners is needed.

2.6 Ethnicity Identity

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