Adverbs Prepositions and subordinators

Table 2.12. Olo demonstratives prefix gendernumber demonstrative l- m -epei near t- md -epe mid n- f -iye distant m- fd -inei spatial question p- pl Previous referent Olo has a special modifier that is used to specify a previous referent, elpesi ‘previous’. The word is used to refer to participants in the discourse who recur, but for whom the listener may not be able to make an immediate connection, or might think a new referent is being introduced. The word is also used as a general adjective for certain previously built items. It does not occur often in either stories or conversation. Examples of both uses are given in 66a and 66b. 66 a. le nele l-epe le l-ingo-wo malfingo fei metine elpesi and one.m m-this he 3m-follow-3m trail now man PRV And the other one he followed the trail which now the same man woso l-inu l-anpo nafle n-epe l-au-ye SBD 3m-before 3m-shoot.3f bird f-this 3m-come- EMP who before shot the bird came to. b. pe p-alowi p-inge tisi elpesi kolo they 3p-cut 3p-follow road PRV NEG They are not cutting the road along the old road. Adverbs

Olo has a few adverbs. Included among those are words which describe the speed or manner of the event. Examples are frou ‘quickly’ and malye ‘slow, easy, without force’. Adverbs occur immediately before the verb or immediately following it. While this class is called adverbs, it needs to be clearly stated that while they have some characteristics in common with English adverbs, they cannot be thought of as identical. 67 ye telpalo Ø -untuluw-epe ara pe-iki you. SG carefully 2s-look.after-3p money PL -1s You carefully looked after my money. Prepositions and subordinators

There are two prepositions in Olo: ite ‘of’ and iti associated ‘with’. The first -ite is used for kinship re- lations 68a, ownership 68b, and depiction 68c. The form has two possible prefixes, l- ‘third-per- son masculine’ and p- ‘non-masculine-singular’. 68 a. wau p-ite Kowi grandmother nms-of Kowi grandmother of Kowi 2.3 Grammatical Characterization 25 b. tom l-ite Marieta string.bag 3m-of Marieta the string bag of Marieta c. ki k-ini-epe il p-ite lulem le-iki I 1s-tell-3p talk nms-of nephew 3m-1s I tell the story of my nephew. The second preposition is used for material composition, and associated use. 69 a. pora l-iti wom basket 3m- ASS coconut basket made from coconut fronds b. lom p-iti liom fence nms- ASS garden the fence for the garden. The same morpheme is also used to introduce subordinate clauses. If this subordinator is used it means a habitual characteristic. 70 mete p-iti p-eila p-otei men nms- ASS 3p-lift 3p-self men who lift themselves men who praise themselves The other subordinator, wuso, does not have the habitual sense, but is used for attributions, or iden- tifications with single events. 71 a. mete wuso lipi lepe p-e men who big these 3p-go The men who were big go. b. metine wuso l-esi-ene nafle n-epe l-au man who 3m-heldflew-3f birdplane f-this 3m-come The man who flew this plane came. When a superlative oli is suffixed onto wuso to form wusoli, the clause it introduces becomes the rea- son of a reasonresult pair. 72 ki tur-iki, wusoli ki k-ulu-wo tutu. I afraid-1s because I 1s-see-3m snake I was afraid because I saw a snake. Conjunctions and discourse particles