Policy Analysis on Shrimp Trade Between Indonesia and Belgium

Table 4. Estimated Demand for Indonesian Shrimp in Belgium Variable Estimate T value ant -11402.5481 MPB 334.3151 ERB 8.6539 0.846 PFB -11.0142 -2.1380 YB 0.0132 0.110 1.815 Rsquare 0.9996 F table 0.05 13.75 F ratio 455.524 significant at 95 level of confidence significant at 90 level of confidence significant at 80 level of confodence Table 5. Elasticity for Import of shrimp Variable Coefficient Type MPB 1.995 Own Price ERB 0.373 Exchange Rate P FB Cross Price 1.344 Shrimp Production in Belgium YB 6.055 Income Elasticity 27.28 Supply of Meat

6. Policy

Since production of shrimp in Indonesia is found to be insignif- icant with shrimp export of Indonesia it implies that production in Indonesian shrimp industry should he revised comprehensively. In other words production policy in shrimp industry followed closely marketing policy in finding new market. N o . I ke I . 7 . Conclusions On the basis of regression analysis, i t was found that the five proposed va- riables. - tlie exchange rate. shrimp production level in Indonesia, price of shrinip in world niarket, the per capita income in Indonesia. and the price of nieat in Indonesia, are simultaneously significantly influencing the export supply of Indone- sian slirinip in Belgian niarket, in a simultaneous way. Of five variables, exchange rate o f lndonesian Rupiah to the US dollar. was found to he affecting variable tlie export supply of tlie Indonesian slirinip into the Belgian niarket. Using estimates of export function as a predictor. it is predicted that up to year 2000, the export supply of Indonesian slirinip to Belgian niarket will he growing with the expected average growth of 9.8 percent per annuni. Concerning iniport demand conclusions can be drawn from Accordingly. import of Indonesian slirinip the Belgian market a positive relationship in respect following variables : - price of nieat Belgiuni niarket; - price of o n the Belgian niarket; - per capita of Belgiuni. of iniport of Indonesian slirinip Belgian niarket was found to be negatively significant correlated a rate of Belgian Frank to US Dollar, and negatively insignificant the slirinip produc- tion in belgiuni. basis tlie regression i t was the iniport deniand Indonesian shrinip o n the Belgian market is significantly affected by varia- tion of exchange rate, the price of nieat in Belgium, the price of fish Bel- gium, arid production level of in Indonesia. Of the six variables are proposed in the i t was found that, per capita income in Belgium is most significant variable in affecting the variation iniport of the Indonesian shrimp by Belgium. These findings also suggest that fish and are the substitute for shrimp, and is a normal good, because the demand is increasing with respect to the increase in the per capita income. Using the per capita income of Belgian Frank to The US dollar as an predic- tor, i t is estimated that up to the year 2000, the import of Indonesian shrinip by the Belgian market is expected to be growing with the expected average growth of 8.9 percent per Ekonomi No. I ke 1993 REFERENCES Ackefors, Hans. A Regional of the Agriculture Sectors in Eastern and Northwestern Europe. United Nations Development - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 1989. Bank Bumi Daya - Economic Review. Vol. 4 1990. Biro Statistik. : January 1991, BPS, 1991. voor de De evolutie an de gische sector in 1989. Centrale Raad voor Het Oostende, 1990. S. Indonesia Pelita 1969170 - 1988189. Canter for Policy Studies CPS. Jakarta. 1991. Ferdouse. F. Asian Shrimp Situation : International 190 Kuala Lumpur. 1990. International Trade in Fish and Fishery Products Marketing Digest No I I 87, Kuala Lumpur 1987. I. M Analysis of the US - JAPAN - KOREA Market for US White Wheat. of Agricultural and resource - OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 1983. M. Changing Ground patterns in Europe. International 5 90, Kuala Lumpur, 1990. Iman, R.L. and Conove. W.J. Modern Business Statistics John and Sons. Inc. Singapore, 1983. Ku-Chai Chong : Asian Shrimp Aquaculture at cross road International 190, Kuala 1990. Kotler. P. Principle of marketing, third Edition Prentice hall International editions, Englewood cliffs, New jersey, 1986. Ekonomi No. I ke 1993 Value added shrimp Product in Europe fish International 5 Kuala Lumpur. 990. National voor Statistic. STATISTICS TIJDSCHRIFT, Brussels, 199 National lnstituut voor de : Landhouw Statistirken 1991. Brussrls, 1991. R. Shrimp - slower growth toward 1990. Info fish Marketing Digest No Kuala 1983. N. Udang Indonesia pasar Fakultas 1990. Ravel Saltz. Trade the EEC and 87. Kuala Lumpur 1987. W. and K.L. Agricultural Product Prices. Edi- Van Shrimp Market Trends and - USA and Europe, Info Marketing Digest No 6 186. 1986. Ekspor akultas Mada . in the Asia Pacific region Info fish Marketing 1 85. Kuala 1985. The Indonesian Economy. review vol. X January 1991. Canter for Policy Studies CPS. Jakarta. 1991. Indonesian Foreign Trade Statistics, Jilid I VOL. and 1989. Jakarta, 1989. April 1990. Jrndral Jakarta. 1990. No. ke

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