Prose GUSVIKA SAR declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where

society. Marginalised people might be socially, economically, politically, and legally ignored, ecluded or neglected, and are therefore vulnerable to livelihood change. Besides, African-American women has to face gender problem, they are suffering. They have to deal with discrimination in two levels: being black and female. African-American woman have numerous issues to deal with on a daily basis. Many of them are single parent that do not receive support from their child’s father. It makes them getting deppressed. They are the victims of the society and black men too. The problems of black men’s violence against black woman raises sensitive issues of gender and race As a result of all African-Americans’ suffering, the literature produced tends to focuss and explain on the freedom, equality, democracy, racism, religion, gender, and culture.

2.4 Prose

Prose is one of the genre of literature, along with poetry, and drama. Prose is the ordinary form of spoken and written language whose unit is the sentence. The language in the prose doesn not have a regular rhythmic pattern that is almost found in traditional poetry. Novel, essay, romance, and short stories are example of prose. Novel is kind of prose chosen by the writer to be analyzed. Peck 1988: 102 states, “although there are ealier novels, the history of the English novel really begins with the publication of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe in 1719. The late arrival of the novel on the literary scene tells us something important Universitas Sumatera Utara about the genre: it is, above all else, a form of literature which looks at people in society. Writers have, of course, always been intersted in the world around them, but the development of the novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everybody experiience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves.” Element of prose is divided into five elements. They are, character, plot, setting, theme, and style of writing. Character is any person, persona, identity, or entity whose existence originates from a fictional work or performance. Character is a participants in the story. There are several types of characters, they are: protagonist, the main character of a story. Antagonist, the character who stands in opposition to the protagonist. Foil character, a minor character who has traits in a version to the main character. Plot is a series of events in a narrative that is carefully constructed by the author for artistic purpose, a series of related incidents that build upon one another as the story develops. Setting is the local and time of a story. It is often a real place, but it may be a fictious city or country. Theme is what author is trying to tell the readers. Theme is a controlling idea oof literary work that is a general truth or commentary about life, people, and the world that is brought in a story. When we are trying to deside on theme, we have to consider the title of the work itself, along with the general observations about life made by the characters throughout the story. Universitas Sumatera Utara Style of writing helps us to indicate the tone. It is the manner in which the work is writen. It is about the selection of words diction, sentence structure syntax, and narrative modes, all work together to present certain style. On the other hand, Wellek and Warren 1962 : 216 states, “analytical criticism of the novel has customarily distinguished three constituents, plot, characterization, and setting: the last, o readily symbolic, becomes, in some modern theories, ‘atmosphere’ or ‘tone’. It is needless to observe that each of these elements is determinant of the others.” Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III METHOD OF STUDY Doing this thesis, the writer uses the library reserach by collecting the data from some books and many other resources which can be related to the subject matter being analyzed. The writer uses The Color Purple as the main source that contents the important information for the subject matter which is being analyzed. Nawawi, 1993:30 states that, “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain.” Library research is done by collecting the data from any kinds of source in the library or any other places.

3.1 Data collecting Procedure