Faults Are Not Created Equal

13.3.1 Faults Are Not Created Equal

In Section 13.1, we have discussed logic claims that can be made on the basis of testing a software product, and in Section 13.2 we have discussed probabilistic claims on the likely number of faults in a software product. In this section, we consider another probabilistic claim, namely failure probability (the probability of failure of any single execution) or the related concept of failure frequency (expected number of failures per unit of operation time); there are a number of conceptual and practical arguments to the effect that failure frequency is a more significant attribute of a software product than fault density.

• Not only is fault an evasive, hard to define, concept, as we have discussed in Chapter 6, but so is the concept of fault density. The reason is that faults are not independent attributes of the product but are rather highly interdependent. Saying that there are 30 black marbles in a bucket full of (otherwise) white marbles means that once we remove these 30 black marbles, we are left with

a bucket of uniformly white marbles. But saying that we have 30 faults in a software product ought to be understood as an approximate indicator of product quality; whenever one of these faults is removed, this may affect the existence, number, location and/or nature of the other faults. Removing one black marble from a bucket that has 30 black marbles in the midst of white marbles leaves us with 29 black marbles, but removing a fault from a program that has 30 faults does not necessarily leave us with 29 faults (due to the interactions between faults).

• From the standpoint of a product’s end-user, failure frequency is a much more meaningful measure of product quality/reliability than fault density. A typical end-user is not cognizant of the structure and properties of the software product, and hence cannot make any sense of an attribute such as fault density. But failure frequency is meaningful, for it pertains to an observable/actionable attribute of the software product: a passenger who boards an aircraft for a 3-hour flight may well know that aircrafts sometimes drop from the sky accidentally, but she/he does board anyway, because she/he estimates that the mean time to


failure of the aircraft is so large that the likelihood that a failure happens over the duration of the flight is negligible.

• Faults have widely varying impacts on product reliability. Some faults cause the software product to fail at virtually every execution, whereas others may cause it to fail under a very specific set of circumstances that arises very seldom (e.g., specific special cases of exception handling). Consequently, faults are not equally worthy of the tester’s attention; in order to maximize the impact of the testing effort, testers ought to target high impact faults before lower impact faults. One can achieve that by pursuing a policy of reducing failure rates rather than a policy of reducing fault density. A key ingredient of this policy is to test the software product under the same circumstances as its expected usage profile; this ensures that the reliability growth that we observe through the testing phase will be borne out during the operational phase of the product.

Figure 13.3 shows the difference between testing a product according to its expected usage profile and testing it with a different profile; the horizontal axis represents time and the vertical axis represents the observed failure rate of the software product; the vertical line that runs across the charts represents the end of the testing phase and the migration of the software product from its test environment to its field usage environment. If we test the product according to its usage profile (by mimicking whatever circumstances it is expected to encounter in the field) then the observation of reliability growth during test (as a result of fault removal) will be borne out once the product has migrated to field usage, because most of the faults that the user is likely to expose (sensitize) have already

Figure 13.3 Impact of usage patterns.


A: Normal

B: Exceptional

Figure 13.4 Targeted test coverage.

been exposed and removed; this is illustrated in the upper chart. If the product has been tested under different circumstances from its usage profile, then the tester likely removed many faults that have little or no impact on the user, while failing to remove faults that end users are likely to expose/sensitize; hence when the product is delivered, its failure rate may jump due to residual high impact faults.

• If a fault is very hard to expose, it may well be because it is not worth exposing. Consider, as a simple example, a software product that is structured as an alternative between two processing components: one (say, A) for normal circumstances and one (say, B) for highly exceptional circumstances. Imagine that in routine field usage, component B is called once for every ten thousand (10000) times more often than A is called. Then we ought to focus our attention on removing faults from A until the most frequent fault of B becomes more likely to cause failure than any remaining fault in A (Fig. 13.4).

So that if faults in B prove to be very difficult to expose because executing

B requires a set of very precise circumstances that are difficult to achieve, the proper response may be to focus on testing A until B becomes the bottleneck of reliability, rather than to invest resources in removing faults in B at the cost of neglecting faults in A that are more likely to cause failure.

For all these reasons, estimating the number of faults in a software product is generally of limited value; in the remainder of this section, we focus our attention on estimating failure frequency rather than fault density.

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