Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for
the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan


Reg. No: 2111521011


Putri, RindyKencana. 2111521011. The Effect of Journalists’ Question on

Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. A Thesis.Faculty of
Languages and Arts.State University of Medan. 2016.
This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of using Journalists’
Question on students’ achievement in writing recount text. The objective of the
study was to find out weather Journalists’ Question Method significantly affects
the students’ achievement in writing recount text or not. This study was conducted
by using experimental design. The population was students of Grade X,
SinarHusni Senior High School (SekolahMenengahAtas: SMA) SinarHusni. Two
classes from three parallel classes have taken by random sampling method. It
divided into two groups,control group and experimental group. The experimental
group was taught by applying Journalists’ Question Method, while the control
group was taught by applying conventional method. The data of the study were
obtained by writing test. The data were analyzed by applying t-test formula. After
the analyzed the data, the result of the study showed that the scores of the students
in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students
in the control group at the level of significant = 0.05 with the degree of freedom
(df) 58, t-observed value 3.004 > t-table value > 2.000. The findings indicated that
using Journalists’ Question significantly affected the students’ writing
Keyword: journalists’ question, writing, students’ achievement


The greatest gratitude is expressed to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Most
Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor and Mercy that has been given
to writer so that she finally accomplishes her thesis entitled “The Effect of
Journalists’ Question on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text”.
This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Language
and Arts, State University of Medan as partial fulfillment of the requirements for
taking the degree of SarjanaPendidikan .During the completion of this thesis, the
writer realized that she has received a lot of help and suggestion. Therefore, the
writer would like to express her sincerest gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, the Rector ofThe State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts
State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, and her
Thesis Examiner.
4. Dra. Meisuri, M.A.,the Secretary of English Department and her Thesis

5. Nora Ronita Dewi , S.Pd, S,S., M.Hum, the Head of English Education
Study Program
6. Dra.Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd, Academic Advisor who has given support,
guidance and kindness for helping this thesis.
7. Prof.Amrin Saragih.M.A.Ph.D, her First Thesis Advisor
8. Dr. I Wy Dirgeyasa, M. Hum, and Rita Suswati, S. Pd, M. Hum, her
Thesis Examiners.


9. All Lecturers who had taught her in this English Department for giving
new knowledge, advises in facing life and for giving gorgeous study
10. Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd.,as the Administration Staff of English
Department, for her attention, assistance, and information in completing
this Thesis
11. Drs. H. Sosiar as Headmaster of SMA Swasta Sinar Husni and the writer
expresses her special thanks to the English teacher Sri Rezeki S.Pd.
12. Her beloved father and mother Edy Safutra S.Sos.MM/Tuti Indra Wati;

her lovely brother M.Fah Rendi Affan and sister Windy Safrini and Nindi
13. Her best friends in Class Extension C 2011, Ivohana, Anisya, Putri
Samosir, Shilvia and her beloved friend Dhani Aristyawan.
The writer realizes that the content of this thesis is not perfect, so
she warmly welcomes any constructive suggestions that will improve the
quality of this thesis. She hopes it would be useful for those who are
interested in this field of study.

Medan, Maret 2016
The Writer,

NIM. 2111521011


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. iv
LIST OF APPENDIXES .................................................................................... v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1
A. The background of the Study .................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study ........................................................................ 3
C. The objective of the Study ........................................................................ 3
D. The Scope of the Study ............................................................................. 3
E. The Significance of the Study ................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................... 5
A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 5
1. Writing ................................................................................................. 5
a. The Nature of Writing...................................................................... 5
b. Writing Product................................................................................ 6
c. The Stages of Writing Process ......................................................... 7
2. Genre .................................................................................................... 8
a. The Genre in Writing ....................................................................... 8
b. Kinds of Genre ................................................................................. 10
c. Recount ............................................................................................ 11
1) Generic Structure of Recount ...................................................... 12

2) Language Feature of Recount ..................................................... 13
3) Example of Recount .................................................................... 14
3. Method ................................................................................................ 15
a. Journalists’ Question ..................................................................... 15
b. Procedure of Journalists’ Question ............................................... 16
c. The Strengthen of Journalists’ Question ....................................... 17
d. The Weakness of Journalists’ Question ........................................ 18

4. Writing Assessment ............................................................................ 18
5. Student Achievement in Writing Recount .......................................... 20
B. Relevant Study .......................................................................................... 21
C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 22
D. Hypothesis ................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 25
A. Research Method ....................................................................................... 25
B. Population and Sample.............................................................................. 26
C. The Method for Collecting Data ............................................................... 26
D. The Procedures of Study ........................................................................... 27
E. Validity and Reliability of the Test ........................................................... 29

1. Validity of the Test ............................................................................... 30
2. Reliability of the Test ........................................................................... 30
F. The Method for Analyzing Data ............................................................... 30
CHAPTER IV THE DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ..................................... 32
A. Data ........................................................................................................... 32
B. Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 33
1. Reliability ............................................................................................ 33
2. Homogeneity ........................................................................................ 33
3. Normality .............................................................................................. 34
4. T- test .................................................................................................... 35
C. Testing Hypothesis ................................................................................... 36
D. Research Findings ..................................................................................... 37
E. Discussion ................................................................................................. 38
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 39
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 39
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 39
REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 41


Table 2.1 Three Fundamental Components of Genre Writing......................... 9
Table 2.2 Kinds of Genre ................................................................................. 10
Table 2.3 Generic Structure of Recount ........................................................... 13
Table 2.4 Example of recount .......................................................................... 14
Table 2.5 Writing Assessment ………………………………………………..19
Table 2.5 Assessment Instrument Rubric Recount Text .................................. 20
Table 3.1 Research Design ............................................................................... 25
Table 3.2 Teaching Procedures for Experiment Class .................................... 28
Table 3.3 Teaching Procedures for Control Class ........................................... 29


Appendix A:

Pre-Test of Experimental and Control Group ........................ 43

Appendix B:

Post Test of Experimental and Control Group ....................... 44

Appendix C:

The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental ............ 45

Appendix D:

The Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Group ............ 46

Appendix E:

The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation
Experimental Group ............................................................... 47

Appendix F:

The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation Experimental

Group ..................................................................................... 49

Appendix G:

The Calculation of T-test ....................................................... 51

Appendix H:

The Reliability of Test ........................................................... 52

Appendix I:

Percentage Points of T Distribution ....................................... 55

Appendix J:

Test for Homogeneity of variance Pre-test in Experimental
and Control Group ................................................................. 57

Appendix K:

Test for Homogeneity of variance Post-test in Experimental
and Control Group ................................................................. 59

Appendix L:

Test for distribution of frequency in Experimental Group .... 61

Appendix M:

Test for distribution of Frequency in Control Group ............. 65

Appendix N:

Testing Normality .................................................................. 69

Appendix O:

Table of Normality ................................................................. 73

Appendix P:

List of Testing Liliefors ......................................................... 76

Appendix Q:

Lesson Plan 1 of Experimental Group ................................... 77

Appendix R:

Lesson Plan 2 of Experimental Group ................................... 87


A. The Background of the Study
Writing as one of four language skills is not easy. It should be
comprehended well by the students. It is very useful because it helps students to
express their ideas and their thought in written text. Students are expected to able
write types of writing such as recount, narrative and descriptive. As one of the
basic language skills and productive skill, writing has a very complex process.
It is a comprehensive ability which consists of grammar, vocabulary,
punctuation, appropriate content, word selection, topic, occasion and punctuation.
Before we write, we need to determine what to write. We should have something
meaningful, clear, precise and unambiguous. It requires knowledge, skill and
concept in order that someone is able to produce a good piece of writing. Those
requirements make difficulties in writing.
Based on the writer’s observation in SMA SinarHusni, the difficulties
were also faced by students at SinarHusni. In addition to these difficulties, most of
the students also got bore and lost their interest in writing, especially in writing
recount. They felt that teaching and learning process of language was monotonous
and uninteresting. The students were asked to write the text by the teacher, and
they were asked to answer some questions based on the text. They considered that
writing recount was very difficult for them to be mastered because their
vocabulary is limited; their grammar is still low; and they got difficult in use
punctuation; the students did not know about generic structure and language
feature in writing recount. So that they found it difficult to write well.



Related to the problems, some researchers sparked some alternative of
solutions such as free writing, brainstorming, clustering and journalist’s question
(Brannan: 2003). All methods are expected to assist the teacher in teaching
writing. But, the fact is not all methods can make students interested in writing.
One alternative which is predicted to be able to make students interested in
writing is journalist’s question.
The writer chooses journalists’ question because it covers all requirements
suchas grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and journalist’s question also covers all
contents are needed because use what, why, where, when, who and how. In
guided WH-question, the teacher guides the students by giving the students WHquestion. These questions will help students to develop the ideas and organize
them become a good text.
Some researchers have also proved that journalist’s question is the method
that is able to improve student’s writing. This research has done previously by
(Dananto: 2010) in writing class of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1
Malang. He has investigated the effect of guide WH-question in teaching News
Item text. The result shows that the students who were taught by WH- question
had performed better in their writing, journalist’s question can improve the
students writing ability, it is also improved the student’s interest in writing.
Not only to write, journalist’s question also can be applied in teaching
speaking. In a research of using journalistic question especially WH-question in
speaking, there has been a previous research done by (Cenderato: 2010). This
research done previously investigated the effect of guide WH-question in teaching


hortatory exposition speaking. The result shows that the students who were taught
by WH-question had performed better in their speaking. Inspired by the result of
the previous research, the writer will apply journalist’s question in teaching
writing recount text.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the general question of this
research: “Does the application of Journalist’s Question significantly affect the
students’ achievement in writing recount text?”

C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study was to investigate whether or not the
journalists’ question significantly effect the students’ achievement in SMA
SinarHusni on writing.

D. The Scope of the Study
There were many methods in teaching writing, but in this study researcher
just focus on journalist’s question method. In this study, it is limited only on
journalist’s question on students’ writing ability especially in recount text.


E. The Significance of the Study
The Findings of the study were expected to be useful theoretically and
1. Theoretical significance
a. The result of the research would contribute new insight that can be used
as reference for those who want to conduct a research about writing
recount text.
2. Practical significance
a. For the teacher
It is expected that the research and technique would improve the
teaching learning process, not only in teaching writing but other skills
b. For the students
This research were expected to encourage the students to develop their
writing achievement, especially in writing recount text through
journalist question

A. Conclusion
The mean of control and experimental group in the post-test score were
48.7 and 70. The number of students for each group was 30. It means that the
mean score of experimental group is higher than those of control group.
The result of calculation of t-test showed that the score of t-observe
(3.004) < the score of t-table (2.004). It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was
rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. So, from the calculation
of the data, it can be concluded that journalists’ question method significantly
affected the students’ achievement in writing recount text.

B. Suggestion
In relation to the conclusion significances are stage as following:
1. The English teachers apply Journalists’ Question Method on their English
Teaching because these techniques help the students in understanding the
recount text much better.
2. The students to involve actively in this because it facilitates them to share
ideas and information before they write. Then by applying of Journalists’
Question Method, the students can write recount text.



3. To other researchers, Journalists’ Question Method can apply to other
skills and other genre to prove the benefit for educational purposes.



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