
1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background

In Indonesia, English is a foreign language that is taught as a compulsory subject from junior high school to university level. The Indonesian government policy for English as a subject taught in school is ruled by Government Decree Number 23 years 2006. Studying English in every education level has some purposes especially in senior high school. According to KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), standard of content (S1/ Standar isi) studying English in senior high school has some purposes, namely to develop competence in communication orally and in writing, to achieve functional literacy, to have awareness about the importance of English, and to develop an understanding relationship between language and culture.

Learning English as a foreign language involves four skills that have to be mastered, namely speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Every skill has its own goal. To reach the goal of the foreign learners need, among others, appropriate teaching techniques from the teacher is required. According to Brown (2001, p.16) a teaching technique is any of wide variety of exercises, activities, or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing a lesson objective. It is one of the components in teaching and learning process. The teaching technique used by the teacher influences the learners’ comprehension of materials. In addition, the technique used in teaching has an important role in making the learners active in using English.



There are several previous research related to teaching techniques. Ambarwati (2006, p.1), who conducted a research on the English teaching techniques at the first grade of SMU al-Islam Krian, found that the techniques applied by the teacher in teaching English were lecturing, discussion, direct experience, audio visual, game, and demonstration. Faizin (2009, p.1) who conducted a study at non Formal Education Kejar Paket B Dau- Malang found kinds of techniques, namely lecturing, direct experience, demonstration, game and discussion. Wardana (2014, p.1) found that the teaching techniques used by the English teacher in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen- Malang were lectures technique, drilling technique, demonstration technique, question- answer technique, and song technique.

And another research related to the teaching techniques used in bilingual class, conducted by Suryaningrum (2009, p.1) found that the techniques used applied by the teacher in teaching English to the second grade students in bilingual class at SMPN 1 Siliragung- Banyuwangi were lecturing technique, discussion technique, direct experience technique, and game technique.

Based on those research findings, it can be inferred that the techniques that uses by the teacher in teaching English has a big effects to the students’ English ability. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher uses the appropriate teaching techniques in the teaching and learning process. The appropriate techniques should be in accordance with the context of the materials which are present in the class. The English teachers also have to consider the topic of the materials which is going to be presented in order to attract the student attention or interest,



therefore learning activities in the classroom will be effective to increase the students’ understanding of the materials.

Nowadays education system has a good program in school that is called bilingual class. SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang has choosen by the researcher as the object because this school was one of the National Standard in Jombang that uses a Bilingual class. Bilingual class can be found in RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf International/ Pioneering International Standard School). In this case, SSN (Sekolah Standard Nasional) open a bilingual class in order to prepare the school for RSBI. RSBI has a target to be achieved. The target is creating qualified human resources who can compete with the graduates from other top-rate schools around the world (Kusnadi, 2006). In other words, the graduate from this program must be smart, critical, broad minded, and able to speak and write in English well to face the globalization era. Therefore, to reach the target, opening a bilingual class can be a solution. In a bilingual class, both teacher and students should use their foreign language as well as possible for the instruction in learning process (Depdiknas, 2005).

Learning English as a foreign language is not as easy as learning Bahasa Indonesia, especially in a bilingual class in which the learners have to use the two languages during the class activities. According to Trask (1999, p.30), bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages. Therefore, student should have sufficient mastery in using English to make teaching and learning process run well. This is because in a bilingual class, not only English subject but also science



subjects are delivered by using English. Accordingly, the learner’s ability in using English plays an important role.

The use of English as a tool in classroom instruction does not mean that English is used in all subject however, it is only used in English and science subjects. According to Astika (2009, p.1), implementing a bilingual class needs some stages. In the first year, the teacher uses as much as 25 percent of English and 75 percent of Indonesian. In the second year the teacher uses 50 percent of English and 50 percent of Indonesian. Then, in third year, the teacher uses 75 percent of English and 25 percent of Indonesian.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that in a bilingual class English is very important as a key of success in teaching and learning process. The teacher in this program must be able to move their student level of thinking into a higher level and train them to use English in teaching and learning process. Technique does not only function to save time, energy, and avoid misunderstanding but it also helps the students get the meaning easily and quickly.

From the reason above the researcher is interested in studying teaching techniques used by the teacher in the second grade of a bilingual class at SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang, because the teaching technique is very helpful to maximize the teaching performance to deliver the material well. She also believes that the techniques will increase the student achievement in English. In this school, both teacher and students should use their foreign language as well as possible for the instruction in learning process to help the student increase their English. The



teacher should not easy to make the student used to speak English well, but the teacher must be creative to select a technique in teaching, and also the technique used by the teacher should improve the student’s skill.

1.2Research Problem

From the background of study above, there are some problems formulated: 1. What kind of techniques does the teacher use in teaching English in the

bilingual class of SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang?

2. How does the teacher implement the techniques in teaching English in the bilingual class of SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang?

1.3Research Objectives

1. To know the kind of techniques that used by the teacher in teaching English in the bilingual class of SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang.

2. To describe the way of the teacher implement the techniques in teaching English in the bilingual class of 03 Darul Ulum Jombang.

1.4Problem Limitation

This research focuses on the teaching techniques employed by the English teacher and students’ perceptions on the techniques used by teacher. This research investigates the second grade students in 2014/ 2015 who are sitting in the bilingual class and one of English teachers who teachers in second grade of the bilingual class.

1.5Research Benefits

The result of this study is expected to give contribution for English teachers in teaching and learning process. Practically, it is hoped that this research



will give the guideline how to teach and learn language better. Therefore, the teachers themselves are expected to improve their English skill in teaching English. Besides, they are able to choose an appropriate technique in teaching English.

It is expected that the result will help the students distinguish a positive responses toward the teaching technique in learning process, expecially students of English Departement at University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Theoretically, this study is also expected to increase and enlarge the researcher’s understanding in using teaching techniques and help the other researchers to provide information in mastering language components.

1.6Definition of Terms

1. Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding study something, providing with knowledge causing to know or understand ( Brown, 2000: P.7)

2. Teaching technique is any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objective (Brown, 2001: P.16).

3. Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages (Trask, 1999: P.30)

4. Bilingual class is a class that provides students with ESL (English as Second Language) instruction as well as instruction in their native language.

5. SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang is one of the national standard bilingual schools located in Rejoso, Peterongan, Jombang.








This thesis submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education


Fajriyah Nurul Gasmi 201110100311075






This thesis was written by Fajriyah Nurul Gasmi and was approved on October 30, 2015.


Advisor II, Advisor I,



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of the TeacherTraining and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

On November 12th, 2015

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Kes

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Puji Sumarsono, S.Pd., M.Pd 1. ……… 2. Teguh Hadi Saputro, S.Pd., M.A 2. ………. 3. Rinjani Bonavidi, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D 3. ………. 4. Nurakhfini Septiany, M.A., M.Ed 4. ……….



Originallity Declaration

The undersigned:

Name : Fajriyah Nurul Gasmi NIM : 201110100311075 Program of Study : English Department

Fakultas : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

I declare the research presented in this thesis was written by myself and does not incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge this thesis does not contain any materials previously published or written by another person where due refrence is made in the text.

Malang, October 30, 2015



Motto and Dedication



If you

want to learn, you have to try”


I dedicated this thesis to:

My beloved parents,

My brothers,

My teachers,

My friends,

And my Love




Alhamdulillah, all of honors are just for Allah Azza Wajalla, the almighty and the merciful. By Allah’s guidance the researcher can finish this thesis. Peace and blessing always be on our prophet Muhammad SAW. The researcher realizes that this thesis will never get the success without any interference from other people. Therefore, she would like give sincere gratitude to:

1. Her first advisor Mrs. Rinjani Bonavidi, S.Pd., M.Ed.,Ph.D and her second advisor Mrs. Nurakhfini Septiany, M.A., M.Ed for their guidance, suggestion, correction, and comment on this Thesis. Moreover without their real understanding and strong motivation this Thesis would have never found its complication.

2. Headmaster and Teacher who provided her an opportunity who gave access to the school and research facilities. Without they precious support it would not be possible to conduct this research.

3. Special thanks for the cheerful and joyful world and beautiful togetherness to her friends in struggle Reny, Vinda, Maya, Lia, Ria, Titik, Angger, Mail e.t.c. 4. Last but not the least, she would like to thank her family: Her beloved parents

H. Drs. Gatot Subroto M.Mpd and Hj. Miswati S.Pd and her aunty Hj. Umaiyah Adnan Rachman and her both brothers Hasan Mubarok Gasmi and Nur Muhammad Gasmi for their loves, attention, and supporting her

spiritually throughout writing this thesis and her life in general.

Malang October 30, 2015



Fajriyah Nurul Gasmi. 2015. Teaching Techniques used by the English Teacher in Second Grade of the Bilingual Class in SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Advisors: Rinjani Bonavidi, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D and Nurakhfini Septiany, M.A., M.Ed .

Keywords: Teaching Techniques, Bilingual Class.

Teaching technique is one of important parts of success in teaching and learning process. Especially in bilingual class, the students are demanded to use their foreign language as well as their native language. In this program, English is not only used in English subject, but also in science subject. Therefore, the teacher in this program has to motivate the students to speak English well. So that, the teacher needs appropriate teaching techniques and the teacher should know how to implement the techniques appropriately.

This study was focused on the teaching techniques used by the English teacher in the second grade of the bilingual class in SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang. The purposes of this study were: (1) to know the kind of techniques used by the teacher in teaching English in the bilingual class of SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang; (2) to describe how the teacher implemented the techniques. The design used in this study was descriptive qualitative design because the study aimed to describe the information of the actual class activities. Meanwhile, the research tools used were observation checklist, interview guideline and questionnaire guideline to gather the data on the subjects’ opinion, beliefs and feeling in the situation.

The finding showed that the teaching techniques used by the English teacher in SMA 03 Darul Ulum Jombang were lecturing techniques, drilling techniques, demonstration techniques, question answer techniques, and game (song) techniques. The finding also showed that the students had better perceptions, since the mean score of a students’ perception was 65. 9.

Advisor I, The writer,




Cover ... ii

Approval ... iii

Legalization ... iv

Originallity Declaration ... v

Motto and Dedication ... vi

Acknowledgement ... vii


Table of Content...ix

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background...1

1.2. Research Problem...5

1.3. Research Objectives...5

1.4. Problem Limitation...5

1.5. Research Benefits...5

1.6.Definitions of Terms...6


2.1.1 Techniques in LanguageTeaching...9

1. Lecturing...9

2. Discussion...10

3. Direct Experiences...12

4. Games...12



6. Role Play...13

7. Simulation...14

8. Drilling...14

9. Question answer...15

10. Field Trip ...15

2.1.2 The Implementation of Teaching Techniques...16

2.2.Bilingual Classes...17

CHAPTER III: Research Methodology 3.1. Research Design...19

3.2. Research Subject... 20

3.3. Research Instrument...20

3.3.1 Observation...20

3.3.2 Interview ...22

3.3.3 Questionnaire (Likert Scale) ...23

3.4. Data Collection...24

3.5. Data Analysis...24


4.1.1. The Kinds of Teaching Techniques Applied by the English Teacher in Teaching English...26

4.1.2. The way the English teacher applied the techniques in teaching English...28

4.1.3. The Students’ Responses toward the Teaching Techniques used by the English Teacher...32




5.1 Conclusion...35

5.2 Suggestion...36





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Ambarwati, Wiwid. (2006). Study on English Teaching Techniques at the First Grade of SMU Al- Islam Krian. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

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Ary, Donald. 2010. Introduction to Research Education. New York: Rine Hard and Winstone. Book Company.

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Brown, H Dauglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York; Addinson Wesley Longman.

Brown, H Dauglas. 2001. Teaching by Principle an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman

Clark and Star. 1986. Secondary and Middle School Teaching and Method. New York: McMillan.

Casshin, E. William. (2010). Effective Lecturing. The Idea Center Manhattan. Kansas. (Online),(www.theideacenter.org/sites/default/files/IDEA_Paper_46.pdf) Center for Instructional Exellence of Purdue University. (2006). Presentation


(http://www.lars.purdue.edu/seminar/presentations/06_Presentation_Techni ques.doc).



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(http://homeworktips.about.com/odmakingthegrades/a/lecturenotes.htm). Friedland, Sherman. (2008). What is Technique. (Online),


Hamers, Josiane F and Blance, Michael H. A. 2000. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. London. Cambridge University Press.

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Hamillah, Siti. (2011).The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary through English Song. Hubpages. Retrieved on 6th October 2013, from

http://smahillah.hubpages.com/hub/english-game-for-teaching-english Hannan, Andrew. (2007. Interview in Education Research. (Online),




Hasbullah, Muhammad I. (2008). Teacher’s Strategies in Overcoming Prolems in the

Teaching of Speaking at SMK NEGERI 1 Singosari- Malang. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UM

Herlina, 2007. A Study on the Techniques of Teaching English to the Excellent Class at SMP Negeri 2 Blitar, Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

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(http://hasanismailr.blogspot.com/2009/06/pengertian-respon.html). Jenny. (2013). Benefits of using Songs and Chants in teaching English.(Online),



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Loott, John A. (2008). What is Teaching. Ohio State University: Academy of Teaching. Retrieved on 11th December 2015, from https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/34658

Marsigit. (2008). English for Vocational Education. Yogyakarta State University. McLeod, Saul. (2008). Likert Scale. (Online),



Mol, Hans. (2009). Using Songs in the English Classroom. Retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http://www.hltmag.co.uk/apro9/less01.htm#C1

Nababan, P.W.J 1986. Sociolinguistik; Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Patel, M.F, & Praveen M Jain. (2008). English Language Teaching (method, tools, and techniques). Sunrise. Jaipur

Patton, Michael Quinn. (2003). Qualitative Evaluation Checklist. (Online). (http://www.wmich.edu/evalctr/archieve_checklists/qec.pdf).

P.Key, James. (1997). Research Design in Occupational Education.Oklahoma States University. Retrieved on 11th December 2011, from

http://www.okstate.edu/ag/agedcm4h/academic/aged5980a/5980/new page21.htm

Rahmanda, Arsy. (2009). A study on Vocabulary Teaching Techniques of the Fourth Grade Students at SDN Bangkalan Pasuruann. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Richard, Jack C and Roger, Theodore S. 2001. Approach and Method in Language teaching .Cambridge University Press.

Robbins, Stephen P. 2007. Organisational Behavior. New Jersey: Person Education Ryo, Gi Taek. (2011). Question and Answer Technique: Discovering the Reader in

L2 Writing Classrooms. Daegu Haany University. South Korea. Retrieved on July 2015, from www.tesolreview.org/down/Gi.pdf

Saricoban, Arif, & Esen Metin. (2000)). Songs. Verse and Games for Teaching Grammar. Hacettepe University & Cankaya University (Ankara, Turkey). Retrieved on 11th October 2013, From http://iteslj.org/Techniques/


Surhayat, Yayat.(2009). “Hubungan Antara Sikap, Minat, dan Perilaku Manusia”.

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Tice, Julie. (2004). Drilling 1. British Council . Retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/drilling-1

Tice, Julie. (2004). Drilling 2. British Council retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http;//www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/drilling-2

Tika Virginia. (2011). Kinds of Drill Technique in Teaching English. Retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http://enjoymysite.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/kinds-of- drill-technique-in-teaching-english/

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(http;//www.utexas.edu/academic/ctl/assessment/iar/research/plan/method/ observ.php).

Wardana, Kusuma. (2013). Teaching Techniques used by the English Teacher at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen- Malang. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Wood, Julia T. 2010. Interpersonal Communication. USA: Nelson Education.

Yulianto, Adi Joko. (2011). Metode Tanya Jawab. Retrieved on 26th March 2015, from http;//pendidikan. Blogspot.com/2011/06/metode-tanya-jawab.html




5.1 Conclusion...35

5.2 Suggestion...36





Allen, Harold B at All. 2001. Teaching English at Second Language. Mc- Hill. International Book Company

Ambarwati, Wiwid. (2006). Study on English Teaching Techniques at the First Grade of SMU Al- Islam Krian. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Answer. (2012).What is Stimulus and Response.(Online).


Ary, Donald. 2010. Introduction to Research Education. New York: Rine Hard and Winstone. Book Company.

Ary, Donald. (2006). Introduction to Research in Education. Canada: Thomson Wardsworth.

Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (2001). What is a DescriptiveResearch.(Online).


Azwar, Saifuddin. (2013). Sikap Manusia- Teori dan Pengukurannya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Brown, H Dauglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York; Addinson Wesley Longman.

Brown, H Dauglas. 2001. Teaching by Principle an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman

Clark and Star. 1986. Secondary and Middle School Teaching and Method. New York: McMillan.

Casshin, E. William. (2010). Effective Lecturing. The Idea Center Manhattan. Kansas. (Online),(www.theideacenter.org/sites/default/files/IDEA_Paper_46.pdf) Center for Instructional Exellence of Purdue University. (2006). Presentation


(http://www.lars.purdue.edu/seminar/presentations/06_Presentation_Techni ques.doc).



Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning of University of Delaware.(2015). Demonstration – Essential Planning Steps. (Online),


Crish H. (2008). Teaching Approaches, Teaching Methods and Teaching Techniques. (Online),

(http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070124021719AABMjhR )

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2006. Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMP/MTS. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

Depdiknas. 2005. Target menuju sekolah Internasioanal. Jakarta: Depdiknas. Dube, Alfa. (2010). Research Methods- Surveys and Questionnaires.


Faizin, M. Najib. (2009). A study on the Techniques of Teaching English at non Formal Education Kejar Paket B DAU MALANG. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM

Fleeming, Grace. (2013). Taking Lecture Notes- That Makes Sense Later! Homework/ Study Tips. (Online),

(http://homeworktips.about.com/odmakingthegrades/a/lecturenotes.htm). Friedland, Sherman. (2008). What is Technique. (Online),


Hamers, Josiane F and Blance, Michael H. A. 2000. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. London. Cambridge University Press.

Hamid, Huzaifah (2009). Konsep Dasar Metode dan Teknik Pembelajaran.(Online), (http://zaifbio.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/konsep-dasar-metode-dan-teknik-pembelajaran/).

Hamillah, Siti. (2011).The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary through English Song. Hubpages. Retrieved on 6th October 2013, from

http://smahillah.hubpages.com/hub/english-game-for-teaching-english Hannan, Andrew. (2007. Interview in Education Research. (Online),



Hasbullah, Muhammad I. (2008). Teacher’s Strategies in Overcoming Prolems in the Teaching of Speaking at SMK NEGERI 1 Singosari- Malang. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UM

Herlina, 2007. A Study on the Techniques of Teaching English to the Excellent Class at SMP Negeri 2 Blitar, Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Hoult, Alyce (2008). Teaching Strategy: Demonstration. (Online), (http://alyceeduproject.wordpress.com/1-teaching-startegy-1-demonstration/).

Instructional Development and Distance Education of University of Pittsburgh. (2010). The Lecture Method. (Online),


Irwanto. 1994. Psikologi Umum: Buku Panduan Mahasiswa. Jakarta: Gramedia. Ismail, Hassan. (2009). Pengertian Respon. (Online),

(http://hasanismailr.blogspot.com/2009/06/pengertian-respon.html). Jenny. (2013). Benefits of using Songs and Chants in teaching English.(Online),



Lu, Yao. (2011).Techniques for Creative Teaching. Center for Excellent in Learning and Teaching. IOWA STATE University. Retrieved on 11th June 2015, from http://www.celt.iastate.edu/creativity/techniques.html

LKP CENDIKIA. (2011). English Specific Purposes (ESP). Retrieved on 27th July 2015, from http://Ikp-cendikia.blogspot.com/2011/12/english-specific-purpose-esp.html

Loott, John A. (2008). What is Teaching. Ohio State University: Academy of Teaching. Retrieved on 11th December 2015, from https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/34658

Marsigit. (2008). English for Vocational Education. Yogyakarta State University. McLeod, Saul. (2008). Likert Scale. (Online),



Mol, Hans. (2009). Using Songs in the English Classroom. Retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http://www.hltmag.co.uk/apro9/less01.htm#C1

Nababan, P.W.J 1986. Sociolinguistik; Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Patel, M.F, & Praveen M Jain. (2008). English Language Teaching (method, tools, and techniques). Sunrise. Jaipur

Patton, Michael Quinn. (2003). Qualitative Evaluation Checklist. (Online). (http://www.wmich.edu/evalctr/archieve_checklists/qec.pdf).

P.Key, James. (1997). Research Design in Occupational Education.Oklahoma States University. Retrieved on 11th December 2011, from

http://www.okstate.edu/ag/agedcm4h/academic/aged5980a/5980/new page21.htm

Rahmanda, Arsy. (2009). A study on Vocabulary Teaching Techniques of the Fourth Grade Students at SDN Bangkalan Pasuruann. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Richard, Jack C and Roger, Theodore S. 2001. Approach and Method in Language teaching .Cambridge University Press.

Robbins, Stephen P. 2007. Organisational Behavior. New Jersey: Person Education Ryo, Gi Taek. (2011). Question and Answer Technique: Discovering the Reader in

L2 Writing Classrooms. Daegu Haany University. South Korea. Retrieved on July 2015, from www.tesolreview.org/down/Gi.pdf

Saricoban, Arif, & Esen Metin. (2000)). Songs. Verse and Games for Teaching Grammar. Hacettepe University & Cankaya University (Ankara, Turkey). Retrieved on 11th October 2013, From http://iteslj.org/Techniques/ Saricoban-Songs.html

Surhayat, Yayat.(2009). “Hubungan Antara Sikap, Minat, dan Perilaku Manusia”. Alternatif. Vol 1. No. 3:1-19.

Teacher and Educational Development of University of New Mexico (2005). Effective Use of Performance Objectives for Learning and Assesment.(Online),


Tice, Julie. (2004). Drilling 1. British Council . Retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/drilling-1

Tice, Julie. (2004). Drilling 2. British Council retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http;//www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/drilling-2

Tika Virginia. (2011). Kinds of Drill Technique in Teaching English. Retrieved on 7th June 2015, from http://enjoymysite.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/kinds-of- drill-technique-in-teaching-english/

Trask, R.L 1999, Key Concept in Language and Linguistic. New York: Routledge. University of Texas at Austin.(2011). Observation. (Online),

(http;//www.utexas.edu/academic/ctl/assessment/iar/research/plan/method/ observ.php).

Wardana, Kusuma. (2013). Teaching Techniques used by the English Teacher at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen- Malang. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Wood, Julia T. 2010. Interpersonal Communication. USA: Nelson Education.

Yulianto, Adi Joko. (2011). Metode Tanya Jawab. Retrieved on 26th March 2015, from http;//pendidikan. Blogspot.com/2011/06/metode-tanya-jawab.html