The Significance of The Study

perspective, the females uttered language impoliteness to them because a the mother lodger realized that they ignored the power which they actually had, b the lodgers tend to use impolite languages because of their social environment around home and from the female lodgers’ family background.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions stated above, this study has some suggestions to the readers as provided in the following items. 1 To the other researchers, it is suggested that this study could be further expanded, elaborated and explored in other field in order to contribute the development of impoliteness theories such as the use of impoliteness in other application or literary works. 2 To all the readers, it is suggested to use the study as references for understanding the application of impoliteness in boarding house interaction. 3 To the lecturers teaching sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics; it is suggested to conduct, elaborate, and perform deep research in the study REFERENCES Beebe, L. M.1995Polite fictions: Instrumental rudeness as pragmatic competence. In: Culpeper, J. 2011. Impoliteness: Using language to cause offence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bogdan, Robert C., Biklen, Sari Knopp. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education, An Introduction to Theory and Method. Needham Heights: Allyn and Bacon. Bogdan, R. Biklen, S. 2010. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Bousfield, D. 2008. Impoliteness in Struggle for Power in Bousfield, D. Locher eds, Impoliteness in Language. Studies on Its Interplay with Power and Practice.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Bousfield, D. 2007. Beginnings, middles and ends. A Biopsy of the Dynamics of ImpoliteExchanges. Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 39, 2185-2216. Bousfield, D. 2008. Impoliteness in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamin. Bousfield, D Locher.ImpolitenessIn Language-Studies on Its Interplay with Power and Practice.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Brown, P., Levinson, S. C. 1987.Politeness: Some universals in language usage Vol. 4. Cambridge University Press. Bryman, A. 2004. Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods.Retrieved September 8, 2014 from Brown,P.andS.C.Levinson.1987.Politeness: Some Universals in LanguageUsage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Company. Brown, D. H. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Creswell, J. W. Miller, D. L. 2000. Determining Validity in Qualitative Inquiry.Theory into Practice, 393, 124-131. Culpeper, Jonathan. 1996. Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness. Journal of Pragmatics 25. 83 Culpeper, Jonathan. 2005. Impoliteness and Entertainment in the Television QuizShow: The Weakest Link. Journal of Politeness Research. Culpeper, Jonathan. 2007.Reflections on Impoliteness, Relational Work and Power. University of Lancaster. Culpeper, J. 1996. Towards An Anatomy of Impolitness. Journal of Pragmatics.Volume 25, Issue 3, 349-367. Culpeper, J. 1998. ImPoliteness in Dramatic Dialogue. In Culpeper, J., Short, M., and Verdonk,P. eds.,Exploring the Language of Drama: From Textto Context. London and NewYork: Routledge Culpeper, J., D. Bousfield, A. Wichmann. 2003. Impoliteness Revisited: WithSpecialReference to Dynamic and ProsodicAspects.Journal of Pragmatics35,1545-1579. Culpeper, J. 2005. Impoliteness and Entertainment in the Television Quiz Show: The Weakest Link. Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour,Culture. 1: 35-72. Culpeper, J. 2011a. Impoliteness:Using Language to Cause Offence. Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity Press. Dagarin, M. 2004. Classroom Interaction and Communication Strategies in Learning English As a Foreign Language. Lbjubjana: University Lbjubjana. Denzin, N. K. 1978. The Research Act: A theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill. Eelen, G. 2001. A Critique of Politeness Theories. London: St Jerome Publishing. Ellis, R. and Foto, S. 1999. Learning a Second Language Trhough Interaction. London:Cambridge University Press. Fairclough, Norman. 1989. Language and Power, Language in Social Life Series. Essex: Longman Group UK Fairclough, N. 2003. Analyzing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research.London: Routledge. Gasson, S. 2004. Rigor in Grounded TheoryResearch: An Interpretive.