Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2102121002



Febriana, Ayu, 2102121002. The Effect of Collaborative Writing Strategy on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. A Thesis. Faculty of
Languages and Arts (FBS), State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2014.
This study was focused on the effect of Collaborative Writing Strategy on
students’ achievement in writing recount text. The objective of this study was to
find out if there was a significant effect of Collaborative Writing Strategy on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount text. It was conducted by using
experimental research design. The population of this study was the first year
students of SMA Negeri 1 Babalan, which consisted of 5 parallel classes. Two
classes were taken as the sample of the research. The class X MIA 1 was as
experimental group and class X MIA 2 was as control group. The experimental
group was taught by using Collaborative Writing Strategy. While control group
was taught by using conventional Method. The instrument for collecting data was
writing test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result shows that
the value of t-observed is higher than the value of t-table. (4.62 > 1.667 ( =
0.05)) with the degree of freedom (df) = 72. Based on the data analysis of the
study, the result indicates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It
means that there is a significant effect of using Collaborative Writing Strategy on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text.

Keywords: Collaborative Writing Strategy, Writing Recount Text


All praise to Allah SWT who always gives me blessing, power, strength
and love in my entire life and in terms of my study, especially in completing this
thesis entitled “The Effect of Collaborative Writing Strategy on Students’
Achievement in Writing Recount Text” as one of the requirements for the degree
of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
During the process of writing and conducting the research, the writer was
assisted and supported by many people. This Thesis could have not been
accomplished without guidance, suggestion, and comment from them, for which
the writer would like to express her sincere appreciation which directed to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department and her Academic Consultant.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.
Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study

Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa, M.Hum., her Thesis Consultant.
Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., Dra.
Rahmah, M.Hum., her Thesis Reviewers.

Mam Euis, the academic staff and administrative staff
Dra. Hj. Mirohmayanur, M.Pd the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1
Babalan Pangkalan Berandan.

Umar Syahputra, S.Pd, Nining Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd, and Kak Lina, the
academic staff and administrative staff of SMA Negeri 1 Babalan.


Drs. Masrizal, the English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Babalan Pangkalan

Her beloved mommy, Rosmiati, her beloved daddy, Yafizham, her
beloved brother and sister, Doddy Handoko and Sonya Fitri Andriani,

Her beloved friends, Azlisa, Rizki, Hj, Nia, Nanda, Akhyar, Ekky, Bibi,
Widy, Yusrumaida, Eby, Yuniar and Iqbal.
Overall, the writer hopes she can give a bit contribution to language

education, especially major of English.

December 2014
The Researcher

Ayu Febriana
NIM. 2102121002


ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ vii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study .................................................. 1
B. The Problem of the Study ....................................................... 4
C. The Objective of the Study ..................................................... 4
D. The Scope of the Study ........................................................... 4
E. The Significance of the Study .................................................. 5
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 6

A. Theoretical Framework ........................................................... 6
1. Writing ................................................................................ 6
2. The Writing Process ........................................................... 7
3. Genre in Writing ................................................................. 9
4. Recount Writing ................................................................. 11
a. The Generic Structure of Recount Text ........................ 13
b. The Grammatical Features of Recount Text ................. 14
5. Strategy .............................................................................. 15
6. Collaborative Writing Strategy .......................................... 16
7. Procedure of Teaching Writing Recount Text
By Using Collaborative Writing Strategy .......................... 18
8. Conventional Method ........................................................ 20
9. Procedure of teaching Writing Recount Text
By Using Conventional Method ........................................ 21
10. Writing Assessment ......................................................... 21
B. Conceptual Framework .......................................................... 27
C. Hypothesis ............................................................................. 29
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 30
A. Research Design .................................................................... 30
B. Populations and Sample ......................................................... 30

C. Technique for Collecting Data ............................................... 31
D. The Procedure of research ..................................................... 31
1. Pre –test ............................................................................. 31
2. Treatment ........................................................................... 32
3. Post – test ........................................................................... 36
E. Technique for Analyzing of Data ........................................... 36


F. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................. 37
CHAPTER IV: THE DATA ANALYSIS ...................................................... 38
A. The Data ................................................................................ 38
B. Data Analysis ......................................................................... 39
1. Testing Normality .............................................................. 39
2. Test for Homogeneity of Variance .................................... 43
3. T-Test ................................................................................. 44
C. Testing Hypothesis ................................................................ 45
D. Research Findings .................................................................. 46
E. Discussion .............................................................................. 47
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 49

A. Conclusion ............................................................................. 49
B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 50
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 51


Table 2.1. Assessment of Recount Text .......................................................... 26
Table 3.1. Research Design ............................................................................. 30
Table 3.2. Teaching Procedure of Experimental Group .................................. 33
Table 3.3. Teaching Procedure of Control Group ............................................ 35
Table 4.1 Testing Normality of Pre-test in Experimental Group .................... 40
Table 4.2 Testing Normality of Post-test in Experimental Group .................. 41
Table 4.3 Testing Normality of Pre-test in Control Group ............................. 42
Table 4.4 Testing Normality of Post-test in Control Group ............................ 43
Table 4.5 Test for Homogeneity of Variance .................................................. 44



Pre-Test for Experimental Group and Control Group............ 54
Post-Test for Experimental Group and Control Group ......... 55
The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Both of Classes ...... 56
Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ... 60
Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ........... 64
Testing Normality ................................................................. 69

Table of Normality from 0 to Z ............................................. 77
List of Testing Lilliefors ....................................................... 78
Test for Homogeneity of Variance ........................................ 79
F-Distribution ........................................................................ 83
The Calculation of the Mean (M) and
The Standard Deviation (SD) ................................................ 84
APPENDIX L. The Calculation of T-Test ..................................................... 88
APPENDIX M. Percentage Points of The T Distribution ............................. 89
APPENDIX N. Lesson Plan in Experimental Group ...................................... 91
APPENDIX O. Lesson Plan in Control Group .............................................. 116



The Background of the Study
Writing is a process of sharing the ideas, comments, arguments and

opinions from some words that combined to the sentences to be a good paragraph
in which each sentences will be related one another (Sharples, 2003). In addition,
writing is a way to build a communication of the message to the readers by using
a good language in writing sentences.
In line with definition, Harmer (2004: 31) says that writing is one of the
four language skills that should be mastered by students to comprehend the
writing ability. Writing comes last of the skill, after listening, speaking and
reading. To be a good writers, he/she has to get a knowledge about the language
skills before the writers try in writing paragraph. Writing can help the students to
remember, think about something. Through writing students can share their ideas,
thoughts and feeling others.
By writing, the students can express their knowledge, messages, feeling,
ideas, comments, critics and information to the readers. They can affect the
readers’ understanding and acceptance of the message from the writing materials
as stated by Harmer (2004: 44). In addition, writing has some aspects: the
mechanics of writing (such as punctuation and spelling), grammar and vocabulary
which the major points in writing. Writing is a productive skill. It means that
producing written messages that can be a tool of communication for one to



Based on the 2013 curriculum in SMA for English lesson, students of
SMA are expected to be able comprehend the writing ability into a simple
paragraph of description, recount, narration, news item, report, etc. This
expectation in new curriculum is based on the soft skill and hard skill. So, it is not
only for the students intelligence, but also in soft skill and hard skill too.
However, in the initial observation done by the writer in Grade X SMA
Negeri 1 Babalan Pangkalan Berandan that was by asking English teacher about
Students’ achievement in writing recount text, it was found that their English
score was still low. The teacher said that students master writing is passive. It
means that when producing a text, they could not do that well because students
felt that it was really hard to convey the ideas into a good text.
In addition, from the interview with English teacher in SMA Negeri 1
Babalan Pangkalan Berandan, there are some problems have been found about the
students’ failure and weakness of the students in writing. First, most of the
students are not interested in learning writing because they don’t have many ideas
and they confuse about the materials. Second, most of students get the difficulties
in expressing and sharing the ideas in writing because they are lack of
vocabularies, tenses to organize them in writing sentences. Third, they do not give
attention so much when teaching and learning process in the classroom. So, they
can not create a paragraph.
According to Arsyad (2007), the failure of students’ achievement in
writing ability are caused by the problems that have been found in education such
as a strategy which supports teaching and learning process. The teachers have to


be able find a creative strategy than before for better, interesting, motivated and
helpful teaching and learning process, since teachers as an educator for students to
increase the willingness to learn.
In addition, the facilities of school must support the students’ success to
reach a high score while teaching and learning process. Teachers should be focus
on strategy. They teach students not only explain the materials, transfer their
knowledge and give many assignments to the students from the beginning until
the end of study without force the students to memorize the actual facts to help
students master the lesson in quick time. Teacher must be able to give a chance to
the students to interact while teaching and learning process. Strategy is used to
help teachers in creating a variation situation of teaching and learning process.
This study is focused on recount text because recount text deals with
activity or event of students in the past time. By recount text, students can easier
to write the ideas into a good writing based on the experiences happened in the
past time. Writing recount text can help students to increase their creativities
because they are free in expressing the ideas into written text. Writer hopes
students can produce a recount text by using collaborative writing strategy to
solve this problems.
Furthermore, Speck (2002: 6) states that collaborative writing is a
powerful strategy of writing that encourages cooperation, critical thinking, peer
learning and active participation to end product. In addition, collaborative writing
strategy is a strategy of learning which allow the students to collaborate with their
group in producing or writing a text. The students work in a group and produce a


text after discussing it in their group. Moreover, collaborative writing effectively
teaches the concept of teamwork. By using collaborative writing strategy,
students are not shy to express the ideas and opinion in their groups. So, they can
be active to give arguments, comment, critic etc. Every students in a group must
be able to have more ideas, more work to achieve their writing.
In addition, collaborative is a process of producing a written work as a
group where all teams members contributed to the content and the decisions about
how the group will function. In collaborative writing strategy, students are given
an opportunity to develop an oral skill, such as discussion writing communication
as stated by Hodges (2002). Collaborative writing strategy can make students are
active and creative to share ideas, opinions, comments and cooperate in their
group freely. It can help them to utilize a range of social skills in writing skill.

The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of study, the research problem is formulated as

“Does collaborative writing strategy significantly affect the students’ achievement
in writing recount text?”

The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of using

collaborative writing strategy to students’ achievement in writing recount text.

The Scope of the Study
There are many kinds of genres in writing namely narrative,

argumentative, descriptive, exposition, recount, report, procedure etc. This


research is basically limited to writing recount text. This research is focused on
the using of collaborative writing strategy on students’ writing recount text.

The Significance of the Study
The study is useful for:
Theoretically, it motivates the students to be better in writing process

especially in English and memorize the students’ knowledge to the real life into a
good writing.
Practically, it provides an information for English teacher to be more
creative in applying an effective strategy to improve their writing process so that
the students become motivated and interested in writing and they will be better in
their writing process.


After analyzing the data, it was concluded that there is a significant effect

of teaching by collaborative writing strategy on students’ writing ability. Teaching
writing by using collaborative writing strategy gives better result than using
conventional method. The conclusion can be drawn as follows:

The total scores of experimental group in pre-test (X1) = 2231 and the
total scores of experimental group in post-test (X2) = 2972. It means the
score of experimental group is increased 741 point. The total scores of
control group in pre-test (Y1) = 2164 and the total scores of control
group in post-test (Y2) = 2597. It means the score of control group is
increased 795 point.


From the degree of freedom of 72 at level of significance 0.05, it is found
that t-observed value 4.62 > t-table value 1.667. It means t-observed value
is higher than t-table value (t-observed > t-table); 4.62 > 1.667.


Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching writing recount text by using
collaborative writing strategy has more significant effect than teaching
writing by using conventional method.




Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives suggestion as


Teaching by using collaborative writing strategy is proved effectively in
upgrading students’ writing achievement, so the researcher suggest that
English teacher should use the suitable strategy for students. So, students
can understand about the teacher’s explanation and they can share the
ideas, comments, and opinions in group freely.


Before using collaborative writing strategy, the teacher should prepare
himself or herself and the material well in making students’ awareness of
thinking about the topic by asking themselves questions.


Teaching by using collaborative writing strategy has some steps that must
be used in increasing student’s writing. Therefore, teacher should expand
student’s potential so that they can relate the content of their writing with
what they know and they do not know and how they should learn about it.


Teaching by using collaborative writing strategy is difficult for students
who have no any interest in writing. That is why teacher should stimulate
and motivate students to suppose the activity of writing as a pleasure.


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