Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2103321026


Siringoringo, Olopan. 2103321026. The Effect of Guided Writing Strategy on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. A Thesis.Faculty of

Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016.
This study was conducted in order to know the effect of applying Guided Writing
Strategy on students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. It was an
experimental research. The population of the research was VIII grade of SMP
Negeri 2 Nainggolan in the academic year 2015/2016. Two classes were chosen as
the sample and were divided into two groups, experimental group (28 students,
class VIII.1) and control group (28 students, class VIII.2). The experimental group
was taught by applying Guided Writing Strategy, while the control group was
taught by Lecturing Method. The instrument used to collect the data was writing
essay test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. Based on the result of
the data analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group
were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the
level of significantly = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 54, t-observed value
2.095>t-table value > 2.004. The findings Indicated that applying Guided Writing
Strategy significantly affected the students’ achievement in writing recount text.
Keywords:Guided Writing Strategy, Writing Recount Text



First and the foremost, the writer would like to express his deepest
gratitude to Jesus Christ for the blessing, health and opportunity which has
enabled him to complete it without the love of Jesus, the guidance of his lecturers,
help from friends, and support from his family. This thesis has been written in
fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of SarjanaPendidikan of the English
Department, Faculty of languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
The writer was helped by many people through their guidance, supports,
pray, comments and suggestions. The writer would like to express
hissinceregratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. SyawalGultom,M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and as
his Thesis Reviewer, Nora RonitaDewi, S.S, M.Hum.,as the Head of
English Education Study Program.
4. Dra. Meisuri, MA.,IndraHartoyo, S.Pd, M.Hum.,as his Thesis Advisor,
who has given her/his great supervision and spent their precious time in
guiding, commenting, suggesting, inspiring,and giving valuable insight in
process of completing this thesis.


. Prof. Dr. BusminGurningM.Pd.,as his Academic Advisor, and as his
Reviewer who has given precious time, guidance, suggestion, and
. Mam Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., as the Administration Staff of
English Department, for her attention, assistance, and information in
completing it.
. The Headmaster of SMP Negeri 2 Nainggolan,SaudurPandianganS.Pd.,
for her permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do
observation and to collect data.
. EnniNurriatiSinagaS.Pd.,as the English Teacher of SMP Negeri 2
Nainggolan, for the assistance, guidance, and suggestion.
. His beloved Father and Mother B. Siringoringoand S. Simanungkalit,his
lovely brother and sister: RoymartinSiringoringo, Mariana Siringoringo,
Rumondangsiringoringo,BungaSiringoringo and all his families for their
endless love, pray, inspiration, motivation and everything that they have
given to the writer.
10. His





The writer realizes that the content of this thesis is not perfect, so he warmly
welcomes any constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this thesis.
He hopes it would be useful for those who are interested in this field of study.
Medan, Agustus201
The Writer,



ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………….. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………....ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ....................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study ............................................................. 6
C. The Objective of the Study ........................................................... 6
D. The Scope of the Study ................................................................. 6
E. The Significance of the Study ....................................................... 6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................. 7
A. Theoretical Framework ....................................................................... 7
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing .......................................... 7
2. Writing ..................................................................................... 8
Nature of Writing ........................................................... 8

Process of Writing ........................................................... 9
3. Genre of Writing ...................................................................... 13
4. Recount Text ............................................................................ 14
a. The rethorical of recount text ............................................ 15
b. The language feature of recount text ................................. 16
5. Assessment in Writing ............................................................ 17
6. Guided Writing Strategy .......................................................... 21
The Advantages of Guided Writing Strategies ............... 23
b.Roles and Responsibilities in Guided Writing ...................... 23
Guided Writing Strategies Stages .................................. 24
B. Relevant Studies .................................................................................. 25
C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 27
D. Hypothesis ........................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ..................................................... 29
A. Research Design ............................................................................ 29
B. Population and Sample .................................................................. 29
1. Population ............................................................................ 29

2. Sample .................................................................................. 30
C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ................................................ 30
D. The Procedure of Research ........................................................... 30
1. Pretest .................................................................................. 30
2. Treatment ............................................................................. 31
3. Post - Test ............................................................................. 32


E. Scoring of the Test ............................................................................. 32
1. Content ................................................................................. 32
2. Organization ......................................................................... 33
ocabulary ............................................................................ 33
4. Language se ....................................................................... 33
5. Mechanics ............................................................................ 33
F. alidity and Reliablity of the Test ...................................................... 34
1. alidity of the Test................................................................... 34
2. Reliability of the Test ............................................................... 34
G. The Technique of Analyzing Data ..................................................... 36

H. The statistical Hypothesis .................................................................. 36
A. The Data ........................................................................................... 38
B. Data Analysis ................................................................................... 40
C. Hypothesis Testing ............................................................................ 42
D. Discussion ........................................................................................ 42
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ..............................
A. CONCL SION ................................................................................ 45
B. S GGESTIONS .............................................................................. 45
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................
APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 8


Table 2.1 The function of Rethorical structure ............................................ 16
Table 2.2 The Examples of Recount Text ................................................... 17
Table.2.3Writing Scoring Profile ................................................................... 18
Table 2.4 Scoring Criteria of Recount Text ................................................. 19

Table 2.5 Roles and Responsibilities in Guided Writing............................. 24
Table 3.1 Research Design ........................................................................ 29
Table 3.2 Teaching Procedure in Experimental Group ................................ 31
Table 3.3Teaching Procedure in Control Group ............................................ 31
Table 3.4 Criteria of Scoring Test................................................................ 32
Table 3.5 The Coefficient of (r) ..................................................................... 35
Table 4.1 Score in Experimental Group ...................................................... 38
Table 4.2 Score in Control Group ................................................................ 39



A. The Background of the Study
English is one of the international languages. In learning English there are
four skills which are very important, they are: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and
Writing. Writing is one of important skills that should be mastered by the students
to be able to use English for communication in their daily life. Through writing,

students are able to express their thoughts and communicate ideas and views to
the others. People can also transferInformation and knowledge to others.
Writing is a process of putting ideas or thoughts into words which is
combined into the form of paragraphs.In writing, ideas are arranged in series of
sentences that arerelated to each other so the information can be comprehended.
Through writing people can express their experiences,event and social
identifies.Writing is also an action, a process of discovering and organizing your
ideas,putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them. Writing is a great
collector of ideas,a clarifier of thinking, and a major aspect of learning
itself(Winch, et. al 2006).
According to Harmer (2004:31), writing as one of the four language skills
has always formed part of the syllabus in the teaching of English. In syllabus of
English subject, students in senior high school are expected to master some genres
of writing, such as narrative, report, recount, procedure, analytical exposition,
hortatory exposition and others. Every genre has different purposes, different
generic structures, different ways of organizing or linking ideas and different


language features. These facts make students are confused and have so many
problems when writing the text.
According to the syllabus of Junior High School (SMP) for grade eight
(VIII) one of the goalsof teaching writing is to make students able to write
simple recount

text by usingaccurate vocabulary,appropriate grammar and

impresses on the discourse level. It means that the teaching process does not only
focus on the text but also focuses on how to construct a new text well.After the
teaching-learning processthey are expected to be able to tell about the real life in
written forms.
The recount text is one genre that should be achieved by students in
learning English. Formally, recounts are sequential text that do little more than
sequence or a series of events. Every story,no matter how simple, needs an
orientation.In other words, Recount is an activity of retelling story about
experiences in the past in sequence whose purpose is to inform or entertain the
When the writer began teaching, he didn’t want to inflict the boring
writingenvironment. The writer had experienced as a child on my students. The
writer couldn’t wait to make writing instruction meaningful and fun. The writer
goal has always been to motivate students to write well and to feel like
writers.The writerswrote in front of students on projected transparencies and on
chart paper.The writer followed my modeling with shared writing,in which we
wrote a piece together (Lori 2007:10)


ased on the data collected from interviews with an English teacher at

egeri 2

ainggolan Enny uriati, S.Pd. states that there are many students

cannot achieve 76 points of the minimum completeness (KKM), especially in
writing recount text. Then, in number of 80% or 28 students cannot achieve 76
points of the minimum completeness criterion (KKM). Surprisingly, only 20% or
6 students can achieve the minimum completeness criterion.
In addition, based on the writer’s experience in Integrated Teaching
Practice Program (PPL) I

2014 in SMP

egeri 1 Sei amban, the writer found

that students were struggling in writing recount text. Although, the theory of
recount text was explained in several times, some of them were really difficult to
understand the content and they showed uninteresting feeling and teaching and
learning process. When the writer observed the eighth grade of Junior High
School, He found that were about 70% students got problems in writing skill.
The writer concludes that there are several factors that make students have
many problems in writing skill. The students are lack of vocabulary, structure,
technique, literature, and ideas, even some of them have some ideas on their mind
but they did not know how to express them in writing. Then students seldom
practice to write, even in their native language. And then the students are still
confusing to start writing, how to write systematically and how to organize their
ideas. Moreover, the method the teacher used to teach writing is not motivate and
encourage them and most of the teacher taught the writing theory focus on
grammar participating by using lecturing.
Responding to these problems and by considering the importance of
writing skill for students at Junior High School, it is necessary to find the


approach or method that will be the solution of this situation. When the writer
read some theories about teaching method which is able to overcome the difficulty
of students’ writing achievement, it is named Guided Writing Strategy.
Guided writing is a strategy that gives students the opportunity to review
a recently taught writing skill in a small-group setting and then to apply
the skill through independent writing ( ntario 2005:5.3).
Guided writing strategy is appropriate to be implemented in the classroom
since it could give the students a chance to create a meaningful activity since the
students are assigned to write by themselves.
Guided writing involves a teacher working with a group of students on a
writing task are based on what they have previously been learning about the
writing process. Guided writing strategy is not individual but also group activity
where the learners organize their ideas and write the text. The teachers role in
group writing is one of facilitator to help the students discover what they want to
say and how to say it meaningfully with clarity. Therefore students and teachers
join to compose a text well to develop their writing ability in accordance with
writing process development.
In previous studies, there have been some researchers in the use of Guided
Writing Strategy. Handayani (2013) in her study found that implementation of
guided writing strategy was more effective than lecturing method strategy to
make students have better competency in writing of simple written essay in forms
of descriptive, narrative and news item in English class of the tenth grade students
of SMA

1 Sukasada in the academic year 2012/2013. It indicates that the

lecturing method strategy that is still applied by the teacher needs to be minimized


and rearranged. So Guided writing strategy gave better contribution to the
students’ writing than lecturing method strategy
The other study by Timayi (2015) who found that in use guided writing
strategy is a result oriented strategy for the teaching of writing at the JSS level
which improves students writing competence. It facilitates the development of
writing skills in students as well improves their test scores. This study revealed
that the strategy is gender friendly.
In addition,Lan.(2001) who found that in use Guided Writing Strategy on
Media Richness had a morepositive influence on enhancing writing attitudes than
the other proposes strategies.In other words, a web-based learning environment
with multimedia learning materials could provide various interactions and
presentation of media types (such as picture, animation and audio) as a guide
writing strategy to enhance students’ motivation and enjoyment and further reduce
their writing anxiety. Guided writing strategy plays a very important role in
writing process and is beneficial for improving writing performance, especially in
elementary writing activities. It implies that providing a web-based learning
environment with high richness media can guide students to write and achieve
more positive writing attitudes in terms of motivation, enjoyment and anxiety.
Instruction who intended to enhance students’ writing attitudes can use the
findings as a guide to help them in writing activity.
ased on the explanation above, this strategy is the best way to overcome
in teaching writing for all of us students. It is learning in small group activity
based on teacher support in teaching learning process but the result of the task is


independent learning. It makes the students get the chance to share their opinion
in their mind for other students.
y considering the explanation above, this study was aimed to apply
‘’Guided Writing Strategy on Students Achievement in writing recount text.
B. The Prob e

of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the research problem was
formulated as the following:
“Is the students’ achievement taught by applyingGuided Writing Strategy
higher than that taught with Lecturing Methodwriting a recount text?”
C. The Scope of the Study
This study purposes to find out xthe effect ofapplyingGuided Writing
Strategy on students’ achievement in writing

omprehension, especially in

writing recount text in SMP egeri 2 ainggolan.
D. The Ob ect ve of the Study
The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is an effect of
applyingGuided Writing Strategy on the students’ achievement in writing recount
textin SMP egeri 2 ainggolan.
E. The S gn f cance of the Study
The findings of the study were expected to be useful for:
1. The English teachers;to improve their ability to conduct a better and an
interesting technique in teaching writing, especially in teaching recount
2. The students; to improve their ability in writing recount text.

ther researchers; as a useful reference to do further research in improving
students’ academic achievement, especially in learning English.


A. Conclusion
From the calculation of the data, it can be concluded that teaching writing
skill by applying Guided Writing Strategy affected on the students’ achievement
in writing recount text. The mean score of students’ achievement taught by
applyingGuided Writing Strategy (73.60) was higher than mean score of students’
achievement taught Lecturing Method(69.28). The tobserved (2.095) was higher than
ttable (2.004) at the level of significance of 0,05 of two-tailed test. It means that Ha
is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of applying
Guided Writing Strategyon Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text.
B. Suggestion
Based on the finding, it is suggested that:.
1. The English teachers should apply Guided Writing Strategy. Because it
helps the teacher to be more creative in teaching writing recount text.
2. The Students suggested to be more creative, confidence, and enjoyable
and exploring their writing ability by applying Guided Writing Strategy.
3. To all the readers, may this research will bring you into good
understanding how to improve the students in writing achievement by
applying Guided Writing Strategy.



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