The introduction of the refinement ordering introduced in this chapter enables us to revisit a concept we had discussed in Chapter 2, namely, the contrast between relia- bility and safety. As we remember, the reliability of a system is its ability/likelihood of avoiding failure whereas the safety of a system is its ability/likelihood of avoiding catastrophic failure; because catastrophic failures are failures, one may be tempted to argue that a reliable system is necessarily safe but that is not the case. Indeed, reli- ability and safety are not logical/Boolean properties but stochastic properties, hence the argument that catastrophic failures are failures does not enable us to infer that reli- able systems are necessarily safe. Rather, because the stakes attached to meeting the safety requirements are much higher than those attached to meeting the reliability requirement, the threshold of probability that must be reached for a system to be con- sidered safe is much higher than the threshold of probability that must be reached for a system to be considered reliable.

This idea can be elucidated by means of the refinement ordering: Let R be the spec- ification that represents the reliability requirements of a system, and let F be the spec- ification that represents its safety requirements. For the sake of illustration, we consider a simple example of a system that controls the operation of traffic lights at an intersection.

• Specification R captures the requirements that the traffic light must satisfy in terms of how it schedules the green, orange, and red light of each incoming street, along with the walk and do not walk signs for pedestrians crossing the streets. Such requirements must dictate the sequence of light configurations (which streets have green, which streets have orange, which streets have red, which walkways have

a walk signal, which walkways have a flashing walk signal, which walkways


have a do not walk signal, etc.), as well as how much each configuration lasts in order to optimize traffic flow, fairness, pedestrian safety, and so on.

• Specification F focuses on two safety critical requirements: First that no orthog- onal streets have a green light at the same time; and second no street has a green light for cars and pedestrians at the same time.

The following observations are typical of a reliability–safety relationship: • The stakes attached to violating a safety requirement are much heavier than the

stakes attached to a reliability requirement. Violating a reliability requirement may cause a relatively minor inconvenience, such as a traffic jam or a low through- put of vehicles and pedestrians across the intersection; by contrast, violating a safety requirement may cause an accident that involves injuries or loss of life. ○ As a consequence of this difference in stakes, we impose different probability

thresholds to the different properties. To consider that a system is reliable, it suffices that it meets the reliability requirements with a probability of 0.99 over

a unit of operation time (e.g., an hour): having a traffic jam 1% of the time is acceptable. But to consider that a system is safe, we need a higher probability of meeting the safety requirements: having a fatal accident 1% of the time is not acceptable; a probability threshold of 0.999999 is more palatable.

• The reliability requirements specification (R) refines the safety requirements specification (F). If we consider the sample example of traffic lights and we assume that the requirements specification is valid, then the reliability require- ment clearly subsumes the safety requirement since any behavior that abides by the reliability requirement excludes that two orthogonal streets have a green light simultaneously or that a street has a green light while at the same time a walkway that crosses it has a walk signal.

• It is much easier to prove that a candidate program satisfies a safety requirement (F) than it is to prove that it satisfies the reliability requirement (R), for the simple reason that a reliability requirement is typically significantly more complicated. Fortunately, because the safety requirement is simpler, we can verify candidate programs against it with greater thoroughness, hence achieve greater confidence (reflected in higher probability) that a candidate program meets this requirement.

The Figure 4.14 shows specifications R and F, ordered by refinement, and illus- trates the relationship between the various possible behaviors of candidate programs, with corresponding probabilities of the behaviors in question: reliable behavior, (possibly unreliable but) fail-safe behavior, and unsafe behavior.

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