The Limitation of Study The Formulation of Problem Definition of Key Term The Objective of Study

and absorption of technology and culture, and also to build relationship with other countries. 6 In the curriculum 2004 of SMP, it is stated that : “Belajar Bahasa Inggris bukan saja belajar kosakata dan tatabahasa dalam pengetahuannya, tetapi harus berupaya untuk menggunakan dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuna tersebut dalam kegiatan komunikasi.” learning English language is not merely learn about vocabulary and grammar in connotation of its knowledge, but it must be endeavored to use or to apply that knowledge in communication activity. 7

B. The Limitation of Study

In this study the writer limits herself to analysis on problems faced by English teachers in teaching speaking at the second grade of Islamic junior high school of Ruhama, Cireundeu.

C. The Formulation of Problem

Based on the background as mentioned previously and some problems have been identified, the research question can be formulated as follow: “What are the problems faced by English teachers in teaching speaking at the second grade of Islamic junior high school of Ruhama, Cireundeu.?”

D. Definition of Key Term

The simplest definition of problem is goal-response interference. We need or want to achieve something; in this case we want to make the students can communicate in English, and we cannot do it. Some problems are always occurred in teaching speaking in an English class and some previous writers had already did some research to study these problems; we can read Penny Ur book that wrote some problems in English class, especially in speaking. In this skripsi, the writer would like to give a little contribution by doing research about those problems and the causes that made them occurred. 6 Depag RI, GBPP Bahasa Inggris MTs, Jakarta: Depag RI, 1993, p.1 7 Depdiknas RI, Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris 2004: Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP, Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2003, p. 1-2 The writer did the research in an Islamic junior high school where she thought it was the right level of education to start the research because junior high school students start to understand what they are learning at school, in this case English.

E. The Objective of Study

The objective of the study is to find out the problems faced by English teachers in teaching speaking and the causes of the problems. The result of the study hopefully can be used as reference in overcoming the problems .

F. The Method of The Study