Water resources Resource Base

7 The highest rate of land subsidence 8-9 cmyear covers most of North Semarang district and Genuk District, while the lowest 0-1 cmyear are in some parts of Tugu District, central part of West Semarang District, and southern parts of the following four districts, namely Central and East Semarang, Gayamsari and Padurungan. Some areas near the coast which has low elevation are susceptible to water inundation caused by rob; while the regions far enough from the coast are susceptible to water inundation due to water overflow as drainage system in the area is inadequate. The distribution of water inundation in Semarang City area can be seen in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5: Distribution of Inundation Area in Semarang City Source: http:www.semarangkota.go.idThe Rate of Land Subsidence in Semarang City

2.3.3 Water resources

Land area is the area for many sectors such as residential, industrial, trade and services, green open land, and agricultural land. The largest percentage of land useland cover in the City of Semarang is settlement and the smallest is bare land. The distribution of the settlement is to the north, east and south Figure 2.6. The western part is dominated by land use for dry land agriculture and forest plants. Because the north, east and south side of this city are highly occupied with settlements, then in the coming years it is predicted that settlement development will shift to the west. As a result, land use for forest plants and dry land agriculture may will be converted to settlements or other land use that supports the settlement Out of 33,493 ha of dry land, mostly are used for buildings 41, fields and other land use 25. The extent of land use in the form of buildings shows that the development orientation of Semarang City is to non-agricultural sector. This will support the development of Semarang City to secondary and tertiary sectors, so 8 trends in the development of the future is increasing number of built land Source: Regional Development Planning Agency of Semarang City, 2009Semarang City RTRW draft document, 2010-2030 Figure 2.6: Distribution of Land UseLand Cover in Semarang City In Table 2.1 informs that the largest land use is dry land use. This is a reasonable; given the City of Semarang is the capital of Central Java Province that has urban hierarchy as a prime city in Central Java scope. Thus, the City of Semarang is an area with very high urban level. This is supported by the position of Semarang City that is in the regional route node of Jakarta-Surabaya and south route to Surakarta and Yogyakarta Source: Regional Development Planning Agency of Semarang City, 2009Semarang City RTRW draft document, 2010-2030. Table 2.1: Use of Land in Semarang City in 2005 No District Paddy field Dry lands Total Building Garden Grassland Swamp Fish pond Forest Others 1 Mijen 1.008,89 822,88 1.715,79 0,00 0,00 17,34 809,70 611,52 4.986,12 2 Gunungpati 1.382,00 1.313,00 2.180,37 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 125,08 5.000,45 3 Banyumanik 95,00 430,00 379,58 614,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 811,48 2.330,06 4 Gajahmungkur 0,00 691,63 2,97 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 54,27 748,87 5 S.Semarang 0,00 473,39 2,50 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 371,16 847,05 6 Candisari 0,00 494,39 19,98 13,87 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,02 529,26 7 Tembalang 432,00 2.085,40 800,80 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 623,84 3.942,04 8 Pedurungan 64,00 1.507,00 356,00 0,00 394,19 0,00 0,00 113,00 2.434,19 9 Genuk 94,00 1.118,71 890,14 0,00 0,00 208,40 0,00 0,00 2.311,25 10 Gayamsari 19,50 420,89 0,00 13,75 0,00 11,09 0,00 49,50 514,73 11 E. Semarang 0,00 696,80 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 73,45 770,25 12 N. Semarang 0,00 979,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 9,43 0,00 144,51 1.133,27 13 C. Semarang 0,00 527,55 5,48 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 66,53 599,56 14 W. Semarang 18,57 1.389,20 8,20 0,00 0,00 52,66 0,00 899,07 2.367,70 15 Tugu 460,00 507,73 30,20 0,00 0,00 1.579,00 0,00 53,52 2.630,45 16 Ngaliyan 324,00 418,00 469,00 10,00 0,00 0,00 706,00 817,84 2.744,84 Source: Semarang in Figures, 2005; in Regional Development Planning Agency of Semarang City, 2009Semarang City RTRW draft document, 2010-2030 9

2.4 Position of Semarang City in Regional Context