Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2101121032


Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work,

has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for
I understand that this thesis may be screened electronically or otherwise
for plagiarism.

Medan, Februari 2015

Puput Saputra
Reg. No. 2101121032

Saputra, Puput. 2101121032. The Effect of Undubbed Video on Students’
Achievement in Writing Recount Text. A Thesis. English and Literature
Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan,
Medan: 2014.
This study was conducted in order to know the effect of using Undubbed Video
on students’ achievement in Writing Recount Text. It was an experimental
research. The population of the research was X grade of SMA Panca Budi Medan,
Academic Year 2014/2015. Two classes were chosen as the sample and were
divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. The experimental

group was taught by using Undubbed Video and the control group was given no
treatment. The instrument used to collect the data was writing essay test. To
obtain the reliability of the test, inter-rater formula was used. The result of the
reliability was 0,8. It means the test was substantially reliable. The data were
analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the average scores of
the students in the experimental group was significantly higher than the average
scores of the students in the control group at the level of significant α = 0,05 with
the degree of freedom (df) 43 with t-observed value 6,77 > t-table value 2,17. The
findings indicated that using Undubbed Video significantly affected the students’
achievement in writing recount text. So, English teachers were suggested to use
Undubbed Video in order to improve students’ achievement in writing especially
in recount writing.
Keywords: Undubbed video, Students’ achievement in writing recount text


First of all, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to Allah
SWT and Muhammad SAW who inspired the writer to be always strong and
patient in completing this thesis which entitled: The Effect of Undubbed Video on

Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. This thesis is aimed to fulfill
one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English
Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
In completing this thesis, the writer realized that he faced some problems
and he had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a
lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer
would like to express his gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages
and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department,
Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Head of English Education
Study Program.

Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa Tangkas, M.Hum. his Thesis Advisor.

Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., his Academic Advisor

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Juli Rachmadani Hasibuan, S.S, M.Hum. as his Reviewer and Examiner.

All the Lecturers of English department who have taught, guided,
and advised his throughout the academic years.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the administration staff of
English Department, for her attention, assistance, and information in
completing this thesis.

Rusdi Ramli, SE. as the Headmaster of SMA Panca Budi Medan, for
his permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do
observation and research to collect the data.

Meilina Khairani, S.Pd. and Nurhasanah Harahap, S.Pdi. the
English teacher of SMA Panca Budi Medan, for the assistance,
guidance, suggestions and comments in the process of completing this
thesis. And all the teachers and students at the school for the good

His beloved parent Jumsari (rahimahullah) and Sutrisni. His lovely
brothers Legiono, Sujarwo. His sister Safitri, Dini Lestari. His
grandfather Siwan and all his families for their endless love, advice,
motivation, and everything that they have given to the writer.


His friends in Reguler Dik. C 2010, as his great class for the love and
togetherness throughout four years, his friends in PPLT SMPN 1 Sei
Rampah, for many experiencies and togetherness and also other
comrades that can be mentioned one by one.
The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, he conveniently
welcomes any suggestions, comments critics, and advices that will improve the
quality of this thesis. He hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are
read and interested in the field of this study.

Medan, Februari 2015

The writer,

Puput Saputra
Reg. No. 2101121032


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................1
A. Background of the Study ......................................................1
B. The Problem of the Study .....................................................5
C. The Scope of the Study .........................................................5
D. The Objective of the Study ...................................................5
E. The Significance of the Study...............................................5
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ....................................................7

A. Theoretical Framework .........................................................7
1. Students’ Achievement ....................................................7
2. Writing .............................................................................8
3. Genre ............................................................................13
4. Genre-Based Writing .....................................................15
5. Characteristic Form of Writing Genre ...........................17
6. Recount Text ..................................................................18
7. Writing Assessment .......................................................23
8. Media in Education ........................................................26
9. Undubbed Video ............................................................27
B. Conceptual Framework .......................................................30
C. Hypothesis ..........................................................................31
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..........................................32
A. Research Method ................................................................32
B. Research Design .................................................................32
C. Population and Sample .......................................................33
1. Population ......................................................................33
2. Sample............................................................................34
D. Instrument for Collecting the Data .....................................34
E. Procedure of the Research ..................................................34

1. Pre-Test ..........................................................................35
2. Treatment .......................................................................35
3. Post-Test ........................................................................36
F. Validity and Reliability of the Test ....................................36
1. Content Validity of the Test ...........................................36
2. Reliability of the Test .....................................................37
G. Technique of Analyzing Data .............................................38
H. Statistical Hypotheses .........................................................39
CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS ..................................................................40
A. The Data .....................................................................................................40


B. Reliability Test ...........................................................................................42
C. Data Analysis .............................................................................................42
1. Homogeneity of Variance Test ............................................................42
2. Normality Test .....................................................................................42
3. Analyzing the Data Using T-test ..........................................................43
D. Testing Hypothesis .....................................................................................44
E. Research Findings ......................................................................................45

F. Discussion ..................................................................................................46
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .....................................49
A. Conclusion .................................................................................................49
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................49
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................50
APPENDIX ..........................................................................................................53



Table 2.1 Recount text types .................................................................................19
Table 2.2 Text Element and Rhetorical Structure of Recount ...............................20
Table 2.3 Writing Scoring Profile ..........................................................................24
Table 2.4 Scoring Criteria of Recount Text ...........................................................25
Table 3.1 Research Design .....................................................................................33
Table 3.2 Treatment in Experimental Group .........................................................35
Table 3.3 The Coefficient of (r) .............................................................................38
Table 4.1 Students’ achievement score in pre-test and post-test ...........................41



Appendix A: The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test By The Students of
Experimental Group ...............................................................................................53
Appendix B: The score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of
Control Group ........................................................................................................54
Appendix C: The Reliability of the Test ................................................................55
Appendix D: Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group .............57
Appendix E: Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group .......................61
Appendix F: Testing Normality ............................................................................65
Appendix G: Z Table .............................................................................................71
Appendix H: Table of critical values for the Lilliefors test for normality .............73
Appendix I: Test for Homogeneity of Variance ....................................................74
Appendix J: F Distribution Table ..........................................................................77
Appendix K: The Calculation of t-test ................................................................78
Appendix L: Table of t-Distribution .....................................................................81
Appendix M: Lesson Plan ......................................................................................83
APPENDIX N: Three representative of student’s answer sheets of each

group ....................................................................................................................105



A. The Background of the Study
Systemic Functional Linguistics has been developed for around half a century
now, in an ever-growing number of contexts around the world. For a long time,
English dominated as the „metalanguage‟ in which Systemic Functional
Linguistics (SFL) was constructed in speech and writing (Matthiessen et., 2010:
xi). Like scientists in general, systemic functional linguists can thus be instance
observers or system observers; but while observing instances is in a sense similar
to what we do as speakers when we engage with texts (speaking, listening;
writing, reading), observing the system always involves taking a step back, as it
were, in order to be able to take in a huge enough volume of texts to make
reasonably reliable generalizations about the system (Halliday in Matthiessen et
al., 2010:123).
In line with that, writing is one of important mediums to express ourselves to
communicate, and find meaning. The needs of writing increasingly enhances by
existence of development of recent media of mass communication. Therefore,
applying, practicing, and studying about writing remain to be important part of
school curriculum and become central part in English.
As contained in senior high school curriculum of 2013. Study of writing skill
is addressed to attainment of student in ability to express various meaning correctly through steps in writing a text about a topic related to real experience or daily
activity by using variety of written language. In the curriculum recount text is one



of the text genres that should be achieved by the students in tenth
grader. Formally, recounts are sequential texts that do little more than sequence a
series of events. Every story, no matter how simple, needs an orientation. In other
words recount is an activity of retelling story about experiences in the past in
In fact, based on the preliminary observation was done by writer in SMA
Panca Budi Medan on X grader in May 20th, 2014. The English Teacher (NH)
states that there are many students could not achieve 76 points as the minimal
completeness criterion (KKM), especially in writing recount text. Then in number
of 84% or 21 students could not achieve 76 points of the KKM. Surprisingly,
only16% or 4 students could achieve the minimum completeness criterion.
Based on this finding, writer concludes that students' achievement in English
writing of personal recount is still below the minimal completeness criterion. So it
means that the students have no competence to write a personal recount text yet.
Based on this preliminary observation the writer can conclude as follow. First,
Students are difficult to find idea to be written, second, difficult to make a suitable
sentence to start writing, and third, students are tend to write less complete
In addition, based on the writer‟s experience in Integrated Teaching Practice
Program (PPL) in 2013 in SMP Negeri 1 Sei Rampah, the writer faced the similar
condition. The writer found that there are many factors that make students have
problem in learning writing skill. The students are lack of ideas, vocabulary, and


Actually, there are many types of media which can be used as teaching and
learning instrument such as pictures, diagram, chart, map, flashcard, slides, poster,
video, and so on. But, a teacher also should be able to choose the suitable one
especially in teaching recount texts.
Using media in teaching process is already common in educating students.
There are several studies use similar teaching media. But its difference is in the
writer‟s custom and background. Lubis (2013) conducted a study about how to
improve students' speaking achievement in reporting procedure text by using
video. She proved that using video significantly improved the students‟ speaking
achievement. In line with that study, Khasanah (2013) researched the
effectiveness of Charlie Chaplin video as a medium to teach writing narrative text.
As we know, Charlie Chaplin video is a video without any subtitle, narration or
dialogue. So, it is similar to undubbed video. Simultaneously, it can improve
student achievement in writing by guessing and arranging their original sentences.
So, the students cannot cheat any words from the video. Different from the two
studies above, Seago in Brophy (2004) conducted a very interesting study about
using video as an object inquiry for mathematics teaching and learning. In this
study he inquired how a teaching media like video can effectively work in
mathematics teaching and learning process. He investigated that delivering the
material in class by using video can help students understand the topic easily. He
also provides tips and trick how to use video in the mathematics class. It can be
concluded that video is not only helpful for mathematics class but also others, for


instance English class. It means video is effective teaching media to help student
get the material easily.
From the relevant studies above, the writer told that his study is different
from the studies above because in this study the writer used a teaching media by
modifying the conventional video become an undubbed video was applied on
teaching writing recount text. The writer also made some recounting story videos
that have been undubbed to be used in the class. However, those previous studies
gave some contributes to this study. It supported the writer to vary the aspects or
problems investigated in order to bring the new finding.
Concerning on the explanation above an appropriate media is needed to
deliver the lesson to the students well. In this study the writer used undubbed
video as an effective media of teaching recount text to the students. This
undubbed video as a teaching media is more excellent than conventional video as
teaching media. In this case undubbed video is a video without narration, subtitle,
or dubbing. So, automatically it stimulated students mind to imagine the story at
the same time creating their original sentences without imitating any words in
video and finishing the recount text writing well.
Thus, this study is designed to identify the effect of undubbed video on
students‟ achievement in writing recount text. However, the evidences on its
effectiveness need to be found, especially in the context of teaching writing
achievement. The research needs to be conducted to obtain such evidences.


B. The Problem of Study
Based on the backdground of study above, so the research problem can be
formulated as follows:
“Does the use of undubbed video significantly affect the students‟ achievement in
writing recount text?”
C. The Scope of Study
The research focuses its study on the use of undubbed video on students'
achievement in writing recount text. In this case, the writer limits only in writing
personal recount text. Technically , personal recount type was chosen by the
writer not only intended to improve students' writing in recount text but also as a
medium of self-expression of students to make student become more responsive
in understanding about the recount text writing.
D. The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to know the effect of undubbed video on the
students' achievement in writing recount text.
E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of this study is expected to be theoretically and practically give
benefit or helpfulness, especially to apply the undubbed video as media of recount
text teaching. Then, generally this study is also expected has two benefits both
theoretically and practically.

Theoretical benefits
Theoretically, this research finding is expected to be useful to enlarge the
theory of education and teaching, mainly for English learning in schools. So


that can add the knowledge which is useful for everyone. Especially in
developing the ability and creativity in conducting the teaching and learning
for English subject.

Pratical benefits


For English teacher, this research finding can be used as knowledge
and skill to construct program of English learning in school.

2) For students, this research practically helps the student to produce a
good recount paragraph that is stimulated by undubbed video and
motivated the students to have a better achievement in writing
recount text.
3) For next researcher, this research can be used as initial experience in
conducting a similar research widely.
4) For institution, this research finding is expected to give contribution
in impelementing the undubbed video as a media of teaching for
english subject.

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-salah-satu-media.html/ January 11th, 2015/11:17:20. 16th, 2014/21:13:09.
ml/August 8th, 2014/20:49:40. 3rd, 2014/20:40:18. 10th, 2015/21:
15:50. /writing/definition.htm/April 3rd, 2014/18:10:12.


Puput Saputra was born in Medan on December 20th 1992. He is 22 years
old. He is an Indonesia citizen and a Moslem. People around him usually call him
Putra. His father is Jumsari (rahimahullah) and his mother is Sutrisni. His parent
lives in Medan. He has elder brothers Legiono and Sujarwo. His younger sisters
are Safitri and Dini Lestari. He has an email, it is
His formal education was finished in Kabupaten Rokan Hilir - Riau. It
started from 1998 – 2004 in primary school; it was SD Negeri 1 Simpang Kanan.
Next, from 2004 – 2007, He continued her education to SMPN 1 Simpang Kanan.
After that, He finished her Senior High School in SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Kanan
from 2007 – 2010. Then, in 2010 – 2015, he graduated from English Education
Department in State University of Medan.

Medan, Februari 2015
The writer,

Puput Saputra
NIM 2101121032