Oleh: HARI MUDA JAYA ( 02710022 )
dept of agronomi
Dibuat: 2008-01-21 , dengan 3 file(s).

Keywords: NPK 16:16:16 and KNO3, dosage, melon
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan NPK Dan KNO3 terhadap
pertumbuhan vegetatif dan kualitas buah melon (Cucumis melo L) yang ditanam dengan sistem
budidaya pot.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Green House Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah
Malang dengan ketinggian tempat sekitar 550 mdpl, dimulai pada tanggal 20 Januari 2007
sampai dengan 15 April 2007. Alat-alat yang digunakan antara lain : Cangkul, gunting, pisau, tali
rafia, benang wool, selang untuk menyiram dan tangki penampung larutan. Bahan yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah : Bibit melon (Cucumis melo L) varietas Rokc Melon,
Polibag, tanah, sekam, pupuk kandang kambing, pupuk Urea,TSP, KCl, NPK 16:16:16 dan
Kalium Nitrat (KNO3).
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dan
diulang 16 kali, masing-masing tanaman diberi pupuk NPK dan KNO3 dengan dosis, kontrol

(H0E0), tanpa NPK + 16 gram KNO3 (H0E1), tanpa NPK + 20 gram KNO3 (H0E2), tanpa
NPK+24 g ram KNO3 (H0E3), 40 gram NPK+tanpa KNO3 (H1E0), 40 gram NPK+16 gram
KNO3 (H1E1), 40 gram NPK+20 gram KNO3 (H1E2), 40 gram NPK+24 gram KNO3 (H1E3),
48,5 gram NPK+tanpa KNO3 (H2E0), 48,5 gram NPK + 16 gram KNO3 (H2E1), 48,5 gram
NPK + 20 gram KNO3 (H2E2), 48,5 gram NPK+24 gram KNO3 (H2E3), 58 gram NPK+tanpa
KNO3 (H3E0), 58 gram NPK+16 KNO3 (H3E1), 58 gram NPK+20 gram KNO3 (H3E2), 58
gram NPK+24 gram KNO3 (H3E3). Pengelomokan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan distribusi
radiasi Matahari dalam ruang Green House. Daerah utara lebih banyak mendapat cahaya
matahari dibandingkan dengan daerah selatan.
Pengamatan dilakukan pada saat tanaman berumur 14 sampai 35 hari setelah tanam (HST).
Adapun variabel yang diamati adalah pengamatan vegetatif dan pengamatan hasil. Pengamatan
vegetatif meliputi : tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, diameter batang, sedangkan
pengamatan hasil meliputi : berat buah, diameter buah, panjang buah, tebal daging buah, kadar
gula, berat basah tanaman, berat kering tanaman.
Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan NPK dan KNO3 memberikan pengaruh
yang nyata untuk parameter tinggi tanaman umur 14 hari setelah tanam. Untuk pengamatan 21
sampai 35 hari setelah tanam tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata. Sedangakan parameter
pengamatan jumlah daun, luas daun, diameter batang, berat buah, diameter buah, panjang buah,
tebal daging buah, kadar gula, berat basah tanaman, berat kering tanaman, tidak menunjukkan
pengaruh yang nyata untuk setiap umur pengamatan.


This research aims to know the effect of NPK and KNO3 fertilizers addition to vegetative
growth and fruit quality of melon (Cucumis melo L.) that is grown with potted cultivation
The research was conducted in Greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty of Muhammadiyah University
of Malang around 550 m from sea level, started from January 20th 2007 to April 15th 2007. the
equipments employed in the research were plower, scissor, knife, ropes, wool strands, watering
hose and solution-containing tanks. The materials used in the research were melon seeds
(Cucumis melo L.) ‘Rokc Melon’ variety, polybags, soil, goat manure, urea fertilizer, fertilizers
of TSP, KCl, NPK, respectively with 16:16:16 ratio, and potassium nitrate (KNO3).
The research was conducted by mean of Factorial Randomized Block Design with 16
replications. Each potted plant was applied with NPK and KNO3 fertilizers with such varying
dosages as control (H0E0), with no NPK + 16 grams KNO3 (H0E1), with no NPK + 20 grams
KNO3 (H0E2), with no NPK + 24 grams KNO3 (H0E3), 40 grams NPK + with no KNO3
(H1E0), 40 grams NPK + 16 grams KNO3 (H1E1), 40 grams NPK + 20 grams KNO3 (H1E2),
40 grams NPK + 24 grams KNO3 (H1E3), 48,5 grams NPK + with no KNO3 (H2E0), 48,5
grams NPK + 16 grams KNO3 (H2E1), 48,5 grams NPK + 20 grams KNO3 (H2E2), 48,5 grams
NPK + 24 grams KNO3 (H2E3), 58 grams NPK + with no KNO3 (H3E0), 58 grams NPK + 16
grams KNO3 (H3E1), 58 grams NPK + 20 grams KNO3 (H3E2), 58 grams NPK + 24 grams

KNO3 (H3E3).
The observation was made after the plant reached the age of 14 to 35 days after planting (DAP).
The variables, therefore, included in the observation were vegetative and yield observations. The
vegetative observation consists of plant height, leaf number, leaf width, stem diameter, whereas
the yield observation includes fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit flesh thickness, sugar
content, total fresh matter, and total dry matter. All parameters were then analyzed with
The results of observation showed that NPK and KNO3 fertilizers addition was significantly
different only for plant height of 14 days after planting. Observation on 21 to 35 days after
planting, on the other hand, was unsignificantly different. Similarly, the observation on leaf
number, leaf width, stem diameter, fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit flesh thickness,
sugar content, total fresh matter, total dry matter, respectively, was unsignificantly different for
observation of each age.