The Guideline of English Curriculum for the student s’ achievement by using songs as a medium for teaching vocabulary in the elementary school. 30 3. The thesis has tittled, “Pengaruh Minat pada Lagu Bahasa Inggris terhadap Kemahiran Mendengarkan Sis wa di SMA Kristen Irene Manado”, by Helen Yuliana Angmalisang. Her research is to analyze in what extent the interest in English songs have an effect on student’s listening skills in SMA Kristen Irene Manado. 31 All the studies has the same purpose in teaching learning proses to get improvement in speaking and listening skill. And the pronounciation is part of that skills. In those studies teaching learning english by using song is always used in the strategy. It ensures that teaching learning english by using song becomes one alternative in fun learning english to get goals. In this study, the writer will make something different with the studies mentioned above. This study will be focussed in pronounciation through singing english song. 30 Eko Arisetyowati, songs as a medium for teaching vocabulary in the lementary School, a case study in the 4th grade of SD Negeri Pucungroto Magelang. Semarang: UNNES, 2006 31 Helen Yuliana, Pengaruh Minat pada Lagu Bahasa Inggris terhadap Kemahiran Mendengarkan Siswa di SMA Kristen Irene Manado. Manado: Sam Ratulangi University, 2013


A .Research Design The Design of this research is Classroom Action Research. This research is expected to improve the student ’s speaking ability before and after using songs to teach speaking and the process of the teaching using songs as well as possible. Action research is a kind of research that always becomes significant research in language education research. Elliot 1991 has opinion about it. He states “I’m anticipating that action research will become highly recommended as a strategy fo r helping teachers to maximize pupils’ achievements of national curriculum targets”. 32 By the definition of action research above, it can be concluded that action research is a series of procedures, a group of activity and a piece of descriptive research carried out by a teacher in the classroom in order to improve aspects of the teaching or to evaluate the success and or appropriate of certain activities and procedures, without changing the phenomenon under investigation. Elliot 1991 adds the central characteristic of action research is the join reflection about the relationship in particular circumstances between processes and products. Each kind of research must have goal in order to solve the problem which is being researched. All wright and Bailey state that the goals of action 32 J. Elliott, Action Research for Educational Change Buckingham: Open University Press, 1991, 50