Description Research Object Description of Selected Companies’ Sample

46 Table 4.1 below presents the sample selection process based on established criteria. Table 4.1 Sample Selection Process Based on Criteria No Criteria Total 1. Companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013 486 2. The company did not have complete data related to the studied variables. 133 3. Outlier Test 65 Total sample during research period 288 Source: Secondary Data Processed

2. Description of Selected Companies’ Sample

Description of Study Sample
Object of the research are companies which is grouped into two categories based on the timeliness submission their financial report, the categories are: a. Companies that are submit their financial report on time to BAPEPAM. b. Companies that are not on time in submit their financial reports to BAPEPAM. 47 Table 4.2 Company Distribution which is On Time and Delay on Submitting Financial Report during Study Period Categories of Companies Years of Research 2013 Total Companies On Time 280 97.3 Companies Not On Time 8 2.7 Total 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Distribution of companies based on the timeliness their financial reporting for the year period 2013 is shown on Table 4.2. It is known that at year 2013 the company reported its financial statements on time as much as 280 97.3 companies. As for the companies that report financial statements delay in year 2013 as much as 8 2.7 companies. Companies that delay in submitting financial report according to a report from BAPEPAM and LK caused by several things, such caused by technical problems the parent’s company consolidated with subsidiaries. An increasing number of companies who are delay in submitting financial statements according to a report from Bapepam-LK because of several things, as a follows: 1. Related to the companys internal problems, such as: the preparation of human resources, information 48 systems, and the willingness of the company in submitting their financial report. 
 2. There are several companies that perform massive debt restructuring, so it took a long time for the preparation of financial report. In terms of regulations in Indonesia, since the issuance the Latter of Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution number 40BL2007 about Submission Period the periodical Financial Statements and Annual Reports going public companies listed on the IDX Indonesia Stock Exchange push companies listed to report their financial reports on time before the expiry date which is on March 31 90 days. Although Bapepam will provide tough sanctions to companies that are delay in submitting their financial report, but there are still some companies that do not submit financial reports on time. It is seen 97.3 of companies that on time in submit their financial report while the remaining 2.7 of companies has been late. Table 4.3 Distribution ACI Audit Committee Independence to the timeliness submission financial report No ACI Category On Time Delay Total Total Total Total 1 3 Person 7 2.5 7 2.43 2 3 Person 245 87.5 7 87.5 252 87.5 49 3 3 Person 28 10 1 12.5 29 10.07 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Table 4.3 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on ACI Audit Committee Independence for year 2013. In the total shows that companies which is on time submit their financial report have independence member less than 3 persons 7 companies or 2.3, have member 3 persons 245 companies or 87.5, and have more than 3 persons 28 companies or 10. At the other side, companies that have delay in submit their financial report have member less than 3 persons 0 companies, and companies have member 3 person 7 companies or 87.5, meanwhile companies that have more than 3 persons 3 companies or 12.5. Table 4.4 Distribution ACE Audit Committee Expertise to the timeliness submission financial report No ACE Category On Time Delay Total Total Total Total 1 2 Person 49 17.5 49 17.01 2 2 Person 144 51.4 7 87.5 151 52.44 3 2 Person 87 31.1 1 12.5 88 30.55 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Table 4.4 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on ACE Audit Committee Expertise for year 2013. In the total shows that 50 companies which is on time submit their financial report have independence member less than 2 persons 49 companies or 17.5, have member 2 persons 144 companies or 51.4, and have more than 2 persons 87 companies or 31.1. At the other side, there are no companies that have delay in submit their financial report have member less than 2 persons and companies have member 2 person 7 companies or 87.5, meanwhile companies that have more than 2 persons 1 companies or 12.5. Table 4.5 Distribution ACS Audit Committee Size to the timeliness submission financial report No ACS Category On Time Delay Total Total Total Total 1 3 Person 6 2.15 6 2.1 2 3 Person 246 87.85 7 87.5 253 87.84 3 3 Person 28 10 1 12.5 29 10.06 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Table 4.5 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on ACS Audit Committee Size for year 2013. In the total shows that companies which is on time submit their financial report have independence member less than 3 persons 6 companies or 21.5, have member 3 persons 246 companies or 87.85, and have more than 3 persons 28 companies or 10. At the other side, there are no companies that have delay in submit their financial report have member less 51 than 3 persons, and companies have member 3 person 7 companies or 87.5, meanwhile companies that have more than 3 persons 1 companies or 12.5. Table 4.6 Distribution ACM Audit Committee Meeting to the timeliness submission financial report No ACM Category On Time Delay Total Total Total Total 1 4 Times 35 12.5 35 12.15 2 4 Times 133 47.5 4 50 137 47.56 3 4 Times 112 40 4 50 116 40.27 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Table 4.6 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on ACM Audit Committee Meeting for year 2013. In the total shows that companies which is on time submit their financial report held meeting less than 4 times 35 companies or 12.5, held meeting 4 times 133 companies or 47.5, and held meeting more than 4 times 112 companies or 40. At the other side, there are no companies that have delay in submit their financial report held meeting less than 4, and companies held meeting 4 times 4 companies or 50, meanwhile companies that held meeting more than 4 times 4 companies or 50. 52 Table 4.7 Distribution Company Size to the timeliness submission financial report No Company Size Category On Time Delay Total Total Total Total Total 1 25 15 5.35 1 12.5 16 5.55 2 25-30 214 76.43 5 62.5 219 76.04 3 30 51 18.21 2 25 53 18.4 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Table 4.7 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on Company Size for year 2013. In the total shows that companies which is on time submit their financial report have value less than 25 15 companies or 5.35, have value between 25-30 214 companies or 76.43, and have value more than 30 51 companies or 18.21. At the other side, companies that have delay in submit their financial report have value less than 25 1 companies or 12.5, and companies have value between 25-30 5 companies or 62.5, meanwhile companies that have value more than 30 2 companies or 25. Table 4.8 Distribution External Auditor to the timeliness submission financial report No External Auditor On Time Delay Total Total Total Total 1 Big 4 105 37.5 1 12.5 106 36.8 2 Non Big 4 175 62.5 7 87.5 152 63.2 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed 53 Table 4.8 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on External Auditor for year 2013. In the total shows that companies that is on time submit their financial report used Big 4 Public Accountant 105 companies or 37.5, did not use Big 4 Public Accountant 17 5 companies or 62.5. At the other side, companies that have delay in submit their financial report used Big 4 Public Accountant 1 companies or 12.5, and companies did not use Big 4 Public Accountant 7 companies or 87.5. Table 4.9 Distribution Profitability ROA to the timeliness submission financial report No ROA On Time Delay Total Total Total Total 1 10 216 77.14 8 100 224 77.78 2 10-50 62 22.14 62 22.14 3 50 2 0.72 2 0.7 Total 280 100 8 100 288 100 Source: Secondary Data Processed Table 4.9 shows the number of companies that on time and delay on submit their financial report based on Profitability for year 2013. In the total shows that companies which is on time submit their financial report have value less than 10 216 companies or 77.14, have value 10-50 62 companies or 22.14, and have value more than 50 2 companies or 0.72. At the other side, companies that have delay in submit their financial 54 report have value less than 10 8 companies or 100, and there are no companies that have value gather than 10.

B. Analysis and Discussion 1.

Descriptive Statistic Analysis The descriptive statistical testing obtains a picture or describes data that can be seen from median, mean, mode, standard deviation, variance, maximum and minimum. Variable used in this test are variable of audit committee independent, audit committee expertise, audit committee size, audit committee meeting, company size, external auditor, profitability and financial report submission. Based on the test result, it is obtained the descriptive statistic as much as 163 observation data coming from a single study period in 2013. Table 4.10 Descriptive Statistic Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation ACI 288 2.00 6.00 3.1111 .48116 ACE 288 .00 5.00 2.1771 .79188 ACS 288 2.00 6.00 3.1285 .52215 ACM 288 .00 44.00 6.0486 5.25162 CS 288 19.11 40.65 28.3165 2.32984 EA 288 .00 1.00 .3681 .48312 ROA 288 -1.00 .67 .0512 .11513 Audit Lag AL 288 41.00 101.00 79.4271 8.53043 Valid N listwise 288 Source: Output SPSS 20.0 55 Table 4.10 shows the descriptive statistic of each variable of the research. Based on table 4.10, the result of the analysis using descriptive statistic on ACI Audit Committee Independence indicates the minimum value is 2.00 and the maximum value is 6.00. Average ACI variable is 3.1111 and the standard deviation is 0.48116, which is lower than average value and indicate the data is distributed normally. The result of the analysis using descriptive statistic on ACE Audit Committee Expertise indicates the minimum value of ACE value is 0.00, and the maximum value is 5.00. Average ACE variable is 2.1771 and the standard deviation is 0.79188, which is lower than average value and indicate the data is distributed normally. The result of the analysis using descriptive statistic on ACS Audit Committee Size indicates the minimum value of ACS value is 2.00, and the maximum value is 6.00. Average ACS variable is 3.1285 and the standard deviation is 0.52215, which is lower than average value and indicate the data is distributed normally. The result of the analysis using descriptive statistic on ACM Audit Committee Meeting indicates the minimum value of ACM value is 0.00, and the maximum value is 44.00. Average ACM variable is 6.0486 and the standard deviation is 5.25162, which is lower than average value and indicate the data is distributed normally. The result of the analysis using descriptive statistic on CS Company Size indicates the minimum value of CS value is 19.11, and

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