The Potentials Of Lau Kawar As Tourism Resort












Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English

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This paper entitled “The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resorts” discusses about the potentials of Lau Kawar. Lau Kawar is a lake which beside Sinabung Mount has potentials as tourism resorts. Lau Kawar can be a refreshing place. There are so many potentials can be developed as a tourism resort. They are Lau Kawar has ground enough to be as camping ground, fresh air and cool, its lake is still natural and there are many variety of fish so that can be as fishing place. The result of the research is that Lau Kawar has so many potentials to be developed as a Tourism Resort. Of course, there are many problems to face, but the interferences of the District government and the local people as well, will make the dreams comes true. Data is taken from some information of references, internet, and informant as well. Field research can be an extraordinary exciting and rewarding experience leading to important discoveries and breakthrough ideas. Beside that, the writer also gets some information from some informants who live at Lau Kawar .



Kertas karya yang berjudul “ The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resorts” ini membahas tentang potensi yang dimiliki Lau Kawar. Lau Kawar adalah sebuah danau yang terletak di sebelah Gunung Sinabung yang mempunyai potensi sebagai objek wisata. Lau Kawar dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat refreshing. Ada banyak potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Potensi tersebut yaitu Lau Kawar memiliki cukup lapangan yang luas sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat perkemahan, udaranya yang segar dan sejuk, Danaunya masih alami dan banyak terdapat jenis ikan sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat memancing. Hasil penelitiannya yaitu Lau Kawar memiliki banyak potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata. Sudah barang tentu, ada banyak masalah yang harus dihadapi, akan tetapi ada campur tangan Pemerintah Daerah dan warga setempat dengan baik yang akan membuat harapan yang diinginkan. Pengambilan data diambil dari referensi, internet, dan beberapa informan. Pengertian lapangan dapat dijadikan seagai kegiatan yang nyata dan sebagai bukti untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan isi dari kertas karya ilmiah ini.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God Allah SWT for blessing and giving me opportunity, health, and ability to accomplish this paper. Afterwards, invocation and greetings I deliver to the last Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us into time of humanities

I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Culture Study, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

I would like to thank the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring M.A. who has share this time to guide me in the process of my study. Then I would like to thank my supervisor, Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun M,Si who has given her advice, criticism, and precious time in read and correct the paper. I would like to dedicate a deep gratitude to my reader, Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl. Tran., M.Hum. for his constructive criticisms to complete this paper.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father, Irawan and my mother, Siti Ariyani who have given me love, cares, advices, supports, motivations, attentions and always pray for me in order to get my best, to my beloved younger brother, Muhammad Mukhlis Al-Akbar, and younger sister, Lisa Elfira Novianti .

I would like to special thank to my boyfriend, Parulian Lumban Tobing ( My Baby Gede Q) for his love, advices, and motivations. I would also like thank to my adoptive brother, Miko Wijaya Munthe and my friends at Lingga, Jumadil Tarigan (bg madil) and Muhammad Azis Sinulingga (bg azis) for their cares, advices and supports.


Then I would like to thank to my best friends at English Diploma III 2010, Christin Magdalena Pasaribu (wag lelet), Mariaty Angelina Sihombing (paktuk bekbek), Feni Maria Lumban Toruan (miss. Pooh), Dwi Khairani (miss. kalem), Tisa Miranda Sinuhaji ( the second of kempet’s wife), Dewi Sartika (bundo), Rummy Hadina ( miss selengekan), Deviana Sinabutar (miss perfect), for your attentions, supports, happiness, advices, and make me laugh every day.

Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestion towards to this paper.

Medan, June 19th, 2013 The writer,

SRY IRA AMELIANI Reg. No 102202059





ABSTRACT ………. iii

ABSTRAK ………. iv



1.1 The Background o the Study ……….…. 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study ………..…. 2

1.3 The Scope of the Study ………. 2

1.4 The Method of the Study ………..…. 3

1.5 The Reason of Choosing this topic ………..…. 3

1.6 The Purpose of the Study ………. 3


2.1 The Meaning of Tourism, Tourist, and Destination ……….. 4

2.2 Tourism Products ……….…. 6

2.3 Tourism Industry ………. 8

2.4 Infrastructure ……….…. 9


3.1 Brief Description of Karo Regency ……….……….. 12

3.2 Brief of Description of Lau Kawar ………. 17

3.3The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort ……….. 20

3.4 The Strategies ……….. 21


4.1 Conclusion ………..……… 23

4.2 Suggestion ………. 23




This paper entitled “The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resorts” discusses about the potentials of Lau Kawar. Lau Kawar is a lake which beside Sinabung Mount has potentials as tourism resorts. Lau Kawar can be a refreshing place. There are so many potentials can be developed as a tourism resort. They are Lau Kawar has ground enough to be as camping ground, fresh air and cool, its lake is still natural and there are many variety of fish so that can be as fishing place. The result of the research is that Lau Kawar has so many potentials to be developed as a Tourism Resort. Of course, there are many problems to face, but the interferences of the District government and the local people as well, will make the dreams comes true. Data is taken from some information of references, internet, and informant as well. Field research can be an extraordinary exciting and rewarding experience leading to important discoveries and breakthrough ideas. Beside that, the writer also gets some information from some informants who live at Lau Kawar .



Kertas karya yang berjudul “ The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resorts” ini membahas tentang potensi yang dimiliki Lau Kawar. Lau Kawar adalah sebuah danau yang terletak di sebelah Gunung Sinabung yang mempunyai potensi sebagai objek wisata. Lau Kawar dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat refreshing. Ada banyak potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Potensi tersebut yaitu Lau Kawar memiliki cukup lapangan yang luas sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat perkemahan, udaranya yang segar dan sejuk, Danaunya masih alami dan banyak terdapat jenis ikan sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat memancing. Hasil penelitiannya yaitu Lau Kawar memiliki banyak potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata. Sudah barang tentu, ada banyak masalah yang harus dihadapi, akan tetapi ada campur tangan Pemerintah Daerah dan warga setempat dengan baik yang akan membuat harapan yang diinginkan. Pengambilan data diambil dari referensi, internet, dan beberapa informan. Pengertian lapangan dapat dijadikan seagai kegiatan yang nyata dan sebagai bukti untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan isi dari kertas karya ilmiah ini.



1.1 The Background of the Study

Indonesia is the biggest archipelago in the world by total islands about 17.508. It has five big islands and thirty little islands group. Its country stretches out from west to east which is passed equator line so that Indonesia has tropical climate. The Tropical climate however makes Indonesia has the good jungles with many variety of flora and fauna. Not only as an archipelago country, Indonesia is also famous as maritime country which separates one island to another island. As maritime country, Indonesia has sea about 2/3 from island. Beside that, scene of undersea is one the aim visitors to come and joy as some good coral reefs such as in Raja Ampat, Papua. The Uniqueness in Indonesia is the diversity of its ethnics, culture and language but all of them can be united by Indonesia Language. It seem that Indonesia has many potentials as destination of tourism.

Spillane (1982;20) said that “ tourism is an activity to make a travelling so that getting enjoy, looking for pleasure, knowing something, improve healthy, jogging or taking a rest, doing assignment, pilgrimages, etc. it is usually done at someplace as called destination. Some place which can be said as destinations must be has five indicated that comprised : 10 Attraction, 2) Facility, 3) Infrastructure, 4) Transportation, 5) Hospitality”.

Increasing the tourism in some destination gives many advantages economy, social, and culture of the society. But if the growing not be prepared and


produced as well as, it will affect the problems which will make difficult even harm. To guarantee in order to the tourism can increase and come in advantages and minimize disadvantages. The increasing of tourism should be begun by the hard study and the research for all support resource.

North Sumatera is one province in Indonesia with has big potential of tourism. The Capital of North Sumatera is Medan. Medan is one big city of Indonesia beside Jakarta and Surabaya. Medan also has so many historical places, such as Maimoon Palace and Grand Mosque AL-Mashun. There are twenty five regencies at North Sumatera. One of them is Karo Regency

Today, the interesting destination to visit should has some activities which can make tourists happy or satisfied. Some activities should give some memorable experience or even the unforgettable one. Karo Regency is one of tourism destination in North Sumatera, Indonesia

1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the background has been explained so that the problem of this study are :

 What the potentials does Lau Kawar have as Tourism Resorts?

 What the strategies needed Lau Kawar to be a famous Tourism Resort?

1.3 The Scope of the study

The scope of this study has an important role in the writing of this paper. It is used to limit the problem therefore the topic in this paper is more focused. The


writer just focused this paper on describing the potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort and the way to increase its potential.

1.4 The Method of the Study  Library Research

Library research is the way to get information by collecting some books that relevant to the theme.

 Field Research

This paper is also used field research to find real data. Field research can be an extraordinary exciting and rewarding experience leading to important discoveries and breakthrough ideas. The writer also took some pictures by photographing to support from interviewing.

1.5 The Reason for Choosing This Topic

The reason why the writer choosing this topic is that, this topic is exciting and has not been written by anyone in English Program Studies, Faculty of Culture Study, Unversity of Sumatera Utara. This topic makes the writer feel interested to discuss it.

1.6 The Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is :

 To show the reader about the potentials of Lau Kawar as tourism resorts  To introduce Lau Kawar as one Tourism Resorts in Karo Regency




2.1 The Meaning of Tourism, Tourist, and Destination

The term “tourism” has recently known after eighteenth century. The activity of travelling is called tour.

McIntosh (1995:10) said that “ tourism is a composite of activities, services, and industries that delivers a travel experience : transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking establishment, shops, entertainment, activity, and other hospitality service available for individual or group that are away from home”

The definition of Tourism from Undang-Undang No.10 Tahun 2009 is that all activities about tourism and be supported by all facilities and services which is provided by society, businessman, government, and local government.

Both of definition below, the writer can conclude that tourism is outdoor activity is done by a person or a group with the aim to enjoyed a recreation in a destination which is provided by society, businessman, government, and local government.

A person traveled is called tourist. The internationally, definition of tourist is limited by Economic Commission of the League of Nations means that tourist is an person travelling for a period of 24 hours or more in a country other than that in which is usually resides. Besides tourist term, any other term is same meaning. The term is a foreign visitor. The foreign visitor is a person traveled in a destination without stay in. Points of different are both that maximum time to get travelling


which has been established by International Civil Aviation Organizaion and Commission of the United Nation. They give a limited about three month until six month for get travelled according by role of each country. A place which is visited by the tourists are called destination.

The requirement of destination should have the attraction in order to make the tourist or visitor attract to visit that destination. There are some categories of tourism. They are :


Ecotourism is a destination which supplies about ecosystem. It usually engages natural and jungle. Sometime it also has special species which can be looked, for example like Bukit Lawang is famous about Lauser National Park and especially famous about Orang Utan.

2. Agro Tourism

Agro tourism is a destination utilizes agricultural as main aim visitor, for example at Berastagi is famous about fresh vegetable and fruit, especially Marquisa.

3. Cultural tourism

Cultural shows about custom culture, the tradition, as an attraction at a destination. For example ; custom home of Karoness is that Siwaluh Jabu at Lingga and at Dokan. Reog Ponorogo is typical performances from Ponorogo.


Tourism products are tangible and abstract in the united series of travelling which can be only felt by who was doing travelling by get some good experiences as finishing a traveling.

Generally, the tourists will enjoy their touring with new atmosphere, but sometime there are some of them will enjoy their touring with the same atmosphere like their country. For there, we should know the characteristic tourist toward their necessary so that they will get good experience for being touring or travelling. If we have known their necessary, we can prepare to provide their necessary and exactly the uniqueness a destination have to also available as an attraction its destination. If the potential its destination can provide their necessary, it will form an unforgettable memorable for the tourist is who travelling.

For this context, tourism product is important thing for development of destination

The qualities of tourism are :  It can not be saved

Generally the product is easy to destroy and can not be sold back.  It can not be moved

The tourists can not bring out its product so that they have to come the place provide it.


Generally the product is made and sold for the necessary some of variety tourists so that its price is also variety. The price is determined by some factor such look from season or status buyer.

 The tourists can not taste the product before

The tourist should come where the product is made as they will not know how the condition of real product. They know the product by brochure or advertisement only.

Tourism product can be meant that all services is needed the tourists since they leave their home until they come back their home.

The statement of Burkat and Medik that “tourism products are a series of integrated product which contains are destination, transportation, accommodation, and attraction where those products is prepared by each industry and be supplied separately for the consumer (tourist/visitor).”

Based on both, the meaning of tourism product, it can be concluded that there are three things to form a tourism product are :

 Attraction by destination  The facilities by destination  Accessibility by destination

Their thing can be an image for a destination. We will know what its destination listed based on necessary the tourists. They are :

 Attraction and destination  Travel agency and tour operator  Public transport


 Accommodation services  Souvenir services

 Corporate services

2.3 Tourism Industry

Undang-undang No. 67 Tahun 1996 explains that tourism industry is the activities get aiming to organize tourism services, provide tourism, destination and other industry related it

Detail from the meaning of its tourism industry are listed at provision be four kinds. They are :

1. Tourism service industry

Tourism service industry suffuses as planning providing service, tour operator, tourism organizer service. For example, travel bureau, tourist agency, tour guide service

2. Attraction and destination industry

This industry is utilization natural source and environmental governance have been determined as tourism resort for be formed as tourist target.

3. Accommodation

Accommodation is one facility to provide lodging service which completed by food and drink service and other service. For example are hotel, lodgment, campground, restaurant, bar, etc.


Based on listed below, this industry is called tourism component. Tourism component have to movement growth appropriate by technology movement and own the tourism.

2.4 Infrastructure

Infrastructure is one important thing in tourism. Actually, Infrastructure is tourist supply should be prepared or provided if we will develop tourism industry however tourism is also an activity from sectors of the economy.

The meaning of infrastructure is all facilities possibility make a way economic process as smooth as well so that can be easy to supply necessary of human.

Well, the function of infrastructure is to complete the accommodation of tourism so that it can give good service.

In Indonesia, there are seven elements to be requirements as a destination. They are :

1. Safety

Purpose : create the safety situation for tourist for being the activities of tourism in a destination so that they don’t feel worry and can enjoy their tour.

The action :

 No disturb the tourist  Help and protect the tourist  Friendly with the tourist  Keep safety situation


 Help to give information for the tourist 2. Discipline

Purpose : create the discipline situation for being the activities of tourism which can give service effectively for the tourist

The action :

 Keep queue culture

 Keep the situation with follow the regulation  On time

 Discipline, expedite and neat 3. Cleanliness

Purpose : keep the cleanliness for being the activities of tourism which able cleaning service for the tourist

The action :

 Don’t littering anyway

 Keep the cleanliness tool and destination together  Prepare hygiene food and beverage equipment  The hygiene uniform for the employee of tourism 4. Coolness

Purpose : create an enjoy situation for being activities of tourism which able supply the enjoy destination and feel stand for tourist so that push them to spend so long.

The action :


 Keep go green

 Keep coolness at every place of destination 5. Beauty

Purpose : create good destination for being the activities of tourism which able supply attract atmosphere and keep memorable deeply for the tourist so that sustainable promotion activity for more and good visiting.

The action :

 Keep nice and attraction by setting of harmony and natural  Set of lodgment by neat, discipline, and keep local character  Keep ornamentals plants for aesthetic elements

6. The Hospitality

Purpose : create the friendly situation for being activities of tourism which able supply good relationship like own family for the tourist so that sustainable the tourist get good memorable and will visit back.

7. Ideals of the past

Purpose : create unforgettable memories for the tourist so that the tour which they can make them remember through and also can motivate to come back.

The action :

 Show the uniqueness local culture

 Prepare typical food and drink which has clean, healthy and attract  Provide the unique gift



The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort

3.1Brief Description of Karo Regency

Karo Regency is one of tourism destinations which is visited by many tourists. Not only domestic tourists visit Karo Regency but there are many foreign tourists do too It can be seen from the data which is given by Berastagi of Cultural and Tourism Department. The data are taken from 2010 until April 2013.

. Karo Regency is a highland which is located on position 02050’- 03019’ north longitude and 97055’ – 98038’ east longitude and high 140-140 meters above sea level. Karo Regency has four bordering by compass.

 At North, Karo Regency borders on Deli Serdang Regency and Langkat Regency

 At South, Karo Regency borders on Dairi Regency  At East, Karo Regency borders on Simalungun Regency  At West, Karo Regency borders on Southeast Aceh

Karo Highland has wild mountains with a fresh and cool air and some of good destinations and attractions. The excess tourism in Karo Regency beside other tourisms of North Sumatera are :

 It gets many good destination, especially agro tourism and attraction  It feels fresh and cool is caused Karo whose is Higland


 It is not far from the Capital city. It is about 66 Km with a good accessibility

Some of destination and attraction in Karo Regency are :

 The Natural Beauty / nice Viewing (Doulu Viewing and Sipiso-piso)  Hot Spring ( Semangat Gunung, Debuk-debuk)

 Historical heritage ( Lingga Museum, Custom home of Si Waluh Jabu at Lingga, Puntungan Meriam Putri Hijau at Sukanalu)

 Volcano ( Sibayak Mount and Sinabung Mount)  Lake (Toba Lake and Lau Kawar)

Karo Regency also provides facilities and infrastructure which is needed by tourists. They are :

 Eleven of five – star hotel  Fifty Nine of Budget Hotel  Five of Travel Agency  Nine of Restaurant

This data are gotten from Cultural and Tourism Department in Berastagi. Beside that, the writer also noted some data such as ten Banks, two Money Changers, two Post Offices, and three Hospitals.

Table 1 Visitation of foreign tourist to Karo Regency in 2010 No Country Foreign tourist

1 Holland 732

2 Malaysia 2.208

3 Taiwan 177

4 Singapore 954


6 Germany 313

7 Australia 109

8 Swiss 83

9 England 17

10 China 55

11 France 261

12 Spain 19

13 USA 97

14 Thailand 213

15 Sweden 25

16 Belgium 8

17 Korea 212

18 Canada 48

19 Saudi Arabia 46 20 Philippines 8 21 Brunei Darussalam 63

22 Austria 3

23 Myanmar 50

totality 5.796

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency Table 2 Visitation of foreign tourist to Karo Regency in 2011

No Country Foreign tourist

1 Holland 708

2 Malaysia 2.549

3 Taiwan 99

4 Singapore 719

5 India 113

6 Germany 310

7 Australia 52

8 Swiss 64

9 England 3

10 China 102

11 France 172

12 Spain 19

13 USA 94

14 Thailand 76


16 Belgium 4

17 Korea 147

18 Canada 49

19 Saudi Arabia 8 20 Philippines 15 21 Brunei Darussalam 56

22 Austria 42

23 Denmark 2

24 Italia 3

25 Brazil 8

26 Japan 30

totality 5.500

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency Table 3 Visitation of foreign tourist to Karo Regency in 2012

No Country Foreign tourist

1 Holland 1.654

2 Malaysia 2.230

3 Taiwan 60

4 Singapore 604

5 India 75

6 Germany 129

7 Australia 29

8 Swiss 64

9 England 38

10 China 89

11 France 121

12 Spain 40

13 USA 42

14 Thailand 186

15 Sweden 5

16 Belgium 51

17 Korea 71

18 Canada 27

19 Saudi Arabia 5

20 Russia 7

21 Brunei Darussalam 16


23 Denmark 19

24 Italia 2

25 Suriname 10

26 Japan 14

27 Finland 21

28 Ireland 1

29 South Africa 6

30 Slovenia 6

31 Sri Lanka 1

32 Morocco 2

totality 5.647

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency Table 4 Visitation of foreign tourist to Karo Regency in 2013

No Country Foreign tourist

1 Holland 322

2 Malaysia 404

3 Singapore 92

4 India 20

5 Germany 16

6 Australia 10

7 Swiss 2

8 England 8

9 China 40

10 France 11

11 Spain 1

12 USA 4

13 Thailand 63

14 Pakistan 2

15 Austria 12

16 Denmark 116

17 Japan 3

18 Brazil 2

Totality 1.128


Based on the data given above, it is clearly seen that Karo Regency has big potentials as tourism. Based on data given by the destination at Berastagi Cultural and Tourism Department, there are five destination namely Gundaling, Sibayak Mount/Lau Debuk-debuk, Mejuah-juah Garden, and the last Lau Kawar/Sinabung Mount.

3.2Brief Description of Lau Kawar

Lau Kawar is a lake beside Sinabung Mount and it’s located at Kuta Gugung village, Naman teran sub-district, Karo Regency of North Sumatera. Its temperature is cold because it is beside Sinabung Mount. This lake is flanked by Deleng Lancuk Resort and Sinabung Mount. The large of Lau Kawar is about 16 Ha and recent added a little after dam is made for this lake. The volume water of Lau Kawar is about 41.5 million m3. From data is taken, the writer which is straight out from its dam about 25.8 m3 per second. If the water in the lake always straight out, it will can make its water change more fresh. Field which is located north of Lau Kawar is undisturbed forest and south side of Lau Kawar is farm ground with low intensity. The majority population which dwelling is Karo ethnic. Their livelihood is the most as farmer. They plant crops, such as chili, corn, orange, fresh vegetable, etc.

We can see the potential of Lau Kawar as tourism resort by data of visitor which is taken from Berastagi Cultural and Tourism Department. The data is taken from 2010 until April 2013.


No Month Tourist

1 January 1.129

2 February 1.337

3 March 1.325

4 April 1.337

5 May 1.323

6 June 1.006

7 July 670

8 August 1.536

9 September 0

10 October 0

11 November 0

12 December 672

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency

Note : the total of tourist is accounted by sum of payment of destination ticket/ it is estimated about thirty percent who visit without destination ticket.

Table 6 Visitation of tourists to Lau Kawar in 2011

No Month Tourist

1 January 350

2 February 670

3 March 688

4 April 840

5 May 810

6 June 400

7 July 500

8 August 400

9 September 1.700

10 October 829

11 November 640

12 December 2.668

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency

Note : the total of tourist is accounted by sum of payment of destination ticket/ it is estimated about thirty percent who visit without destination ticket.


Table 7 Visitation of tourists to Lau Kawar in 2012

No Month Tourist

1 January 1.401

2 February 800

3 March 1.107

4 April 2.000

5 May 1.308

6 June 1.139

7 July 1.416

8 August 1.835

9 September 1.195

10 October 1.730

11 November 807

12 December 645

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency

Note : the total of tourist is accounted by sum of payment of destination ticket/ it is estimated about thirty percent who visit without destination ticket.

Table 8 Visitation of tourists to Lau Kawar in January until April 2013

No Month Tourist

1 January 2.875

2 February 1.245

3 March 1.348

4 April 1.881

Source : The Cultural and Tourism Department of Karo Regency

Note : the total of tourist is accounted by sum of payment of destination ticket/ it is estimated about thirty percent who visit without destination ticket.


From those data above, we can see clearly that Lau Kawar Lake has the potential as tourism resorts. Therefore it should be enhanced for development of destination.

3.3 The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resorts

Lau Kawar is a lake which has nice viewing and fresh air. It’s looked by forest and plant at its environment. There are some flower along the periphery of the lake. It can add the viewing more nice. In addition, Lau Kawar lake is located beside Sinabung Mount however it’s exactly cold air, though it’s being afternoon but wind and air make us feel no hot. The atmosphere at environment of Lau Kawar lake is still natural and has not yet been tainted of pollution handmade of human.

Lau kawar lake has good ecosystem. It can be looked by some variety of fish and other water animals which still life together in the lake. The kind of fish are catfish, tilapia, goldfish, even eel. Beside that, there are also other animal such as some insect, for example are butterfly and grasshopper. Every morning there are some bird will twitter. When the rain has just finished, the frogs will eject out the distinctive sound.

Environment of Lau Kawar lake is large enough to made be campground as its located is beside Sinabung Mount, that ground can be as place of break even can be found tend for the mountaineers before or after walking to Sinabung Mount. The Population who dwelling there is still believe more about culture. They still do some custom activities. For example, they usually hold “ Gendang Guro Guro Aron party” every year and every place of Karo Regency included at Kuta


Gugung village which is near Lau Kawar lake. In addition, the local communities believe that Lau Kawar has special story about why Lau Kawar is be a lake, whereas last ago its lake was an agricultural place for them. The construction of Lau Kawar lake like “belanga”. It means that the construction is like an half rotate however more walking to middle its lake, the deep of the lake will be also more. They believe that the story is true.

3.4 The Strategies

To develop Lau Kawar as famous tourism resort, the writer has seen directly the lack of Lau Kawar. The strategies to develop Lau Kawar as famous tourism resort are :

 The local government should care more about to develop Lau Kawar as tourism resort. If Lau Kawar becomes a famous tourism resort, it can add job vacancies for the population who live there.

 The local government should have relationship with industries which move in Tourism to fulfill the requirement as good destination for Lau Kawar  The people who live there should have to the same idea with government

and the industries to develop Lau Kawar to be a good destination and be able to be called Tourism Resort.




4.1 Conclusion

The writer has described about The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort, so at the end of this paper, the writer tries to give the conclusion that Lau Kawar has potentials to be one famous tourism resort in Karo Regency that can attract the visitors even the tourist with viewing natural at Lau Kawar. Lau Kawar is a lake which beside Sinabung Mount. Its ecosystem is still natural and so many of variety fish in the lake. The Beauty of viewing and comfort Lau Kawar can make the visitor or tourist feel enjoyed to visit this destination. Beside its potential, there are some problems should be developed in order to interest the tourists to visit it.

4.2 Suggestion

We can see the beauty and nice view in this destination. Fortunately, if Lau Kawar is not developed for more. The writer wishes the local government should care more to movement Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort, especially for society who live in the environment of Lau Kawar they should care more about the potentials of Lau Kawar.



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Lau Kawar Lake


Camping Ground


Walking around Lau Kawar


Gugung village which is near Lau Kawar lake. In addition, the local communities believe that Lau Kawar has special story about why Lau Kawar is be a lake, whereas last ago its lake was an agricultural place for them. The construction of Lau Kawar

lake like “belanga”. It means that the construction is like an half rotate however more walking to middle its lake, the deep of the lake will be also more. They believe that the story is true.

3.4 The Strategies

To develop Lau Kawar as famous tourism resort, the writer has seen directly the lack of Lau Kawar. The strategies to develop Lau Kawar as famous tourism resort are :

 The local government should care more about to develop Lau Kawar as tourism resort. If Lau Kawar becomes a famous tourism resort, it can add job vacancies for the population who live there.

 The local government should have relationship with industries which move in Tourism to fulfill the requirement as good destination for Lau Kawar  The people who live there should have to the same idea with government

and the industries to develop Lau Kawar to be a good destination and be able to be called Tourism Resort.




4.1 Conclusion

The writer has described about The Potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort, so at the end of this paper, the writer tries to give the conclusion that Lau Kawar has potentials to be one famous tourism resort in Karo Regency that can attract the visitors even the tourist with viewing natural at Lau Kawar. Lau Kawar is a lake which beside Sinabung Mount. Its ecosystem is still natural and so many of variety fish in the lake. The Beauty of viewing and comfort Lau Kawar can make the visitor or tourist feel enjoyed to visit this destination. Beside its potential, there are some problems should be developed in order to interest the tourists to visit it.

4.2 Suggestion

We can see the beauty and nice view in this destination. Fortunately, if Lau Kawar is not developed for more. The writer wishes the local government should care more to movement Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort, especially for society who live in the environment of Lau Kawar they should care more about the potentials of Lau Kawar.



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Lau Kawar Lake


Camping Ground


Walking around Lau Kawar