Fear of Loosing Showing affection


g. Feel a pity

The conversation is between Edward and Bella. Bella loves the baby because the baby is happy. Bella feels sorry for the baby because the first baby will be aborted. But Bella choses to take care of the baby. And to this day her baby is happy with Bella. Edward : Just say something else. Bella : Like what? Edward, what‟s going on? Edward : He likes the sound of your voice. Bella : You can hear him? Edward : In mind. He likes my voice as well. Bella : What? What do you hear? Edward : It‟s so strange. I thought he was like me, but he‟s not. He‟s like you. Good and pure. He‟s happy. Bella :Of course you a re. Of course you‟re happy. How could you not be? I love you so much. What do you hear now? Edward : He loves you, Bella. Bella : Oh, my gosh

h. Jealous

The conversation are among Edward, Bella, and Edward‟s friend. Edward will come to the party with his friend. He asks for Bella is permission. Bella asks whether there will be strippers. Because she was jealous with strippers. Bella : Will there be strippers? Edward : No, just a couple of mountain lions. Edward‟s friend : Don‟t worry, Bella, we‟ll give him back in plentyof time. 12

i. Scared of being

The conversation is between Bella and Edward. Edward is afraid of losing Bella. He is disappointed because can not save Bella and their baby. He can‟t live without Bella. He loves him very much. Bella : Edward, I‟m sorry. Edward : I can’t live without you. Edward : You won‟t. You‟re gonna have a part of me. Edward : He‟ll need you

j. Convince the bride

The conversation happens in wedding. Edward and bella stand in front of the priest. They are standing to uttered a pledge of marriage. Priest : Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day. Priest : to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Priest : Please repeat after me. I, Edward Cullen. Take you, Bella Swan. Edward : Take you, Bella Swan. To have and to hold. Edward : To have and to hold. Bella : For better oor for worse. Edward : For richer, for poorer. Bella : In sickness and in health. Edward : To love. Bella : To cherish. Edward : As long as we both shall live. I do. Bella : I love you.