An analysis on the content validity of english summative test items for first grade of Junior High School in even semester 2012/2013 (An analytical study at the first year students of SMP Dua Mei)



(An Analytical Study at the First Year Students of SMP Dua Mei)


Gofur Adrian Shani NIM: 107014001290








(An Analytical Study at the First Year Students of SMP Dua Mei)


Presented to Department of English Education

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1


Gofur Adrian Shani NIM: 107014001290

Approved by the Advisor:











SHANI, GOFUR ADRIAN 2013, An Analysis on the Content Validity of English Summative Test Items for First Grade of Junior High School in Even Semester 2012/2013(A Analytical Study at the First Year Students of SMP Dua Mei),“Skripsi”, Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, “Syarif Hidayatullah” State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M. Pd.

Key Words: summative test, content validity, English syllabus, analysis.

In fact, a good test should be in line with the curriculum to measure students’ achievement accurately at the end of learning process. This study is aimed to analyze the empirical evidence whether or not the English Summative Test for the first grade of SMP Dua Mei has a good content validity and in line with syllabus. Moreover, it is intended to get reliable information whether the teacher use the right steps to make a good test for the students.

The method of this research is an analytical study. The writer collected the English Summative Test question paper for the first grade students of SMP Dua Mei in even semester 2012/2013, and examined the content of test items in order to judge what the test measures, and analyzed on both of the relevance and coverage of contents of the syllabus used by the school in relation to the test content to know their degree.

The finding of this research showed that the level of content validity of the English summative test for the first grade students of Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester academic year 2012/2013fell into the level 21-40% which meant “poor”.




SHANI, GOFUR ADRIAN 2013, An Analysis on the Content Validity of English Summative Test Items for First Grade of Junior High School in Even Semester 2012 / 2013(An Analytical Study at the First Year Students of SMP Dua Mei), Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Pembimbing: Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M. Pd.

Key Words: tes summatif, validitasisi, silabus bahasa Inggris, analisa.

Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bukti empiris apakah tes summative bahasa Inggris SMP Dua Mei memiliki validitas isi yang baik dan sesuai dengan silabus sekolah tersebut atau tidak. Terlebih lagi, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat apakah guru menggunakan langkah-langkah yang benar untuk membuat sebuah tes yang baik untuk siswa.

Metode studi ini adalah analisaisi, yaitu mengambil soal bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 1 SMP Dua Mei pada semester genap 2012/2013, kemudian memeriksa item tes untuk menilai ukuran tes tersebut dan menganalisa keseluruhan isi tes dengan silabus yang digunakan disekolah tersebut untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas isi test tersebut.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa level validitas isi dari test summative bahasa Inggris SMP Dua Mei pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2012/2013 berada dalam level 21—40% yang berarti tidak cukup memiliki tingkatan validitas isi.



All praise be to Allah „The Sacred and The Mighty’, the Creator of the Universe, for the health, strength, and everything that He has given to the writer in writing this “skripsi”. Peace and Blessing be upon the prophet Muhammad (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), his family, his companions as well as his followers, Amen.

In this process of finishing this “skripsi”, the writer got a lot of guidance and motivation from people around him. Therefore, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to his wonderful parents, (Mr. Mat Sani and Mrs. Sumiyati).

Furthermore, the writer would like to express his greatest gratitude to Mr. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M. Pd. as the writer’s advisor, who has spared his busy time for the writer to give consultations with a lot of patience, helpful, and careful guidance as well as valuable advice during developing this “skripsi”, and completing his working, may Allah response his kindness much better.

Moreover, the writer would like to acknowledge:

1. All lecturers of English Education Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Chairman of English Education Department and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department. 3. Dra. Nurlena Rifa’I, M.A. Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training.

4. The head master and all of the teachers in SMP Dua Mei, for giving permission to the writer to do observation and conduct the research.

5. All of the writer friends for the great friendship, support, togetherness and knowledge they have shared. May Allah the Almighty bless them all, so be it.



Jakarta, January 2014





ABSTRAK ... ii






A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Limitation of the Study ... 4

C. Statement of Problem ... 4

D. Objective of the Study ... 4

E. Significance of the Study ... 5

F. Organization of the Study ... 5


A. The Meaning of the Test ... 6

B. The Objectives of the Test ... 7

C. The Types of the Test ... 8

1. Placement Test ... 9

2. Diagnostic Test ... 9

3. Achievement Test ... 10

D. The Criteria of a Good Test ... 12

1. Validity ... 12

2. Practicality ... 12

3. Reliability ... 13

E. Validity ... 13



2. Face Validity ... 15

3. Criterion-Related Validity ... 15

4. Construct Validity ... 15

F. The English Teaching of Junior High School... 15

G. The Previous Studies ... 20


A. The Place and the time of the Research ... 22

B. The objective of the Research... 22

C. The Object of the Study ... 22

D. The Method of the Research ... 22

E. The Instrument ... 23

F. The Technique of the Data Collecting ... 23

G. The Technique of the Data Analysis ... 23


A. Finding ... 25

1. Data Description ... 25

2. Data Analysis ... 34

B. Interpretation... 48


A. Conclusion ... 51

B. Suggestions ... 51





Table 2.1 Competence Standard and Basic Competence of Reading and

Writing in School-Based Curriculum ... 17 Table 2.2 Indicators of Reading and Writing Skills ... 18 Table 3.1 The Criteria of the Conformity Level ... 24 Table 4. 1 The Representative and the Conformity between Summative Test

Items and the Indicator of the English Syllabus based on the Reading Skill ... 25 Table 4. 2 The Representative and the Conformity between Summative Test

Items and the Indicator of the English Syllabus based on the Writing Skill ... 29 Table 4. 3 The Unconformity between the English Summative Test items

Indicator ... 30 Table 4. 4 The Representative and the Conformity between the English

Summative Test items and the Discourse of English Syllabus ... 32 Table 4. 5 The Unconformity between the English Summative Test Items and




Appendix 1 The Question Sheet of English Summative Test of First Year Students of SMP Dua Mei in the Even Semester of the 2012/2013 Academic Year ... 55 Appendix 2 English Syllabus at First Year Students of SMP Dua Mei in the



This chapter presents and discusses background of study, statement of the problem, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and organization of the study.

A. Background of Study

English is a foreign language in Indonesia. It is studied from the elementary school until the university. The government of Indonesia and the private institution are struggling to enhance teaching and learning process of English.

Education is an important aspect in teaching and learning process. Generally, there are some aspects which cannot be separated each other. They are the teachers, the students, the materials, the methods and the mediums of teaching and learning. The teachers usually make the lessons plan to give the material to theirs students before teaching and learning activity. They also use the methods to conduct it and they decide some mediums to know the result of their teaching and learning activities. One of the mediums is evaluation.

Evaluation is a very important aspect in teaching and learning activities. Evaluation plays an important role in some activities, especially in terms of education. Through evaluation the teachers will be able to know their students’ achievement on the materials that have been taught in a certain period of time, so the teachers can measure their effectiveness in teaching which has been applied in the classroom. And the information gain through the evaluation will be very useful to make improvement in the future.

According to Hopkins, “Evaluation is the process of education which is depends extensively on assessment and measurement and on a related procedure.”1

While, Gronlund and Linn said in their book that evaluation


Kenneth D. Hopkins, Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, 8th ed., (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998), p. 6.


could be defined as the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to determine students’ instructional objectives achievement.2 In other words, the evaluation is necessary to give information of how successful the efforts of education have been.

In the effort of evaluating teaching and learning process, teachers need an instrument to assess the students’ performance. The writer considers that the test is one of the instruments of evaluation. The test can measure the students’ ability. Test is a short examination of knowledge or ability consisting of questions that must be answered or activities that must be carried out.3

According to Brown, ”Test is a method of measuring person’s ability or knowledge in a given domain.”4

By testing teachers can get important information related to students’ achievement or the effectiveness of their performance in teaching. In other words, the teacher can get information about how well students have mastered courses which they have learned. Through a test, teachers not only can measure and diagnose students’ ability, but can also improve the quality of teaching learning process.

There are numerous types’ of test. They are placement test, formative test, diagnostic test and summative test. Achievement test is known as summative test. Achievement test or summative test is defined as the test that is designed to measure students’ language and skill progress in the relation to the type of syllabus. Moreover, summative test contains of the test items that seem familiar with the students’ learning process.5

In the school program, achievement test consists of two activities. There are formative test and summative test. Formative test generally made by teacher of each subject, which is given at the end of the lesson or chapter.


Norman E.Gronlund and Robert L. Linn, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, sixth Edition, (New York: Collier Mac-Millan Publisher, 1990), p. 5.


A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 1233.


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, second edition, (New York. San Francisco University, 2001), p. 382.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman 2002), p. 321.


Meanwhile, summative test is made by a team which is given to the students at the end of semester. It is intended to show the standard which the student have reached. Besides, it is used to determine the extent to which the instructional objectives have been achieved and it is used primarily to judge the success of the learning progress.

To get a good result, the test must fulfill the criterion of a good test: validity, reliability, and usability that must be arranged well.6 In this time, the writer just focuses on the content validity because the writer wants to compare the test with the syllabus.

Validity is the most important consideration in test evaluation. The concept reverse to the appropriateness, meaning, and usefulness of the specific inferences made from the score. Test validation is the process of accumulating evidence to support such inference. The former types of validity (content, criterion related, and construct) are simply considered to be convenient categories for accumulating evidence to support the validity of an interpretation.7 In this study, the writer only focuses on the content validity. Content validity reverse to whether or not the test’s content is representative to the subject matters that have been designed to be measured.8

According to Gronlund “We can build a test that has high content validity by (1) identifying the subject-matter topics and the learning outcomes to be measured, (2) preparing a set of specification, which defines the sample of items to be use, and (3) constructing a test that closely fits the set of classification”.9 These are the procedure that the teacher should be use, if there is mistake or errors in the content validity itself, it could be come from the teacher who not adhere these steps.


Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, (Jakarta : Depdikbud, 1988) p. 11.


Norman E Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, fifth edition, (New York: McMillan Publishing Company, 1981), p. 5.


James Dean Brown and Thom Hudson, Criterion-Referenced Language Testing,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 213.



Teachers are the one who know the characteristics of their students. Therefore, they are the most responsible for designing the test items. Nevertheless, it is not an easy job for the teachers to make a good test. Sometimes the teachers make the test carelessly. The test is not representative of the content instruction. It means that the test has a poor content validity. Therefore, the test which is designed to measure students’ ability after the conducted learning process does not conform to curriculum. In fact, a good test should be in line with the curriculum to measure students’ achievement accurately at the end of learning process.

Due to the writer’s experience during his integrated teaching profession practice at SMAN 9 Tangerang Selatan, he thought that sometimes the test items are not coherence with the materials and the curriculum. So, the test cannot be representative of the instruction content. In other words, the test has a poor content validity.

Based on the reality above, the writer would like to analyze the content validity of summative test. It is conducted to know the relevance of the test items with the syllabus. He gives the title of this study; “An Analysis on the Content Validity of English Summative Test for First Grade of Junior High School in Even Semester 2012 / 2013 (A Case Study at First Grade of SMP Dua Mei)”.

B. Limitation of the Study

According to Arikunto, “Ada empat cara yang digunakan untuk menilai kualitas soal yaitu dengan meneliti soal yang sudah disusun untuk mengetahui kejelasan perintah atau bahasa, dengan mengadakan analisis soal, dengan mengadakan cheking validitas, dan dengan cheking reliabilita”. (There are four ways used to see the quality of test, they are; by checking the test items that have been arranged to know the clarity of construction or language, by doing an analysis, by checking validity, and by checking reliability).10


Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Ed. Revisi, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2005), 205-206.


Based on the statement above, the writer would like to see the quality of the test by checking the validity of the test items. He would like to analyze the content validity of English summative test of the first grade students of SMP Dua Mei). So he limits the problem on the content validity of the summative test and on indicators of reading.

C. Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem in this study is as follow: “Does the

Summative Test for the First Grade Students of SMP Dua Mei Have a Good Content Validity?”

D. Objective of the Study

The purpose of this study is to analyze the empirical evidence whether or not the English Summative Test for the first grade of SMP Dua Mei has good content validity and in line with syllabus.

E. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give contribution for:

1. The writer, as a partial fulfillment of the requirements of bachelor’s degree in English Education Department to enrich his knowledge as a candidate of English teacher.

2. English Teachers, to understand how to make the test item of English Summative test well, especially for the writer.

3. Other researchers, as a comparison and the starting point to make more comprehensive research.

F. Organization of the Study

This chapter is systematically divided into four chapters:

Chapter one is introduction. It consists of background of the study, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, and organization of the study.


Chapter two is theoretical framework. This chapter discusses about the test involving definition of the test, type of the test, type of the test item, functions of the test and characteristic of a good test, validity, and content validity.

Chapter three is research methodology and finding. This chapter divided into two part; Research methodology involving place and time of the research, technique of data collecting, and technique of data analysis. Research finding involves the description of data and the interpretation of data.

Chapter four presents about finding (data description, data analysis, and summary of finding) and interpretation.

Chapter five is the last chapter. It consists of conclusion and suggestions of this study.



In this chapter the writer will convey any theories related to the research. It will be divided into four big subtitles; the test, the English teaching at junior high school, and the previous studies. The test consists of the meaning of the test, the objectives of the test, the types of the test, and the criteria of a good test. The English teaching at junior high school will give any description about English syllabus and the previous study will deliver any relevant studies.

A. The Meaning of the Test

Evaluation cannot be separated from the teaching learning process, especially for the teacher. Therefore, teacher should comprehend more about the test as a tool of evaluation. Here are some definitions about the test.

According to Valette, “Testing is a topic of concern to language teachers, both those in the classroom and those engage in administration or research.”1 It means that the test is an important thing for teacher that should be given attention more either in the process or in the system of teaching learning.

Nitko states, “A test is a systematic procedure for observing and describing one or more characteristic of a person with the aid of either a numerical scale or a category system.”2

The statement means that an individual’s characteristics are to be able to observe and to describe with the aid of a numerical scale or a category system systematically.

Meanwhile, Hopkins and Antes stated, “A test is an instrument, device or procedure that purposes a sequence of tasks to which a student is to respond _ the results of which are used measures of a specified trait.“3The statement


Rebecca M. Vallete, Modern Language Testing, Second Edition, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1977),p. 3.


Anthony J. Nitko, Educational Tests and Measurement: An Introduction, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, 1983), p. 6.


Charles D. Hopkins and Richard L. Antes, Classroom measurement and Evaluation, (Itasca: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1990), third edition, p.130.


implies that the teacher is able to use a test as their instrument to determine the traits for the students’ in the future of teaching and learning process.

Gronlund and Linn stated, “A test is an instrument or systematic procedure for measuring a sample of behavior (answer the question “How well does the individual perform _ either in comparison with a domain of performance task?”).”4

The definitions explain that a test is able to answer the questions about the development of individual’s performance by comparing to the others or with a domain of performance task itself.

While Reynolds, et. al., explain,”A test is a device procedure in which of a sample individual’s behavior is obtained, evaluated and score using standardized and procedures.”5

The explanation above means that a test is a procedure which is constructed standardized procedure to measure, to score, and to get an example of individual’s behavior such as ability and personality.

Based on some definitions above, the writer summarizes that a test is a systematic procedure or an instrument to measure or compare the students’ behavior and their achievement in the form of task or questions for providing information about the trait that is relevant to the teaching learning process.

B. The Objectives of The Test

Brown explains that “A test has the purpose of measuring, measures a person’s ability or knowledge, also being measured in a test is ability or competence.” In other words, a test has the purpose of strengthening and strengthens an individual capability also being strengthened in a test a skill.6

On the other hand, Nitko defines that a test has four objectives: 1. Assigning grades to students

2. Providing feedback to students about their learning


Norman E. Grolund and Robert L. Linn, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching.(New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990), sixth edition, p.5.


Cecil R. Reynolds, et. al., Measurement and Assessment in Education, (Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc., 2009), second edition, p.3.


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interview Approach to Language Pedagogy, second edition, (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2001), p. 384.


3. Providing feedback to the teacher as well as to students-information about how well students have learned and how well the teacher has taught 4. Serving as motivators for students to study7

It means that a test could be used as a tool of appreciation and motivation for students, and as a measurement about how well the teaching and learning process is applied.

On the other hand, according to Harris, the objectives of test are: 1. To determine the readiness for instructional programs

2. To classify or place individuals in appropriate language classes 3. To diagnose the individual’s specific strengths and weaknesses

4. To measure the extent of student achievement of the instructional goals 5. To evaluate the effectiveness of instruction8

It shows that through the test, teacher should know the characteristics of the students in order to increase the achievement of the goals.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that a test has at least two main objectives. Firstly, it is to measure the student’s achievement so that the teachers are able to determine the grades and the aptitudes of their students. Secondly, it is as a feedback for the teachers and for the students about the progress of teaching learning process.

C. The Types of the Test

The categorization of the test is determined by the information which is implied in the test.9 Hughes categorizes the test based on the types of information they supply. In addition, he classifies the test into four, such as types of the test; they are placement test, diagnostic test, achievement test, and proficiency test.10


Anthony J. Nitko, Educational Tests and Measurement: An Introduction, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, 1983), pp 17-18.


David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974), pp. 2-3.


Arthur Hughes, Test for Language Teachers, second edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 11.

10 Ibid.


1. Placement Test

Tinambunan explains test which is given based on pupils’ competence.11 In addition, he states that in style to decide at the beginning before the pupils enter the class12. Moreover, Gronlund states, “The goal of placement evaluation is to determine the position in the instructional sequence and the mode of instruction that is most likely to benefit the pupil in the most.”13

It describes the objective of the placement test is to know the style of the direction and the necessity of the pupil most in study.

From the definitions above, it implies that the kind of test is given to the students before starting to study of a course, the students need to take the test in order to know how well their ability are. The result of the test is used to place the students at appropriate level with their ability.

2. Diagnostic Test

According to Hughes, “Diagnostic test is used to identify learner’s strengths and weakness.”14 It means the diagnostic test provides the information about plus and minus of the learners. While Gronlund states, “The test is concerned with the persistence or recurring learning difficulties that are left unresolved by the standard corrective prescription of formative evaluation.”15In other word, he states that the diagnostic test focuses on the weakness on the learning which are measured by the standard evaluation.

From the definition above, the writer synthesized that by using this kind of test, the teachers are able to identify difficulties or weaknesses that students face in learning process, so that they are able to formulate a plan to solve the difficulties.


Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direkorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan), p. 7.

12 Ibid.


Norman E Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, Fifth edition, (New York: McMillan Publising Company, 1981), pp. 11-12.


Hughes, op.cit., p, 15



3. Achievement Test

According to Arthur Hughes, achievement test is “The test that is related to language courses, their purpose being to establish how successful individual student, group of students, or the courses themselves have been achieving the objectives."16 It could be concluded that the achievement test is a type of test which is designed to measure students’ mastery related to the objective of the learning process.

According to Woolfolk, the measurement of achievement can be divided into two types; formative and summative test.17 It means that the teacher can measure the achievement of the students by using formative and summative test.

a. Formative Test

According to Baxter, “Formative evaluation is done during a process so that the process can be changed to make it more effective.”18

It is indicated that formative test is designed to measure an individual’s comprehension in a term. Another definition comes from Arthur Hughes who said that "Assessment is formative when the teachers use it to check on the progress of their students, to see how far they have mastered what they should have learned, and then use this information to modify their future teaching plans."19 It can be indicated that formative test can be used to know the success of an individual to measure the mastery of few chapters.

From any statements above, the writer can conclude that formative test is a kind of test which is constructed by teacher to


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, Second Edition, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 13.


Anita E. Woolfolk, Educational Psychology, (Englewood Cliffs: Prenctice-Hall, 1990), 4th Ed., p. 530.


Andy Baxter, Evaluating Your Students, (London: Richmond Publishing, 1997), p. 32.



know how successful the learning and teaching process in the classroom in a periodical time.

b. Summative Test

Based on Gronlund, “summative test typically comes at the end of a course (or unit) of instruction. It is designed to determine the extent to which the instructional objectives have been achieved and is used primarily for assigning course grades or for certifying pupil mastery of the intended learning outcomes.”20

It implies that summative test is used to gauge an individual’s skill after finishing all of the teaching learning process. It means that this kind of test is designed at the end of the course and used for measuring the effectiveness of instructional objectives.

Moreover, according to Harmer on The Practice of English Language Teaching, “Summative assessment, as the name suggests, is the kind of

measurement that takes place to round things off or make a one-off measurement. Such test include the end-of-year tests that students take or the big public exams which many students enter for.” 21

To sum up, summative test is a type of test which is constructed at the end of study after the students have finished all materials. The purpose is for certifying the students’ achievement and judging the appropriateness of the material given, method used and the goal of the study.

c. The Proficiency Test

McNamara assumes that proficiency test is a test which is designed to see language use in the future, and it is not related to the course or training that an individual has had.22 Meanwhile, according to Valette,


Norman E. Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluationin Teaching, 5th Edition, (New York: McMillan Publishing Company, 1981), pp. 11-12.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Essex: Pearson Education Limited),4thEd., p. 379.



proficiency test is a kind of test to exam an individual’s language ability related to specific language requirements.23

It can be concluded that proficiency test is kind of test whose purpose to measure an individual’s language mastery based on the material required.

D. The Criteria of a Good Test

According to Henning, there are three criteria that should be considered to make a good test; validity, reliability, and practicality.24

1. Validity

Henning defines, ”Validity in general refers to the appropriateness of given test of any of its component parts as a measure of what it is purported to measure.25

From the definition above, the writer assumes that the validity of a test is totally needed because it relates to the conformity of the test to some goals in curriculum or course of the study.

2. Practicality

Practicality means that the test should be easy to practice. Practicality is concerned with a wide range of factors of economy, convenience, and interpretability that determine whether a test is practical for widespread use.”26

It means that practicality is related to the process of the administration of the test which concerns with economy, convenience, and interpretability aspects.

Based on statement above, it is inferred that there are three important aspects related to the practicality of the test. The first is the efficiency of the time, the efficiency of the cost and the ease of administration.


Valette, op, cit., p.6.


Grant Henning, A Guide to Language Testing: Development, Evaluation, Research,(Cambridge: Newburry House Publishers, 1987), p. 88.


Ibid., p. 89.


Robert L. Thorndike and Elizabeth Hagen, Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education, (New York: Jhon Willey & Son’s Ltd, 1977), p. 160.


3. Reliability

Reliability of the test can be related to the different candidates, occasions and the results of the test. It means that if the test is administered to the different candidates in the different time makes same result, so the test will be reliable.27

Regarded to this statement the writer concludes that the test can be said reliable if the test is administered to the different test takers in same or different time and then it produces same score.

E. Validity

Validity is often defined as the degree of the successful a test measures what is intended to measure. validity of the test is admitted if there is correspondence between the purpose and the skill that want to be measured.

According to Gronlund, validity of the test is the extent to which the test measures what it is supposed to be measured.28 It means that the test must provide real measurement related to the particular skill. Validity also has the meaning the appropriateness between the material given and the recommended skills which arise in the test.29

To sum up, validity is the basic thing in constructing the test, because without the appropriateness between the material and the skill in the test, the purpose of the test could not be reached.

Concerning the types of the validity, Hughes divided it into four; content validity, face validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity.30


Heaton, op. cit., p. 162.


Heaton, op. cit., p. 159.


Norman E. Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluating in Teaching, (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1981), p. 65 - 67.



1. Content Validity

Content validity is a test whose test items appropriate with the material and instruction which is given in the teaching learning process.

However, according to Hopkins, the definition of content validity itself is the level of representativeness sample of content universe and/or behavior of the domain which is measured in the test.31

Moreover, Alderson et al. stated that “content validity is the

representativeness or sampling adequacy of the content-the substance, the matter, and the topics-of a measuring instrument. The content means the material in the curriculum. That is why this kind of validity is also called as curricular validity.32

Content validity is also defined as how good the representativeness of the domain of tasks in the test items. In analyzing content validity of the test, the tester should compare between test tasks and domain of the test in which it must be described considerately.

According to Wiersma and Jurs, there are two methods for demonstrating the content validity of a test. The first method is by listing the specific objectives of the test that want to be reached and match them with each test item. And then, decide whether they have been appropriate or not. Another method is by constructing a table to classify the items’ content and taxonomic level, that is, student outcome required on the item.33

The methods mentioned above are known as validation process. If a test does not have content validity, there could be some problem appeared. The first problem is the students could not show the skill that they have related to the material in the class. The second problem is the students


Kenneth D. Hopkins, Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation,

(Boston: Viacom Company, Eight Edition., 1998), p. 77


J. Charles Alderson et al., Language Test Construction and Evaluation, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 173



could not answer the questions correctly because there is no appropriateness between the teaching material and the test given.

From those problem, it can be concluded that content validity has an important role in teaching learning process.

2. Face Validity

Anderson, et. al. state, “Face validity refers to the test’s surface credibility or public acceptability, and is frequently dismissed by testers as being unscientific and irrelevant.”34

It means that a test has face validity if it has appearance as it should be measured.

3. Criterion-Related Validity

Criterion-related validity related to whether the result of the test could predict the future performances. In predicting future performances the test scores in the present will be compared with any other valued measure of performance.35

4. Construct Validity

Test can be said that it has construct validity if it can gauge a specific criterion which is regarded to the theory of language behavior and learning. It is related to the general truth and developed issue. Also, construct validity concerns on the existences of certain learning theories or constructs that being the element of the achievement of abilities and skills.36

F. The English Teaching of Junior High School

There are hundreds countries in the world. Different country has different language. English as Lingua Franca is used to make a meaningful communication between nation. Communication here means full understanding of producing and comprehending material which wants to be conveyed related to four skills.

34 Ibid. 35

Gronlund, op. cit., p. 68.



The four skills are used to respond or create a topic in life.. Therefore, they are able to communicate in English at a certain level of literacy. Level of literacy includes performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. At the performative level, people are able to read, write, listen, and talking with the symbols used. At the functional level, they able to use the language to meet the needs of daily living suchas reading an instruction or newspaper. At the informational level, they are able to access the knowledge with the ability to speak, while the epistemic level people are able to express knowledge into language objectives.

According to the School-based Curriculum (KTSP), English subject for junior high school is aimed to,

a. Develop competence to communicate in speaking and writing

b. Have an awareness basic function of English as a tool of communication c. Develop the students’ comprehension about the correlation between

language and culture.37

The scopes of the subjects in English in SMP / MTs include:

a. Discourse competence. It is the ability to understand and produce spoken and written text which is applied in four language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing integratedly to reach the level of functional literacy;

b. Competence in comprehending and creating any kinds of short functional text, monolog, and essay in procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report form. Gradation of the material appeared in vocabulary, grammatical and rhetorical steps usage.

c. Supporting competencies. They are linguistic competence (using grammar and vocabulary, phonology), sosiocultural competence (using of expression and action acceptably in a variety of communication contexts), strategic competence (overcoming issues that arise in a communication


BadanStandarNasionalPendidikan (BSNP), Standar Isi

untukSatuanPendidikanDasardanMenengah, StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar SMP/MTS,


process in various ways in order to continue communication), and forming discourse competence (using the device to form discourse).38

The test that is analyzed in this study was given in written and only measured reading and writing skill. Therefore, the analysis of content validity in this study is only based on the reading and writing skill and kinds of discourse. For the competence standard and the basic competence of reading and writing for the first year students of junior high school at even semester could be showed by this following table,

Table 2.1

Competence Standard and Basic Competence of Reading and Writing in the School-Based Curriculum

Competence Standard Basic Competence

Reading (Membaca)

Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

1. Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat 2. Merespon makna yang terdapat

dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima

yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan terdekat

Writing (Menulis)

38 Ibid.


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

1. Mengungkapkan makna

gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

2. Mengungkapkan langkah

retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

The competence standard and basic competence mentioned above have to be developed by school to be teaching materials, teaching activities, and the indicators. Here are the indicators of reading and writing skill which have to be reached by the first year students at even semester.

Table 2.2

Indicators of Reading and Writing Skills

Skill The Indicators


1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman dengan jelas:

Gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf


Informasi tersirat

Rujukan kata atau makna kata/ frasa

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman

3. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman

4. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks deskriptif dan prosedur:

Gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf

Informasi rinci tersurat

Informasi tersirat

Rujukan kata atau makna kata/ frasa

5. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dalam teks deskriptif dan prosedur dengan cermat

6. Mengidentifikasi fungsi komunikatif teks deskriptif/ prosedur dengan cermat dan kreatif

7. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan teks deskriptif / prosedur dengan cermat


1. Menulis teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman

2. Menulis kalimat fungsional sederhana 3. Melengkapi teks deskriptif dan prosedur 4. Menyusun teks

5. Menulis teks deskriptif dan prosedur

According to the English syllabus, there are many kinds of discourse which are used in the classroom. They are instruction, list of things, congratulation, announcement, descriptive text and procedure text.


G. The Previous Studies

The first previous study was conducted by Istyasmi Suminar (2012). She has analyzed the content validity of English summative test at SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia. In her study, she analyzed the test items and compared those items to the syllabus used by the school. She limited the study on the second grade students of SMP Al-Zahra at even semester academic year 2010/2011. She used descriptive comparative and also quantitative because she used some numerical data which are analyzed statistically. Her research found that it was only 40% of the test which conformed to the English syllabus. In other words, it had poor content validity.39

The second previous study was conducted by Marinta Yuana Handari (2012). She has also analyzed the content validity of English summative test at SMPN 13 Tangerang Selatan. In her study, she analyzed the test items and compared those items to the syllabus used by the school. She limited the study at the first year students of SMPN 13 Tangerang Selatan at odd semester academic year 2010/2011. She used descriptive comparative and also quantitative because she used some numerical data which are analyzed statistically. Her research found that it was only 55% of the test which conformed to the English syllabus. It other words, The English Summative Test does not have a good content validity.40

The last previous study was conducted by Aprilliani Isti Silvani (2012). Like the writers above, she has analyzed the content validity of English summative test at second year students of Junior High School. In her study, she analyzed the test items and compared those items to the curriculum and syllabus used by the school to know the students’ achievements. She limited the study at the first year students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung in the even semester academic year 2010/2011. Her research found that the percentage of the content validity level of the English summative test items


Istyasmi Suminar, “Analysis on Content Validity of the English Summative Test at the

Second Grade Students at SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia”,Skripsi in Sayrif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, unpublished.


Marinta Yuana Handari, “Analysis on Content Validity of the English Summative Test

for First Grade of Junior High School in Odd Semester at SMPN 13 Tangerang Selatan”, skripsi


for the second year students of SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung, west Java, in the even semester of the 2010/2011 academic year was 84,44 %. In other words, The English Summative Test has a very good content validity.41


Aprilliani IstiSilvani, “An Analysis of Content Validity of English Summative Test of

Second Year Students of Junior High School at SMP Muhammadiyah 37 Parung ”, skripsi in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, unpublished.



This chapter is divided into the place and the time of the research, the objective of the research, the object of the research, the method of the research, the instrument, the technique of the data collecting, and the technique of the data analysis.

A. The Place and the time of the Research

The research is held in Dua Mei Junior High School which is located at Jl. H. Abdul Gani No. 135, Cempaka Putih - South Tangerang. The research is conducted on September, 18th 2013 - October, 2nd 2013.

B. The objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to find whether the English summative test items for the first grade students at Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013 academic year has content validity. It is also done to know the content validity level of the test itself.

C. The object of the Research

The object of the research is the items of English summative test for the first grade students at Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013 academic year. The test consists of 40 multiple choices and 5 essays.

D. The Method of the Research

The method of the research is descriptive comparative. First, the writer analyzes the content of each item related to the specific objectives. Furthermore, he also compares it with the syllabus to find out whether the English summative test items for the first grade students of Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013 academic year have good content validity.


E. The Instrument

The instrument that the writer used is the syllabus which has tables consists of indicators reading and writing skill, and the discourse required in the English syllabus which is used in Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013 academic year.

F. The Technique of the Data Collecting

In getting the data, the writer uses the English summative test (UAS) at the second grade students of Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013 academic year and the school syllabus. Then the writer analyzes the content of each item and compares it with the indicator of reading and writing skills in the syllabus.

G. The Technique of the Data Analysis

Technique of collecting data in this research is using data card consisting the theme, discourse, indicator, skill, and the kinds of test items. The data are calculated using simple percentage formula. It is used to percentage of the conformity of the test items. According to Sudjono, the formula is:

x 100%

P = Percentage of content validity

F = Frequency of conformity/representativeness N = Number of sample1


Anas Sudiyono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006), p.43.


In addition, the test items were analyzed by considering the conformity and unconformity of reading and writing components required in the English syllabus for the second grade students of Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013 academic year. Moreover, the writer also compared the percentage with the criteria adopted from Arikunto’s theory:2

Table 3.1

The Criteria of the Conformity Level

Percentage Grade

81 - 100% 61 - 80% 41 - 60% 21 - 40% 0 - 20%

Very Good Good

Fair Poor Very Poor


Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian Edisi Revisi, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005), p. 44.



This chapter presents about finding (data description, data analysis, and summary of finding) and interpretation.


1. Data Description

The writer analyzed the test materials whether they conform to the English syllabus of Dua Mei Junior High School or not. To get the data, she took the questions sheet and the English syllabus document to be analyzed.

The data that the writer used in this study was the English Summative Test for the first grade students of Dua Mei Junior High School at even semester 2012/2013. There are 40 items of multiple choice and 5 items of essay (see appendix).

The following table describes the conformity between the summative test’s items and the English syllabus, especially for the reading components:

Table 4.1

The Representativeness and the Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicator of the English Syllabus Based on

Reading Skill

Skill The Indicators Item

Numbers Total


1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman


dengan jelas:

Gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf

Informasi rinci tersurat

Informasi tersirat

Rujukan kata atau makna kata/ frasa



11,26 23,27,18


2 Items

2 Items 3 Items


2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman

25 1 Item

3. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat, pengumuman

× - -

4. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks deskriptif dan prosedur:


umum/pikiran utama paragraf

Informasi rinci



Informasi tersirat

Rujukan kata atau makna kata/ frasa


20,28,30 21,29

1 Item

3 Items 2 Items

5. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dalam teks deskriptif dan prosedur dengan cermat

× - -

6. Mengidentifikasi fungsi komunikatif teks deskriptif/ prosedur dengan cermat dan kreatif

19 1 Item

7. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan teks deskriptif/prosedur dengan cermat




Total 4 15 Items

According to the syllabus there were 12 indicators which should be developed into 45 items. It means each item should represent at least 3 items. However, there were only 2 indicators represented. Furthermore, the percentage of the representativeness level of reading skill in the test could be calculated as follow:


P = Percentage of Content Validity for the indicator of reading skill f = Frequency of reading skill indicator representative in the test items n = Total of reading skill indicator required in the English syllabus

From the calculation above, the writer could conclude that the percentage of the representativeness level for the reading skill indicator was 28%.

In addition, the conformity between the English summative test and English syllabus is,

P = Percentage of Content Validity for the indicator of reading skill f = Frequency of reading skill indicator appearance in the test items n = Total of reading skill indicator required in the English syllabus To sum up, the conformity level for the reading skill indicator was 31%. Moreover, the writer also analyzed the representativeness and the conformity between the English summative test and English syllabus based on writing skill as follow:


Table 4.2

The Representativeness and the Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicator of the English Syllabus Based

on Writing Skill

Skill The Indicators Item

Numbers Total


1. Menulis teks fungsional pendek berupa

instruksi, daftar barang, ucapan selamat,


44 1 item

2. Menulis kalimat fungsional sederhana

39,40,45 3 Items

3. Melengkapi teks

deskriptif dan prosedur

× - -

4. Menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraf berbentuk deskriptif dan prosedur yang


41 1 Items

5. Menulis teks deskriptif dan prosedur

× - -

Total 2 5 Items

Based on the table above, there were 5 indicators of writing used as a guidance of evaluation construction. However, the English summative only covered 3 indicators developed into 5 items. The percentage of the representativeness level of reading skill in the test could be calculated as follow:


P = Percentage of Content Validity for the indicator of writing skill F = Frequency of writing skill indicator representative in the test items n = Total of writing skill indicator required in the English syllabus

From the calculation above, the writer could conclude that the percentage of the representativeness level for the writing skill indicator was 20%.

In addition, the conformity level could be calculated as follow,

P = Percentage of Content Validity for the indicator of writing skill F = Frequency of writing skill indicator appearance in the test items n = Total of writing skill indicator required in the English syllabus

It means that the conformity level of for the writing skill indicator was 11%. There were also some items constructed outside indicators. They could be seen from the table below:

Table 4.3

The Unconformity of the English Summative Test Items Indicator

Skills Indicators of the Test

Items Items Number Total

Reading Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks report


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks dialog

13,14, 15,16 4 Items

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks naratif

31,32 2 Items

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi tersirat dalam teks naratif

33,34, 2 Items

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi tersirat dalam teks dialog

36,37 2 Items

Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks report

3,4,8,9,10 5 Items

Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks dialog

38 1 Item

Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi naratif

35 1 Item

Mengidentifikasi jenis teks 12,17 2 Items

Writing Mengidentifikasi makna kata

42,43 2 Items

Total 26 Items

According to the data above, there were 26 items that did not conform to the indicator of the English syllabus.

After comparing the representativeness, the conformity, and the unconformity between the indicator of the English syllabus with the test, based on reading and writing skills, the writer also analyzed the representativeness, the conformity and unconformity between the test and the discourse of the English syllabus.


The representativeness and the conformity between the English summative test items and the discourse of the English syllabus could be seen in the table below:

Table 4.4

The Representativeness and the Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Discourse of the English Syllabus

No. The Discourse Required in the English Syllabus


Number Total

1 Kalimat fungsional sederhana 45 1 Items

2 Instruksi 22,23 2 Items

3 Daftar barang 24,25,26,27 4 Items

4 Ucapan selamat 17,18 2 Items

5 Pengumuman 11,12,44 3 Items

6 Deskriptif 28,29,30 3 Items

7 Prosedur 19,20,21,41 4 Items

Total 7 19 Items

Based on the data in the previous table, there were 7 discourses in the English syllabus which must be fulfilled in developing the test. The test covered all discourses which developed into 19 items. They were kalimat fungsional sederhana developed into 1 items, instruksi developed into 2 items, daftar barang

into 4 items, ucapan selamat developed into 2 items, pengumuman developed into 3 items, deskriptif developed into 3 items, and prosedur developed into 4 items.

Furthermore, the percentage of representativeness level of the English summative test based on the discourse required in the English syllabus could be calculated as follow,


P = Percentage of content validity for the discourse f = Frequency of discourse representative in the test items n = Total of the discourse required in the English syllabus

From the calculation above, it could be seen that the percentage of the representativeness level of the English summative test items based on the discourse required in the English syllabus was 57%.

The percentage of conformity level of the English summative test based on the discourse required in the English syllabus could be calculated as follow

P = Percentage of content validity for the discourse f = Frequency of discourse appearance in the test items n = Total of the discourse required in the English syllabus

From the calculation above, it could be seen that the percentage of the conformity level of the English summative test items based on the discourse required in the English syllabus was 40%. In other words, all discourses in the English summative test developed based on the discourses in the syllabus.

In addition, the unconformity of the English summative test items discourse is:

Table 4.5

The Unconformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Discourse of the English Syllabus

No. The Discourse of

the Test Items Items Number Total

1 Dialogue 13,14,15,16,36,37,38,39,40 9 Items

2 Narative 31,32,33,34,35,43 6 Items

3 Report 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 10 Items

4 Word 42 1 Item


According to the data above, there were 8 items that did not conform to the discourse required in the English syllabus. They were dialogue developed into 8 items.

2. Data Analysis

Text no 1 - 5.

Traditional market is type of market where people can bargain the prices. The items sold in a traditional market are basically the same. They are fruits, vegetables meat and fish, spices, and house utensils.

Surrounding the market, there are many small-scale traders. They usually sell fruits. These traders usually cannot afford the cost of stall rent inside the market. On the first floor of the market, there are permanent kiosks and selling textiles, stationary, clothing, electronic goods, house hold appliances, gold shops, etc. bank branches, travel agents and other services may be on the first floor as well.

On the second floor, people can buy meat and fish, fruits and vegetables and some dry spices. The fruit and vegetables sellers are in the middle area. Meanwhile, they sell dry spices at the edge area of the second floor.

1. What is the special characteristic of a traditional market? a. People can buy many kinds of goods.

b. People can buy goods in big amount. c. People can have discount.

d. People can bargain the prices.

2. Are the goods in a certain traditional market absolutely different from the others?

a. Yes, they are. b. Yes, it is.

c. No they aren’t. d. d. No, it is not.


3. In which stall can we buy a gas stove?

a. Textiles. c. Stationary. b. Electronic goods. d. house appliances.

4. “………..there are many small scale traders.” The underlined word has the similar meaning with…………..

a.Buyers. c. merchants. b.Customers. d. butchers. 5. What can we buy on the first floor?

a.Dry spices. c. meat. b.Clothes. d. spinach. Text no 6 - 10.

Sixty five percent of our body is water. To keep that amount of water in our body we must drink an average of eight to ten glasses of water each day. How much water does a person need every day? It depends on the volume of urine and sweat. An athlete who does a lot of physical certainly needs to drink more water then manager who spends most of his time in the office. Besides drinking, many kinds of food are also a good source of water. fruit and vegetable, for instance, are eighty to ninety five percent water.

6. How much water do we need each to fulfill our body need? a.6 - 8 glasses. c. 8 – 9 glasses. b.7 – 8 glasses. d. 8 – 10 glasses. 7. Is one’s need of water different with others?

a.Yes, he is. c. No, he isn’t. b.Yes, it is. d. No, it isn’t.

8. The other good sources of water besides drinking are as follows, except………. a.Melon. c. Cassava.

b.Pineapple. d. Spinish. 9. Urine and sweat are………..substances.

a.Solid. c. gas. b.Liquid. d. soil.


10. A bricklayer will need ………..water. a.Fewer. c. more. b.Less. d. much.

The discourse of the items number 1-10 is report text. Meanwhile, there is no report report text in dialogue form in the English syllabus which is used at school. It means these three items do not have one of the criteria of a good test.

Text no 11 – 12. Attention!

This bakery will be closed from 29th September 5th October 2008.

It will be opened again on 6th October 2008. Last reservation will be accepted on 27th September 2008.

Thanks for the attention.

11.How long will the bakery be closed? a. For a day.

b. For a week. c. For a month. d. For couple days

12.What kind of the text is that? a. Invitation

b. Advertisment c. Memo

d. Announcement.

To answer questions number 11, the students must comprehend the text because the answers were not written clearly in the text. The question number 11 asked students to identify the object of the text which was made in announcement form whereas the writer of the text did not write the object in the text.


The question number 12 asks students to identify the topic of the text. It conforms to “mengidentifikasi gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf dalam teks deskriptif.

Dialogue no 13 – 16.

Mother is at the fruit stall now. She is buying some fruits. The seller : Can I help you, Mam?

Mother : Yes, I need some oranges and mangoes, please.

The seller : We have oranges but I am sorry, we don’t have the mangoes. Mother : It doesn’t matter. Does the oranges taste sweet?

The seller : Certainly, You may taste it first before buying it. Mother : How much is the orange.

The seller : It costs ten thousand rupiah per kilogram. Mother : Can I have eight thousand?

The seller : Sorry, Madam, it is a fixed price. Mother : All right, give me two kilograms. The seller : Ok. What else do you want, Mam? Mother : Do you have star fruits?

The seller : Sorry, we don’t have it. But we have grapes and mangosteen. Mother : Well, give me a kilogram of mangosteen, please.

The seller : All right. 13.Where is mother?

a. At the greengrocers. b. At the fruit seller. c. At the butchers. d. At the canteen

14.What fruits are not available at the stall? a. Orange and mango

b. Orange and star fruit c. Mango and star fruit. d. At the canteen.


15.What is the Indonesia for mangosteen? It is…………. a. Mangga

b. Manggis c. Mangga muda d. Belimbing

16.What fruit does mother buy? a. Star fruit and orange. b. Oranges and mango. c. Mangosteen and orange. d. Mango and starfruit.

Form of the text for items number 13-16 is dialogue. As the explanation for number 13-16, there is no dialogue form in the English syllabus which is used at the first grade students at Dua Mei high school. It means items number 4-6 are not developed based on syllabus.

Text no 17 – 18.

To my beloved niece Putri

Congratulation on your success in getting the best result in your final examination.

Wish you would be able to continue your study. With love

Aunt Fatimah. 17.What kind of text it above?

a. Announcement. b. Advertisement. c. Obituary d. Congratulation


18.Who said congratulate? a. Aunt Fatimah b. Putri

c. Her friend d. Mother

The question number 17 asks students to identify the purpose of the text. It conforms to “Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatof teks fungsional pendek berupa ucapan selamat”

The question number 18 asks students to identify information which is implied in the text. It can be showed from the sentence “With love, aunt Fatimah” and it could be answered by reading the text. It means this number conforms to “Mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa ucapan selamat”.

Text no 19 – 21. MAKING RUJAK


Kinds of fruits ( Cucumber, pineapple, raw mango, star fruit, „bangkuang’, melon, etc )

For sauce :  Chilies  Salt

 Red-sugar/palm sugar  Tamarind

 “ Terasi “ ( preference )

Making instruction:  Peel the fruits


them in a plate/bowl

 For sauce : Grind all materials.

 Mix the sauce with the grated fruits. Add some pieces of ice if you like it.

19.What is the goal of the text? a. To entertain the readers. b. To tell to make rujak. c. To describe about rujak. d. To know what rujak is.

20.How many steps of making rujak are there in the text? a. Four

b. Five c. Six d. Seven

21.Which ingredient from the text above taste sour? a. Chilies.

b. Tamarind. c. Cucumber. d. Salt.

In items number 19 the students were asked to identify about what is the aim of the text. In addition, item number 20 asked the students to count the steps of making rujak. Finally, it can be concluded that they represent indicator “mengidentifikasi informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks prosedur”.

Item number 29 asked students to identify which ingredient have sour taste. It represents the indicator “mengidentifikasi fungsi komunikaif teks prosedur dengan cermat dan kreatif”.


Text no 22.


22.The sign means?

a. We can enter the are. b. We must enter the area. c. We must not enter the area. d. We are may enter the area. Text no 23.


23.Where can you find this notice? a. On the bus.

b. On the car c. In the room d. In the sky

The item number 22-23 contained a text in instruction form. The question which asked the students to identify information from the text or mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa instruksi, makes this question has good content validity. But, there is a mistake on the sentence, it define as face validity.

Text no 24 - 25 Day : Sunday

Date : November 2nd, 2008 Carrot : ( 2 kilos ) Bean : ( 1 kilo ) Cucumber : ( 1 kilo ) Orange : ( 3 kilos )


24.The text above is……… a. A price list.

b. An announcement. c. shopping list. d. A birthday card.

25.The purpose of the text is to………….. a. Bring a trolley to the supermarket. b. Remind the customer of what to buy. c. Entertain the readers.

d. Recycle food.

26.How many kilos will the customer buy totally? a. 7

b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

27.To buy the items, the customer will probably go to the………. a. Swimming pool

b. Library

c. Traditional market d. school

The question number 24-25 asks students to identify the topic and the purpose of the text. It conforms to “Mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dalam teks fungsional pendek berupadaftar barang. The question number 26 asks students to identify information which is implied in the text. It needs to construe the text because there is no clear word explained. It means, it conforms to “Mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dalam teks fungsional pendek berupadaftar barang”.


The questions number 27 ask students to find the specific information about kind of items that the customer will buy and where they will probably get it. They represent the indicator “Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa daftar barang”.

Text no 28 – 30.

Bob is a fisherman. He catches fish every day. Late in the afternoon he rows his boat out to sea. he uses a net to catch fish. Early in the morning he comes ashore with a lot of fish.

Then he sells them at the market.

28.Which the sentences is wrong according to the text above?

a. Bob sell his catch in the market. b. Bob sleeps in the evening.

c. Bob goes out to the sea in the evening. d. Bob set out rowing in the morning. 29.What does the word „them’ refer to?

a. Fishermen b. Boats c. Sleeps d. Shops

30.What does Bob do everyday? a. Fishing

b. Boating c. Sleeping d. Shopping

There are four kinds of discourse in the syllabus. They are instruksi or instruction, daftar barang or list of goods, ucapan selamat or greetings, and

pengumuman or announcement. The discourse of the text for number 28-30 makes them lose a criterion of a good test. It is caused by the discourse of the text which


is in dialogue form is not including to the discourse mentioned in the preceding explanation.

Text no 31 – 35.

The lion was having a nap when a little mouse woke him up. The lion was annoyed, so he picked up the little mouse and threatened to eat him up.

“please spare me, oh king of the jungle. If you do, I will do something for you one day!” begged the mouse.

“what? A little thing like you? Ha! This is really very funny,” laughed the lion. Then he got the little mouse free because he thought that little creature did not even taste good.

Several days later when the lion was walking in the jungle, he got into a trap. He struggled hard, but he still could not free himself. When he was about to give up, the little mouse came. He gnawed at the ropes of the net and then said, “didn’t you once laugh at me for being little? Look how I have saved your life today.”

31.Where did the story happen? a. In the kingdom

b. In the village c. In the jungle d. In the field

32.How could the lion be free from the problem? a. The lion walked into the trap.

b. The lion killed the little mouse.

c. The mouse gnawed at the net and set the lion free. d. The mouse woke up the lion

33.What can we learn from the story?

a. Help your friend only if you get reward. b. Don’t underestimate those who are smaller. c. Strength is always useful when we are trouble. d. Don’t put your self into trouble.


34.What is the type of the text? a. Report.

b. Procedure. c. Narrative. d. Recount.

35.The communicative purpose is to………….. a. Tell the news.

b. Entertain the readers. c. Tell the past event. d. Describe the mouse.

Question number 31 asks students to identify the general information of the text and question number 32 asked students how the lion could be free from the problem. It means each of them conform to “mengidentifikasi gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf dalam teks deskriptif” and ”mengidentifikasi informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks deskriptif”.

In addition, question number 33 asked students to identify the conclusion an the purpose of the text. It represents the indicator “mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dalam teks deskriptif”.

Dialogue no 36 – 38.

Ardi : Can you help me, please? I have a new cell phone, now I want to create an sms but I don’t know how to do that.

Lawra : Ok, I’ll tell you. First you have to find the message menu, then choose the option „create new message’. After you write your message you must choose the option „send’ and you’ll be asked to fill in the destination number. You can write it or find it from the phone book if you have saved it. Finally press the option „send’. Ardi : Okay, thanks a lot.


36.What does Ardi ask Lawra? He asks for Lawra’s help. a. To make a call.

b. To turn the cell phone on. c. To send message.

d. To send a picture.

37.How many steps does Lawra explain? a. Six steps.

b. Seven steps c. Eight steps d. Nine steps

38.can find any numbers in the phone book if we have……….them. a. keep

b. delete c. write d. send

Form of the text for items number 36-38 is dialogue. there is no dialogue form in the English syllabus which is used at the first grade students at Dua Mei Junior High School. It means items number 36-38 are not developed based on syllabus.

39.Franda : Excuse me, can you lend me your dictionary? Faisal :………….I’m using it.

a. Sure. b. How come. c. I’m sorry d. Here it is

40.Wenny : What is Mr. Amin?




Sekolah : ... Kelas : VII (tujuh) Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)

Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar Teknik Bentuk


Contoh Instrumen

12.1 Mengungkapkan

makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

1. Teks fungsional Instruksi Daftar barang Pengumuman Ucapan selamat 2. Kosakata terkait tema / jenis teks. 3. Ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional. 4. Tanda Baca 5. Spelling

1. Tanya jawab

yang berkaitan dengan materi

2. Membahas dan

mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun, noun phrase, adj, verb, adverb, simple Pr tense, imperative

3. Membuat frasa,

kalimat sesuai dengan materi

4. Membahas

struktur atau ciri-ciri teks tulis fungsional pendek

5. Membuat teks

tulis fungsional

 Menulis teks fungsional pendek berbentuk :

- Instruksi - Daftar barang - Pengumuman - Ucapan Selamat

 Menulis kalimat sederhana Test tulis Tes tulis Penugasan Melengkapi Menyusun kata acak Esai bebas Tugas rumah

1. Complete the sentences

2. Rearrange the words into

good sentences 3. Write down your own shopping list based on the

situation given. 4. Write down list of instructions to be on time to school

5.Write a greeting card to your

4x40 menit

- Buku teks - Alat peraga -

Tempat-tempat umum yang ada teks fungsional



pendek terpimpin

ataudengan teman

6. Membuat teks

tulis fungsional pendek sendiri dengan bebas

friend on his/her birthday

Listen and make a draft of retelling

descriptive/procedure text

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )



Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sangat sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkunguan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive/ procedure

Teks monolog

berbentuk Descriptive /

procedure Unsur bahasa

terkait teks. Langkah retorika

terkait teks. Spelling Tanda baca

1. Mendengarkan dan

merespon introduction tentang penulisan teks monolog deskriptif / prosedur. 2. Memperhatikan penjelasan tentang kosakata dan tatabahasa yang berkaitan dengan penulisan teks monolog deskriptif / prosedur

3. Memperhatikan dan

membaca teks deskriptif / prosedur.

4. Menulsi frasa-frasa,

kalimat-kalimat yang diperlukan untuk menulis teks deskriptif / prosedur.

5. Menulis teks

deskriptif / prosedur dengan struktur teks yang benar.

1.Melengkapi teks - descriptive - procedure

2.Menyusun teks

3.Menulis teks berbentuk - Descriptive/ procedure

Tes tulis melengkapi

menyusun teks


1. Complete the blank spaces Correctly.

2. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good

descriptive/procedure text

3. Write down a simple

descriptive/procedure text

based on the picture / with your own words

6x40 menit Buku teks Alat peraga Teks otentik

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )



Tekun ( diligence )


Kepala Sekolah ...

( ... ) NIP /NIK : ; ...

..., ...20... Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,

( ... ) NIP /NIK : ; ...

