92 PERTAMINA LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2012 Intake minyak mentah pada tahun 2012 mengalami penurunan akibat adanya beberapa kendala suplai minyak mentah dan minyak mentah yang diterima cenderung lebih ringan dari rencana.Total intake gas lapangan berkurang karena tidak ada suplai gas untuk kilang LPG Pangkalan Brandan. Intake Intermedia eks Impor HOMC mengalami peningkatan disesuaikan dengan jumlah ekses naphtha karena perubahan komposisi minyak mentah yang diolah. Kinerja operasi kilang tahun 2012 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan 2011, diindikasikan dengan adanya peningkatan yield PKSA on intake dari 68,69 di tahun 2011 menjadi 71,41 di tahun 2012 termasuk produk NBF yang merupakan hasil alih produk Solar yang bernilai jual lebih tinggi. Indikator lainnya dari peningkatan kinerja kilang Pertamina adalah Plant Availability Factor PAF. Pada tahun 2012, PAF untuk primary processing adalah sebesar 99,74, lebih tinggi dibanding 2011 99,25, sedangkan untuk secondary processing sebesar 99,24, lebih tinggi dari 2011 99,05. Usaha Pemasaran Niaga Penjualan Produk BBM Kegiatan usaha Pemasaran dan Niaga Pertamina untuk penjualan BBM dalam negeri meliputi penjualan produk BBM bersubsidi atau Public Service Obligation PSO dan BBM Non PSO. Produk BBM yang disubsidi oleh Pemerintah meliputi: Produk Premium untuk sektor Transportasi; Minyak Tanah Kerosene untuk sektor Rumah Tangga Usaha Kecil; serta Minyak Solar untuk sektor Transportasi, Layanan Umum Usaha Kecil. Sedangkan produk BBM Non PSO meliputi produk Premium Keekonomian industri, Kerosene Keekonomian retail dan industri, Solar Keekonomian industri, Minyak Diesel dan Minyak Bakar untuk sektor Industri dan Marine, produk Bahan Bakar Khusus BBK meliputi Pertamax, Pertamax Plus, dan Pertamina Dex, serta Avtur dan Avgas untuk sektor aviasi. Realisasi kegiatan pemasaran dan niaga BBM sepanjang tahun 2012 mencapai 64,88 juta KL, yang terdiri dari 44,98 juta KL BBM bersubsidi dan 19,90 juta KL BBM Non PSO. Gambaran kegiatan usaha penjualan BBM disajikan dalam tabel berikut. Produk 2012 2011 Product BBM bersubsidi 44.96 million KL 41.69 million KL Subsidized Fuel BBM Non PSO 19.92 million KL 22.91 million KL Non PSO Fuel Total 64.88 million KL

64.60 juta KL Total

Secara umum, penjualan BBM pada tahun 2012 meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Intake of crude oil in 2012 decreased due to several constraints of supply of crude oil and crude oil received tend to be lighter than planned. Total intake of gas field is reduced because there is no gas supply to Pangkalan Brandan LPG refinery. Intake Intermedia ex Import HOMC experienced an increase which accomodated the number of naphtha excess due to the changes in the composition of the crude oil processed. The operating performance of refineries in 2012 was better compared to 2011, as indicated in the PKSA yield intake of 68.69 in 2011 to 71.41 in 2012 including NBF products, which are conversion from Diesel Fuel with higher sales prices. Other indicator of performance improvement of Pertamina’s refineries is the Plant Availability Factor PAF. In 2012, PAF for primary processing amounted to 99.74 , higher than 2011 99.25, while for secondary processing amounted to 99.24, higher than in 2011 99.05 . Marketing Trading Business Fuel Marketing Trading Business Pertamina’s marketing and trading business for domestic fuel sales covers sales of subsidized fuel or Public Service Obligation PSO and non PSO fuel. Fuel products subsidized by the government includes: Premium product for the transportation sector; Kerosene for the Households Small Businesses sector; as well as Solar Fuel for the Transportation, General Services Small Business sector. Whereas Non PSO fuel covers Industrial Premium, Kerosene for Retail and Industry, solar for Industry, Diesel Oil and Oil Fuel for Industry and Marine, Special Fuel BBK including Pertamax, Pertamax Plus, and Pertamina Dex, as well as Avtur and Avgas for the aviation sector. Realization of fuel marketing and trading throughout 2012 reached 64.88 million KL, consisting of 44.98 million KL of subsidized fuel and 19.90 million KL of Non PSO fuel. Fuel sales are illustrated in the following table. In general, fuel sales in 2012 increased compared to the previous year. 93 2012 ANNUAL REPORT PERTAMINA Improved PSO fuel sales in 2012 is due to the increasing number of vehicles and the growing trend of fuel consumption, the application of new control policy to subsidized fuel for the vehicles of the government SOEs ROEs from the initial plan that is for all private vehicles, as well as the absence of a firm policy relating to the use of subsidized fuel for industry supporting vehicles. However, the achievement of PSO fuel volume in 2012 is 0.33 lower than the target with an additional quota of 45.11 million KL. In 2012 an additional quota of PSO fuel based on the Decision of BPH Migas No. 20PSOBPHMigasKom2012 from the initial quota of 39.87 million to 43.88 million KL KL. Furthermore, based on the Results of the Working Meeting of Commission VII of the House of Representatives with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources dated 3 December 2012 it was determined a quota increase of PSO fuel, resulting the quota of Pertamina to become 45.11 million KL. In addition, Pertamina aviation business also increased sales. The increased sales of Aviation was affected by the increase of flight frequency by both domestic and international airlines. Through the concept of Conco Delco, Pertamina serves Avtur filling for regular flights in Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Incheon, Jeddah, Madinah, Riyadh and serving Penang and ad hoc flight in more than 20 locations including La Bourguet Paris, New York, Washington, Siem Reap - Cambodia, Majuro, Ceju and Prague. While the low realization of non PSO fuel is due to the influence of the price trend which continues to increase, resulting in consumers preference to consume PSO fuel. Likewise with the sales of Kerosene products which decreased due to the success of Kerosene to LPG conversion program in most parts of Indonesia. Non-Fuel Products Sales Non-fuel products that are produced and marketed by Pertamina consists of Gas Products, Lubricants Products and Commercial Products include Petrochemicals, Solvent, and other non-fuel. Total