The Strategy To Improve / Develope Tanjung Tinggi Beach In Belitung As A Tourism Resort








REG. NO: 122202070






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NIP. 19581017198601 1 001 Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, M.A.

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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NIP. 19521126198112 1 001 Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

Approved by the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera

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Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on August 2015

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NIP. 19511013197603 1 001 Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

Board of Examiners Signature 1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) 2. Drs. Bahagia Tarigan. M.A. (Supervisor) 3. Drs. Umar Mono, Dip. Tran.,M. Hum (Reader)



I am, ONWARD FELLIX, declare that I am the sole author of this paper, except where references is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Signed :... Date : Thursday, June 18th, 2015



This paper entitled “The strategy to improve / develope Tanjung Tinggi beach in Belitung as a tourism resort” discusses about the strategy to impove / develope Tanjung Tinggi as a tourism resort. Belitung Island is very well known as the mining area of tin. As an archipelago, Belitung has tourism destinations in almost of the coastal areas. Belitung tourism is generally dominated by the marine tourism. However, in accordance with the title of this paper, where the subject matter of the writing is the tourism destination in Tanjung Tinggi beach. There are so many potentials can be develope as a tourism resort. There are facilities and accomodation in Tanjung Tinggi beach are relatively complete. To improve / develop Tanjung Tinggi beach as a tourism resort, there are many problem to face, however the interferences of the District Government and local people as well, will make the dreams comes true. Data is taken from some information of references, internet, and informan as well. Field research can be an extraordinary exciting and rewarding experience leading to important discoveries and breakthrough ideas.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Strategy to Improve / Develope Tanjung Tinggi beach in Belitung as a tourism resort” ini membahas strategi untuk meningkatkan / mengembangkan pantai Tanjung Tinggi sebagai sebuah kawasan wisata. Belitung sangat terkenal sebagai daerah pertambangan yaitu tambang timah. Sebagai wilayah kepulauan, Belitung memiliki objek wisata di hampir semua wilayah pantai dalam artian bahwa pariwisata Belitung pada umumnya didominasi wisata bahari. Namun sesuai dengan judul kertas karya ini maka yang menjadi objek penulisan adalah objek wisata Pantai Tanjung Tinggi. Ada banyak potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Potensi tersebut yaitu fasilitas dan akomodasi di pantai Tanjung Tinggi relatif lengkap. Untuk meningkatkan / mengembangkan pantai Tanjung Tinggi sebagai kawasan wisata ada banyak masalah yang harus di hadapi, akan tetapi ada campur tangan Pemerintah Daerah dan Masyarakat dengan baik yang akan membuat harapan yang di inginkan. Pengambilan data diambil dari referensi, inernet, dan beberapa informan sebagai bukti untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan isi dari kertas karya ilmiah ini.



First of all, I would like to thank to Jesus Christ, for all the blessing and gives me health, strength, and inspiration to finish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Diploma Study Program, University of Sumatera Utara.

• Thank you to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Culture.

• Thank you to Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of English Diploma Study Program and also my reader, who gives me advices to finish this paper.

• Thank you to Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, M.A, as my supervisor, who gives me corrections and advices to finish this paper.

• Thank you for all the lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me knowledges.

• Special thanks go to my parents, Drs. Barto Simatupang, SE, M.Si and Ratna Tambunan for supporting, loving, caring, praying, and believing in me.

• My beloved siblings, Dian Ryan Hammerson and Karen Ratu Putri Hasian thanks for your advices.


• Thank you for all my Diploma III English 2012 friends, Nina Fitriani, Kaka Hanafiah, Anisa, Dea, Elsha, and Lisha, for your attention, supports, happiness, advices, and make me laugh every day

And finally, I realize that this paper is far from being perfect, I hope that those who read this paper may give critics and suggestions for making it better.

Medan, June 18th, 2015 The Writer,

Onward Fellix Reg. No. 122202070



This paper entitled “The strategy to improve / develope Tanjung Tinggi beach in Belitung as a tourism resort” discusses about the strategy to impove / develope Tanjung Tinggi as a tourism resort. Belitung Island is very well known as the mining area of tin. As an archipelago, Belitung has tourism destinations in almost of the coastal areas. Belitung tourism is generally dominated by the marine tourism. However, in accordance with the title of this paper, where the subject matter of the writing is the tourism destination in Tanjung Tinggi beach. There are so many potentials can be develope as a tourism resort. There are facilities and accomodation in Tanjung Tinggi beach are relatively complete. To improve / develop Tanjung Tinggi beach as a tourism resort, there are many problem to face, however the interferences of the District Government and local people as well, will make the dreams comes true. Data is taken from some information of references, internet, and informan as well. Field research can be an extraordinary exciting and rewarding experience leading to important discoveries and breakthrough ideas.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Strategy to Improve / Develope Tanjung Tinggi beach in Belitung as a tourism resort” ini membahas strategi untuk meningkatkan / mengembangkan pantai Tanjung Tinggi sebagai sebuah kawasan wisata. Belitung sangat terkenal sebagai daerah pertambangan yaitu tambang timah. Sebagai wilayah kepulauan, Belitung memiliki objek wisata di hampir semua wilayah pantai dalam artian bahwa pariwisata Belitung pada umumnya didominasi wisata bahari. Namun sesuai dengan judul kertas karya ini maka yang menjadi objek penulisan adalah objek wisata Pantai Tanjung Tinggi. Ada banyak potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Potensi tersebut yaitu fasilitas dan akomodasi di pantai Tanjung Tinggi relatif lengkap. Untuk meningkatkan / mengembangkan pantai Tanjung Tinggi sebagai kawasan wisata ada banyak masalah yang harus di hadapi, akan tetapi ada campur tangan Pemerintah Daerah dan Masyarakat dengan baik yang akan membuat harapan yang di inginkan. Pengambilan data diambil dari referensi, inernet, dan beberapa informan sebagai bukti untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan isi dari kertas karya ilmiah ini.



1.1 The Background of the Study

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung is a Province in Indonesia. Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province designated as the 31st by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia based on Undang-undang No.27 Tahun 2000. Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province was part of South Sumatera. It is called Bangka Belitung because this region consists of the island of Bangka and Belitung. The capital of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung is Pangkal Pinang. There are 7 regencies in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province. One of them is Belitung Regency.

Belitung Regency is part of the Province of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. It consists of about a hundred big and small islands. The biggest island in The Belitung Regency is Belitung Island. There are still other big islands, like : Seliu Island, Mendanau Island, and Nadu Island. Belitung Regency consists of five districts, such as Membalong, Tanjungpandan, Sijuk, Badau, and Selat Nasik.

Today, the interesting destination to visit should have some activities which can make tourists happy or satisfied. Some activities should give some memorable experience or even the unforgettable one. Tanjung Tinggi beach is one of the tourism destinations in Belitung Regency, Indonesia.

This beach is located in the Sijuk District, Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung with a distance of 37 kilometres from Tanjung Pandan. This beach is located in the north of Belitung Island. The beach name is also known as Tanjung


Tinggi. The meaning of Tanjung is headland and The Meaning of Tinggi is high granit rock.

Belitung Regency is a region where marine tourism can be an alternative to increase local revenue, besides historical tourism spots or traditional ceremonial events. Therefore, the accomodation services needed to be developed. In 2013, Belitung has 28 hotels/ inn with 1,011 rooms and 1,366 beds. The number of tourist visited Bangka Belitung was 131,542, consisted of 99.65 percent domestic tourist, and 0.35 percent foreign tourist.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the background the problems of this study are :

• What potensial resources does Tanjung Tinggi beach have as a tourism resort?

• What strategies are needed in Tanjung Tinggi to improve / develop Tanjung Tinggi beach as a tourism resort?

1.3 The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study has an important role in writing this paper. It is used to limit the focus of the paper. This paper has a focus on the strategy to improve / develop Tanjung Tinggi beach in Belitung as a tourism resort.


1.4 The Method of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer uses three methods of research method. They are :

Field Research

Some of the most valuable information and data cannot be found in the books (library) or even in social website. Field research is kind of research method that is used to find out data and information from the field directly by visiting the object study place or having a survey in the place. The writer will use this method by having direct observation in Tanjung Tinggi to get some information about Tanjung Tinggi.

Library research

Library research is a kind of method research that is used to find certain data and information by searching and collecting some books which are relevant.

1.5 The Reason for Choosing This Topic

The reason why the writer has choosen this topic is that, this topic is exciting and has not been writtten by anyone in English Program Studies, Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara. This topic makes the writer feel interested to discuss it.


1.6 The Purpose of the Study

In writing this paper, there are two purposes, they are :

• To find out the potencial resources of Tanjung Tinggi Beach In Belitung as a tourism resort.

• To find out Strategies that will make Tanjung Tinggi become a famous tourism resort.



2.1 Historical development of Indonesian tourism

Tourism activities in Indonesia has begun a long time ago, or more precisely since the dutch occupation. Based on the history, it is divided into three periods.

1. Dutch Colonial Period

Yoeti (1996:2) said that, “Tourism activities began with the exploration conducted by government officials and private persons who opened the Agricultural land in the countryside”. At the beginning of the 12th century the Dutch East Indies region began to develop into an area that had tremendous appeal . Tourism activities during the Dutch colonial period officially started since the year of 1990-1912 after the release of the Governor General 's decision on the establishment of Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer ( VTV ) as a travel agency based in Nederlands. To provide services to those who traveled, it established a branch of its Travel Agent on Majapahit Street No.02 Jakarta in 1926 which was named Lissone Lindemend ( LISIND ). In 1928 Lisind was renamed NITOUR ( Nederlandche Indische Touristen Bureau ) . Meanwhile , developments in Indonesia began in the 19th century . Hotel at that time was widely used for ships passengers from Europe.


2. During the Japanese Occupation

Before the World War II , during the occupation of Japanese in Indonesia tourism situation in Indonesia was very neglected . Circumstances at the time did not allow for travelling. Visiting abroad at the time it was practically non-existence.

3. After Indonesia 's Independence up until now

After Indonesian independence, the development of tourism in Indonesia began to increase. On 01 July 1947 hospitality organizations was formed in Indonesia, as the body Center Hotel. The tourism sector began to grow rapidly. These things characterized by the decree of vice president (Dr. Mohammad Hatta) as the chairman of the strategy and the committee of economic thinkers. HONET was established (Hotel National and tourism) in Yogyakarta. In 1949 RTC (Round Table Conference), was held which resulted in the HONET clossure. This was because it was mentioned in the KMB that the entire assets of the Netherlands had to be returned. In 1952 with the decision of the President, Department of Tourism was established chaired by Nazar ST. In 1953, several prominent hospitality States established the Indonesian Association of Hotels and Tourism chaired by A. Tambayong. In 1955 the Tourism Foundation was founded or YTI called DEPARI (Dewan Pariwisata Indonesia), which became the forerunner of the Department of Tourism and Culture in Indonesia


2.2 The Meaning of Tourism and Tourist

Tourism is an activity that is very extensive and includes some things that are related each other as the place or object, the availability of infrastructure and social cultural support as a tourist destination it can be seen from the definition of tourism.

Yoeti (1982:107) said that, “A purposeful human activity that serves as a link between people either within one or some countries or beyond the geographical limits or states. It involves the temporary displacement of people to other region, country, for the satisfaction of varied needs other than exciting a renumareted function”.

The same as Marpaung (2000) said that, " Tourism is everything related to travel, including managers or organizers of the object as well as the attractiveness of the business so that people / tourists come to visit ."

Based on Regulation No. 10 Tahun 2009 tourism is that all activities about tourism and be supported by all facilities and services provided by society, businessman, government, and local government. Tourism also includes overall activities related to tourism and has the quality multidimensional and multidisciplinary emerging as a manifestation of the needs of each person and the country as well as the interaction between tourists and the local community, travelers, Government, Local Government and employers. Based on Regulation No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tourism also can be stated as , " people who do tours ".


2.3 Types of Tourism

In the previous description the meaning of tourism has been described Tourism can be divided into the following categories:

1. The Origin of Tourists

First of all, travelers need to know whether they came from the country or abroad. If it is their country of origin that means the travelers only have a temporary move within the territory of their own country and during his travel time, it is called domestic tourism, whereas if they come from abroad it is called international tourism.

2. The Balance of Payment

The arrival of tourists from abroad is expected to bring foreign currency. Foreign exchange income brings a positive impact for the balance of foreign payments for country they visit, which is called active tourism. The departure of foreign citizens also has a negative impact for the balance of foreign payments, it is called passive tourism.

3. The Time Period

A tourist stays the length of time in a place or a country is measured as short-term tourism or long-term tourism. This term of measurements depends on a country to classify it as short or long time stay.

4. The Number of Tourist

With regard to the number of tourists, whether they come alone or in groups. It can be classified into single tourism and group tourism.


5. The Means of Transport

Viewed in terms of the use of means of transport used by tourists, then this category can be divided into air, sea / water, train and automobile.

2.4 Tourist Object and Tourist Attraction

Tourist object and attraction is the basic of tourism. Without the attractiveness in an area or specific place, it is hard to develop tourism.

Tourist Attraction is another form of word of tourist object. However according to the Indonesian Government Regulation 2009, the word ‘tourist object’ is no longer relevant to refer to a tourist destination, so that is the reason why ‘Tourist Attraction” is being used. In order to find out the meaning and purpose of tourist attraction, some definitions of Tourist Attraction are as follows:

1. According to The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 10 in 2009, Tourist Attractions is described as everything that has a unique, convenience, and value diversity in the form of natural resources, culture, and the results were subjected to man-made or tourist visits.

2. Yoeti (1985) states that a tourist attraction is a term more often used, is everything attraction for people to visit in a particular area.

3. Pendit (1994) defines a tourist attraction as everything interesting and worth to be visited and viewed.

From some of the definitions above it can be concluded that the tourist attraction is everything that has attractiveness, uniqueness and high value, which is a purpose of a tourist to come to a particular area. A Travel Attraction to be visited by tourists must meet the requirements for the development of the region.


According to Maryani (1991: 11) a travel attraction must have the following question:

● What to see?

The places must have objects and sights that are different from those of other regions. In other words, the area should have a special appeal and cultural attractions that can be used as "entertainment" for tourists. What to see include landscapes, activities, arts and tourist attractions.

● What to do?

The places besides are having a lot to see the recreation facilities should be provided that could make tourists comfortable to stay longer in area.

● What to buy?

A tourist destination should provide facilities for shopping, especially souvenirs and handicrafts to take home to the place of origin.

● How to set there?

This includes the accessibility, how to set to the tourist attraction, the vehicle to use and how long to set the place of destination.

● Where to stay?

Where will the tourists stay during their holiday. Good lodging star hotels or non-star hotels and so on are required.


2.5 Infrastructure and Superstructure

The systemic Infrastructure of Tourism is the biggest and most decisive component in the success of the Tourism. This component consists of various subsystems that really needs attention, the provision and maintenance.

Infrastructure tourism facilities should be available so as to allow the economy to run smoothly in such a manner, in order to enable people to meet their needs. Then require services that suit their needs and desires, namely since departing to their destination, until returning home. This all covers the facilities provided for tourists. They usually want to know :

1. Transport facilities that will take their to and from the tourist destination areas they want to visit.

2. Accommodation facilities, in a place where they stay while in the destination areas.

3. Facility of Catering Service, which provides them with services in connection with food and drink certainly suits them.

4. Object and tourist attractions that exist in destination areas to be visited. 5. Recreation Activities they can do in destination areas they will visit.

6. Shopping facilities (Shopping Facilities), where they can buy things they need or sometimes they also need to repair their camera, to get the film developed and many others.

7. The post office (Post office), for sending letters to relatives, friends or in connection with travel agencies being involved.


8. Telephone communication facilities through, telex and faxcimile and other communication tools for sending the information during the journey.

Meanwhile, tourism superstrucures are companies that provide services to tourists, either directly . There are three important things for tourism, namely:

1. Main Tourism Superstructure

Main Tourism Superstructure provide the basic facilities that will determine the success of a region into a tourist destination. Many companies are dependent on the flow of tourists, or people who travel, both international tourists and domestic tourists.

The principal function of tourism is that the companies provide services to the tourist in the destination. They are Travel Agent and Tour Operator; Tourist Transportation; Hotels and other accommodation; Catering, Trades; Travel and Tourist Attraction objects.

2. Supplementary Tourism Superstructure

Supplementary Tourism Superstructure provide facilities for recreation whose function is nothing but to supplement the principal function of tourism. The most important function is to make the tourists stay longer in Tourism Destination Region. This includes the sports surf, etc.


3. Supporting Tourism superstructure

Supporting Tourism Superstructure provides facilities and basic facilities that serve not only to make tourists stay longer but more importantly is to make tourists spend more money in the places they visit. The supporting facilities are needed to encourage the tourists, since not all guests require to come, such services as night club, Steambaths, and casinos, they are not absolutely needed.

Overall the infrastructure and tourism facilities must exist or be available before we promote an area as a tourist destination.



3.1 Brief Description of Belitung

Belitung island is a part of the Province of Bangka Belitung. It is located between 107008’ to 107058’ East Longitude (EL) and 02030’ to 03015’ South Longitude (SL) with the total of whole area 229.369 hectares or less than 2.293,69 km2 which is divided into two regencies namely Belitung and Belitung Timur (Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency). Belitung regency has four bordering.

• Northern, South Cina sea • Eastern, Belitung timur regency • Southern, Java sea, and

• Western, Gaspar strait

We can see the total area of Belitung regency recorded by Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency.

Table 1 The area of Belitung regency based on the district.

District Total Area Percentage

Membalong 909,550 km2 39,65 %

Tanjungpandan 378,448 km2 16,50 %

Badau 458,200 km2 19,98 %

Sijuk 413,992 km2 18,05 %


Belitung regency 2.293,690 km2 100,00 % The data were taken between 2010 and 2014

Based on registration in the year of 2010, the population of Belitung regency is as many as 155.640 people, based on the NIK (ID number of population) done by matching and research (Coklit) held in September to November 2010, while the previous year’s data were based on the gross database 2005, which turned out to have doubled because those who passed away were not reported.

Regarding to the comparison of male and female population, it can be seen from sex ratio. Sex ratio of Belitung regency in 2010 was 106,1. It means that there are 106,1 population of male in Belitung regency per 100 population of female.

Belitung Island has potential tourism which is very unique and special. The stretch of white sand, granite boulders with beautiful mosaic and the splashing of clear sea water with coral reef, as well as the Dutch heritage lighthouse tower in 1882 are the main tourism destinations for domestic and foreign tourists.

The infrastructure and transportation facilities from and to Belitung island are sufficient. The flight path from Jakarta takes 45-60 minutes with approximately 8 flights a day. Pangkal Pinang, Batam, and Palembang are also the transit areas heading to Belitung.

Social and cultural conditions are also very open for receiving cultural differences which owned by the tourists. This is due to the local society which has


been accustomed to socializing with the immigrants who work in the tin mining company, since the Dutch occupation up to now. Belitung is also known as "Negeri Laskar Pelangi".

Some of destinations and attractions in Belitung Regency: • Tanjung Tinggi Beach (Sijuk District)

• Dewi Kwan Im temple (Damar District) • Tanjung Kelayang beach (Sijuk district) • Lengkuas island (Sijuk district)

• Old lighthouse (Sijuk district) • Burung island (Sijuk district) • Membalong beach (Sijuk district)

These data are based on The Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency.

We can see the number of foreign and domestic tourist which is recorded by Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency :

Table 1 Number of foreign and domestic Tourist in Belitung regency

Year Domestic tourist Foreign tourist Total

2007 1421 23188 24609

2008 2053 29945 31998

2009 2734 39499 42233

2010 1383 49118 50501

2011 1309 82584 83893

2012 975 110638 111613


3.2 Brief Description of Tanjung Tinggi Beach

As an archipelago, Belitung has tourism destinations in almost of the coastal areas. Belitung tourism is generally dominated by the marine tourism. Belitung tourism has become a phenomenon nature since the release of Laskar Pelangi movie which became the Box Office of national movie in 2005 where the movie scenes were taken in one of area in Tanjung Tinggi Beach.

Tanjung Tinggi is a beach which is laid between two peninsulas, namely Tanjung Kelayang and Tanjung Pendam. Tanjung Tinggi’s name is taken from the words tanjung (foreland) means peninsula and height which means the beach with high rocks. The distance is 37 km from Tanjung Pandan as Capital of Belitung District, the Province of Bangka Belitung. The island's transportation infrastructure is quite good and the population is small and it can be reached within approximately 30 minutes from the airport and Tanjung Pandan.

The beach is shaped of the arc’s curves in diameter about 100 meters with the composition of granite rocks on both sides of the beach. The stretch of white sand and the ocean with green tosca bluish with the expanse of rocks surround the coast adding the beauty of Tanjung Tinggi Beach. Facilities and accommodation in Tanjung Tinggi Beach are relatively complete. There are food stalls, public toilets, and facilities such as jet ski and canoe renting. For those who want to stay overnight around the beach there are several inns, home stays until luxury hotels.

In addition to Tanjung Tinggi Beach, in the surrounding area there is also another tourist destination, the lighthouse tower built in 1881 located in Lengkuas


Island which can be reached by fishing vessels in about 30 minutes. The last but not less interesting is the Mount Berahu which offers panorama views of the beautiful nature towards the sea.

The number of tourists visiting Belitung can be seen from the following Table. We can also see the number of foreign and domestic tourist recorded by Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency :

Table 1 Number of foreign and domestic Tourist in 2010

Month Foreign Domestic Total

January 82 4685 4767

February 106 4294 4400

Maret 197 4569 4766

April 110 3998 4108

Mei 68 3394 3462

Juni 76 4320 4396

July 112 3586 3698

August 84 3853 3937

September 71 4309 4380

October 334 4212 4546

November 61 3888 3949

December 82 4010 4092

Total 1383 49118 50501


Table 2 Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourist in 2011

Month Foreign Domestic Total

January 0 864 864

February 4 724 728

Maret 1 797 798

April 0 934 934

Mei 7 1064 1071

Juni 18 1349 1367

July 24 1527 1551

August 1 959 960

September 3 1427 1430

October 111 1716 1827

November 11 1331 1342

December 22 744 766

Total 202 13436 13638

Source : Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency Table 3 Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourist in 2013

Month Foreign Domestic Total

January 82 4685 4767

February 106 4294 4400

Maret 197 4569 4766

April 110 3998 4108

Mei 68 3394 3462


July 112 3586 3698

August 84 3853 3937

September 71 4309 4380

October 334 4212 4546

November 61 3888 3949

December 82 4010 4092

Total 1383 49118 50501

Source : Department of Culturul and Tourism of Belitung Regency 3.3 The Potensial of Tanjung Tinggi Beach

When you arrive at Tanjung Tinggi Beach, you can admire the big rocks and big trees around the granite rocks. The root of trees spread under the surface of the rocks and come into the sand. The shape of its beach is just like a crock with white sand in the middle and surrounded by the rocks that juts into the sea. The white sand in the beach is so smooth for your legs. Sometimes, you can see crabs running fast on the sand and dig it.

Visitors who come to the beach can do many activities, such as playing white sand or just swimming in the clean and calm water. You also can pass alleys among hundreds granite rocks, or climb the rock to enjoy scenery of Tanjung Tinggi. The granite rocks are not slippery, so it will be easy to climb it. From above, you will enjoy the view of sea with clear and clean water. The nuance will be more romantic when you come on sunrise or sunset. With clear water, you can snorkel there or just sit on the soft sand. The coral reefs there are so beautiful and still original.


When you come to Tanjung Tinggi Beach, you don’t need to worry about food because there are food stalls that provide you seafood or local menu. For seafood, most of food stalls provides you fresh fishes. You also can taste lobster, crab, squid, and clam. Those food stalls are managed by residents in Tanjung Tinggi Village. The food stalls are exists along the beach with simple tables and chairs. But it is comfortable to sit there while enjoy the breeze of air and drink young coconut.

In fact, the movie of Laskar Pelangi has been improves the visitors to come to Tanjung Tinggi Beach. With great potential condition, local government should improve and develop new infrastructure and features to make tourist more comfortable to enjoy the beach, such as banana-boat because it will increase economic condition. They can bring the name of Tanjung Tinggi Beach as an icon of Tanjung Pandan City.

3.4 The Strategy to Improve / Develop Belitung as a Tourism Resort

Belitung Island is very well known as the mining area of tin. The island also has the potential mining of quartz sand, sand for building, kaolinite, and iron ore. Thus, most of the life of its people relie on the mining as the livelihood. This condition is very contradictory with the development of tourism itself that prioritizes the conservation of environment and natural destinations. Belitung Island has experienced a very rapid development of tourism meanwhile this area is still dependent on the mining as the support of the economic life of the people and even still tend to be a main source of revenue.


The government has not been able to exclude the mining as a source of life and a source of local revenue therefore several the strategies are needed to promote Tanjung Tinggi tourism are as follows :

1. Reforming the territories through the General Regional Spatial Plan (GRSP) by dividing the areas for the mining and tourism.

2. Improving transportation services by sea and air with the concept of cheap tickets.

3. Building facilities and infrastructures with adequate and healthy water supply because mining areas are known to have poor water sources.

4. Increasing the capacity of electricity and maintaining the security and cleanliness of the tourism destinations.

5. Adding the capacity of the inns and hotels started from the cheap up to the luxurious ones.

6. The people who live there should have the same idea as the Government and the industries to improve / develope Tanjung Tinggi Beach as a good destination.




Belitung Island has potensial for tourism. Its unique landscape, decorated with pearly white sand beaches, crystal clear water, and magnificent granite stone formations on its shallow shores, are some of the best features of the island and the light house built by Dutch in 1882. This potential tourism has invited domestic and foreign tourists to visit Belitung Island, Particularly Tanjung Tinggi Beach. The development of tourism increases from year to year.


Belitung island is only known as a mining island producing tins, quartz sand, and kaolin. The writer has two sugesstions :

1. Set the policy of friendly local environment by reducing mining activities as the economic mainstay in regional income.



Madjid, Mukhtar. 2003. Geografi Pariwisata Indonesia. Medan : Bartong Jaya.

Marpaung, Happy. 2000. Pengetahuan Kepariwisataan. Bandung : Alfabeta.

Marpaung, Happy., Herman Bahar. 2002. Pengantar Pariwisata. Bandung : Alfabeta.

Raina, A.K. 2005. Ecology, Wildlife and Tourism Development : Jakarta : Gramedia.

Saleh, Sahani. 2014. Kabupaten Belitung Dalam Angka. Belitung Timur : BPS Kabupaten Belitung .

Sihite, Richard. 2000. Tourism Industry. Surabaya : SIC.

Suwantoro, Gamal. 2002. Dasar-dasar Pariwisata. Yogyakarta : ANDI.

Wahab, Salah. 1997. Pemasaran Pariwisata. Jakarta : Pradnya Paramita.



The Film site of Laskar Pelangi


The Giant Granit Stone



The government has not been able to exclude the mining as a source of life and a source of local revenue therefore several the strategies are needed to promote Tanjung Tinggi tourism are as follows :

1. Reforming the territories through the General Regional Spatial Plan (GRSP) by dividing the areas for the mining and tourism.

2. Improving transportation services by sea and air with the concept of cheap tickets.

3. Building facilities and infrastructures with adequate and healthy water supply because mining areas are known to have poor water sources.

4. Increasing the capacity of electricity and maintaining the security and cleanliness of the tourism destinations.

5. Adding the capacity of the inns and hotels started from the cheap up to the luxurious ones.

6. The people who live there should have the same idea as the Government and the industries to improve / develope Tanjung Tinggi Beach as a good destination.




Belitung Island has potensial for tourism. Its unique landscape, decorated with pearly white sand beaches, crystal clear water, and magnificent granite stone formations on its shallow shores, are some of the best features of the island and the light house built by Dutch in 1882. This potential tourism has invited domestic and foreign tourists to visit Belitung Island, Particularly Tanjung Tinggi Beach. The development of tourism increases from year to year.


Belitung island is only known as a mining island producing tins, quartz sand, and kaolin. The writer has two sugesstions :

1. Set the policy of friendly local environment by reducing mining activities as the economic mainstay in regional income.



Madjid, Mukhtar. 2003. Geografi Pariwisata Indonesia. Medan : Bartong Jaya.

Marpaung, Happy. 2000. Pengetahuan Kepariwisataan. Bandung : Alfabeta.

Marpaung, Happy., Herman Bahar. 2002. Pengantar Pariwisata. Bandung : Alfabeta.

Raina, A.K. 2005. Ecology, Wildlife and Tourism Development : Jakarta : Gramedia.

Saleh, Sahani. 2014. Kabupaten Belitung Dalam Angka. Belitung Timur : BPS Kabupaten Belitung .

Sihite, Richard. 2000. Tourism Industry. Surabaya : SIC.

Suwantoro, Gamal. 2002. Dasar-dasar Pariwisata. Yogyakarta : ANDI.

Wahab, Salah. 1997. Pemasaran Pariwisata. Jakarta : Pradnya Paramita.



The Film site of Laskar Pelangi


The Giant Granit Stone
