Against Child Marriage Rebelling Against Patriarchal System

c. Against Child Marriage

Marriage is something that should be done with caution. Material and mental preparation should also be prepared. In particular some cultures, people are easily marrying other people regardless of age at the child’s age. Unexceptional they marry their daughters who have recently become teens. In 1923 the government issued a decree setting the marriage ages at sixteen for girls and eighteen for boys, but the law was not strictly enforced and voting, divorce, and marriage laws still remained firmly in male control Keddie, 2007, p. 39 This became something that could be the fear of a man and women to make them creative and thrive in their opportunities. The female condition as this will make them not think education they should take but these conditions will make them have to get married and have children. Finally their change of an education is to the limit of sixteen years. So, that this condition will break creations, ideas and their passions for the future, their teens are faced with a married, working kitchen and take of their children who should not care. I think if the womb the child to the age of sixteen is strong enough for them to get pregnant and taking care of the household. “Marriage’ was a mysterious word surrounded by secrets. Whenever it rang out in the air, my aunt Ni’mat’s face went pale, and the lips of Aunt Fahima curled in scorn. Over my mother’s face floated a misty sadness. Grandmother Amna would cease her muttering, the prayer beads circling between her fingers would come to a sudden stop, and her eyes became fixed, their colour changing to that of muddy stagnant water. They went so dark that not a gleam of light looked out of them. I could hear her whisper, ‘Praise be to Him for He alone is to be praised for any harm which might befall us” ADOI, 1999, pp. 45-46. As women should be freedom in choosing partner, freedom in having the number of children and freedom in taking care of the household. Women have been in fear with a double burden. Women have been in fear with traditions that consider that women needed to be in order by men, should be according to men. If they denied male and female should be ready for a given force.

2. Promoting Education