















This thesis is submitted as one of requirements to

achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education








By: The Advisor II,

Drs. Estu Widodo, M.Hum

The Advisor I,


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on August 2, 2012

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M.

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Drs. Hartono, M.Pd. 1. ________________

2. Dra. Thathit Manon A, M.Hum. 2. ________________

3. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M. 3. ________________



Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Jadikanlah sabar dan shalatmu Sebagai penolongmu, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar”

(Al-Baqarah: 153)

Jangan lihat masa lampau dengan penyesalan; jangan pula lihat masa depan dengan ketakutan; tapi lihatlah sekitar anda dengan penuh kesadaran.

(James Thurber



I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved mother (Romlah), and father (Rofin), My sister (Henna Dwi.L),



Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah, the Merciful and Charitable. Thank to His guidance, blessing, and affection so that the writer can finish this thesis.

In completion this thesis, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M as her first advisor and Drs. Estu Widodo, M.Hum as her second advisor, for their suggestions, invaluable guidance, motivation, comments, and corrections during the completion of this thesis.

Her sincere gratitude and appreciation are also extended to the lecturers of English Department who had given her the opportunity to conduct the research and the administrative staff of the Centre Library of University of Muhammadiyah Malang who had helped her in conducting the research.

Finally, a special thank goes to her beloved mother (Romlah), father (Rofin), my lovely sister (Henna) for their encouragement, love, care, financial, and pray, and my best friend who always helps me in correcting this thesis (Mahfud. S. Pd) so that she can finish this thesis.

Malang, August 2, 2012 The Writer,



APPROVAL... LEGALIZATION………... MOTTO AND DEDICATION... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS... ABSTRACT... TABLE OF CONTENTS... CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION... 1.1 The Background of the Study... 1.2 The Statement of the Problem... 1.3 The Purpose of the Study... 1.4 The Significance of the Study... 1.5 The Scope and Limitation... 1.6 The Definition of Key Terms... CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...

2.1 Literature...………... 2.2. The Kind of Literature...………... 2.3 Film...

2.3.1 The Similarities and Differences between Film and Drama...

2.4. The Kinds of Film... 2.4.1 Story Film...

i ii iii iv v vi 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 10


2.4.2 Non Story Film... 2.5. Elements of Film... Characters... Characteristic... Characterization... 2.5.2 Conflicts... 2.5.3 Plot... 2.5.4 Setting... 2.5.5 Theme... 2.5.6 Point of view... 2.6 Bravery... 2.6.1 Types of Bravery... 2.6.2 The causes of Bravery... 2.6.3 The Ways to Do Bravery... CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...

3.1 The Research Design... 3.2 Approach...………...

3.3 Object of Study………...

3.4 Data Collection... 3.5 Data Analysis...

10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 20 20 21 22 22 22 23


CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION... 4.1 The Research Findings of Dre Parker’s Bravery...

4.1.1 The Kinds of Dre Parker’s Bravery ... The Physical Bravery ... The Emotional Bravery ...

4.1.2 The Reasons of Dre Parker’s Bravery... The Reasons of Physical Bravery... The Reasons of Emotional Bravery... 4.1.3 Dre Parker’s Ways to Do Bravery... Dre’s Ways to Do Bravery in Physical Bravery... Dre’s Ways to Do Bravery in Emotional Bravery... 4.2. Discussion... 4.3. Lesson... CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION……….....

5.1 Conclusion………... 5.2 Suggestion ………... REFERENCES APPENDIX 23 23 23 27 28 30 30 31 33 34 35 37 38 38 39



Abrams, M. H. 1999. A Glossary of Literature Terms. Seventh Edition. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1992. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik – Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: PT. Bina Aksara.

Arp, R. Thomas and Greg Johnson. 2006. Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and

sense. Ninth Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

Ary, Donald, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Ashgar Razavieh, and Chris Sorensen. 2006.

Introduction to Research in Education – Seventh Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

Kennedy. 1983. Literature: an introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama Edition.

Little and Brown Company: Toronto.

Kenney, William. 1966. How to analyze fiction. Manhattan Collage Monarch Press. Koesnosoebroto, Sunaryono. 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction, Jakarta:

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan-Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan. Tinggi Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan.

Level. R, C. Reading and Writing about Literature. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Luckett, Jermarquis. 2011. The Meaning of Bravery outline. (Online), (http://www.brainyquote.com). Downloaded at 18-07-2011.

MacMillan, 1994. English and western Literature. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Merrill. 2011. Seven Ways to Teach Your Children to Be Brave. (online), (in http://www.myfamilyminute.com/articles/viewarticle/index.php?id=526 Downloaded at 18-07-2011.

Meyer, Michael, 1990. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Second Edition. New York: Bedford Book of Saint Martin’s Press.

Schimid, Bogard, and Crockett. 2006. Legacies: Fiction, Fiction, Poetry and Drama, non-fiction edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadswordth:

Taufika, Tria. 2011. A study on Andrea’s Changing Performance Style in Lauren

Weisberger’s film “The Devil WearsPrada”. Unpublished: university of Muhammadiyah Malang.


Thesaurus, R. 1996. Dictionary of the English Language. Meiam Webster: Mifflin Company.





This chapter presents some sections dealing with background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, the significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of the key terms.

1.1 The Background of the Study

Language is a mean of communication. People can get information from the language. Besides, language is not only used to give and get information, but it is also used to arouse the human’s empathy. It means that language can influence the humans feeling. In this entire life, people always consider that they cannot be separated from literature. Literature is a kind of art, written, to offer pleasure, illumination, and satisfaction. It is also one of the ways to express people’s feeling. Literature is a product of language. Literature is important in people’s life because it happens around us. It is an expression from their experiences, thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Literature relates to human’s life so that the reader can see the reflection of real life. By learning literature, people will obtain wider insight and wiser consideration in making decision. According to Wellek and Warren (1990: 3), literature is creative activity of art; literature is expressed in language or words as medium. There are some literary works which can be elaborated into deep analysis; they are novel, short story poetry, and drama.

Film is similar with drama as one of literary works because it is made to be performed by different actors in different locations throughout time (Mayer, 1997:



97). Basically, drama and film have similarities in structure such as character, setting, plot, and theme. On the other hand, drama and film have differences. Drama is one of literary works and one of collecting dialogues presented by the actor on the stage in front of the audience, while film has a story that is written and acted for an audience. In addition, film has screens as the media, and the audience cannot see the actors immediately (Fika, 2007).

Film is a type of communication which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or help people to learn about new ideas. People in every part of the world watch film that tells stories as a type of entertainment; a way to have fun. Most of films are made so that they can be shown on big screens at cinemas or movie theatres (Cook, 2007: 87).

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that film is human expression that reflects the human’s ideas, act, behavior, lifestyle, and anything relates to human kind which becomes a story with all messages inside it. Some films have become popular worldwide attractions with using dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue (Cosseti, 1999: 73). By watching film, people can understand about the development of life, science, art, and technology that they do not know before. There are many people who are interested in film. Film is supposed to be an image of the real world.

“Karate Kid” film is chosen because of some reasons. The first, “Karate Kid” is one of action film produced by Columbia Picture on June 2010, with a Harald Zwart as director. He used USA and China as the setting of film. The second, the main



character in this film has struggled to adapt to the environment in china. The last, this film is interesting because it tells about the brave kid to face the danger.

Bravery is a quality of spirit that enables people to face danger of pain without showing a fear (Roget’s Thesaurus, 1996 in Meriam Webster). Bravery always appears in society when someone makes an interaction. Besides, bravery also appears in anytime, anywhere, and it happen to everybody. It makes the writer interested in analyzing bravery. The reader can take some good lessons from this solution in the study. The reader also can deal with several problems that come up in this life by showing their bravery.

In this study, the film is analyzed because it is one of the literary works that offers many valuable lessons, and interesting story. This study tries to investigate the bravery of Dre Parker who is humiliated by his new friends in china. One of his friends is jealous because he is closer with a girl in his class. Therefore, he learns Kung fu in order to fight them.

1.2 The Statement of Problems

Based on the background of study above, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. What is Dre Parker’s bravery in “Karate Kid” film?

2. What are Dre Parker’s reasons for having bravery in “Karate Kid” film? 3. How does Dre Parker do bravery in “Karate Kid” film?


4 1.3 The Purpose of the Study

Referring to the statement of the problems above, the purpose of the study are as follows:

1. To find out Dre Parker’s bravery in “Karate Kid” film.

2. To know Dre Parker’s reasons for having bravery in “Karate Kid” film. 3. To describe the ways Dre Parker does bravery in “Karate Kid” film

1.4 The Significance of the Study

1. To the learner and teachers of English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang, this study will enlarge their knowledge about literary work especially film and they can take lesson from the story and use it as guide of life.

2. To the society, this study will give them information about how to against the criminality and danger situation.

3. To the next researcher, this study expectedly becomes an additional literature to conduct similar research.

1.5 The Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the film “Karate Kids”. There are many topics that can be analyzed in this film, but in this study, Dre Parker’s bravery is chosen as the scope of the study. Meanwhile, the limitation of the study is to analyze what the causes and the ways of Dre Parker’s bravery face danger in “Karate Kid” film.


5 1.6 The Definition of Key Terms

To clarify the terms used in this study, the writer gives the definition of key terms. It is intended to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding of terms used in her study. Those are as follows:

1. A study is giving attention to the subject in order to know more about it (Hubart, in Rodiah (1997:4).

2. Dre Parker is the main character in Karate Kid film directed by Harald Zwart. 3. Harald Zwartis the author of “Karate Kid” film.

4. Bravery is a quality of spirit that enables people to face danger of pain without showing a fear (Roget’s Thesaurus 1996 in Meriam Webster).

5. “Karate Kid” is the title of film directed by Harald Zward.

6. Film refers to encompassing individual motion pictures, the field of film as an art. Film is produced by recording image from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects (Wikipedia, 2008).


Thesaurus, R. 1996. Dictionary of the English Language. Meiam Webster: Mifflin Company.




This chapter presents some sections dealing with background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, the significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of the key terms.

1.1 The Background of the Study

Language is a mean of communication. People can get information from the language. Besides, language is not only used to give and get information, but it is also used to arouse the human’s empathy. It means that language can influence the humans feeling. In this entire life, people always consider that they cannot be separated from literature. Literature is a kind of art, written, to offer pleasure, illumination, and satisfaction. It is also one of the ways to express people’s feeling. Literature is a product of language. Literature is important in people’s life because it happens around us. It is an expression from their experiences, thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Literature relates to human’s life so that the reader can see the reflection of real life. By learning literature, people will obtain wider insight and wiser consideration in making decision. According to Wellek and Warren (1990: 3), literature is creative activity of art; literature is expressed in language or words as medium. There are some literary works which can be elaborated into deep analysis; they are novel, short story poetry, and drama.

Film is similar with drama as one of literary works because it is made to be performed by different actors in different locations throughout time (Mayer, 1997:


97). Basically, drama and film have similarities in structure such as character, setting, plot, and theme. On the other hand, drama and film have differences. Drama is one of literary works and one of collecting dialogues presented by the actor on the stage in front of the audience, while film has a story that is written and acted for an audience. In addition, film has screens as the media, and the audience cannot see the actors immediately (Fika, 2007).

Film is a type of communication which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or help people to learn about new ideas. People in every part of the world watch film that tells stories as a type of entertainment; a way to have fun. Most of films are made so that they can be shown on big screens at cinemas or movie theatres (Cook, 2007: 87).

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that film is human expression that reflects the human’s ideas, act, behavior, lifestyle, and anything relates to human kind which becomes a story with all messages inside it. Some films have become popular worldwide attractions with using dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue (Cosseti, 1999: 73). By watching film, people can understand about the development of life, science, art, and technology that they do not know before. There are many people who are interested in film. Film is supposed to be an image of the real world.

“Karate Kid” film is chosen because of some reasons. The first, “Karate Kid” is one of action film produced by Columbia Picture on June 2010, with a Harald Zwart as director. He used USA and China as the setting of film. The second, the main


character in this film has struggled to adapt to the environment in china. The last, this film is interesting because it tells about the brave kid to face the danger.

Bravery is a quality of spirit that enables people to face danger of pain without showing a fear (Roget’s Thesaurus, 1996 in Meriam Webster). Bravery always appears in society when someone makes an interaction. Besides, bravery also appears in anytime, anywhere, and it happen to everybody. It makes the writer interested in analyzing bravery. The reader can take some good lessons from this solution in the study. The reader also can deal with several problems that come up in this life by showing their bravery.

In this study, the film is analyzed because it is one of the literary works that offers many valuable lessons, and interesting story. This study tries to investigate the bravery of Dre Parker who is humiliated by his new friends in china. One of his friends is jealous because he is closer with a girl in his class. Therefore, he learns Kung fu in order to fight them.

1.2 The Statement of Problems

Based on the background of study above, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. What is Dre Parker’s bravery in “Karate Kid” film?

2. What are Dre Parker’s reasons for having bravery in “Karate Kid” film? 3. How does Dre Parker do bravery in “Karate Kid” film?


1.3 The Purpose of the Study

Referring to the statement of the problems above, the purpose of the study are as follows:

1. To find out Dre Parker’s bravery in “Karate Kid” film.

2. To know Dre Parker’s reasons for having bravery in “Karate Kid” film.

3. To describe the ways Dre Parker does bravery in “Karate Kid film

1.4 The Significance of the Study

1. To the learner and teachers of English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang, this study will enlarge their knowledge about literary work especially film and they can take lesson from the story and use it as guide of life.

2. To the society, this study will give them information about how to against the criminality and danger situation.

3. To the next researcher, this study expectedly becomes an additional literature to conduct similar research.

1.5 The Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the film “Karate Kids”. There are many topics that can be

analyzed in this film, but in this study, Dre Parker’s bravery is chosen as the scope of

the study. Meanwhile, the limitation of the study is to analyze what the causes and the ways of Dre Parker’s bravery face danger in “Karate Kid” film.


1.6 The Definition of Key Terms

To clarify the terms used in this study, the writer gives the definition of key terms. It is intended to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding of terms used in her study. Those are as follows:

1. A study is giving attention to the subject in order to know more about it (Hubart, in Rodiah (1997:4).

2. Dre Parker is the main character in Karate Kid film directed by Harald Zwart. 3. Harald Zwart is the author of “Karate Kid” film.

4. Bravery is a quality of spirit that enables people to face danger of pain without showing a fear (Roget’s Thesaurus 1996 in Meriam Webster).

5. “Karate Kid” is the title of film directed by Harald Zward.

6. Film refers to encompassing individual motion pictures, the field of film as an art. Film is produced by recording image from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects (Wikipedia, 2008).

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