Overcoming The Problem of Lack of Attention of Play Group Children in The Classroom At Kids Talent.

Tugas Akhir ini dibuat untuk melengkapi syarat kelulusan di program DIII
Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung.
Dalam Tugas Akhir ini,saya mencoba menganalisis anak-anak yang kurang
dapat berkonsentrasi saat mengikuti pelajaran. Masalah ini saya temukan
dalam program magang saya sebagai seorang asisten guru Play Group di
Kids Talent. Saya menganalisis beberapa faktor penyebab dan dampak yang
berkaitan dengan masalah yang saya perhatikan melalui observasi dan
pengalaman saya selama melakukan program magang.
Anak yang sulit berkonsentrasi saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung
dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, di antaranya cara guru mengajar
terlalu monoton, pemberian materi pelajaran yang terlalu sulit, dan adanya
anak yang tidak dapat berkonsentrasi di kelas. Hal tersebut dapat
menyebabkan hilangnya perhatian anak saat belajar di kelas. Permasalahan
tersebut akan menimbulkan dampak bagi anak, seperti anak tidak dapat
mengingat pelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru sehingga mereka akan
mengalami kesulitan saat akan naik ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Guru juga
harus meluangkan waktu lebih setelah selesai mengajar untuk
mempersiapkan aktifitas keesokan harinya.
Agar proses belajar mengajar berjalan lancar dan anak tetap fokus saat
belajar, guru dapat mengubah cara mengajar seperti menggunakan musik

dan gambar untuk membuat proses belajar menjadi menyenangkan serta
memberikan hadiah jika sang anak telah mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan
dengan baik. Cara mengajar yang baru mungkin merupakan suatu hal yang
menyenangkan bagi anak agar anak tetap fokus saat belajar.


Maranatha Christian University

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………….1-6


Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION…………………………………..16-17


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Causes of Problem
1. The teacher teaches in a
monotonous way.
2. Five children in the class have
Attention Deficit Disorder
3. Both the material and activities
are either too easy or too hard.
 .
Negative Effects
1. Children focus more on the
teaching aids than what the
teacher is saying.


Effects of problem

1. Children cannot remember the
2. It is possible that some children
will have some difficulties to go
into the next grade.
3. Teacher has to work overtime
to prepare more activities.

Overcoming the Problem of Lack of
Attention of Play Group Children in
the Classroom at Kids Talent

Positive Effects

Potential Solution I

1. Children find it easier to
learn when teaching aids
are used.

Using teaching aids that can make
the learning process more fun

Positive Effects
Negative effects
1. It only make the children
quiet for a short period of

Negative Effects
1. The children will focus on
getting the rewards.

Potential Solution II

1. Children will may give
better attention to the
2. Teacher can control the


Using some attention-getting tricks to
bring back children’s “attention”

Potential Solution III
Giving the children some rewards if
they follow the instructions or do the
tasks well

Chosen Solution
Using teaching aids that can make
the process learning more fun
Giving the children some rewards if
they follow the instructions or do the
tasks well

Positive Effects

1. The children will be
motivated to do the tasks.


A. Background of the Study
It can be seen in recent years that many play groups have been opened in
Bandung. It is a challenge for play group teachers to provide the right solution
for children at the play group level to remain focused during the teachinglearning process. Lisa Bells (1) states that when teaching play group children,
teachers find it difficult to maintain their interest in the classroom. It seems
that the children do not like to give their attention to the teachers for a long
time. The children at the play group level like to play rather than just sitting in
class while looking at and listening to their teacher. Besides that, many play
groups in Bandung have implemented the use of English as the medium of
communication. This makes it more difficult for the children to focus in class,
because they feel it is strange listening to the English language, as it is a
foreign language. For both of these reasons, looking for ways to maintain the

children’s attention in the classroom requires the teacher’s creativity. I choose
the topic “Overcoming the Problem of Lack of Attention of the Play Group


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Children in the Classroom at Kids Talent ” because it is an interesting
problem that I found when I did my internship at Kids Talent, and I desire to
find solutions to this problem. When I became an assistant teacher in play
Group at Kids Talent, I had to conduct observations of the children. There
were sixteen children 3-4 years old in the class. Them were busy doing their
work when I observed some of the classroom lessons, while the others were
just sitting. They ignored the teacher and did not do any work. If this problem
was not handled well, they could not learn effectively. To be able to solve this
problem, I tried to explore some solutions to help the children have better
attention in the classroom.
In this term paper, I discuss the causes and the effects of this problem and
I also suggest potential solutions to solve the problem that I had observed
during my internship in order that the play group children can maintain better

attention in the classroom.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problems that I want to discuss in this term paper are as follows :

Why is it difficult for the play group children at Kids Talent to keep their
attention during class?

How does lack of attention of the play group children at Kids Talent
affect them in class?


Maranatha Christian University

How can the teacher help the play group children to keep their
attention during the class?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objective of writing this term paper is to clarify the causes of play
group children losing their attention in the classroom at Kids Talent, to identify
the effects of the problem that children cannot keep their attention during the
lesson in class, and also to find solutions that can improve children’s attention
in the classroom. The teachers at Kids Talent could use the suggested
solutions during the teaching-learning process.
There are several benefits of writing this term paper for the Kids Talent
Institution, especially for the teachers there. The teachers at Kids Talent will
find some useful information on how to help the children keep their attention
in the classroom. Teachers can also apply the best solutions to overcome the
children’s lack of attention during the teaching-learning process.
This term paper can also help me, if I am teaching in a play group in the
future to gain ideas about how to handle the children thus, they have better
attention in the classroom.
This paper is also useful for the students who are studying to be teachers
of English for small children; thus, they will have more understanding about

this problem of the lack of children’s attention in a play group class. They will
also gain ideas on how to overcome this problem.


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D. Description of the Institution
Kids Talent International Preschool and Kindergarten is one of the English
educational institutions established in Bandung. Mr. Yudi, Mr. Sandy and Mrs.
Johan established Kids Talent on July 11, 2004, located at Taman Kopo
Indah II. At the beginning there was only one Nursery class, with two children.
Later in the same year, the play group class was opened, with eight children.
In the process of time, the number of children increased. In 2005 the Toddler
class was opened with four children, then in 2007 the K1 class was opened,
with four children. Lastly, K2 was opened in 2008, with five children. Kids
Talent currently has 73 children.
The lowest level at Kids Talent is Toddler, for children 1-2 years old. The
second is Nursery, for 2-3 year old children. The third is play group, for
children 3-4 years old. Next is K1, for children 4-5 years old, and the last is
K2, for 5-6 year old children.
As written on the entrance gate, their vision and mission is for the children
to build their character, explore their potential and to develop their
Teachers not only teach the children but they also give a report of
children’s learning ability to their parents. Teachers also communicate with
parents about the children’s development skills and their behavior in the


Maranatha Christian University

E. Method of the Study
The method of the study that I use to get the data for this term paper is my
internship journal, based on my observation and teaching experience during
two months internship at Kids Talent. In my observation, including my own
teaching experience during the internship, I observed the children’s ability
and their behavior during the lessons. I wrote down in my internship journal
all the activities given by the teachers, including myself, and the problems
that I found.
I did library research by reading some books and articles to get some
suitable theories about how to help preschool children keep their attention
during the learning-process. Besides this, I also browsed some theories from
the Internet to support my statements.

F. Limitation of the Study
In my term paper, I limit my research to the Play Group children at KT who
cannot keep their attention during class, which is half of the class. My
analysis in this term paper is related to the ability of the children to keep their
attention during the class lessons at Kids Talent. This analysis is based on
my internship experience in the play group at Kids Talent from July until
August 2008.


Maranatha Christian University

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper starts with the Abstract, which is a short summary of the
entire term paper in Bahasa Indonesia. The Abstract is followed by the
Declaration of Originality, after which is the Acknowledgements, containing
my thanks to those who have helped and supported me during the process of
doing the term paper. Then the Table of Contents provides the list of the
contents of my term paper. Chapter 1 is the Introduction, which gives the
Background of the Study, Identification of The Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter 2 is the
Problem Analysis, which analyzes the causes and effects of the problem.
Chapter 3 is Potential Solutions, which contains three potential solutions, with
the positive and negative effects of each solution. Chapter 4 is Conclusion,
which contains the best solutions for the problem. Next is the Bibliography,
containing the sources of the information that are used in the term paper. The
last part is the Appendices, which contains the flowchart.


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Children at the age of three and four always like something that is
interesting around them. Wei Yin Wong (2) states that play group should be a
fun experience. Providing interesting and fun activities in play group is
needed for children to enjoy play group. “Overcoming the Problem of Lack of
Attention of the Play Group Children in the Classroom at Kids Talent” is the
problem that I found while doing my internship. The problem is caused by the
teacher teaching in a monotonous way, having five children with Attention
Deficit Disorder, and having the material that is too easy or too hard. This
causes the children not to remember the lessons that was given by the
teacher. It is also possible that the children will have some difficulties to go
into the next grade. Then, the teacher has to work overtime to prepare more
activities which are suitable for the children and that will keep their attention in
the classroom.
To handle this problem, there are three potential solutions. Firstly, the
teacher can use teaching aids that will make the learning process more fun.
Another solution is giving the children some rewards if they follow the

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Instructions or do the tasks well. The third solution is teacher uses some
attention-getting tricks to bring back children attention.
After analyzing the causes and effects of the three potential solutions, I
would like to choose the best solutions to handle the problem of children who
cannot keep their attention on the teacher in the classroom at Kids Talent.
The combination between using teaching aids in the learning process and
giving the children some rewards if they follow the instructions or do the tasks
well become my chosen solutions to solve the problem of play group children
at Kids Talent losing their attention in the class. The explanation of my
chosen solution will be described in the following paragraphs.
Teacher who use teaching aids make the learning process more fun while
applying the material to the children, which causes children to be more
enthusiastic to learn. And the teacher can give the material more easily when
she uses teaching aids. Telling the children that they will be given some
rewards if they follow the instructions or do the tasks well also becomes one
of the chosen solutions to get children’s attention back. Giving some rewards
can make the children more focus in the class, because in their mind, if they
follow the instructions or do the tasks given by the teacher, they know the
teacher will give a reward to them.
In my opinion, the combination of using teaching aids to explain the
material to the children and giving some rewards if they follow the instructions
or do the tasks well can be more effective to keep children’s attention at Kids
Talent during the teaching-learning process. Therefore, teacher should think

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more creatively and have a high level of imagination to keep children’s
attention. Not only skill, but also understand the mindset of children can make
the teacher knows what helps children to learn well. But if we are able to
understand what the child needs; thus, they will keep their attention, it
becomes easier to get and keep their full attention in the teaching-learning
process. Therefore, by applying the two solutions given, I hope the teacher
will find it easier to get and also to keep children’s attention in class.


Maranatha Christian University

Printed Sources
Johnson, Lou Anne. Teaching Outside the Box : How To Grab Your
students by Their Brains. San Fransisco: MarketStreet, 2008.
Olivia, Femi. Membantu Anak Punya Ingatan Super. Jakarta: gramedia,

Electronic Sources
Andersen, Marcy. “Teaching Aids in the Classroom.” ehow.com. 1999.25
March 2010 .
“Attention Deficit Disorder.” keepkidshealthy.com. 5 August 2004. 29
March 2010
Bells, Lisa. “Teaching Tips: How to Gain kid’s Attention.” helium.com.
2002. 14 June 2010 .
Boyer, Ernest. “Crisis in the Classroom.” Effective Teaching 1990. 27
March 2010 .
“How to Get Elementary Students to Pay Attention.” ehow.com. 1999.25

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march 2010 .
Uchida, Helene J. “Music in the English Classroom.” eltnews.com. April
2003. 25 march 2010
Yin Wong, Wei. “Having Fun in Playgroups : Great ideas to Make
PlayGroups Exciting for Kids.” suite101.com. 28 September 2008. 14
June 2010 .


Maranatha Christian University