The Identification of the Problem

1.5 The Scope of the Study

There are many teaching writing strategies that can be applied in teaching writing. In this study the teaching strategies are limited to Think-Talk-Write TTWand PLEASEstrategy. This study is limited to the writing process stage prewriting. This study is also limited to the effect of students’ English learning attitude on their descriptive writing achievement.Therefore, this study is limited on the effect of TTW and PLEASE teaching strategies and students’ English learning attitude on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

1.6 The Significances of the Study

Through this research, it is expected that the effect ofThink-Talk-Write TTW and PLEASEstrategies and students English learning attitude are clearly revealed out. It is hoped that it can provide valuable informations, which may have theoretical as well as practical value for English language teachers and learners. Theoretically, the result of this research support the theory ofThink-Talk- Write TTW and PLEASE strategies in improving the students’ ability in writing. Meanwhile, practically the result of the research guides the English language teachers in their attempt to decide the appropriate strategies that should be applied in enhancing the students descriptive writing achievement. The English teachers can get informations of the application of Think-Talk-Write TTW and PLEASE Strategyas alternative teaching strategies in teaching writing. It is also expected to give contribution for those who are interested in performing further study in other field of research.


5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research findings and discussion stated before, it can be concluded that: 1. The students’ achievement in writing descriptive text taught by using TTW is higher than that taught by using PLEASE Strategy. 2. The writing achievement of the students with positive English learning attitude is higher than that of the students with negative English learning attitude. 3. There is no interaction between teaching strategies and English learning attitude to the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It means that the positive English learning attitude affects better to the students’ achievement in writing the descriptive text no matter what strategy is used.It can be concluded too that TTW performs better and superior, which is suitable to be taught to any English learning attitude.

5.2 Implications

The first finding shows that the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text taught by using TTW is significantly higher than that of the students taught by using PLEASE Strategy. Thus, this result implies to the English teachers’ choice of teaching strategy. It is better for the English teacher to apply TTW in writing descriptive text because it encourages the students to 85 explore their capability to write a text by doing some steps that include the various activities. They can make it in discussion then draw the conclusions as the guide for them to begin write a text. The second finding of this research shows that the achievement in writing descriptive text of the students with positive English learning attitude is significantly higher than that of the students with negative English learning attitude. Therefore, the teachers should pay more attention to the students’English learning attitude so that the students can obtain better learning achievement. Finally,the third research finding of this study shows that there is no interaction between teaching strategies and English learning attitude. It implies that positive English learning attitude can be taught by both strategies and they perform better.

5.3 Suggestions

In line with the conclusion and implications drawn, there are some suggestions given as follows: 1. The English teachers are recommended to apply both strategies, TTw and PLEASE strategies to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive text 2. The English teacher should be aware to the students English learning attitude as the important factor for the students in writing achievement, positive encouragement of the teacher in applying the teaching strategies can be a motivation for the students to have positive English learning attitude.