Antimicroba Activity

3.3 Antimicroba Activity

The formed clear zone caused antimicroba activity every extrat with concentration 100% like Figure 3.

Figure 3. Clear zone diameters every extract

Sept em ber 8 th – 9 th 2015, Facult y of Biot echnology – Universit as At m a Jaya Yogyakart a

Figure 3 show what the biggest clear zone in all sample microba is mimba extract, whereas bark of banana extract have little clear zone. clear zone formed in mimba extract have category is weak, in Salmonella typhi have rather category, but in C.albicans have not respons category.

In cabe jamu extract have 3 clear zone amount not respons category because have small diameters about 2-6mm [10]. Clear zona formed because cabe jamu have alkaloid, saponin, tannin, flavonoid, steroid, glikosida, and trefrepenoid what can stop bacteria growing [16], and have other chemical, there are piperine, sitosterol, sitral, piperlonguminine, sylvatine. Piperin in cabe jamu amoung alkaloid is less base amida what can formed salt and stronge mineral acid so can stop bacteria growing with destroy component in peptidoglican in bacteria cell, so can formed cel wall and make that died [22].

Antimicroba in bidara laut extract have clear zone what category not respon in Staphylococcus aureus , clear zone in Salmonella typhii have weak category, and clear zone in Candida albicans have category not respon [10]. Active chemical are

(strychnine) (C 21 H 26 O 4 N 2 ) and brusin (brucine) (C 23 H 26 O 4 N 2 ) what formed clear zone, both is alkaloida kuinolin (Dediwan et al ., 1993). alkaloid mechanism in bidara and other sampel can change amino acid structure by nitrogen base in alkaloid. So can destroyed cell wall and DNA [23].

Sambiloto extract have not respon antimicroba to S. aureus , but have clear zone to Salmonella typhii and Candida albicans . That clear zone have not response. Saponin,flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin, andrograpolide, paniculides can stop Salmonella typhii and Candida albicans growing [20]. The saponin in sambiloto will give hydrogen bonded [24] so can destroy cell wall permeability [25]. Clear zone in kayu jaran extract have weak respon to S.aureus dan Salmonella typhii , and have not respon category to Candida albicans . Whereas in banana extract have not respon in all microba. Observation in this research have 24 and 48 hours. Every observation do measure of clear zone. In tabel 3 show incubation time 24 hours give influence to S.aureus growth is have more efetivity that observation in 48 hours. Clear zone formed in incubation 24 hours have biggest diameter clear zone that 48 hours because possible to antimicroba have been decomposition or microba have been resisten. Antimicroba in sample have cateristics is bacteriostatik except sambiloto and bark of banana extract. Agree with [26] because that bakteriostatik caused chemical just stop growth that microba not died that microba. But if bacteriosida caused that chemical can died that microba.

Table 3. Clear zone diameter with all type extract with 100% concentration to S. aureus

Jenis Ekstrak Zona Bening (mm) Bakteriostatik/Bakteriosida Kategori Respon

dalam inkubasi

24 jam

48 jam

Lemah Cabe jamu


14 13.3 Bakteriostatik

Tidak ada Bidara

3.3 3.3 Bakteriostatik

Tidak ada Sambiloto

8 7 Bakteriostatik

Tidak ada Kayu jaran

0 0 Tidak ada

Lemah Batang Pisang

13.3 12.3 Bakteriostatik

0 0 Tidak ada

Tidak ada

Sept em ber 8 th – 9 th 2015, Facult y of Biot echnology – Universit as At m a Jaya Yogyakart a

Based that antimicroba test use diffusion method have result to Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhii, Candida albicans is mimba extract so continue to dillusion method. Dillusion method to know about Minimum Inhibitor Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) in Tabel 4.

Table 4. MIC an MBC value to all micoba sampel

Jenis Bakteri


μg/ml μg/ml S.aureus





2 0 ^ 60x10 >60x10 >60x10 >60x10 >60x10

2 0 ^ 67x10 77x10 125x10 >125x10 >125x10 typhii

2 0 ^ 6x10 9x10 9x10 76x10 albicans

Keterangan: * : menunjukkan nilai MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration)

+ : menunjukkan nilai MBC (Minimum Bactericidal Concentration) ^ : menunjukkan tidak memiliki respon

MIC value in mimba extrat (Tabel 3) to S.aureus dan Salmonella typhi in concentration 1000 μg/ml whereas Candida albican have concentration 500 μg/ml with method of measure all coloni what grow in medium PCA. Obey with [27] if MBC value certain from have noth microba growing in medium. It’s same if MBC value just to Candida albicans with concentration 1000 μg/ml. Mimba leaf have caracteristick bakteriostatik to S. aureus and Salmonella typhi , and have bakteriocidal to Candida albicans.

Antimicroba from mimba extract caused have complete phytochemical, there are yaitu saponin, alkaloid, flavonoid anf steroid also have azadiractin [28], [29]. The mimba advantages can destroy of a growth microba patoghen like Salmonella thyposa (caused tipus) and Staphylococcus aureus (caused gastroenteritis) [30]

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