As it has been previously stated, the purpose of this study was to investigate beliefs on learning English among non-English college students. This chapter presents and discusses the finding of the research. According to Creswell 2007, findings discuss about data presentation. It means that all data obtained from the research are presented and described in the section of findings. The chapter presents the analysis of the collected data to answer the research question.

A. Analysis

In this section, the data were analyzed to answer the research question “What beliefs do students of Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University hold about English learning?” To do so, the data from the result of the questionnaire were grouped into six points, such as beliefs about language, beliefs about language skills, beliefs about language learning, beliefs about self-esteem, beliefs about learning sources, and beliefs about being English learner. Those were presented in percent and mean X̄ in order to support the analysis result. Involving 258 respondents, the findings from the survey shows that non-English major students in Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University reported having some beliefs about language learning that are common among EFL learners in previous studies and some that are different. 49

1. Beliefs about Language

The responses of the items in the category of beliefs about language are presented in Table 4.1 which covers four items. Item 1 addresses the concept of structural view. Item 2 addresses functional or communicative view. Item 3 addresses interactional view and item 4 is the importance of accuracy and fluency in English learning. Table 4.1: Frequency of responses in and means for the beliefs about language Item Statement Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Mean X̄ 1 The most important part in learning English is grammar 1.9 15.5 74.8 7.8 2.12 2 I learn English by learning the language expression such as apologizing, advising, etc. 28.7 67.1 4.3 - 3.24 3 I learn English through conversation 14.0 67.1 19.0 - 2.95 4 English is not only about fluency but also accuracy 24.0 64.3 9.7 1.9 3.10 Table 4.1 shows 17.4 respondents agree that they learn English by learning grammar and 82.6 disagree X̄=2.12, 95.8 agree that they learn English by learning the expressions of language function and 4.3 disagree X̄=3.24, 88.3 agree that they learn English through conversation and 19 disagree X̄=2.59, 88.3 agree the importance of fluency and accuracy and 11.4 disagree X̄=3.10 See Appendix 2. There were three main themes to be discussed to clarify the students’ beliefs about language regarding the structural view, the functional view and interactional view. Responses to the items of stud ents’ beliefs about language showed that most of