Role to Use Direct Method in Class

18 English. Beside that, they also study culture consisting of the history of the people who speak the target language English, and information about the daily lives of the speakers of the language Cross Culture Understanding. Evaluation in the Direct Method, students are using both oral and written skills. For example, the students might be interviewed orally by teacher or might be asked to write a paragraph about something they have studied. Role to Use Direct Method in Class

According to Diller 1978, Direct Method has one very basic rule, there is translation is disallowed. The purpose of language learning is communication. Teachers who use the Direct Method intend that students learn how to communicate in the target language English. In order to do this successfully, students should learn to think in English and the students’ native language should not be used in the classroom. Automatically, it makes students to use English vocabulary as much as possible in this learning process. Students learn English vocabulary more naturally with practice it in this method. It helps them to understand what the meaning of each word is and how to use it easier. It is better than just only memorize the meaning of the word without practice it. In order to associate meaning and the target language directly, the teacher introduces a new vocabulary with demonstrates its meaning through the use realia and visual aid so the language is made real. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures although abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas. Teacher makes students to communicate in the target language as if they were in real situation. Students practice vocabulary by 19 using new words in complete sentences. Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if students use it in full sentences, rather than memorizing word list. It is emphasized over grammar. Although work on all four skills reading, writing, speaking, and listening occurs from the start, oral communication as seen as basic. Thus reading and writing exercises are based upon what the students practice orally first. Pronunciation also receives attention right from the beginning of a course. In this study, students should be encouraged to using English vocabulary as much as possible by practice it, so they are not only memorizing the vocabulary list.

2.3 Framework of the Present Study

In this section the writer would like to talk about the framework of her present study. According to Miller states that vocabulary is a key element in the second language class. While grammar is important for meaning, without vocabulary no message is conveyed. Language learners are faced on a daily basis with the task of acquiring, and retaining, new vocabulary. One of the main tasks of a language teacher, then, is to help students develop a sufficiently large vocabulary. Vocabulary is central of language. Words are the building blocks of a language since they label objects, actions, ideas without which people cannot convey the intended meaning. The prominent role of vocabulary knowledge in second or foreign language learning has been recently recognized by theorists and