Description of the Course Goal Learning Objectives References Description of the Course Goal

Appendix E – Lesson Plan 100 LESSON PLAN MEETING ONE

A. Description of the Course

Name of the course : English Language Topic : I am washing the car Time Allocation : 70 minutes Number of Students : 44 students

B. Goal

At the end of the lesson the students have proficiency to repeat, transform and make simple sentence with correct subject-verb agreement and to pronounce words containing [ ɪ], [ʃ] and [ð] correctly.

C. Learning Objectives

1. The students are able to use subject pronouns correctly. 2. The students are able to transform a sentence to be another type of sentence correctly. 3. The students are able to acquire more vocabularies related to daily activities. D. Learning Activities Time Allocation Learning Activities Teacher Students Time Allocation minutes Pre-Activities 5 minutes ƒ Greet the students ƒ Pray and introduce learning materials ƒ Respond to the teacher ƒ Listen to the teacher 2’ 3’ Main Activities 60 minutes ƒ Employs the repetition drill ƒ Gives feedback ƒ Employs the transformation drill ƒ Gives feedback ƒ Follow the activity ƒ Listen to the teacher ƒ Follow the activity ƒ Listen to the teacher 10 5 10 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 101 ƒ Employs the chain drill ƒ Gives feedback ƒ Employs the complete the dialog ƒ Gives feedback ƒ Follow the activity ƒ Listen to the teacher ƒ Follow the activity ƒ Listen to the teacher 10 5 10 5 Post-Activities 5 minutes ƒ Review some important points about the material ƒ Listen to the teacher 5 minutes

E. References

Potter, J. 2001. Gogo Loves English: Workbook. 3 rd edition. Hong Kong: Longman. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 102 LESSON PLAN MEETING THREE

A. Description of the Course

Name of the course : English Language Topic : Are you dancing? Time Allocation : 70 minutes Number of Students : 44 students

B. Goal

At the end of the lesson the students have proficiency to repeat, transform and make simple sentence with correct subject-verb agreement and to pronounce words containing [ ɪ], [ʃ] and [ð] correctly.

C. Learning Objectives