A Brief Description Of Characterization Of Frank Mccourt’ Novel Angela’S Ashes








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Submitted to Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara

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Approved by the DIPLOMA III of English Study Program Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara


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Drs. Syaifuddin M.A., Ph.D NIP.132098531

Broad of Examiner and Reader:

Examiner : Dra. Redita Lubis, Dipl. Apl. Ling., M. Hum. Reader : Mahmud Arief Albar, SS., MA.



I am, HERLINDA SITUNGKIR, declare that I am the sole of the author of this paper. Except where reference is made in this text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for of awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

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Name : Herlinda Situngkir

Title of paper : A Brief Description of Characterization of Frank McCourt’ Novel Angela’s Ashes

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Letters USU on the understanding that users are made aware their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



Kegiatan menulis memegang peranan penting dalam setiap pembelajaran ilmu bahasa. Menulis merupakan sarana untuk menuangkan ide atau pokok pikian dalam sebuah tulisan, dan tulisan tersebut berfungsi untuk menyampakan informasi pada pembaca. Kertas karya ini berjudul A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERIZATION OF FRANK McCOURT’ NOVEL ANGELA’S ASHES yang mempelajari tentang penokohan atau peran dari novel karya FRANK McCOURT yang berjudul ANGELA’S ASHES. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang perjuangan seorang anak ( Frank McCourt ) untuk bertahan hidup. Frank McCourt, yang menghabiskan masa kecil dan remajanya dalam keluarga miskin di Irlandia, dan cita- citanya untuk pergi ke Amerika, tempat dia dilahirkan. Sebuah penuturan tentang bagaimana bertahan hidup yang dikelilingi kemiskinan, cuaca yang tidak bersahabat, penyakit, kematian, dan kekuasaan pemuka agama, dan berjuang demi kehidupan yang lebih baik. Dalam sebuah novel terdapat beberapa unsur intrinsic. Salah satunya adalah penokohan. Tanpa unsur tokoh, cerita novel tidak akan ada. Dalam kertas karya ini, penulis menggambarkan tokoh- tokoh yang terdapat dalam novel Angela’s Ashes. Penggambaran tokoh ini tidak hanya terbatas pada deskripsi fisik saja, teta[pi juga perilaku berdasarkan apa yang mereka ucapkan dan lakukan sebagaimana yang digambarkan dalam novel tersebut. Tujuan penggambaran novel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sifat tokoh- tokoh dalam novel tersebut. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini penulis menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan yaiut menggunakan buku- buku yang berhubungan dengan topic kertas karya ini. Selain itu, penulis juga menelusuri beberapa situs dari internet yang berhubungan dengan topic yang di bahas dalam kertas karya ini.



The clock is ticking. My time in English Department, Faculty of Letters, is ending soon. For these long three years, I have got a lot of knowledge and experiences. Beyond those precious things, I owe a big responsibility to English Department that is making a paper on requirement on Diploma III (D III). In completing this paper, there are many people stand for me to give support. First of all, I would like to thank to Jesus Christ, for giving me this huge blessing and love so that I am able to complete my study in English Department and finish my paper on time.

I would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty letters, Dr. Syaifuddin, M.A Ph.D and the Head of English Department, Dra. Syahyar Hanum .

Further I would like to be grateful to my supervisor, Dra. Redita Lubis, Dipl. Apl. Ling., M. Hum. who is so generous with her valuable advice, guidance, and time in correcting this paper. My gratitude is also dedicated to my reader Mahmud Arief Albar, SS., MA, and for all my lectures who have shared their priceless knowledge and guidance so that I have provisions in accomplishing this paper.

My very special thanks is dedicated to people around me, who always encourage me in facing my daily live and my study.

I present a deepest and a sincere gratitude to my beloved parents, Malo Jogi Situngkir and Donsianim Br. Jabat , for the endless love, care ness, and the unlimited prayers and support. For my sister, Lasria, and all of brothers, thanks


for the support and care ness in all this time and thax to k”martha Too who always bother me but not for serious things just make me laugh.

To my best friends, PHAT_girls: My best friend Luki Trina Melfa, Mindouli, Anna Maria, Siska, Evelina, Evalya, Mariati, Ledianti, and Regina, thank you for the sincere love and the support. We have been together in passing our study and I know that we will leave our dream soon. For them, who can not be mentioned one by one, thanks for being my friends and understanding me.

Finally, with all limitation of my knowledge, I admit this paper is not perfect and may contain weaknesses and errors. I will appreciate any further constructive criticism from the readers. Thus, the responsibility is due to me. I hope this paper would be useful to the readers in future.

Medan, April, 2010 The writer

Herlinda Situngkir Reg. No: 072202022








1.1 The Background of Study ... 1

1.2 The Scope of Study ... 2

1.3 The Purpose of Study ... 2

1.4 The Significance of Study... 2

1.5 The Method of Study ... 3


2.1 Plot ... 4

2.2 Point of View ... 5

2.3 Setting ... 7

2.4 Character ... 7


3.1 Frankie (Frank McCourt ) ... 11 iv


3.2 Angela ... 22 3.3 Malachy McCourt ... 26


4.1 Conclusions ... 29 4.2 Suggestions ... 29





Kegiatan menulis memegang peranan penting dalam setiap pembelajaran ilmu bahasa. Menulis merupakan sarana untuk menuangkan ide atau pokok pikian dalam sebuah tulisan, dan tulisan tersebut berfungsi untuk menyampakan informasi pada pembaca. Kertas karya ini berjudul A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERIZATION OF FRANK McCOURT’ NOVEL ANGELA’S ASHES yang mempelajari tentang penokohan atau peran dari novel karya FRANK McCOURT yang berjudul ANGELA’S ASHES. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang perjuangan seorang anak ( Frank McCourt ) untuk bertahan hidup. Frank McCourt, yang menghabiskan masa kecil dan remajanya dalam keluarga miskin di Irlandia, dan cita- citanya untuk pergi ke Amerika, tempat dia dilahirkan. Sebuah penuturan tentang bagaimana bertahan hidup yang dikelilingi kemiskinan, cuaca yang tidak bersahabat, penyakit, kematian, dan kekuasaan pemuka agama, dan berjuang demi kehidupan yang lebih baik. Dalam sebuah novel terdapat beberapa unsur intrinsic. Salah satunya adalah penokohan. Tanpa unsur tokoh, cerita novel tidak akan ada. Dalam kertas karya ini, penulis menggambarkan tokoh- tokoh yang terdapat dalam novel Angela’s Ashes. Penggambaran tokoh ini tidak hanya terbatas pada deskripsi fisik saja, teta[pi juga perilaku berdasarkan apa yang mereka ucapkan dan lakukan sebagaimana yang digambarkan dalam novel tersebut. Tujuan penggambaran novel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sifat tokoh- tokoh dalam novel tersebut. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini penulis menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan yaiut menggunakan buku- buku yang berhubungan dengan topic kertas karya ini. Selain itu, penulis juga menelusuri beberapa situs dari internet yang berhubungan dengan topic yang di bahas dalam kertas karya ini.



Novel is one of human creations. Some novels are fiction and some based one true story. It is not only as an entertainment but also giving the message and deep impressions to the readers. Most novels concern with ordinary people and their problem in the society. They also concern much with characters. Besides that, reading a novel is very influential, because we can understand as well as realize the real condition and life of the society described in the novel.

1.1 Background of Study

Characterization is one of the elements in a novel. A novel will not exist without it. Sometimes characterization in a novel can influence the readers after reading a novel. It can influence the reader attitude or even change their mind on anything. Therefore, many people excite in reading a novel.

The writer is very interesting with the information about novel Angela’s Ashes and this novel raise of real-life story of the author, Frank McCourt, who spent childhood and adolescence in a poor family in Ireland. Story how to survive surrounded by poverty, unfriendly weather, disease, death, and the power of religious leaders, and fight for a better life. After reading the novel, I would like to study the major characters, minor, protagonist and antagonist characters in frank McCourt novel Angela’s Ashes. Angela’s Ashes is a massive success novel, becoming one of the most highly acclaimed nonfiction works of the decade. The book won numerous awards, including the National Book Critics Circle Award, Royal Society of Literature Award and the Pulitzer Bestseller list for over two


years. Angela’s Ashes novel is an emotional and wonderful autobiography that captures Frank McCourt’s personal history with great depth and appeal. . It allows its audience to gain much insight into his life, and to who McCourt is as a person. Through his clever choice of events and themes, pure honesty, use of techniques such as characterization, humors and emotional and dramatic language, McCourt allow his personal history to come alive in the memoir Angela's Ashes. This novel is full morality values and significant messages for the readers. By this description, the readers will know which character is good and which is bad.

1.2 Scope of the Study

In writing a paper, it is important to limit the topic in order to make the paper easily and clearly understood. In this case, I would like to concentrate on characterization on how they play the role in the story on Frank McCourts’ novel Angela Ashes.

1.3 The Purpose of Study

I have the main purpose when I decided to write the paper. I want to introduce the novel to all of the readers who have not read it yet. I realize that it is important to study about the novel, especially in studying about characterization as described in Frank McCourt’ novel Angela Ashes. And to fulfill the requirement in Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Letters, University

of Sumatera Utara.

1.4 Significant of the Study

In writing this paper, I would like to give information to the readers about Frank McCourt’ novel Angela’s Ashes. I hope this paper can enrich the


knowledge and as the references for other writers, who do the same study in the future, especially for English Diploma Students. I also want to inform that this paper is very interesting and can be useful for the readers to understand about character in literary work in generally and in novel in particularly.

1. To improve my English skill and to profound my comprehension more about the grammatical properties, especially subordinating conjunctions and some related elements.

2. To give some contribution to the study of linguistic for grammar reader through this paper.

1.5 Methods of Study

In completing this paper, I collect the data by applying library research, reading novel, and online research. By applying library research, I collect several books which are relevant to the topic. And by online research, I collect the data by browsing and researching some information, projects of the internet analysts on the sites and some information which is relevant to the topic.




Literature, literally translated, means “acquaintance with letters” (from Latin littera, letter), and therefore the academic study of literature is known as Letters (as in the phrase” Arts and Letters”). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and nonfiction. Literature created from the imagination, not presented as fact, though it may be based on the true the story or situation. Types of literature in the fiction genre include the novel, short story, and novella.

The intrinsic elements of a novel are the elements that build the literary works itself. It can be found when someone reads a novel. Novel has certain major elements that connect each other in developing one story its unity. The unity of a novel creates a concrete novel.

Novel has four important intrinsic to develop the story. They are plot, point of view, setting, and characters. Without them, literatures not exist.

2.1.1 Plot

Plot is the logical interaction of the various thematic elements of a text which lead to a change of the original situation as presented at the outset of the narrative. It was what got us interested in reading in the first place and the carrot on the string that pulled us through a story as we wanted to see what would happen next. Plot is a sequence of interrelated events arranged to form a casual pattern and achieve an intended effect. It is often designed with a narrative structure or storyline that includes


conflict, rising action, and climax, followed by a falling action and a resolution. Plot is the major events that move the action in a narrative. It is the sequence of major events in a story, usually in a cause-effect relation.

A story requires several times order. It is called plot. It will concern about past time, and the future time, or the combination of the two different times. It can be arranged chronologically or in flashback moments depending on the author’s will. In other words, plot contains of how the story runs connected with every event which is come afterwards in a series.

Conflict and climax are the most important things in the plot’s structure, both of them are the main elements of plot. Climax probably happen if there is a conflict. A conflict will become climax or not, finished or not, in many ways will be influenced by the attitude. And the author’s main purpose in building the conflict appropriate with the demand and the coherence of the story. To understand plot is not easy. The readers should have sensitivity of though, feeling, serious, and critic.

2.1.2 Point of View (Narrative Perspective)

Point of View is the “narrative point of view”, how the story is told— more specifically, who tells it. Point of view is the author’s vision, that is, the angle from which the events are seen or narrated, from the outside, from the inside, from the above or below. What you see in fiction and how you understand it depends upon POINT OF VIEW


which controls quality and amount of information the reader will receive.

There are three common manifestations of narrative perspective in prose fiction can, therefore, be structured according to the following pattern:

1. The omniscient point of view

The omniscient (knowing all) point of view is revealed from the perspective of a narrator that is outside of the story, not a character in the story. But, this narrator enters the character’s mind as an observer of the inner person. The omniscient narrator knows everything the character is doing, seeing and feeling as he chooses.

2. The first- person of point of view

The personal, first person POINT OF VIEW is projected when the story is unfolded by a major character or even a minor character. The character tells the story as he or she experiences it. The pronoun “I” is used throughout.

3. The figural narrative situation

The narrator moves into the background, suggesting that the plot is revealed solely through the actions of the characters in the text. Though it too is third-person narrative like the omniscient point of view, the author using this technique refrains from making sides, commenting on the action, or


addressing the reader. The author becomes a seeing eye that reports but does not interpret.

2.1.3 Setting

Setting is combination of place, historical time, and social milieu that provides the general background for the characters and plot of a literary work. The general setting of a work may differ from the specific setting of an individual scene or event. The setting also establishes a mood. If the author writes about the dark, gloomy house he not only tells you where the events is occurring, but he generates a feeling of somberness and even dread in the reader.

Setting can also develop characterization, or an image of a personality, in a story. When an author writes that a man is sitting quietly, rocking to and fro in the rocking chair, the grandfather’s clock ticking beside him; the author is reflecting the fictional person’s age, and his inactivity in a quiet, still room.

2.1.4 Characters

In literature, as in real life, we can evaluate character three ways: what the individual says, what the individual does, and what others say about him or her. Character is the author’s way of describing their characters in a literary work , or it is in author’s mean of differentiating one character to another. Characters are closely related to the plot because character means action, while action forms the plot of literay work. Another important way an author develops CHARACTERIZATION is


by describing how the character acts in different situations. Everything the person does is a clue to his personality. If a character is depicted as heaping her clothes on a chair, letting some fall on the floor and rarely bothering to ever hang them up, she would be perceived as a careless, sloppy person. If the story performers are depicted as civic minded giving their hearts and home to the needy, then readers would perceive them to be compassionate, supportive people. Everything a fictional person does or the way he behaves will be clues to his personality.

As indicated in several of the story analysis, a character of the chief developments in modern fiction has been in the increasing emphasis upon characterization. Many stories set in order categories in this collection could as easily have been stressed here. With slight shift in tone and attitude. The reasons for the emergence of character are complex, but not the least is the discovery and development of psychoanalysts have revealed more and more about the inner reserves of individual, authors have naturally enough fond new areas to research. (Leo Hamalian and Frederick Karl, 1967:237)

There are two basic kinds of characters, as well as between two general modes of presentation. They are typified character (flat) individualized character (round), explanatory method (narration), and dramatic method (dialogue- monologue).


Kinds of characters 1. Typified Character (flat)

A typified character in literature is dominated by one specific trait and is referred to as a flat character. Typified characters often represent the general traits of a group of person or abstract idea. (Klarev, Mario, 1999:17)

2. Individualized Character (round)

The term round character usually denotes a persona with more complex and differentiated. The individualization of a character, however, has evolved into a main feature of the genre of the novel.

Modes of Presentation 1. Explanatory Method

The explanatory characterization, or telling, describes a person through a narrator, for example, the description of Mr. Rochester by the protagonist in charlotte Bronte’s (1816-55) novel Jane Eyre (1847)

2. Dramatic method

Dramatic characterization, or showing, does away with the position of an obvious narrator thus avoiding and overt influence on the reader.

Many of stories in the section, indeed in the entire collection, ‘are opened’ through the author’s use of character. If you fail to understand that, you miss the important of the story. Character is interesting for the very personal reason that we want to see how other people live, how they make decisions and react to responsibility, how they pursue their goals. We measure ourselves by


them. Think of characters in stories and novels as real people, and then let your imagination go. (Leo Hamalian and Frederick Karl, 1967:238)



3.1 Frankie (Frank McCourt)

Frankie is a little boy who was sixteen years old who had five brothers. But over time until he is adult three of his brothers died. Frankie was born in New York State where her mother and father met and married. Frank has brown eyes like his father. His hair is black and white cheek look in the mirror. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Mataku cokelat seperti mata Dad. Rambutku hitam dan pipiku kelihatan putih di cermin”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 27 )

Frank McCourt is the main character in Angela’s Ashes novel. Frank McCourt is the figure who always faced with various problems in his childhood until he is adult. If he remembered his childhood, he always wondered how he could face all obstacles in order to survive. He never felt the childhood of excitement. Even flash through out his mind is nothing. Ireland is a place where he grew up is a hard town and full of various diseases. All of population are obedience to the teaching of Irish Catholic religion. He has always suffered which may other people who has the same age with him never feel it in his youth. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“…kemiskinan; ayah alkoholik yang tidak punya kemauan, tetapi banyak omong; Ibu yang mengabdi dan takluk mengesah di dekat api; pastor- pastor yang angkuh; guru- guru yang suka menyiksa...”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 9 )

Frank is a wise child, a little sensitive and innocent. He could not see his young brother was crying because of hunger. He did not want his young brother felt


hunger like she had experienced. If such things happen, so he will think of ways to get food. Although the way he did it is a contrary way with his heart of hearts and the teachings of religion, but he will still do it. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Tetapi apa yang harus kulakukan dengan si kembar yang menangis meraung- raung di kereta karena lapar? Kukatakan pada Malachy bahwa aku akan segera kembali. Setelah memastikan tidak ada yang melihat, lalu kuambil seikat pisang di luar toko. Kemudian, aku berlari sepanjang Myrtle Avenue…”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 45 )

Although physically is weak and vulnerable to infections, Frank has

emotional strength and a warrior mentality. He works as an courier the coal and peat. He was determined to be a man who could maintain his family, protecting his mother and younger siblings and also acted as a father to his siblings. He always confident with his own ability to survive because he and his siblings can not expect the salary or a shipment that never came from their father. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Aku ingin bekerja. Aku ingin membawa pulang uang satu shilling itu. Aku ingin jadi pria dewasa. Sekarang, aku tidak bias berhenti menangis karena inilah satu- satunya kesempatanku untuk menjadi seorang pria dan membawa pulang uang yang tidak pernah dibawa oleh si pengantar telegram dari ayahku.”

(Frank McCourt, 2009 , halaman 434)

Frank is a smart child, diligent and fast thinker. When he got sick and had to be hospitalized, he was obliged to stop school for a while, so he missed many lessons and should be placed in the same class at to go up of the class that is permanent in fifth class. He did not want to go back in the class but the new headmaster's decision can not be rescinded, he must remain in the fifth class. But


Frank is the boy who always think optimistically and will always strive to achieve his wise. At the teaching-learning process begins, Frank teacher told him to prepare an article entitled "God and the weather and the article will be read in front of the class. He never thought that the essay that he made bring a big good luck. All teachers are surprised to hear these articles and do not believe that Frank himself had written. Because these article Frank moved to sixth grade where he belongs. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Tuan O’Dea menunjukkan karanganku kepada tuan O’Halloran. Tuan O’Halloran juga memandangku dengan tatapan aneh. ‘Kau yang menulis karangan ini?’

‘Ya, Sir.’

Aku dkeluarkan dari kelas lima dan ditempatkan di kelas enamnya tuan O’Halloran bersama anak-anak yang sudah kukenal…”

(Angela’s Ashes, 2009, 339)

At the school Frank had a close friend that is Paddy Closessy. Paddy Closessy is a playmate of Frank. Hes age was seventheen years old, the biggest and oldest child of their class. Paddy is the slow boy in learning process.His physical is Very bad. His eyes were red, his nose is always mucus. The injuries in his knee-cap never drying up because he like to suck , then enter it into his mouth. His mother shaved his head so that the fleas do not live. Life experienced of Paddy Closessy same with Frank which lives in misery. Paddy has six brothers and one sister. Every day he must struggle with his brothers to fight a ragged clothes and will be wearing to school. It can be seen from this quotation below below:

“Pakaiannya adalah baju rombengan yang harus dipakai bersama keenam saudara laki-laki dan satu saudara perempuannya. Bila dia tiba di sekolah dengan hidung berdarah atau mata lebam, berarti pagi itu dia berkelahi memperebutkan pakaian.” .

(Angela’s Ashes, 2009, 195)


Besides Paddy Clohessy, Frank also has a playmate that is Mikey Molly. He was eleven years old, epilepsy distressed, and have squit-eyes. Mikey knows everything about the body of female, and dirty things in general. If his epilepsy relapse he can see apparitions. He’s a diligent child to read book. He always grateful for what happened to him. He always said to have squit-eyes is a gift for him. He was a hardworking, kind and helpful. If seen from age, he still belong a very young child, but he tried hard to save his family from famine. He is willing to knock doors of house in Limerk and asked the family whether they were looking for a workforce to deliver coal and peat for them. He will deliver the order with borrow the neighbor's wheelbarrow from Aidan Farrell. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Setelah itu dia pergi ke Dock Road dan kembali dengan membawa karung- karung besar, yang beratnya satu kuintal atau lebih. Dia akan mengantarkan pesanan untuk orang- orang tua yang tidak bisa berjalan, dan jika mereka tidak punya satu penny pun, dia bersedia hanya didoakan saja.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 185 )

Frank also had two female friends which one of them is Brenda Quigley. Brenda is a school friend of Frank who was nicknamed "Quigley penanya" because she always asks. He could not hold on herself in terms of teaching and learning process. If she heard anything new from her teacher, then she will quickly point out his hand and ask. If either the teacher is good, so she will get an answer properly, but if the teacher did not like the questions he will be reprimanded and punished. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Brenda Quigley mengangkat tangan. Kami menjulukinya QuigleyPenanya

karena dia selalu bertanya. Dia tidak bias menahan diri…” ( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 192 )


Fintan is a friend of Frank's classes. She was a pious, good, obedient doctrine of religion and pray for her friends who committed crimes to hers. Fintan always pray the rosary every night while to kneel, she diligently read all kinds of religious magazines and small books printed by Chatolic Church Society. He goes to Mass and communion, even though it was raining. If she was scorned and ridiculed, so she just smiles and reply the person by praye. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Fintan sama payahnya. Kalau kaudorong dia di halaman sekolah atau mengejeknya, dia akan tersenyum dan berkata, dia akan mendoakanmu dan dia akan berpasrah demi jiwanya dan jiwamu.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 254 )

In the National school Leamy, Frank has some of the teachers. Mr. O'Dea is a teacher of Frank who really hated the British. If he hates the English, the students are also required to hate the British. He is a very cruel teacher, though he hit his students with the wood as much as six times at the hands of his pupil, the pupils should not be crying. If the pupils were crying, Mr. O'Dea will them with sissy. Mr O'Dea happy to tell his students standing in front of the class so he could stand behind them and easily revoke vase of his students,which called cossick. he will attract the vase students to high until the student is on tiptoe and shed tears. He likes to play and looked at his student crying. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Meski kau tidak ingin anak- anak di kelas melihatmu menangis, suka atau tidak suka, tarikan di cossick akan membuat air mata keluar, dan Tuan O’Dea suka itu. Dialah satu- satunya guru yang selalu berhasil memunculkan air mata dan rasa malu.”


Besides Mr O'Dea, Frank also has a teacher named Mr. Benson. Mr. Benson is a teacher who really hates America. Therefore, students must remember to hate America if not he will hit the student. He is a very cruel teacher, devout in religion and hard to guide his students, especially in terms of religious doctrine. He taught religious studies and forcing students to memorize the Catechism of the temple front to rear and vice verse, and from side to side. Students had to memorize the ten commandments of God, Seven virtues. Divinity and Moral, the Seven Sacraments, and the Seven deadly sins. They also had to memorize by heart all the prayers that is: Mary Eve, Our Father, I confess, Syahadah the Apostles, Penance, Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each student must pronounce the Irish and English languages. If not he will be angry and beat the students. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Kami harus bisa melafalkannya dalam bahasa Irlandia dan memakai bahasa Inggris. Kalau kami lupa satu kata Irlandia dan memakai kata Inggris, Tuan Benson akan marah besar dan menghajar kami dengan ranting.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 191 )

When Frank was in fourth grade, the teacher who taught him is Mr. O'Neil. He is a teacher who is always showing off his food in front of his students. He is the type of teachers who are very cruel and all students must follow his command. If he asks one question and the student can not answer it, then he will call the student is stupid. He gave prizes to students who can answer the question that is apple rind of remnants his Diet. He never felt guilty for giving it to his students. Sometimes he gives the hard questions and not one student could answer, he will drop the apple rind into the trash bins and his students will suffer of it because they are very desirous of the apple rind. It can be seen from the quotation below:


“Ada hari- hari ketika pertanyaan- pertanyaan dotty terlalu sukar. Dia menyiksa kami dengan menjatuhkan kulit apel itu ke dalam keranjang sampah. Lalu, dia menyuruh seorang dari anak kelas lain untuk membawa keranjang sampah itu itu ke tungku, dan membakar semua kertas berikut kulit apel itu.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 252 )

Frank has two younger brothers, namely Malachy (junior) and Michael. Malachy was given the same name as his father. He is an attractive child, handsome, has blue eyes, white teeth, golden hair, and has red cheeks dice. Anyone who saw him will smile with amazed to see a very seductive smile of malachy. Many people love to meet with Malachy, even though the person is the first time meet him. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Ketika dia tertawa, bisa kaulihat betapa putih, kecil, dan bagusnya gigi- gigi Malachy, dan bisa kau lihat matanya berbinar. Matanya biru seperti mata ibuku. Rambutnya keemasan dan pipinya merah dadu.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 27 )

Meanwhile, Frank's youngest brother is Michael. He was born in Limerick. He is an innocent child. He always told everything that happened in home to Frank when Frank was not at home. He is a sweet kid, kind, and helpful. He would not eat tonight because he gaves to the dog and an old man who he helped at night. He is fighting with bad boys which disturb a wound dog and the blind old man and took them to this house. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Michael sama parahnya. Dia membawa pulang anjing- anjing dan laki- laki tua yang tersesat dan Michael menjawab bahwa anjing itu boleh memakan roti bagiannya.”

( Frank McCourt, 2007, halaman 455 )

Frank had three uncles that are Patrick (The Abbot), Pa Keating, Laman Griffin. Patrick was mentally retarded since childhood because he has been dropped from the flank his father. After the adult, weak power of his mind, his left


foot is facing towards the side, and his body towards others. He never learned to read or write, but he still has advantages in terms of counting. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Pat kecil, pamanku, tidak pernah sama lagi sesudahnya. Setelah besar, daya pikirnya lemah, kaki kirinya menghadap kearah yang satu, badanya kearah yang lain. Ketika dia mulai berjualan Koran di usia delapan tahun, ia bisa menghitung uang lebih baik dapada Menteri keuangan…”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 13 )

Patrick is a selfish child and never willing to share. If he has food, then he will keep and hide it so that others can not be a part. He is afraid if someone else asked his food. Although the foods that he had very much, he still would not share and just enjoy himself. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Paman Pat duduk di lantai dengan lengan mendekap botol- botolnya dan dia terus berkata, ‘ini punyaku, ini punyaki’, karena takut botol- botol itu diambil darinya.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 133 )

Patrick is fool person and do not understand will thank you even though he had assisted. When Patrick had problems with Declan and causing great fight, Frank help him because he saw his uncle was hit and fell into the wall. After the fighting ended, Patrick instead say thank you to Frank, but he was angry to Frank and worried about the wet newspapers. He was fear of it not selling anymore. He is not worried about the safety of Frank because help him but worry about newspaper inflicted by Frank. It can be seen from this quotatuion below:

“Paman Pat berkata,kau tidak boleh berkelahi seperti itu. Kau menjatuhkan semua koranku dan sebagian jadi basah. Bagaimana aku bisa menjual Koran basah? Aku jadi ingin menerkam paman Pat dan memukulinya, karena hanya meributkan masalah Koran setelah perkelahianku dengan Declan Collopy.” ( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 290 )


When Frank is help Patrick to sell Limerick Leader newspaper, Frank met with Mr. Timoney, the old man who subscribe to the newspaper. He became a close friend of Frank. He was very old so that he could no longer read his favorite books. He told Frank to read all the books that he wants with six pennies of salary. Although Mr. Timoney has old but he can adaptation hisself with Frank and it made Frank feel freer to express what he felt in their activities. This situation makes Frank so happy because she never felt the closeness between parent and child, he never felt it with his own father. Mr. Timoney is a wise person, likes to give advice and never forget to motivate Frank to be more diligent in reading. Because he has a principle only with a lot of reading, the knowledge will increase. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Tuan Timoney memang sudah tua, tetapi dia berbicara seperti seorang teman. Aku boleh mengutarakan apa yang kurasakan. Dad tidak pernah berbicara denganku seperti Tuan Timoney. Dad hanya berkata ‘okh aye’, lalu pergi untuk berjalan jauh.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 290)

Pa Keating is uncle of Frank whose honest, attention, and always advising Frank. He always gives motivation, cultivate confidence of Frank, and encourage Frank to follow his instincts in future. Pa Keatng always understand will what should done by Frank. He always gives opinions or ideas about what should choosed by Frank for himself. When Frank follow post-offece exam , Pa Keating also gives ideas about the job and how his life another days. He not want Frank regret another days. He more understand all about Frank than Franks father. It can be seen from this quotation below:


“kalau kau lulus ujian itu, kau akan tetap di kantor pos, aman dan tenang sepanjang sisa hidupmu. Kau akan menikahi gadis bernama Brigid, punya lima anak katolik kecil, dan menanam mawar- mawar kecil di kebunmu. Otakmu akan mati sebelum umurmu tiga puluh, dan buah pelirmu akan kering setahun sebelumnya. Tentukan pilihanmu sendiri, dan peduli setan dengan yang aman- aman dan orang- orang pengiri. Kaudengar aku Frankie McCourt?”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 561 )

Laman Griffin is the most cruel uncle of Frank. He is a very lazy and like to sleep. He only want to help if he receives compensation. When Frank borrow his bike, he gave it on condition that Frank had to clean his chamber- pot, and Frank received these conditional. One time Frank forgot to clean his chamber-pot, he punched shoulder of Frank, kicked up into the bedroom and hit Frank. He will not stop if Frank does not cover his face and head with his hands. After the incident, Laman Griffin does not want Frank to stay in his house, he wants Frank to go away and hope never to return again. It can be seen from this quotation below “Aku tidak bisa tetap di rumah ini, karena jika laman Griffin menghajarku

lagi, aku akan memasukkan pisau ke lehernya. Aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apa atau harus pergi ke mana.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 493 )

At age thirteen turned fourteen, Frank leave school forever. But Frank always think optimistically about his future, he not only focused on what he wants to do to his family, but he also wants to achieve success. He began working as a telegram delivery. Frank received a lot of mockery when he worked as a telegram delivery. However, due to his persistence and will-power to get out from Limerick and migrate to the United States, where this Country is his country dream to achieve of success, so he accepts all these obstacles gracefully. It can be seen from this quotation below:


“Aku harus menabung beberapa shilling dari satu pound- ku. Kalau tidak, aku akan di Limerick selamanya. Umurku empat belas tahun sekarang. Kalau aku menabung sedikit setiap minggu, pastilah aku bisa pergi ke Amerika saat berusia dua puluh.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 527 )

Theresa Carmody is a girl who was known by Frank when he worked as a telegram delivery. Theresa Carmody is a seventeen-year-old girl. He suffered of wet tuberculosis. She is a consumptive girl and a energetic lust about sex. When Frank took a telegram to her house with body soaked by rain, Theresa forcing Frank went to her house with a reason if Frank just stood outside, so he would die of cold. Theresa asked Frank into the living room to dry off his body. He told Frank to undress. When Theresa saw Frank had taken off his shirt, so Theresa straight up lust, holding the body of Frank and took him to the green couch against the wall of her room. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Sepanjang waktu itu, kepalaku dipenuhi oleh dosa, yodium, rasa takut akan sakit paru- paru, persenan satu shilling, dan matanya yang hijau. Dia sudah di sofa itu.’jangan berhenti, atau aku akan mati’. Lalu, dia menangis. Aku juga menangis, karena aku tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi pada diriku setelah membunuh diriku sendiri dengan mengisap sakit paru- paru dari mulutnya.” ( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 544 )

When Frank was sixteen-year-old Frank, Frank face unrest, fear, and not knowing exactly the direction because of the memory of his past. But at the time he met a pastor, Mr Gregory. He is a kind pastor, always open the door to people who need love, faith to God, and full of affection. If he see someone is going to falter about the goal of his life, he will try to get the child back to street light and a definite direction. He never closed or slammed the door in front of the congregation like other pastors. When Mr Gregory saw Frank in the sense of indecision, so he came and went over and give peace to the soul of Frank. It can


be seen from this quotation below:

“Anakku, duduklah bersamaku. Ceritakan padaku apa yang meresahkanmu. Aku Bapa Gregory. Tuhan mengampuni semua yang bertobat, Putra satu- satunya, untuk mati demi kita.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 576- 577 )

So, in this novel, Frank tells the true story of his life that suffered whether came from her own family or hindrance from outside, namely: the teachers who was always tormenting her students, religious leaders insisted their claim itselt, disease and bad weather in Ireland. Frank has five brothers, but as time goes , three of his brothers had died. Frank was born in New York, he has brown eyes, black hair, and cheeks are white. He iwas sixteen years old. If seen physically, Frank vulnerable to disease. But he has the emotional strength and a strong mentality as a fighter. He was persistented to be a man who could maintain his family, protecting his mother and younger siblings and also protect her mother and acted as a father to his younger siblings. Frank is a wise child, a little sensitive and innocent. He could not see his young brother was crying because of hunger. He did not want his young brother felt hunger like she had experienced. If such things happen, so he will think of ways to get food. Frank is a child who always think optimistically about his future, he not only focused on what he wants to do to his family, but he also wants to achieve succes. He was a hardworking, kind and helpful.

3.2 Angela Sheehan

Angela Sheehan is mother of Frank. Angela was born in the slums of Limerick. Angela is a good mother, loving, not arrogant, forgetful and not selfish. He is a little sensitive as to the nature of his son Frank. If he is listening, receiving


ridicule the people around him, so easily her tears will flow. At the baptism of his first child thai is Frank, Angela that a new mother, upset, and forgets that he was holding a baby and let her son slip to pot of babtism , truly submerged by Protestants. If an altar son did not raise the baby, the baby will die. Angela feel a case because he resented withthe behavior of the pastor and was disappointed to her husband who is always drunk. It can be seen from this quotation below: “Momen pembabtisan sempat tertunda ketika bapa babtis yang dipilih, John

McErlaine, mabuk di kedai minum dan lupa kewajibannya. Angela , yang terisak dan mendekap putranya—yang masih basah dan menetes- neteskan air—ke dada.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 20-21 )

Angela is a very strong mother even though she is faced with many difficulties, namely: loss of three children, had to beg and ask for help from aid agencies on the poor, she always obstinate and fight for her children. She had to beg because her husband was not responsible (can not be a good head of family). She always grieve for the loss of her son and her husband's behavior. He never felt ashamed to beg and she did not have a permanent job. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Mam mengajak aku dan Malachy ke St. Vincent de Paul Society untuk berdiri diantrean dan melihat kemungkinan mendapat sesuatu untuk makan siang…”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 155 )

Angela has a close neighbor with hers that is Bridey Hannon, Bridey Hannon is the chatting friend's mother all the time. When Angela's husband went to walk away, Bridey comes to chatting, drinking tea and smoking cigarettes, Bridey Hannon very kind and helpful. When she saw Angela's family had no food at all at home, she volunteered to share food that available at her home. He could not


bear to see his friend go hungry. It can be seen from this quotation below: “Mam bersahabat dengan Bridey Hannon, bila ayahku pergi untuk berjalan

jauh, Bridey datang. Dia dan mam duduk di dekat api sambil minum teh dan menghisap sigaret. Jika mam tidak memiliki apa-apa di rumah, Bridey membawakan gula, teh, dan susu…”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 216 )

McGrant is the owner of food shop. The mothers who have got coupons for food will be shopping at the store of McGrant. McGrant glad to receive compliments, if she is praised with the words that "She is a good Catholic woman and God would always bless her", then he will give what is asked of people who praise it. She likes to cheat the scales of people who came to buy food to her shop. She deceive the buyers by putting pictures holy virgin Mary and holy Jesus in all parts of the store, she always knelt in the chapel of St. Joseph for the emphasis on rosary beads, and breathed like a martyred saint. She deliberately did so in order to be considered a fair woman and innocent when he is always deceptive food scales. This can be seen from this quotation below:

“Para wanita memberitahu mam, “ kalau kau pergi ke toko McGrant, awasi si perempuan tua di sana, karena dia akan mencurangi timbangan. Dia akan meletakkan barang di atas sehelai kertas di atas timbangan. Dia sengaja membiarkan kertas tergantung menjuntai kearah di mana dia berdiri di belakang konter, bagian dimana dia kira tidak bisa kau lihat.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 104)

Mr. Coffrey was employee in the clinic where people propose a petition to get medicine coupons at the hospital and get treatment. He is a very cool, relaxed and not care about the people who had long queues. He should not be commented when he made a mistake, if there is someone who is angry because Mr. Coffrey slow lazy for work, so he would get angry and threaten the person is not going to get a hospital card. This can be seen this quotation below:


“Tuan Coffrey dan tuan Kane akan datang sebentar lagi setelah mereka menghabiskan teh di ruangan sebelah. Seorang wanita mengeluh anak-anaknya beku kedinginan, dan apakah Coffrey dan Kane tidak bisa menghabiskan teh mereka dengan cepat. Si pria menyebut wanita itu sebagai perusuh. Meski demikian, untuk kali ini, dia tidak akan mencatat nama wanita itu di pagi yang dingin ini. Tetapi satu keluhan lagi terlontar, wanita itu akan menyesal. Tuan Coffrey dan tuan Kane naik ke panggung dan tidak memperdulikan orang-orang.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 383 )

Minnie and her husband Mac Adorey are Angela neighbors in the America. They are very sincere, caring and helpful. When Angela was sick and could not do any work, Minnie came to help and care Angela. When Minnie saw Angela children unkempt and hungry, she felt pity and bring Frank and Fanks younger siblings to her home. Minnie giving Angela children food and change their clothes. Likewise with her husband that is MacAdorey have the same attitude with his wife. When he found out Frank's father has no job, he is trying to find information about job vacancies for Angela's husband. This can be seen from this quotation below:

“Tuan MacAdorey memberitahu Dad ada pekerjaan di WPA. Ketika Dad mendapat pekerjaan itu ada uang untuk membeli makanan.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 61)

Anggie is Angela sister. She did not have children because of sterility, she is very stingy, rude and have no compassion on the kids. He really hated angela family because of Angela husband drunk, bull and unemployment. She also did not like seeing Angela kids playing and ran while laughing, if it happens, she will be furious and like a man possessed by demons chasing Angela children and hit them. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Bibi Aggie meraung keluar dari kamar sambil menarik roknya ke bawah dan menghadiahiku pukulan di kepala, hingga aku dan si bayi terdorong


sampai ke dinding. Dia juga memukul Malachy. Dia berusaha memukul Michael, tetapi Michael berlari kesebrang meja bundar dan dia tidak bisa meraih Michael.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 400)

Angela told as being a good mother, loving, not conceited and selfish. But she is easily offended. She was born in the slums of Limerick. She has blue eyes and golden hair. Angela is a very strong mother even though she is faced with many difficulties, namely: loss of three children, had to beg and ask for help from aid agencies on the poor, she always obstinate and fight for her children. She had to beg because her husband was not responsible (can not be a good head of family). She always grieve for the loss of her son and her husband's behavior. She never felt ashamed to beg and she did not have a permanent.She is a responsibility mother care.

3.3 Malachy McCourt (Ayah)

Malachy McCourt Father of Frank. He was a drunk and spend money of family allowances to drink pints. He did not even think about his children and wife who waited at home with an empty stomach (hunger). He never felt guilty for spending money that should he give to his wife in order just to get drunk and pay all of his friends drinking. After he was satisfied to drink in the pub, he comes with staggered with innocent face. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Mam mencoba merogoh saku Dad, tetapi Dad mendorongnya. Mam

berjuang untuk meraih saku Dad. ‘Mana uanganya?’ Anak-anak ini lapar. Kau bedebah gila! Apa semua uanganya kau habiskan untuk minum lagi? Persis seperti yang kau lakukan di Brooklin.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 123)

He is the type of the foolish father, did not understand the needs of his family and selfish. If he comes home after drinking whiskey, so he will sing a song while


yelling to wake his children who are starving. He forces his children to get up and stand upright in front of him. He did not allow their children were returned to bed before they oath to die for Ireland. He does not care whether his children will be able to say it because it does not eaten all day. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Mam berkata, jangan ganggu anak-anak! Mereka sudah tidur setengah kelaparan karena kau harus mengisi perutmu dengan wiski. Dad datang ke pintu kamar tidur, bangun anak-anak, bangun! Satu nikel bagi siapapun yang berjanji untuk mati demi Irlandia.”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 32-33)

Malachy is a father figure with character willful, ignorant and not willing to sacrifice for his children. When he got a job on a farm, he spends his salary to get drunk. Wife and his children hope his father want to think about family and forget the pub for just once, but it never materialized. Malachy does not carry anything when he came home. He never wanted to bend down to ask for leftovers at work because he thought it was low. He does not want if self-respect down but he could not filfilt the needs of his family and he is just a lot of talk without action. It can be seen from this quotation below:

“Dad membawa uang dari pertanian itu ke pub dan menghabiskannya untuk minum. Jika dia belum samapai di rumah ketika Angelus berkumandang pukul enam, mam tahu hari itu dia bekerja. Mam berharap dad mau memikirkan keluarga dan melupakan pub sekali saja; tetapi Dad tidak pernah begitu. Mam berharap dadmembawa pulang sesuatu pertanian—entah itu kentang, kubis, lobak, atau wortel. Tetapi, Dad tidak pernah membawa pulang apapun. Ia tidak pernah mau membungkuk serendah itu dan meminta apapun dari seorang petani…”

( Frank McCourt, 2009, halaman 152 )

Malachy McCourt was born in North Ireland. He has brown eyes and black hair. He is a drunk, arrogant, ignorant, not understanding the needs of families and


always spend money of family allowances to get drunk. Malachy is a figureof father who does not want to sacrifice for his family. He is just a lot of talk without any action. He never wanted to beg because he regard it as degrading the dignity of men. But he never yield money for his family. He did not even think about his children and wife who waited at home with an empty stomach (hunger). He never felt guilty for spending money that should he give to his wife. He is the type of the foolish father. He does not care about his family.



After studying the characterization through Frank McCourt’ novel Angelas’ Ashes, finally the writer conclude that, there are three main characters in this novel, namely Frankie, Angela, and Malachy McCourt. Each of main characters has different role to complete the story.

Frankie is a little boy who was sixteen years old. He was born in New York. He has black hair and white check. Frankie is a wise child, a little sensitive, and innocent. Besides that he is a smart child, diligent, and fast thinker. Angela was born in slums of Limerick. She has blue eyes and golden hair. She is a good mother, loving, not arrogant, and forgetful. The last is Malachy McCourt. He was born in North Ireland. He has brown eyes and black hair. He is a drunk, arrogant, ignorant, not understanding, careless, and a foolish father.

Characters in this novel are treated as real life of the author’s family. They show how their family fights the poverty for life. Consequently, there are no people can lives without a fight.


After studying Angela’s Ashes, I would hope that the reader can understand about the story. I hope that the reader get more knowledge by the topic. I would like to give suggestion for the readers who are interested in Angela’s Ashes story, should be able to analyze this novel from different points; I also expect that the reader will be interested in reading and discussing Frank


McCourt’novel. This novel teaches us how to be a wise, patient, respect, and fight for life.

I realize that this paper is far for being perfect and I hope that there is a writer that will completed this paper because the story of Angela’s Ashes is very interesting to study.



Ghose, Zulfikar, 1983, The Fiction Of Reality, London : The Macmillan Press LTD.

Gwynn, R, S, 2002, Fiction A Pocket Anthology ( Third Edition ), New York: Logman Publisher.

Hamalian, Leo and Karl, Frederick R, 1967, Shape Of Fiction, New York : Mc Graw- Hill, Ind.

Http://www.ufukpress- subscribe@yahoogroups.com Http://www.ufukpress.blogspot.com

Mario, Klarev, 1999, An Introduction to Literature Studies, London: Rouledge. McCourt, Frank, 2009, Angela’s Ashes, Jakarta : PT. Ufuk Publising House. Peck, John, 1983, How To Study A Novel, London : Macmillan Education Ltd. Ress, J, R, 1973, English Literature, London : The Macmillan Press Limited. Samekto, M.A,S.S, 1976, Ikhtisar Sejarah Kesusastraan Inggris, Jakarta :

P.T gramedia.




Frank McCourt was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Irish immigrant parents. Unable to find work in the depths of the Depression, the McCourts returned to Ireland, where they sunk deeper into the poverty McCourt describes so movingly in his memoir, Angela's Ashes.

McCourt's father, an alcoholic, was often without work. He drank up what little money he earned and eventually abandoned the family altogether. Three of the seven children died of diseases aggravated by malnutrition and the squalor of their surroundings. Frank McCourt himself nearly died of typhoid fever when he was ten. McCourt's memoir describes an entire block of houses sharing a single outhouse, ground floor dwellings flooded by constant rain, a home infested with rats and vermin. Despite the horrors of McCourt's childhood, he told his story with humor, brilliant description, and deep compassion for his family, even for the shiftless father who instilled in him a love of language and storytelling.


After quitting school at 13, Frank McCourt alternated between odd jobs and petty crime in an effort to feed himself, his mother, and three surviving brothers. At 19, he returned to the United States and worked at odd jobs until he was drafted into the United States Army at the onset of the Korean War. McCourt spent the war stationed in Germany and on his return to civilian life was able to pursue a college education on the G.I. Bill. Although he had never attended high school, he was able to persuade the admissions office of New York University to accept him as a student. Although his childhood interest in language and storytelling were fed by creative writing classes and his own constant reading, he did not feel ready to pursue a career as a professional writer. On graduation, he went to work for the New York City Public School system, where he taught for the next 27 years.

"I taught what they call 'Creative Writing' though you and I know how hard it is to teach anyone anything," McCourt says. "Instead of teaching writing I 'conducted' writing classes. I tried to show my students the significance of their own lives which they sometimes thought insignificant. I hoped they'd realize the value of their own lives, that they were good enough to write about. So they took the plunge and they wrote and some were willing to read to the class and I think they were glad they did. Then they'd say to me, 'Why don't you write something and read it to the class?' And I did -- more and more."

Although McCourt spent his summers working on a novel drawing on his youth in Ireland, he was unable to find his own voice until he retired from


determined to write his own life story. Angela's Ashes sold over 4 million copies, has been published in 27 countries and has been translated into 17 languages. It won McCourt the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Award, the ABBY Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Biography.

His second book, 'Tis, picked up the story of his life where Angela's Ashes left off, with his arrival in America at age 19. It shot to the top of the best-seller lists as soon as it was published. His 2005 memoir, Teacher Man, chronicled his 27-year career in the New York City school system. Like its predecessor, it was an instant bestseller. Frank McCourt died in New York City at the age of 78.



After studying the characterization through Frank McCourt’ novel Angelas’ Ashes, finally the writer conclude that, there are three main characters in this novel, namely Frankie, Angela, and Malachy McCourt. Each of main characters has different role to complete the story.

Frankie is a little boy who was sixteen years old. He was born in New York. He has black hair and white check. Frankie is a wise child, a little sensitive, and innocent. Besides that he is a smart child, diligent, and fast thinker. Angela was born in slums of Limerick. She has blue eyes and golden hair. She is a good mother, loving, not arrogant, and forgetful. The last is Malachy McCourt. He was born in North Ireland. He has brown eyes and black hair. He is a drunk, arrogant, ignorant, not understanding, careless, and a foolish father.

Characters in this novel are treated as real life of the author’s family. They show how their family fights the poverty for life. Consequently, there are no people can lives without a fight.


After studying Angela’s Ashes, I would hope that the reader can understand about the story. I hope that the reader get more knowledge by the topic. I would like to give suggestion for the readers who are interested in Angela’s Ashes story, should be able to analyze this novel from different points; I also expect that the reader will be interested in reading and discussing Frank


McCourt’novel. This novel teaches us how to be a wise, patient, respect, and fight for life.

I realize that this paper is far for being perfect and I hope that there is a writer that will completed this paper because the story of Angela’s Ashes is very interesting to study.



Ghose, Zulfikar, 1983, The Fiction Of Reality, London : The Macmillan Press LTD.

Gwynn, R, S, 2002, Fiction A Pocket Anthology ( Third Edition ), New York:

Logman Publisher.

Hamalian, Leo and Karl, Frederick R, 1967, Shape Of Fiction, New York : Mc Graw- Hill, Ind.

Http://www.ufukpress- subscribe@yahoogroups.com Http://www.ufukpress.blogspot.com

Mario, Klarev, 1999, An Introduction to Literature Studies, London: Rouledge. McCourt, Frank, 2009, Angela’s Ashes, Jakarta : PT. Ufuk Publising House. Peck, John, 1983, How To Study A Novel, London : Macmillan Education Ltd. Ress, J, R, 1973, English Literature, London : The Macmillan Press Limited. Samekto, M.A,S.S, 1976, Ikhtisar Sejarah Kesusastraan Inggris, Jakarta :

P.T gramedia.




Frank McCourt was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Irish immigrant parents. Unable to find work in the depths of the Depression, the McCourts returned to Ireland, where they sunk deeper into the poverty McCourt describes so movingly in his memoir, Angela's Ashes.

McCourt's father, an alcoholic, was often without work. He drank up what little money he earned and eventually abandoned the family altogether. Three of the seven children died of diseases aggravated by malnutrition and the squalor of their surroundings. Frank McCourt himself nearly died of typhoid fever when he was ten. McCourt's memoir describes an entire block of houses sharing a single outhouse, ground floor dwellings flooded by constant rain, a home infested with rats and vermin. Despite the horrors of McCourt's childhood, he told his story with humor, brilliant description, and deep compassion for his family, even for the shiftless father who instilled in him a love of language and storytelling.


After quitting school at 13, Frank McCourt alternated between odd jobs and petty crime in an effort to feed himself, his mother, and three surviving brothers. At 19, he returned to the United States and worked at odd jobs until he was drafted into the United States Army at the onset of the Korean War. McCourt spent the war stationed in Germany and on his return to civilian life was able to pursue a college education on the G.I. Bill. Although he had never attended high school, he was able to persuade the admissions office of New York University to accept him as a student. Although his childhood interest in language and storytelling were fed by creative writing classes and his own constant reading, he did not feel ready to pursue a career as a professional writer. On graduation, he went to work for the New York City Public School system, where he taught for the next 27 years.

"I taught what they call 'Creative Writing' though you and I know how hard it is to teach anyone anything," McCourt says. "Instead of teaching writing I 'conducted' writing classes. I tried to show my students the significance of their own lives which they sometimes thought insignificant. I hoped they'd realize the value of their own lives, that they were good enough to write about. So they took the plunge and they wrote and some were willing to read to the class and I think they were glad they did. Then they'd say to me, 'Why don't you write something and read it to the class?' And I did -- more and more."


determined to write his own life story. Angela's Ashes sold over 4 million copies, has been published in 27 countries and has been translated into 17 languages. It won McCourt the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Award, the ABBY Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Biography.

His second book, 'Tis, picked up the story of his life where Angela's

Ashes left off, with his arrival in America at age 19. It shot to the top of the

best-seller lists as soon as it was published. His 2005 memoir, Teacher Man, chronicled his 27-year career in the New York City school system. Like its predecessor, it was an instant bestseller. Frank McCourt died in New York City at the age of 78.