A. The Type of the Research

In this research, the researcher basically applied qualitative approach. Qualitative research methodology is a research procedure which produces descriptive data results in the form of written or oral words from people and their behavior that are observed Bogdan and Biklen, 1982: 5. This type of research produces knowledge which is constructed through communication and interpretation Vanderstoep and Johnston, 2009: 166. Therefore, this research focused on the process than the consequences which were not revealed in the form of numbers but words. To be more specific, the researcher employed descriptive qualitative approach. Nawawi 1993: 63 defines descriptive qualitative approach as a procedure of solving a problem by describing or illustrating the condition of the research subject or object, e.g. people, department, and society based on the fact and its factual condition. Thus, the researcher expressed the result of this research in the form of description and explanation. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the researcher also applied quantitative approach in processing the data. In contrast to qualitative approach, quantitative approach is closely related with number and statistical analysis. In this research, the researcher stated the findings in the form of measures and numbers. Still, the numbers and measures used by the researcher were only to state the percentages and to strengthen the interpretation. In other words, quantitative approach was used only to collect the additional data while the data analysis process and the result of this research were conducted qualitatively.

B. The Form, Context, and Source of the Data

Data are any rough materials collected by a researcher from the world or field they are studying Bodgan and Biklen, 1982: 73. In this research, the researcher collected the data in the form of lingual units namely words, phrases, and sentences in which figurative language is used. Meanwhile, the context of the data was the text of Kid President‟s speeches which were selected based on their popularity. The primary sources of this research were speeches of Kid President that were taken from youtube. Since 2012 until January 2015, there have been more than seventy speeches or videos of Kid President available in youtube. However, considering the researcher‟s accessibility and the effectiveness of the data analysis process, the researcher took only ten speeches based on their popularity or number of viewers. Those selected speeches are entitled A Pep Talk from Kid President to You 34,755,257 viewers, Kid President’s 20 Things We Should Say More Often 7,526,624 viewers, An Open Letter to Moms from Kid President 6,083,915 viewers, Kid President’s Pep Talk to Teachers and Students 4,928,746 viewers, Ki d President’s Letter to A Person on Their First Day Here 3,493,482 viewers, Kid President – Diabetes vs. Diabeetus 1,377,494 viewers, Kid President – Guide to Being A Party 1,252,790 viewers, Kid President’s 5