Organoleptic Characteristic (Sensory Characteristic) of Tilapia Fish Fillet Chips During Storage

3.2. Organoleptic Characteristic (Sensory Characteristic) of Tilapia Fish Fillet Chips During Storage

Organoleptic analysis in tilapia fish fillet chips that stored during 3.6 and 9 weeks is done by sensory test that consist of color, flavor, crispness and favorite.

3.2.1. Analysis Result of Color Test of Tilapia Fish Fillet Chips

The average score of color test of tilapia fish fillet chips during storage between 3.25– 4.35 with criteria: tawny – yellowish. Results of variance analysis of colors

presented in Table 2.

Sept ember 8 th – 9 th 2015, Facult y of Biot echnology – Universit as At ma Jaya Yogyakart a

In Table 2, even though in variance analysis has pointed out a big difference, but color test score give average score that almost the same. The color changing show

its differences in formulation R 100 T 0 with R 70 T 30 and R 80 T 20 with R 70 T 30. It shows that the diminishing amount of rice flour (increasing amount of tapioca flour) in the formulation of wrap chips dough, will decrease brownish color of the product and produce towards yellowish color. The biggest thing that made the changing color process is caused by the contribution of the protein in the chips material. The biggest rice flour formulation in the dough is 100% (tapioca 0%) with the

treatment R 100 T 0 , the product color will leads to brownish. It is caused by protein content of the rice flour is bigger 7% than tapioca 0.5%. The bigger protein content upon heating is because of frying makes the Maillard reaction happen. This

reaction occurs due to the heating process of chips wrapped in carbohydrate dough containing carbonyl groups of reducing sugars with amino (amine) primer of the protein material (Mauron, 1981; Winarno, 2004). Consequently, if the rice flour amount is reduced and tapioca flour is increases, the color of the product toward yellowish.

3.2.2. Analysis Result of Flavor Test of Tilapia Fish Fillet Chips

The average score of flavor test of tilapia fish fillet chips ranged from 3.55 – 4.1 (slightly savory, slightly rancid - savory, not rancid), more seen in Table 3.

Table 3 show that the flour dough formulation pointed out that the average flavor score has a little difference, but the highest average flavor is given by the panelist in

the formulation R 80 T 20 with score 3.8 (savory, not rancid). While the longer stage time (3.6 and 9 weeks), the average flavor score decreases in sequence 3.9 (savory, not rancid); 3, 7 (between rather savory, little rancid to savory, not rancid)

and 3.25 (slightly savory, slightly rancid). The emergence of a little taste of rancid in storage up to 9 weeks in accordance with the rise of the TBA numbers above the threshold value (above 1-2 mg / kg), amounting to 2.279 mg/ kg. It can be assumed that the storage chips fillets of tilapia to 9 weeks (± 2 months, 7 days), panelists could still accept the crisps taste because this time as the onset of rancidity.

Sept ember 8 th – 9 th 2015, Facult y of Biot echnology – Universit as At ma Jaya Yogyakart a

3.2.3. Crispness Test of Tilapia Fish Fillet Chips

The average crispness score in all treatments is ranged from 3.55 – 4.1 (slightly crispy – crispy), as presented in Table 4.

In Table 4, the average all treatments have score between 3.55 – 4.1 and show that all treatments of the formulation of the mixture dough of the rice flour and the tapioca flour and stored during 3.6 and 9 weeks doesn’t show a big differences in P ≤0.01 and P≤0.05. The differences increasing score of crispness is just a little differences. It is also supported that the water content of the data analysis, the chips were stored at 3.6 and 9 weeks - the average value of the water level is 1.604; 2.39 and 3.087%; so that they meet the quality tempeh chips requirements as the comparison is a maximum of 3%. It seems that increasing water levels are still very low, the panelists have not been able to distinguish the change of crispness.

3.2.4. Favor Levels of Tilapia Fish Fillet Chips

The average favor score tilapia fish fillet chips in all treatment ranged between 3.55-5.8 (rather like – like it very much) and shown in Table 5.

In Table 5 show that the increasing storage time from 3.6 and 9 weeks, the average value of a further score dropped from 5.37 (like); 4.483 (between rather like - like) and to 3.95 (rather like). This may also be associated with a decrease in the average value of the taste test in line with the increasing of chips storage period.At

different flour formulations (R 100 T 0 ,R 80 T 20 dan R 70 T 30 ) panelists scoring average value respectively - helped 4.53 (rather like-like); 5.03 (like) and 4.217 (rather

like). So in formulation R 80 T 20 , panelists give the highest score for the favorite. It is

Sept ember 8 th – 9 th 2015, Facult y of Biot echnology – Universit as At ma Jaya Yogyakart a

storage were also the highest in the formulation R 80 T 20 .

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