

A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number : 8106112050







Halim, Abdul. Figures of Speech of Ngekhane in Alas Wedding Ceremony. A Thesis : English Applied Linguistic Post Graduate Program State University of Medan. 2013

This thesis addresses figures of speech of Ngekhane in Alas wedding ceremony. The data were taken from Ngekhane text recorded in Alas wedding ceremony . The method of the research is descriptive. It gives description about the figures of speech used in Alas wedding ceremony. The findings show that there are seventeen figures of speech but figures of speech used in Alas wedding ceremony only six figures of speech namely simile, merism, repetition, hyperbole, metaphor, meiosis / litotes. From the six figures of speech used in Alas wedding ceremony, merism was dominantly used in Alas wedding ceremony it was indicated that Alas people was very clear and brief in speaking. Suitable with the function of merism was as an addition explanation of the sentence and to clarify the meaning of the sentence. Those figures of speech were reflected Alas culture value namely politeness, friendliness, respect the older, and resoluteness .



Halim, Abdul. Gaya Bahasa Dalam Ngekhane di Pernikahan Adat Alas. Thesis. Linguistic Terapan Bahasa Inggris Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan. 2013

Thesis ini berjudul Gaya Bahasa Dalam Ngekhane di Pernikahan Adat Alas. Data- data yang dipakai untuk melengkapi thesis ini bersumber dari trankripsi rekaman kaset teks Ngekhane pernikahan dalam adat Alas. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode descriptive. Metode ini memberikan gambaran tentang gaya bahasa yang dipakai dalam pernikahan adat Alas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada 6 gaya bahasa yang sering muncul dalam pernikahan adat Alas yaitu simile, merism, repetition, hyperbole, metaphor, meiosis/ litotes. Dari keenam gaya bahasa tersebut yang paling sering digunakan adalah merism. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa masyarakat Alas jelas dan tegas dalam berbicara. Sesuai dengan fungsi merism itu sendiri sebagai penjelasan tambahan dan penegasan makna dari sebuah kalimat. Gaya bahasa tersebut juga menggambarkan nilai- nilai budaya yang ada dalam masyarakat Alas yaitu nilai kesopanan, menghormati sesama, ramah tamah, dan ketegasan.



First of all, the writer would like to start off by thanking Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful for blessing his to write this thesis. This study is concerned with figures of speech used in Alas wedding ceremony. This study is submitted to Post Graduate School of State University of Medan in partial fulfillment of the final academic requirements to obtain the degree of Magister of Humaniora from English Applied Linguistics.

In writing this thesis, the writer faced a lot of difficulties, troubles and without any help from the following people, it was impossible for him to finish this thesis. Thisefore, the writer would like to thank all the people mentioned below.

The writer expresses his gratitude to Prof. Amrin Saragih, MA, Phd as his first adviser for his valuable guidance, criticism, consultations and supports and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, MS., as his second adviser for his valuable corrections and advices in finishing this thesis.

He also expresses his gratitude to Director of Post Graduate School, Head and Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program of State University of Medan, all lectures who have equipped his during the times of lecturing and finishing this thesis

Special thanks are expressed to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, Prof. Tina Mariany, M.A., Ph.D., Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum., as his reviewers and examiners, for the valuable input to improve the thesis.


A very special gratitude is given for his beloved parents; Drs. Samudin Selian and Masitah together with his sister and brother Yosi Elisa, S.Km, Muhammad Jefri, S.Pd, and all her family. His lovely wife Vivi Elvina, S.Pd and his sons; Jilan Fathi Abrar and Hafidzh Kautsar for their sincere prayer, love and supports in moral and material during his academic year in completing his study. May Allah SWT always bless them. Finally, he would like to thanks to his classmates and anyone who cannot be mentioned his for giving support in finishing this thesis.

Medan, July 2013 The writer,






ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ... 5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 5

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 5



2.1. Language in society... 7

2.2 Figures of Speech ... 8

2.2.1 The Classification of the Figures of speech ... 9

2.3 Alas’s Cultural Values ... 23

2.4 Wedding Ceremony in Alas ... 24

2.4.1 Ngekhane... 31

2.5 The Previous Relevant Studies ... 32

2.7 Conceptual Framework ... 33

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 The Research Design... 34

3.2 The Instrument of Study... 35

3.3 Procedure of Collecting Data ... 36

3.4 Techniques of Analyzing the Data ... 36

3.5 Techniques for Establishing Thrustworthiness of the Data ... 37



4.1 Data Analysis ... 39

4.1.1 The Figures of Speech Used in Alas Wedding Ceremony ... 39 Simile 39 Merism ... 41 Repetition ... 44 Hyperbole ... 44 Metaphor ... 45 Litotes ... 45

4.1.2 Figures Of Speech Dominantly Use In Alas Wedding Ceremony ... 46

4.1.3 Figures Of Speech Reflected Alas Cultural Value ... 50

4.2 Findings ... 51



Table Page

4.1 Frequency Figures of Speech in Ngekhane Transcription ... 46



Appendix Page

1. Transcript of Ngekhane I Transcription ... 55

2. Figure of Speech in Ngekhane I Transcription ... 66

3. Transcript of Ngekhane II Transcription... 70

4. Figure of Speech in Ngekhane II Transcription ... 74

5. Transcript of Ngekhane III Transcription ... 78

6. Figure of Speech in Ngekhane III Transcription... 79

7. Transcript of Ngekhane IV Transcription ... 80

8. Figure of Speech in Ngekhane IV Transcription ... 84

9. Transcript of Ngekhane V Transcription ... 85




1.1The Background of Study

Human beings use and need language everyday. They can express everything in their mind by using language to follow every human’s activity. If someone cannot communicate with the other s/he would find everything in his or her world difficult, therefore it is important to see clearly what language is. Language is a means of communication. It is the important part of human existence and social process. By the ability to communicate, human being are able to express their ideas, to live and work. Without language, problems in society may appear legions and misunderstanding. The function or role of language is an institution whereby a human being communicates and interacts with one another by means of habitually used oral, auditory, arbitrary and symbols. In the light of this definition, language is viewed as a system of arbitrary, vocal, symbols, that permits all people who have learned the system of culture to communicative and interest.

People who speak a certain language share a certain culture too. The relationship between language and culture is correlated. Leviredge (2010) states that the relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language is used to maintain and convey culture and cultural ties. Different ideas stem from different language use within one’s culture and the whole aspects of these relationships start one’s birth.


Language is used as a means of communication but also for its great concern with other field. In Indonesia, as one of the developing countries, English is learnt as a foreign language. Indonesia is constituted by numerous ethnic groups such as Javanese, Bataknese, Acehnese and others. The Acehnese as one of the biggest ethnic groups in Indonesia and the biggest in Aceh. There some cultures in the Aceh namely Acehnese, Gayonese, Alasnese, etc. The Alasnese as one of ethnic groups in Aceh also learn English for special purposes such as tourism, education and occupational purposes Learning English for also learn English for special purposes such as tourism, education and occupational purposes. Learning English for the Alas is not easy because the patterns, structures and grammar of English are viewed as very different from the Alas. The differences can be seen in the pattern of the sentences.

Knowing the culture of the society will help us build comfortable interaction. One can be impolite if s/he cannot do interaction based on the context of situation. Different tribes have different ways on doing communication. When the speaker makes utterances to the hearer in context, the communication between speaker and hearer will success if it is understandable and the hearer can be understood the speaker meaning and intention in a context.

For Alas people, communicating and sharing ideas can be expressed in many ways for instance in the wedding ceremony. There are some figures of speech are used in the wedding ceremony especially in Alas wedding ceremony. Figures of speech or figurative language are words or groups of words used to


give particular emphasis to an idea or sentiment. A figure of speech expresses an idea or experience vividly, forcefully, and briefly . Sometimes figure of speech may seem even more direct than literal language because it helps the listener grasp important ideas immediately. In other words the figures of speech are forms of expression in which words are used differently from their normal meanings. According to Croll (1986:65) figures of speech are forms of expression that departs from normal word or sentence order or from common literal meanings for words, for the purpose of achieving a special effect.

In broad outline, figure of speech can be divided in to four kinds (Kosasih: 2007:121) 1)Comparison figure of speech; 2)Substitution figure of speech; 3)Addition or amplification figure of speech; 4)Omission or Suppression figure of speech. Where comparison figures of speech consist of simile, metaphor, allegory, and personification. Substitution figures of speech consist of metonymy, synecdoche, merism, euphemism, and irony. Then, addition or amplification figures of speech consist of parallelism, repetition, hyperbole, climax, and anticlimax. And the last is omission or Suppression figures of speech consist of ellipsis, erotesis, and meiosis.

In Alas wedding ceremony, there exist ngekhane. Ngekhane is a kind of cultural address, where the terms used are different from what we always hear in daily communication. Ngekhane consists of three parts, namely: opening, body of speech, and closing. The function of ngekhane is to make communication and diplomacy easier when wedding ceremony is taking place. If there is


miscommunication, the bride side will make the process of ceremony more difficult. And it will give bad effect on the wedding ceremony.

In ngekhane use many figures of speech that are difficult to understand by common people because ngekhane words or utterances are different from daily conversation.

The use of figurative language in ngekhane is suitable with the ideology in Alas that is speaks based on the place, and polite in order not make the listener feel offended. But, Alas people who know the meaning of utterance in ngekhane is limited. Only certain person can understand the meaning that is the leader of tradition and the people who has high knowledge about literature Alas. Communication will be success if listener can understand the message (Miller: 2005). In the fact by using many figures of speech, make the listener do not understand the meaning of ngekahne. It is mean the function of communication is not run well.

As Trudgill (2000) argues that, language is closely associated with social structure and culture value system. And he also states that language as a social phenomenon is closely tied up with the social structure and value system of society. It is mean that language cannot be separated with the social structure and culture value system. By language a culture will be exist and the other hand.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in exploring deeply the figure of speech in Alas wedding ceremony.


The Problems of Study

The focus of this study is to find “How figures of speech are used in Alas wedding ceremony”? In order to answer the question, the problems of research are formulated as in the following.

1. What figures of speech are used in Alas wedding ceremony ?

2. What is the type of figure of speech dominantly used in Alas culture ? 3. How do these figures of speech reflect the cultural values of Alas?

1.3 The Objectives of Study

Related to the problems , the objectives of the study are .

1. describe figure of speech in Alas wedding ceremony,

2. derive the dominat figure of speech in the Alas wedding ceremony, and 3. describe underlying cultural values in the figure of speech used in the

wedding ceremony.

1.4The Scope of Study

In Alas wedding ceremony there are several steps and one of them is Peperi.. In Peperi there exists Ngekahane before marriage agreement. they will use Ngekahane as a welcoming utterance and the utterance uses figure of speech. In this case the study is limited on figure of speech that is used at Ngekahane in Alas wedding ceremony.


1.5The Significances of Study

Finding of the study are expected to give both theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, the findings of the present study are expected to be useful for those who are interested in sociolinguistics especially for lecturers in teaching sociolinguistics. They can use this research to enlarge their knowledge about the kinds of figures of speech that is used in Alas wedding ceremony. Practically, the findings can useful for researchers who are concerned with Alas wedding ceremony then the writer hopes that this research will provide additional references for those who want to conduct studies in this field and as a device to maintain Alas’s culture from extinction.





After analyzing the data, conclusion are drawn as the following :

1. Alas society uses figures of speech on their wedding ceremony. A figure of speech used in Alas wedding ceremony was simile, merism, repetition, hyperbole, metaphor, and meiosis/ litotes.

2. Figures of speech which is dominantly use in Alas wedding ceremony is merism. It implies that Alas society speaks clearly and not ambiguous in meaning. Where, simile appear eleven times, repetition appear seven times in ngekhane transcription. Whereas, hyperbole appear three times, metaphor appear two times, and litotes appear one times.

3. Figures of speech reflected Alas cultural value such as politeness value, friendliness, respect the older/respect each other, and resoluteness. Politeness value is reflected on simile, hyperbole and meiosis/ litotes. It shows that using the words chosen the bridegroom’ side was very careful in order the bride side will not be offended. The word used in wedding ceremony is made as polite as possible. Friendly value is reflected in repetition, it is shown in the way the bridegroom address the guest who attend the ceremony. Respect the older/ \respect each other is reflected in metaphor. Resoluteness value is reflected in merism.


5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion, suggestion are staged as the following .

1. The lectures who play an important role in teaching sociolinguistics to give attention, not only for foreign and Indonesia cultures but also vernacular cultures. By studying vernacular culture especially Alas culture, the teacher can compare Alas culture with other culture.

2. To the other researchers to do more research about Alas wedding ceremony from different emphasis so more information about the use of figures of speech in Alas wedding ceremony order not only Alasnese can understand the meaning of figures of speech that was used in the ceremony but also the other people non Alasnese.

3. It is suggested to all of us as the writer and reader who read this thesis in order to understand the types of figures of speech. The used of the figures of speech are different between one to another culture.



Allan, Keith, Burridge, Kate. 1991. Euphemism & Dysphemism: Language Used As Shield and Weapon, Oxford University Press,

Best, J. W. 1982. Research in Educational. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall

Bogdan, R.C., & Biklen, S.K. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education; Introduction to Theory and Method. 2nd . Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Charles F. W. Morris. 1955. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Croll, M.W. 1986. Style, Rhetoric, and Rhythm. New York: Princeton

Davidson. Donald. 1978. "What Metaphors Mean." Reprinted in Inquiries Into Truth and Interpretation. Oxford University Press.

Denzin, N.K & Lincoln, Y.S. 1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oks. SAGE Publlication

Ebi, Y. 2012. Figurative Language and Stylistic Function in J. P. Clark-Bekederemo's Poetry. ELT Journal Vol. 3/1, 180-187: Academy Publishet Manufactured in Finland

Faridah. 2002. Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Melayu Serdang. Tesis. Pascasarjana. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)

Fromkin and Rodman. 1972. An Introduction to Language.New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winson

George. L. 2007. Figure of Thought , Journal of LinguisticsVol. 1/3 : 215-225 : University of California

Herbert . L. Colston and Albert N. Katz . 2004. Figurative Language Comprehension: Social and Cultural Influences. Journal of Linguistics Vol. 21, 61-65: University of California

Heriawan, R. 2010. Suku Bangsa di Indonesia. Browsed on 9th May, on

Huberman, M & Miles, M.B. 1984. Qualitative Data Analysis: Source Book of New Method. Baverly Hills. Sage Publication


Iwabuchi, A. 1994. The People of the Alas Valley, Clarendon Pres, Oxford, Yew York, USA. Terjemahan Oleh : Dr. Thalib Akbar, MSc

Keller, S and Calhoun, C. 1997. Sociology. New York: the Mc Graw-Hill Company

Kerry, L. H. 2005. The Linguistics of Euphemism : A Diachronic Study of Euphemism Formation. Journal of Language and Linguistics Vol. 4/2 : 227-263 : University of Florida

Komisi A (Adat Alas).2003.Musyawarah Adat Alas Dan Gayo. Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara

Kosasih, 2007. Bimbingan pemantapan bahasa Indonesia. Bandung. Yrama Widya. M. Affan

Kremer, J. 1992. Atjeh, I. Leiden : E.J. Bril, the Netherland. Terjemahan Oleh : Dr. Thalib Akbar, MSc

Lee, C. J., & Katz, A. N. (1998). The differential role of ridicule in sarcasm and irony. Metaphor and Symbol, . Journal of Linguistics 35 (2003) 243–262. Lincoln, Y. and Guba, E.G 1985 Naturalistic inquiry. California: SAGE


Marjohan, A.1998. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Jakarta: Depdikbub Matthew. S. M. 2007. What is the explanatory value of a conceptual metaphor ,

Journal of LinguisticsVol. 27 : 106-126 : University of Texas

Mbela, U. 2010. Figure of speech in Gayo Wedding Ceremony. Tesis. Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED)

Perrine, Laurence, and Thomas R. ARP. 1992. Sound and Sense; An Introduction to Poetry, 8h edition. Southern Metodist University

Radermacher, J.M.J. 1781. Berchrijving van het eiland Sumatera, dalam Zoo verrehetzelve tot nog toe bekend is Verhandelingen van het Bataviasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 3:1-89. Terjemahan Oleh : Dr. Thalib Akbar, MSc

Richard, D. P. 2008. Methaphors of Marriage as Expressions of Divine Human Relations. JETS Journal Vol. 51/4, 689-702: Liberty University


Roberts. M. Richard and Roger J. Kreuz . 1994. Why Do People Use Figurative Language ?. Journal of Linguistics Vol. 5/3, 159-1632: University of Maryland

Rusdi, S . 2008. Sejarah dan Adat Istiadat Masyarakat di Aceh Tenggara. Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Stern, Josef. 2000. Methapor in context. London, England. Cambridge MIT press Trudgill, P. 2000. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society.

Middlesex: Peguin Books

Wereing, S and Thomas, L. 1999. Language society and power an introduction. New York: Westview Press

Widya, A. 2005. Eufemisme Dalam Upacara Perkawinan Adat jawa Nemokke di Medan. Tesis. Pascasarjana. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)

Witherow, J. 2004. Anger and heat: A study of figurative language. JLS Journal Vol. 33, 71-82: Louisiana State University


1.5The Significances of Study

Finding of the study are expected to give both theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, the findings of the present study are expected to be useful for those who are interested in sociolinguistics especially for lecturers in teaching sociolinguistics. They can use this research to enlarge their knowledge about the kinds of figures of speech that is used in Alas wedding ceremony. Practically, the findings can useful for researchers who are concerned with Alas wedding ceremony then the writer hopes that this research will provide additional references for those who want to conduct studies in this field and as a device to maintain Alas’s culture from extinction.





After analyzing the data, conclusion are drawn as the following :

1. Alas society uses figures of speech on their wedding ceremony. A figure of speech used in Alas wedding ceremony was simile, merism, repetition, hyperbole, metaphor, and meiosis/ litotes.

2. Figures of speech which is dominantly use in Alas wedding ceremony is merism. It implies that Alas society speaks clearly and not ambiguous in meaning. Where, simile appear eleven times, repetition appear seven times in ngekhane transcription. Whereas, hyperbole appear three times, metaphor appear two times, and litotes appear one times.

3. Figures of speech reflected Alas cultural value such as politeness value, friendliness, respect the older/respect each other, and resoluteness. Politeness value is reflected on simile, hyperbole and meiosis/ litotes. It shows that using the words chosen the bridegroom’ side was very careful in order the bride side will not be offended. The word used in wedding ceremony is made as polite as possible. Friendly value is reflected in repetition, it is shown in the way the bridegroom address the guest who attend the ceremony. Respect the older/ \respect each other is reflected in metaphor. Resoluteness value is reflected in merism.


5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion, suggestion are staged as the following .

1. The lectures who play an important role in teaching sociolinguistics to give attention, not only for foreign and Indonesia cultures but also vernacular cultures. By studying vernacular culture especially Alas culture, the teacher can compare Alas culture with other culture.

2. To the other researchers to do more research about Alas wedding ceremony from different emphasis so more information about the use of figures of speech in Alas wedding ceremony order not only Alasnese can understand the meaning of figures of speech that was used in the ceremony but also the other people non Alasnese.

3. It is suggested to all of us as the writer and reader who read this thesis in order to understand the types of figures of speech. The used of the figures of speech are different between one to another culture.



Allan, Keith, Burridge, Kate. 1991. Euphemism & Dysphemism: Language Used As Shield and Weapon, Oxford University Press,

Best, J. W. 1982. Research in Educational. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall

Bogdan, R.C., & Biklen, S.K. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education; Introduction to Theory and Method. 2nd . Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Charles F. W. Morris. 1955. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Croll, M.W. 1986. Style, Rhetoric, and Rhythm. New York: Princeton

Davidson. Donald. 1978. "What Metaphors Mean." Reprinted in Inquiries Into Truth and Interpretation. Oxford University Press.

Denzin, N.K & Lincoln, Y.S. 1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oks. SAGE Publlication

Ebi, Y. 2012. Figurative Language and Stylistic Function in J. P. Clark-Bekederemo's Poetry. ELT Journal Vol. 3/1, 180-187: Academy Publishet Manufactured in Finland

Faridah. 2002. Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Melayu Serdang. Tesis. Pascasarjana. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)

Fromkin and Rodman. 1972. An Introduction to Language.New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winson

George. L. 2007. Figure of Thought , Journal of LinguisticsVol. 1/3 : 215-225 : University of California

Herbert . L. Colston and Albert N. Katz . 2004. Figurative Language Comprehension: Social and Cultural Influences. Journal of Linguistics Vol. 21, 61-65: University of California

Heriawan, R. 2010. Suku Bangsa di Indonesia. Browsed on 9th May, on

Huberman, M & Miles, M.B. 1984. Qualitative Data Analysis: Source Book of New Method. Baverly Hills. Sage Publication


Iwabuchi, A. 1994. The People of the Alas Valley, Clarendon Pres, Oxford, Yew York, USA. Terjemahan Oleh : Dr. Thalib Akbar, MSc

Keller, S and Calhoun, C. 1997. Sociology. New York: the Mc Graw-Hill Company

Kerry, L. H. 2005. The Linguistics of Euphemism : A Diachronic Study of Euphemism Formation. Journal of Language and Linguistics Vol. 4/2 : 227-263 : University of Florida

Komisi A (Adat Alas).2003.Musyawarah Adat Alas Dan Gayo. Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara

Kosasih, 2007. Bimbingan pemantapan bahasa Indonesia. Bandung. Yrama Widya. M. Affan

Kremer, J. 1992. Atjeh, I. Leiden : E.J. Bril, the Netherland. Terjemahan Oleh : Dr. Thalib Akbar, MSc

Lee, C. J., & Katz, A. N. (1998). The differential role of ridicule in sarcasm and irony. Metaphor and Symbol, . Journal of Linguistics 35 (2003) 243–262. Lincoln, Y. and Guba, E.G 1985 Naturalistic inquiry. California: SAGE


Marjohan, A.1998. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Jakarta: Depdikbub Matthew. S. M. 2007. What is the explanatory value of a conceptual metaphor ,

Journal of LinguisticsVol. 27 : 106-126 : University of Texas

Mbela, U. 2010. Figure of speech in Gayo Wedding Ceremony. Tesis. Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED)

Perrine, Laurence, and Thomas R. ARP. 1992. Sound and Sense; An Introduction to Poetry, 8h edition. Southern Metodist University

Radermacher, J.M.J. 1781. Berchrijving van het eiland Sumatera, dalam Zoo verrehetzelve tot nog toe bekend is Verhandelingen van het Bataviasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 3:1-89. Terjemahan Oleh : Dr. Thalib Akbar, MSc

Richard, D. P. 2008. Methaphors of Marriage as Expressions of Divine Human Relations. JETS Journal Vol. 51/4, 689-702: Liberty University


Roberts. M. Richard and Roger J. Kreuz . 1994. Why Do People Use Figurative Language ?. Journal of Linguistics Vol. 5/3, 159-1632: University of Maryland

Rusdi, S . 2008. Sejarah dan Adat Istiadat Masyarakat di Aceh Tenggara. Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Stern, Josef. 2000. Methapor in context. London, England. Cambridge MIT press Trudgill, P. 2000. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society.

Middlesex: Peguin Books

Wereing, S and Thomas, L. 1999. Language society and power an introduction. New York: Westview Press

Widya, A. 2005. Eufemisme Dalam Upacara Perkawinan Adat jawa Nemokke di Medan. Tesis. Pascasarjana. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)

Witherow, J. 2004. Anger and heat: A study of figurative language. JLS Journal Vol. 33, 71-82: Louisiana State University