Data Analysis An Item Analysis On Discriminating Power Of English Summative Test (An Observation at the Seventh Grade of SMP Al Wathoniyah 09 East Jakarta)

40 One of the items has good discriminating power is an item no 9, because of 12 students from the upper group who answered the item no 9 correctly and only 6 students from the lower group who answered the item no 9 correctly. So, the item can tell as the good item because test item can differentiate the upper and the lower group and the discriminating power 0.46. Then, the item has satisfactory discriminating power is an item no 3, because of 11 students from the upper group who answered the item no 3 correctly and only 7 students from the lower group who answered the item no 3 correctly. So, the item can tell as the satisfactory item because test item can differentiate the upper and the lower group and the discriminating power 0.31. Next, one of the items has poor discriminating power is an item no 1 as the poor item because test item can not differentiate the upper and the lower group or same and the discriminating power 0.00. The last, the item has very poor discriminating power is an item no 15 because of 7 students from the lower group who answered the item no 15 correctly rather than 5 students from the upper group who answered the item no 15 correctly. So, the item can tell as the very poor item because the item cannot differentiate the upper and the lower group and the discriminating power -0.15 negative. From the analysis data above, it can be conclueded that the English Summative Test at the seventh grade of SMP Al Wathoniyah 09 East Jakarta has a good discriminating power so that the question from the summative test should be saved or can be used to next test. 41 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis and the interpretation in previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude that the English summative test which tested at seventh grade of “SMP Al Wathoniyah 09” East Jakarta, can be categorized into 4 different range of discriminating power. First, they are 5 test items 10 that is categorized into good test items. Then, they are 18 test items 36 that is categorized into satisfactory test items. Next, they are 20 test items 40 that is categorized into poor test items. And the last, they are 7 test items 14 that is categorized into very poor test items. So, there are 23 test items 46 or from the categorized good and satisfactory test items of English summative test regarded as a good discriminating power that range from 0.23 – 0.46 and it can be used for the next test. Meanwhile, 20 test items 40 are needed to be revised because the test items had the criteria poor test items that range from 0.00 – 0.15. And the last criteria is very poor test items of discriminating power have to be eliminated or discard because 7 test items 14 have the range from -0.08 – -0.3. From the explanation above, the writer concludes that the English summative test which is tested at seventh grade of “SMP Al Wathoniyah 09” East Jakarta has good discriminating power, because 23 test items 46 of the tests items have the criteria of a positive discriminating power which range from 0.23 – 0.46.